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Heubeck Christoph (2015) Geochemistry of a Palaeoarchean Shallow Shelf Environment: Unravelling Sediment Provenance, Alteration History and Redox Tracers
Mason P, Galic A, Vroon P, Strauss H, Montinaro A, Heubeck C & Drabon N

Heubeck Christoph (2021) Possible Hafnium Isotope Evidence for Continental Emergence Prior to 3.22 Ga
Foster I, Hagge P, Bricker H, Agranier A, Köhler I, Homann M, Heubeck C, Nonnotte P, Konhauser K, Tripati A & Lalonde SV

Heuberger S. (2004) Tracing Crust-Mantle Interaction during Karakoram-Kohistan Accretion (NW Pakistan)
Schaltegger U, Heuberger S, Frank M, Fontignie D, Sergeev S & Burg J

Heuer B. (2008) Combined Xenolith and Receiver Function Study, Western Bohemian Massif, Central Europe
Kämpf H, Heuer B, Mrlina J & Reuther H
(2006) Combined geochemical and geophysical studies on the western Eger (Ohre) Rift, Central Europe
Kämpf H, Heuer B & Bräuer K

Heuer F. (2017) Early Triassic Microbialites at Baghuk Mountain (Central Iran)
Heuer F, Leda L, Korn D, Hairapetian V & Moradi-Salimi H
(2015) Crystallization Condition and Magma Evolution for the Early Permian Planitz Vitrophyre, Chemnitz-Basin, Eastern Germany
Heuer F, Repstock A, Schulz B, Breitkreuz C & Fischer F

Heuer J. (2017) Analysis of Surface Topography Under External Stress Using Vertical Scanning Interferometry
Heuer J, Fischer C & Luttge A

Heuer L. (2011) Tracing Water Masses with Radiogenic Isotopes: Water Column and Fe-Mn Crust Records from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean
Heuer L, Frank M, Eisenhauer A & Christl M

Heuer R. (2023) Determining the Impact of Organic Matter Coatings on Dissolution Rates of Carbonate Produced by Marine Fish
Oehlert AM, Arista K, Garza J, Folkerts EJ, Walls S, Tale Masoule S, Vitek BE, Pollier CGL, Heuer R, Ghahremaninezhad A & Grosell M

Heuer Verena (2023) Isotope Signatures of Siderites Spanning 1 Ma of Depositional Historyin Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Friese A, Mayr C, von Blanckenburg F, Heuer V, Glombitza C, Bauer KW, Crowe SA, Henny C, Vogel H, Russell JM & Kallmeyer J
(2016) Temperature Effects on Life in the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere
Heuer V, Gan S, Lipp J, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U
(2016) IODP T-Limit Project: Constraining the Temperature Limit of Subseafloor Life in the Nankai Subduction Zone
Hinrichs K-U, Inagaki F, Heuer V, Morono Y, Konoshita M & Kubo Y

Heuer Verena B. (2023) Novel Isotopic Techniques to Investigate the Deep Subsurface Acetate Cycle
Mueller EP, Panehal J, Hansen CT, Song M, Boettger J, Heuer VB, Warr O, Bach W, Hinrichs K-U, Eiler J, Orphan V, Sherwood Lollar B & Sessions AL
(2023) Iron Isotope Signals: Use and Limitations in Natural Marine Sediments
Henkel S, Köster M, Liu B, Staubwasser M, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Manners HR, Heuer VB, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Kasten S
(2021) Volcanic Ash Alteration as Driver of (Bio-)geochemical Iron Cycling in Deep Marine Sediments of the Nankai Trough
Köster M, Manners HR, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Staubwasser M, Morono Y, Inagaki F, Heuer VB, Kasten S & Henkel S
(2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2018) Abiogenic Formation of Low Molecular Weight Organic Compounds within the Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes of the Marianna Trench (IODP Exp. 366)
Sissmann O, Price R, Elvert M, Heuer V, Prieto X, Monnin C, Rouchon V, Noirez S, Beaumont V, Menzies C & Takai K
(2018) Temperature Limits of the Deep Biosphere
Heuer V, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Viehweger B, Wörmer L & Hinrichs K-U
(2018) Endospore Distribution in the Nankai Trough Deep Biosphere – Insights from IODP Expedition 370
Viehweger B, Gajendra N, Wörmer L, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U
(2018) The Butanetriol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (BDGTs), Potential Biomarkers for Methanogenesis?
Coffinet S, Mühlena L, Crump MP, Meador TB, Becker KW, Schröder J, Heuer VB, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U
(2017) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Coupled to Iron Reduction (Fe-Aom) Associated with Iron, Sulfur and Carbon Cycles in Anoxic Sediments
Chuang P-C, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Zabel M
(2017) The Deep Biosphere in Bengal Fan Sediments (IODP Exp. 354)
Adhikari RR, Heuer VB, Elvert M, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Kallmeyer J, Kitte A, Wörmer L & Hinrichs K-U
(2017) Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto (T-Limit)
Heuer VB, Inagaki F, Morono Y, Hinrichs K-U, Kubo Y, Maeda L & Expedition 370 Scientists T
(2017) Biotic and Abiotic Carbon Cycling in Geothermally Heated Sediments from the Nankai Trough
Gan S, Heuer V, Schmidt F, Wörmer L, Adhikari R & Hinrichs K-U
(2015) Abiogenic and Microbial Cycling of Volatile Fatty Acids in Ancient Crustal Fracture Waters in the Canadian Shield
McDermott JM, Heuer VB, Tille S, Moran JJ, Slater GF, Sutcliffe CN, Glein CR, Hinrichs K-U & Sherwood Lollar B
(2014) Impact of Biogeochemical Zonation and Depositional Setting on Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Sediment Pore Waters
Schmidt F, Koch B, Goldhammer T, Zabel M, Buttigieg PL, Ramette A, Elvert M, Witt M, Lazar C, Könneke M, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U
(2014) Intact Polar Lipids in the Black Sea and its Sediments: Microbial Life Above and Below the Seafloor
Schröder J, Lipp J, Lazar C, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U
(2013) Intact Polar Lipids and Diagenetic Processes in Sub-Seafloor Sediments in the Black Sea
Schröder J, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M & Hinrichs K-U
(2013) Carbon Flow from Volcanic CO2 into Soil Microbial Communities of a Wetland Mofette
Beulig F, Akob D, Viehweger B, Elvert M, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Küsel K
(2013) Active Carbon Cycling in Deep Subsurface Fracture Environments: Insights from RNA, Lipid and Isotopic Analyses
Lau M, Lindsay M, Kieft T, Pullin M, Hendrickson S, Simkus D, Slater G, Sherwood Lollar B, Li L, Lacrampe-Couloume G, van Heerden E, Erasmus M, Borgonie G, Linage B, Kuloyo K, Mailloux B, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U, Maphanga S & Onstott T
(2011) Seasonal Variations in Microbial Carbon Cycling in Freshwater Wetland Sediments Identified Through Rate Assays, Lipid Biomarkers, and Porewater Geochemistry
Segarra K, Yoshinaga M, Schubotz F, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U, Samarkin V & Joye SB
(2011) Sources and Sinks of Acetate in an Acidic Peatland
Hädrich A, Heuer V, Herrmann M, Hinrichs K-U & Küsel K
(2007) Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Acetate as Proxies for Biogeochemical Processes in Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments
Heuer V, Pohlman J, Elvert M & Hinrichs K-U
(2007) Methane and Organic Matter as Sources for Excess Carbon Dioxide in Intertidal Surface Sands: Biogeochemical and Stable Isotope Evidence
Böttcher ME, Al-Raei AM, Hilker Y, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U & Segl M

Heulin T. (2017) Diversity of Phosphatases in the Biomineralizing Bacterium Ramlibacter Tataouinensis: An in Vitro and in Silico Study
Skouri-Panet F, Benzerara K, Cosmidis J, Ferard C, Caumes G, De Luca G, Heulin T & Duprat E
(2005) Oxidation of Natural Groundwater from Bangladesh: Arsenic Speciation Evolution Assessed by XAS
Thoral S, Rose J, van Geen L, Garnier J, Chapon V, Hazeman JL, Heulin T & Bottero J
(2004) Surface Properties of Industrial Fe-Oxide Nano-Particles: Mechanisms of Bio-Degradation, Bio-Accumulation and Mutagenic Effects
Rose J, Chanéac C, Prelot B, Bodiot O, Jolivet J, Balesdent J, Heulin T & Maison A
(2002) Geomicrobiology of Carbonate Precipitations at the Surface of Pyroxenes in an Aridic Soil
Benzerara K, Chapon V, Heulin T, Guyot F, Menguy N & Skouri F
(2000) The Tatahouine Meteorite: A Case Study of Life Under Extreme Conditions
Gillet P, Achouak W, Barrat J, Benzerara K, Guyot F, Heulin T, Lemelle L & Lesourd M
(2000) Experimental Study of Culture Media of a Bacteria from Dry Environment
Benzerara K, Lemelle L, Heulin T, Barakat M, Lesourd M, Guyot F & Gillet P
(2000) Interactions of Bacteria with Silicate Surfaces Control the Evolution of Numerous Natural Processes: Formation of Sediments, Maturation of Soils, Fossilization, Formation of Ecosystems in Extreme-Conditions
Lemelle L, Benzerara K, Lesourd M, Barakat M, Heulin T, Guyot F & Gillet P

Heumann A. (2011) Processes and Timescales of Magma Evolution Prior to the Campanian Ignimbrite Eruption (Campi Flegrei, Italy)
Arienzo I, Heumann A, Wörner G, Civetta L, Moretti R & Orsi G
(2007) Magmatic Processes Recorded by Garnets from the AD 79 Eruption of Vesuvius
Harries D, Heumann A, Simon K & Kronz A
(2007) U-Th Magma Residence Times of the Plinian Mercato Eruption at Mt. Somma-Vesuvius (Southern Italy)
Scheibner B, Wörner G, Heumann A & Civetta L
(2004) U-Th Isotopes of Explosive Eruptions of the Campanian Volcanic Field
Scheibner B, Heumann A, Arienzo I, Civetta L & Woerner G
(2004) U-Th-Pa Disequilibria Constraints on the Subduction Processes beneath the South Sandwich Island Arc System
Heumann A, Elliott T, Regelous M, Kirstein L & Leat P
(2002) Testing the Internally Consistent Age Information of U-Series Disequilibria in Rhyolites: Inyo Domes, CA
Heumann A, Elliott T & Davies G
(2000) Sao Miguel, Revisited: New Perspectives on the Mantle Source and Melting Processes beneath the Azores
Heumann A, Blichert-Toft J, Koetsier G & Elliott T

Heuret A. (2021) The Columbia Supercontinent Reconstruction: Perspectives of The Île de Cayenne Complex (French Guiana)
Pinon H, Bosch D, Heuret A, Aertgeerts G, Monie P, Bruguier O, Triantafyllou A & Fernandez F

Heureux Ana (2014) Seasonal Variability of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in a Temperate Lake System
Loomis S, Russell J, Heureux A, D'Andrea W & Sinninghe Damsté J

Heureux Ana (2015) Everything is not Spinach: A History of Evolving Carbon Affinity and Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Algal Rubisco
Rickaby R, Heureux A, Eason Hubbard M, Chan I, McClelland H, Young J, Lee R & Hermoso M
(2015) Calcification in Coccolithophores: A Biogeochemical Study of Polysaccharides from Past to Present
Lee R, Mavridou D, Papadakos G, McClelland H, Walker J, Nudelman F, Heureux A, Hermoso M, Day C & Rickaby R

Heuser A. (2023) Carbonatites and Phonolites Linked by Mantle Derived Calcium in the Kaiserstuhl, Germany
Jentzsch C, Pakulla J, Spürgin S, Gäb FM, Lagos M, Wombacher F, Heuser A, Münker C & Ballhaus C
(2023) Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes as Natural Laboratory for Mineral Carbonation Reactions
Freitas ML, Geilert S, Heuser A, Wallmann K & Magalhães VH
(2023) Isotope Exchange Mechanisms between CaCO3 and Fluid at Chemical Equilibrium
Harrison A, Mavromatis V, Schott J, Heuser A, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A
(2020) Stable Calcium Isotopes: A Novel Biomarker of Bone Mineralization in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
Shroff R, Kolevica A, Heuser A, Lalayiannis A, Fischer D-C & Eisenhauer A
(2020) Towards a New Class of Medical Biomarkers – Stable Calcium Isotopes, Osteoporosis and Beyond
Eisenhauer A, Müller M, Heuser A, Kolevica A, Laue C, Shroff R & Jürgen S
(2020) Thank F for Ca: Novel Methods for Measuring Ca Isotopes in Biomedical Samples with Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Lewis J, Coath CD, Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Schwieters JB & Elliott T
(2015) Distribution of S, Se and Te in Chondrites Determined by LA-ICP-MS Using a Nanoparticle Standard
Funk C, Wombacher F, Günther D, Tabersky D, Koch J, Meisel T, Kronz A & Heuser A
(2015) High-Al/Ti Komatiites from the Archaean Nova Lima Group – Multi-Stage Melting in the Archaean Mantle?
van Acken D, Hoffmann JE, Schorscher JHD, Luguet A, Heuser A & Schulz T
(2015) Precise and Accurate Determination of In and Sn Abundances in Geological Materials by Isotope Dilution MC-ICP-MS
Kirchenbaur M, Wombacher F & Heuser A
(2015) Highly Siderophile Elements and 187Os/188Os in Individual Sulfides by Isotope Dilution
Bragagni A, Fonseca ROC, van Acken D, Speelmanns IM, Heuser A & Luguet A
(2015) Replacement of Wood Opal by Chalcedony: Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Tomaschek F, Heuser A, Nemchin A & Geisler T
(2015) Evidence of Crustal Recycling in the Troodos Ophiolite (Cyprus): Insights from B-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopes
Fonseca R, Kirchenbaur M, Ballhaus C, Münker C, Gerdes A, Heuser A & Zirner A
(2015) Platinum-Group Elements Fractionation by Selective Complexing
Helmy H, Ballhaus C, Fonseca R, Bragagni A & Heuser A
(2013) PGE-Au Potential of Sulphide-Saturated Melts from the Subcontinental Lithosphere
Kamenetsky V, Maas R, Fonseca R, Ballhaus C & Heuser A
(2013) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Vertebrates
Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Scholz-Ahrens K & Schrezenmeir J
(2013) The Unexpected ‘Compatible’ Behavior of W during Mantle Melting: Implications for the W/U Ratio of the Lunar Mantle
Fonseca R, Mallmann G, Sommer J, Sprung P, Speelmanns I & Heuser A
(2012) Experimental Investigation of Mass-(in)dependent Cadmium Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation
Wombacher F, Kremser V, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Dingwell DB, Munker C & Heuser A
(2011) Calcium Isotopes in Human Urine Under Simulated Microgravity Conditions
Heuser A, Frings-Meuthen P, Rittweger J & Galer S
(2009) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Dinosaur Teeth
Heuser A, Tütken T & Galer S
(2008) The Application of Natural Divalent Cation Isotope (Ca, Sr, Mg) Fractionation (DCIF) in Earth System Research
Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Amini M, Kisakürek B, Heuser A, Tang J & Dietzel M
(2008) δ44/40Ca of Fossil Bones and Teeth – Ontogenetic Versus Diagenetic Origin
Heuser A, Tütken T, Gussone N & Galer S
(2007) Calcium Isotope Budget of the Phanerozoic Ocean
Boehm F, Amini M, Blenkinsop J, Buhl D, Eisenhauer A, Farkas J, von Geldern R, Gussone N, Heuser A & Et al. 
(2007) Biological Fractionation of Ca Isotopes (δ44/40Ca): A Study in Göttingen Minipigs
Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Scholz-Ahrens K & Schrezenmeir J
(2002) D44Ca, δ18O and Mg/Ca Ratios Reveal Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) Variations during the Emergence of the Central American Isthmus
Gussone N, Eisenhauer A, Haug G, Tiedemann R, Müller A & Heuser A
(2002) Kinetic Effects on Calcium Isotope (δ44Ca) Fractionation in Calcium Carbonate
Eisenhauer A, Gussone N, Dietzel M, Heuser A, Bock B & Böhm F
(2002) Fractionation of 44Ca/40Ca between Aragonite and Calcite
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Gussone N, Heuser A, Haase-Schramm A & Dietzel M

Heuser J. (2014) Phase Relations of the Solid Solutions Sm(Ca, Ce)PO4 and La(Sr, Ce)PO4
Neumann A, Hirsch A, Heuser J, Jung PC, Zaddach J, Neumeier S, Schlenz H, Bosbach D, Peters L & Roth G
(2013) Raman and IR Spectroscopy of Monazite-Type Ceramics for the Nuclear Waste Management
Heuser J, Bukaemskiy A, Neumeier S, Brandt F, Schlenz H, Dacheux N, Clavier N, Neumann A, Hirsch A & Bosbach D

Heuss-Aßbichler S. (2023) Hydrothermal Activity in the Gahkum Salt Diapir, South Iran
Shahri M, Mortazavi Ravari M, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Omrani J & Adineh S
(2023) Synglaciogenic Late Ediacaran Cap Carbonate of Hormuz Formation (Southern Iran)
Adineh S, Petrash D, Závada P, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Bruthans J & Daëron M
(2023) Formation of Tenorite and Brochantite from Cu-Enriched Electroplating Wastewater
Anagnostopoulos I & Heuss-Aßbichler S
(2020) Gordaite as Storage Mineral for Heavy Metals from Salt-Rich Solutions
Tandon K & Heuss-Aßbichler S
(2017) Carbothermal Processes Preserved in Nosean Sanidinites from Laacher See, Eifel, Germany
Aßbichler D, Heuss-Aßbichler S & Kunzmann T
(2015) HFS Element Minerals in Volcanic Sanidinite Formed from a Gaseous Phase
Aßbichler D, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Fehr KT & Müller D
(2015) Solvothermal Transport of Zr in Volcanic Systems and its Relevance for Technical Applications
Heuss-Aßbichler S, Aßbichler D, Fehr KT & Müller D
(2015) Recovery of Heavy Metals by Ferrite Process: New Results
John M & Heuss-Aßbichler S

Heusser L. (2018) Postglacial Paleoclimate Preserved in Pan-Pacific Peatlands
Nichols J, Peteet D, Moy C, Heusser L, Massa C, Beilman D, Vandergoes M & Curtin L
(2013) Hydrologic Variability in Coastal Southwest USA
Feakins S, Kirby M, Wu MS & Heusser L

Hevia F. (2019) Geochemistry of Nevado Tres Cruces and Nevado Ojos del Salado Volcánica Complexes, Central Andes, Chile
Polanco E, Hevia F, Naranjo JA & Arcos R
(2017) Class Subject "The Social Role of the Geologist": Impact and Reflections
Hevia F, Pinto L, Moraga A, Martínez F & Martínez T
(2017) Biotite Major Elements Composition as a Tool to Fingerprint Ignimbrites, Southern Central Volcanic Zone
Hevia F, Naranjo JA, Orihashi Y, Hokanishi N & Yasuda A

Hevia-Cruz F. (2023) Precise Dating of Large Flank Collapses by Single-Grain 40Ar/39Ar on Pyroclastic Deposits: Example from Flores Island (Azores)
Hildenbrand A, Marques FO, Pereira A, Nomade S & Hevia-Cruz F

Hewawasam T. (2014) O2 Driven Weathering Feedback Controls Low Saprolite Production Rates in Sri Lankan Highlands
Behrens R, Bouchez J, Schuessler J, Wirth R, Dultz S, Hewawasam T & von Blanckenburg F
(2002) Ancient Landscapes in Wet Tropical Highlands, Sri Lanka
Hewawasam T, Von Blanckenburg F & Kubik P

Hewins Roger (2021) Tardi-Magmatic Precipitation of Cl-Bearing Fe/Mg Clay Minerals on Mars
Viennet J-C, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Sautter V, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Gregoire B, Jambon A, Pont S, Beyssac O, Zanda B, Hewins R & Remusat L
(2020) Magmatic Degassing of Trace Elements in Martian Meteorites
Yang S, Humayun M, Irving T, Righter K, Peslier A, Zanda B & Hewins R

Hewins Roger Herbert (2014) The Differentiation of the Martian Highlands from NWA 7533
Humayun M, Nemchin A, Zanda B & Hewins R
(2009) Chemical and Isotopic Relationship between Matrix and Chondrules in Ordinary & Carbonaceous Chondrites
Zanda B, Bland PA, Le Guillou C & Hewins RH
(2004) Fe Isotopes Fractionation in Experimental Chondrules
Levasseur S, Cohen B, Zanda B, Hewins R & Halliday A
(2003) Fe Isotopes: A Clue to Chondrule Formation?
Levasseur S, Cohen B, Zanda B, Halliday A & Hewins R
(2002) The Relationship between Volatile Element Patterns and Chondrule Textures in CRs and OCs
Zanda B, Humayun M, Hewins RH, Bourot-Denise M & Campbell AJ

Hewitt David (2016) The Capsize Porphyry Prospect, NE Queensland, Australia: A Paleozoic Linked Porphyry-Lithocap System
Corral I, Chang Z, Behnsen H, Sahlström F, Spandler C, Pocock M & Hewitt D

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