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Hessey S. (2019) Large Aquatic N2O Emissions Downstream of Intensive Horticulture Following Rain Events
White S, Santos I, Conrad S, Sanders C & Hessey S

Hesslein R. (2002) A Carbon Budget for Canadian Shield Lakes
Hesslein R, Guss DM, Schindler EU & Kasian SEM

Hester U. (2016) Hill Slope and Erosional Controls on Soil Organic Geochemistry in Intensely Managed Landscapes
Hou T, Filley T, Hughes M, Tong Y, Papanicolaou T, Wacha K, Wilson C, Abban B & Hester U

Hesterberg Dean (2021) Complementary Beamlines at the 4th Generation Sirius Synchrotron for Hierarchical Analyses of Geochemical Systems
Hesterberg D, Tolentino H & Westfahl H
(2017) Phosphorus K-Edge XANES Analysis of Environmental Samples: Critical Steps and Limitations
Gustafsson JP, Eriksson AK, Klysubun W & Hesterberg D
(2014) Manganese Near-Surface Repartitioning and Delivery to Groundwater in North Carolina
Polizzotto M, Gillispie E, Austin R, Rivera N, Abraham J, Wang S, Bolich R, Bradley P, Duckworth O, Amoozegar A & Hesterberg D
(2014) Mobilization and Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash
Rivera N, Duckworth O, Buchwalter D, Scheibener S & Hesterberg D
(2012) Solubilization of Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash in Relation to Chemical Speciation
Kaur N, Hesterberg D, Duckworth O, Buchwalter D & Ward C

Hesterberg Dean L. R. (2022) Micro- and Nano-Pore Structure and Composition of Microaggregates from a Tropical Soil
Hesterberg DLR, Ferreira TR, Pólo CC, Rabelo RS, Tolentino H, Pérez CA, Roose T, Gonzaga LC, Carvalho JN, Bordonal RDO & Pavinato PS

Hestrin R. (2021) Life in an Uncertain World: How a Characteristically Dynamic Environment Forges a Resilient Microbiome and Differential Fates of Soil Carbon
Pett-Ridge J, Campbell A, Hestrin R, Bhattacharyya A, Kimbrel JA, Trubl G, Brisson VL, Lin Y, Silver W, Weber PK, Blazewicz SJ & Nico PS
(2020) The Impact of Redox Fluctuations on Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in Tropical Forest Soils
Bhattacharyya A, Campbell A, Hestrin R, Lin Y, Tfaily M, Silver W, Weber P, Nico P & Pett-Ridge J

Heszler B. (2023) Geochemistry and Fossil Record of the End-Triassic Event: A Holistic View from a Single Site
Pálfy J, Demény A, Haas J, Heszler B, Katchinoff J, Kovács EB, Palcsu L, Planavsky NJ, Somlyay A, Vallner Z & Zajzon N

Hetényi G. (2009) MC<sup>3</sup>: Mass Conservation, Metamorphic Changes and Modelling Consequences
Hetényi G, Connolly J, Godard V & Cattin R

Hetényi M. (2002) Biogeochemical Processes in Volcanic Crater Lakes and their Effect on the Oil Potential of Sediments Filling in the Craters
Hetényi M, Brukner-Wein A & Sajgó C
(2000) Geochemistry of Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Sediments from the Mecsek Mountains, Southern Hungary
Raucsik B, Tolnai B, Horváth T, Szilágyi V & Hetényi M
(2000) Evolution of Planktonic Production during the Toarcian Anoxic Event in Umbria (Italy)
Vetõ I & Hetényi M

Hetherington Callum (2018) Crystal Nucleation and Growth in Heterogeneous Matrices: A Case Study from the Castner Marble, Texas
Backus E & Hetherington C

Hetherington Callum J. (2008) Sr, Sm and Nd Isotope Geochemistry and U-Th-Pb Geochronology of the Naantali Carbonatite, SW Finland
Woodard J, Hetherington CJ & Huhma H
(2008) Apatite as a Petrogenetic Indicator for Lamprophyres and Carbonatites
Kietäväinen R, Woodard J, Eklund O, Hetherington CJ & Boettcher I
(2008) Structure Refinement and Spectroscopic Analysis of Di-Octahedral Ba-Micas
Hetherington C, Izawa M, Flemming R & Kirby C
(2006) Replacement of monazite by a huttonite component: nature and experiment
Harlov D, Wirth R & Hetherington C

Hetland E. (2013) Evolution of Subglacial Weathering Based on Multiple Isotopic Systems
Arendt C, Aciego S, Sims K, Hetland E & Stevenson E

Hetland R. (2015) Does Bottom Roughness Determine Hypoxic Extent? A Model Intercomparison for the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Fennel K, Laurent A, Hetland R, Justic D, Ko DS, Lehrter J, Murrell M, Wang L, Yu L & Zhang W

Hettiarachchi G. (2014) Factors Influencing Tungsten Mobility in Soils from Fallon, Nevada
Hobson C, Datta S, Bednar A, Tappero R, Mohajern T, Johannesson K, Sheppard P, Witten M & Hettiarachchi G
(2014) Sorption Mechanisms of Arsenic within Aquifer Sediments, and Bioaccumulation of As in Rice from West Bengal, India
Datta S, Krehel A, Bednar A, Hettiarachchi G, Rahman MM, Sankar MS, Attanayake C & Johannesson K

Hettich R.L. (2023) Subsurface Persistence of Carbon Degrading Microbes as Thawing Permafrost Moves between the Terrestrial and Marine Environments
Lloyd KG, Sipes K, Buongiorno J, Steen A, Abramov A, Peters S, Giannone R, Hettich RL, Boike J, Garcia S & Vishnivetskaya T
(2021) Identification of Active Arsenic-Methylating Organisms in Anaerobic Soil Enrichment Cultures Using Meta-Omics
Viacava K, Qiao J, Janowczyk A, Poudel S, Shrestha H, Lederballe Meibom K, Reid M, Jacquemin N, Hettich RL & Bernier-Latmani R
(2015) Reconstructed Microbial Metabolic Networks in the Deep Terrestrial Subsurface
Bagnoud A, Chourey K, Hettich RL, de Bruijn I, Andersson AF, Diomidis N, Leupin OX, Schwyn B & Bernier-Latmani R
(2011) Elucidating the Functions of the Active Microbial Community of Iron Snow in an Acidic Lake
Lu S, Chourey K, Reiche M, Ciobotă V, Nietzsche S, Hettich R & Küsel K
(2011) High-Resolution Metabolomics Reveals Unusual N-Methyl Lyso Phosphatidylethanolamines as Abundant and Strain-Specific Lipids in Acid Mine Drainage Biofilms
Wilmes P, Fischer C, Bowen B, Thomas B, Mueller R, Denef V, VerBerkmoes N, Hettich R, Northen T & Banfield J
(2009) The Biochemistry of Unusual Cytochromes Isolated from Acidophilic Fe(II)-Oxidizing Biofilms
Singer S, Erickson B, VerBerkmoes N, Hwang M, Chan C, Jeans C, Banfield J, Hettich R & Thelen M
(2009) Influence of Geochemistry and Biology on Community Protein Expression within a Chemoautotropic Biofilm
Mueller R, Denef V, Kalnejais L, Wilmes P, Thomas B, Shah M, Hettich R, VerBerkmoes N & Banfield J

Hettipathirana T. (2013) Geochemical Sample Analysis by Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
Lener J-P, Hettipathirana T & Darrouzès J

Hettmann K. (2011) Heavy Isotope Fractionation in Magmatic Systems: The Example Tl
Hettmann K, Kreissig K, Schauble E, Rehkämper M, Marks M & Markl G
(2009) Thallium-Mineralization during Late Magmatic Activity in the Peralkaline Complex Ilimaussaq, Greenland
Hettmann K, Marks M, Wenzel T, Zack T & Markl G

Hetzel A. (2009) Contrasting Osmium Isotopes and Zn/Al Ratios as Magmatism Proxies in Cenomanian-Turonian Sediments
Turgeon SC, Hetzel A, Tiraboschi D, Creaser RA, Brumsack H-J & Erba E

Hetzel R. (2008) Erosion Rates on Different Timescales in River Catchments of Low Mountain Ranges
Meyer H, Hetzel R & Strauss H
(2007) Quantification and Geochemical Characterization of Total Mass Fluxes in River Catchments of the Rhenish Massif and the Black Forest, Germany
Meyer H, Hetzel R & Strauss H
(2007) Cosmogenic Nuclide Intercalibration and Erosion Rate Study on Fault Scarps of the Bishop Tuff, CA, USA
Goethals M, Niedermann S, Hetzel R & Fenton C
(2002) Improving the Distinction of Cosmogenic 21Ne from Other Neon Components in Quartz
Niedermann S, Hermanns R & Hetzel R
(2002) 21Ne Versus 10Be Surface Exposure Ages of Quartzite: A Comparison
Hetzel R, Niedermann S, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik PW, Tao M & Gao B

Hetzer A. (2007) Microbial Life in a Hydrothermal Spring Rich in Arsenic Compounds
Hetzer A, Morgan H, McDonald I & Daughney C

Hetzinger S. (2009) High-Resolution Analysis of Trace Elements in Encrusting Coralline Red Algae by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Halfar J, Hetzinger S, Zack T, Kronz A, Simon K, Steneck R, Adey W, Lebednik P, Schoene B & Fietzke J

Heubeck Christoph (2014) Lowermost Cambrian Phosphorites from the Malyi Karatau, Kazakhstan
Hippler D, Heubeck C, Steiner M & Franz G
(2013) Evaporitic Sulfate Concretions, Moodies Group (~3.2 Ga, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Nabhan S, Heubeck C & Homann M
(2013) Microbially-Induced Carbonate Precipitation, Moodies Group (3.2 Ga, BGB, South Africa)
Homann M, Heubeck C, Airo A, Tice M & Nabhan S

Heubeck Christoph (2019) Oxidative Sulfur Cycling and Microbial Colonization of the Continents 3.2 Ga ago
Nabhan S, Marin-Carbonne J, Mason PRD & Heubeck C

Heubeck Christoph (2016) Different Phases of Carbonaceous Matter in Microbial Mats of the Moodies Group in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Köhler I & Heubeck C

Heubeck Christoph (2017) Terrestrial Microbial Mats at 3, 220 Myr ago (Moodies Group, SA)
Homann M, Heubeck C, Airo A, Van Kranendonk M, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Sansjofre P & Lalonde S
(2017) Ultra-Radiogenic Hafnium in Archean BIF: Intense Sedimentary Lu/Hf Fractionation at 3.2 Ga
Foster I, Agranier A, Heubeck C, Köhler I, Homann M, Tripati A, Nonnotte P, Ponzevera E & Lalonde S

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