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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Herut Barak (2020) Authigenic Iron Minerals Associated with Iron and Methane Coupling in Marine Sediments
Boyko V, Herut B, Yorshansky O & Sivan O

Herut Barak (2022) The Role of Symbiont Bearing Benthic Foraminiferal Biomineralization in Coastal Environments Undergoing Warming
Manda S, Pinko D, Abramovich S, Ashckenazi-Polivoda S, Titelboim D, Abdu U, Almogi-Labin A, Herut B, Kucera M & Morard R
(2022) Establishing Baseline Assessment Levels for Monitoring Coastal Heavy Metals Using Foraminiferal Shells: A Case Study from the Southeastern Mediterranean
Hoober L, Titelboim D, Abramovich S, Herut B, Teutsch N, Benaltabet T & Torfstein A
(2022) The Combined Effects of Rising Temperature and Salinity may Halt the Future Proliferation of Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera as Ecosystem Engineers
Kenigsberg C, Titelboim D, Ashckenazi-Polivoda S, Herut B, Kucera M, Almogi-Labin A, Hyams-Kaphzan O & Abramovich S

Herut Barak (2019) The Effects of Heavy Metals on the Physiology of Symbionts Bearing Benthic Foraminifera
Ben Eliahu N, Abramovich S & Herut B
(2019) Carbon Export and Drivers in the Southeastern Levantine Basin
Alkalay R, Weinstein Y, Zlatkin O, Bar T, Herut B, Berman-Frank I & Katz T

Herut Barak (2017) The Potential Impacts of Dust and Associated Airborne Microbes on the SE Mediterranean Surface Seawater
Herut B & Rahav E
(2017) Co-existence of Methanogenesis and Sulfate Reduction with Common Substrates in Sulfate-Rich Estuarine Sediments
Sela-Adler M, Ronen Z, Herut B, Antler G, Vigderovich H, Eckert W & Sivan O
(2017) Diversity of Airborne Fungi in the Air Masses over the Mediterranean Sea
Mescioglu E, Rahav E, Eizenga JM, Herut B, Vichik A & Paytan A

Hervé Francisco (2013) Zeolites and Mafic Phyllosilicates in Livingston Island, Antarctica
Bastias J, Fuentes F, Aguirre L, Hervé F, Fernandoy F & Demant A

Hervé Francisco (2011) Geothermobarometric Results at the Northern tip of Antarctic Batholith: Tectonic Implications
Bobadilla H, Calderón M & Hervé F
(2010) Zircon Oxygen and Hf Isotopic Constraints on 150 M.y. of Subduction Magmatism, South Patagonian Batholith, South America
Fanning M, Hervé F, Pankhurst R, Calderón M, Yaxley G & Holden P
(2006) Constraints on the timing and isotopic evolution for the 150 my emplacement history of the South Patagonian batholith, southern Chile.
Hervé F, Pankhurst RJ, Fanning CM, Calderón M & Yaxley GM
(2006) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Provenance of Permian Detritus in Metasedimentary rocks of Southern Chile and Livingston Island, Antarctica
Fanning CM, Hervé F, Yaxley GM & Pankhurst RJ

Hervé Francisco (2015) Very Low-Grade Hydrothermal Metamorphism of Cenozoic Volcanics in Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica
Fuentes F, Chavez G, Bastias J, Aguirre L & Hervé F

Herve G. (2023) Constraining Magmatic Processes and Timescales with 238U-Series Disequilibria Leading to the 2021 Eruption at La Palma, Canary Islands
Herve G, Sigmarsson O & Gauthier P-J
(2023) Thorium, Sr and Nd Isotope Ratios in Basalts from the 2021-2022 Fagradalshraun, Iceland
Sigmarsson O, Gannoun A, Herve G, Bosq C, Auclair D, Marshall EW & Halldorsson SA

Hervig Richard (2022) Location, Location: Deciphering the Significance of in situ Hydrogen Analyses of Martian Meteorite Phases
Peslier A, Dudley J-M & Hervig R
(2021) Quantification of Li Content in Organic Matrices by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Teichert Z, Bose M, Williams P, Hervig R & Williams L
(2020) Mantle H2O and δD Associated with Melt Reactions in a Supra-subduction Ophiolite
Rowe M, Johnson A, Hammond J, Wang S, Hervig R & Warren J
(2019) Radionuclide Fractionation in the First Atomic Explosion
Bonamici C, Hervig R & Kinman W
(2019) Magmatic H2O Contents and D/H Ratios in Olivine, Pyroxene and Melt Inclusions from Martian Meteorite RBT 04262
Dudley J-M, Peslier A & Hervig R
(2018) Microanalysis for Oxygen Fugacity by SIMS: Development and Application to Ilmenite
Dillon S & Hervig R
(2018) SIMS Microanalyses for fO2
Hervig R, Dillon S & Williams P
(2016) Depth of Chlorite Formation: Quantitative Determination Using Boron Isotopes
Guild M, Till C, Hervig R & Wallis S

Hervig Richard L. (2015) Crustal Recycling of Nitrogen to the Atmosphere: Preliminary Melt Inclusion Results
Regier M & Hervig R
(2015) Experimental Constraints on Lithium Diffusion and Isotope Fractionation in Water-Bearing Magmatic Systems
Cichy SB, Hervig RL, Roggensack K, Till CB & Clarke AB
(2014) Analyzing Nitrogen in Cordierites and Other Phases by SIMS
Hervig R, Fudge C & Navrotsky A
(2011) Methane Solubility Under Reduced Conditions in a Haplobasaltic Liquid, Applicable to Degassing of Magma Ocean
Ardia P, Withers AC, Hirschmann MM & Hervig RL
(2010) Ex situ Studies of Nanominerals by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Williams L, Hervig R & Srodon J
(2010) Calibrating Ti Concentrations in Quartz on the SIMS Using NIST Silicate Glasses with Applications to the TitaniQ Geothermobarometer
Behr W, Thomas J & Hervig R
(2009) 1000 Years of Magmatic Volatiles Recorded in Apatite from Arenal Volcano
Boyce J, Hervig R, Alvarado G, Newton R & Manning C
(2009) Two-Stage Growth Evolution of Hydrothermal Quartz: Impurities Quantify the Story
Ihinger P, Kawatski D, Steltz D & Hervig R
(2008) Tracing Natural Gas Migration Using Boron and Lithium Isotopes
Williams L, Elliott C & Hervig R
(2007) A High Resolution Time-Sequential Record of Magmatic Volatiles from Apatite Phenocrysts
Boyce J & Hervig R
(2007) Li Isotope Studies of Mantle-Derived Olivine by SIMS
Bell D, Hervig R & Buseck P
(2006) SIMS Microanalyses of Li and B Isotopes: Quantification and Applications to the Earth's Crust.
Hervig R, Williams L & Bell D
(2005) Useful Ion Yields and Limits of SIMS Analysis
Hervig R
(2005) SIMS Depth-Profiling of Igneous Phenocrysts: Examining Trace Element Variations on the Edge
Genareau K, Roggensack K & Hervig R
(2005) Probing Crystal Growth Mechanisms with Non-Traditional Isotopes
Williams L & Hervig R
(2002) Solution-Reprecipitation Responsible for Altered Near-Surface Zones during Feldspar Dissolution: Do Leached Layers Really Exist?
Hellmann R, Penisson J-M, Hervig R, Thomassin J-H & Abrioux M-F
(2002) High P and T Partitioning of Au: Constraints on Core Formation
Danielson L, Sharp T & Hervig R
(2001) Isotopic and Elemental Partitioning of Boron between Hydrous Fluid and Melt
Hervig RL, Moore G, Holloway JR & Williams LB
(2001) Partitioning of Transition Metals and Platinum Group Elements (Ni, Cr, Ru and Rh) between Spinel-Structured Oxides and Silicate Melts
Righter K, Hervig RL & Leeman WP
(2001) Partitioning of Gold in Sulfide-Silicate Melts at High Pressures: Implications for Core Formation of the Earth
Danielson LR, Sharp TG & Hervig RL

Herviou C. (2021) Along dip Variations of Subduction Fluid Compositions Revealed by Primary Fluid Inclusions: A 30-80 km Depth Record Across the Schistes Lustrés Complex (W. Alps)
Herviou C, Verlaguet A, Agard P, Locatelli M, Raimbourg H, Lefeuvre B & Dubacq B

Herwartz D. (2023) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Modern Terrestrial Mammalian Tooth Enamel- New Implications for Paleoenvironmental and Physiological Research
Feng D, Löffler N, Zahnow F, Surma J, Herwartz D & Pack A
(2023) Atacama Desert Paleo-Humidity of the Last 10 Ma Quantified by Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Gypsum
Staubwasser M, Voigt C, Herwartz D, Obert C, Münker C & Chong G
(2023) Tracing Vital Effects in Biogenic Carbonates via Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Klipsch S, Bajnai D, Raddatz J, Davies A, Gischler E, Fiebig J & Pack A
(2022) Triple Oxygen Isotopes as Paleoenvironmental Tool
Herwartz D
(2021) Identification of Metabolic and Enzymatic Pathways in the Phosphorus Cycle Using Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics
Herwartz D, Pack A, Di Rocco T, Feng D & von Sperber C
(2021) Identifying Sulfate Sources and Water Availability Using Triple Oxygen and Sulfur Isotopes
Klipsch S, Voigt C, Herwartz D, Böttcher ME & Staubwasser M
(2021) An Experimental Constraint on the Oxygen Isotope Fractionation (18O/16O) between Water and Aqueous Hydroxide Ion
Bajnai D & Herwartz D
(2019) What 17O-Excess may Tell About Evaporation in the Past
Staubwasser M, Herwartz D, Surma J & Voigt C
(2019) Assessing the Potential of 230Th/U Dating of Gypsum and Other Evaporites
Obert C, Münker C, Staubwasser M & Herwartz D
(2018) Triple Oxygen Analysis of Sulfate Samples from the Atacama Desert, Chile
Klipsch S, Herwartz D & Staubwasser M
(2018) Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes to Determine Evaporation and Recharge at the Salar del Huasco, Chile
Voigt C, Herwartz D, Surma J & Staubwasser M
(2017) Structurally Bonded Water in Sediment Soil Samples from the Atacama Desert, Chile
Voigt C, Herwartz D & Staubwasser M
(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Hydration Water of Lacustrine Gypsum for Quantitative Paleo-Humidity Estimates
Gazquez F, Morellon M, Bauska T, Herwartz D, Surma J, Moreno A, Staubwasser M, Valero-Garces B & Hodell DA
(2017) The Heating Rate Controls Chert δ18O
Tatzel M, von Blanckenburg F, Herwartz D, Oelze M, Lünsdorf NK & Wiedenbeck M
(2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Systematics in Evaporitic Brines
Surma J, Herwartz D, Assonov S & Staubwasser M
(2016) Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Gypsum Hydration Water
Herwartz D, Surma J & Staubwasser M
(2015) The Δ17O Systematics of Gypsum Hydration Water
Herwartz D, Surma J, Klipsch SL, Staubwasser M & Cosentino D
(2015) 17O-Excess and Deuterium-Excess in Gypsum Hydration Water
Gazquez F, Evans N, Mather I, Herwartz D, Staubwasser M & Hodell D
(2014) High Precision Δ17O Analysis of Cherts – Implications for the Temperature and δ18O of Ancient Oceans
Sengupta S, Pack A, Robert F, Reitner J & Herwatrz D
(2014) The Elevated Δ17O Composition of the Moon Relative to the Earth
Herwartz D, Pack A, Friedrichs B & Bischoff A
(2014) The Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of the Earth and Mass-Dependent Variations in Δ17O in Mantle and Crustal Rocks
Pack A, Herwartz D & Sengupta S
(2013) Variations of ∆17O in Terrestrial Rocks
Herwartz D, Pack A & Krylov D
(2011) Re-Os and Lu-Hf Dating in Letlhakane Peridotite Xenoliths (Botswana)
Luguet A, Behrens M, Herwartz D & Pearson G
(2011) REE in Fossil Biogenic Apatite
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Jochum K-P & Sander PM
(2009) Lu-Hf Dating of Biogenic Phosphates – Prospects and Pitfalls
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C & Sander PM
(2008) Concentration Profiles of Trace Elements in Fossil Dinosaur Bone
Herwartz D, Tütken T, Münker C, Sander M, Jochum K-P & Stoll B
(2007) The First Lu-Hf Garnet Ages of North Penninic Alpine Eclogites
Herwartz D, Münker C, Scherer E, Nagel T, Pleuger J & Froitzheim N

Herwegh M (2006) Deformation of monazite in an amphibolite-facies shear zone
Berger A, Herwegh M & Gnos E

Herwegh Marco (2021) U–Pb Geochronology and Isotopic Signatures of Epidote in Hydrothermal Veins: Evidence for Eo-Alpine Fluid Circulation in the Albula Area (Eastern Swiss Alps)
Peverelli V, Berger A, Wille M, Rubatto D, Putlitz B, Pettke T & Herwegh M

Herwehe L. (2011) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of a Deep Coal Mine Discharge
Burgos W, Fitzgerald M, Larson L, Herwehe L, Singha K & Gooseff M

Herwig K. (2006) Improved in situ Pb isotope analysis of low Pb samples by LA-ICP-MS using a solid-state 193 nm Nd:YAG laser
Jochum KP, Stoll B & Herwig K
(2004) Pb Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions from Hawaiian Basalts Using LA-ICPMS and SR-Xrf
Jochum K, Stoll B, Herwig K & Hofmann A

Hery M. (2023) Bioremediation of high-As Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) from the Carnoulès Mine (France) Based on Microbial Iron and Arsenic Oxidation: Performances and Controlling Factors
Casiot C, Diaz-Vanegas C, Desoeuvre A, Battaglia-Brunet F, Joulian C, Jacob J & Hery M
(2021) Exploitation of Microbial Fe and As Oxidation for Semi-Passive Treatment of high-As Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in a Field-Pilot
Vanegas CD, Casiot C, Lin L, De Windt L, Djibrine A, Hery M, Desoeuvre A, Bruneel O, Battaglia-Brunet F & Jacob J
(2021) Recharge Origin and Mixing Processes in Karstic Thermal Aquifers Inferred from Age Dating Dissolved Gas and Isotopic Tracers
de Montety V, Ladouche B, Seidel J-L, Guilhe-Batiot C, Hery M & Lamotte C
(2019) Bio-Precipitation of Arsenic and Antimony from Acid Mine Water in a Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor
Laroche E, Joulian C, Casiot C, Hery M, Gassaud C, Charron M, Delpoux S & Battaglia-Brunet F
(2017) Monitoring Biological Oxidation and Removal of Arsenic and Iron in a Field Bioreactor Treating As-Rich Acid Mine Drainage
Fernandez-Rojo L, Héry M, Laroche E, Tardy V, Bruneel O, Delpoux S, Desoeuvre A, Grapin G, Savignac J, Boisson J, Morin G & Casiot C
(2007) Contrasting Behaviour of Arsenic, Iron, Manganese and Uranium during Anaerobic Incubation of Aquifer Sediments from Nadia, West Bengal
Press L, Gault A, Mondal D, Lythgoe P, de Hoog C-J, Heimann A, Lawson M, Hery M, Lloyd J & Polya D

Herz-Thyhsen R.J. (2022) Lithium Mobility due to Geochemical Interactions between Unconventional Reservoir Rock and Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid
Kaszuba JP, Dewey JC, Bratcher JC & Herz-Thyhsen RJ

Herzberg C (2004) Origin of the Ontong Java Plateau
Fitton G, Godard M, Mahoney J & Herzberg C

Herzberg Claude (2022) PRIMARSMELT: Calculating Primary Magma Compositions for Mars
Hernández-Montenegro JD, Asimow PD & Herzberg C
(2015) Provenance of Olivine in Volcanic Rocks
Herzberg C, Gavrilenko M & Vidito C
(2015) Evolution of Earth's Early Crust – Coupling Petrological and Numerical Modelling
Johnson T, Brown M, Kaus B, VanTongeren J & Herzberg C
(2013) Petrological Evidence for Lower Mantle Melting
Herzberg C
(2011) Melting Conditions with PRIMELT: Examples and Future Work
Gazel E, Herzberg C & Asimow P

Herzka S.Z.

Herzlieb S. (2013) Multi-Proxy Study of Shallow- and Deep-Water Doushantuo Carbonates, Yangtze Platform, South China
Hohl S, Becker H, Herzlieb S, Guo Q & Gamper A

Herzog G. (2013) Impact History of Lunar Highlands Recorded in MIL 090034, 090036, and 090070 Lunar Meteorites
Yamaguchi A, Shirai N, Nyquist L, Park J, Shih C-Y, Ebihara M & Herzog G
(2010) Cosmic-Ray Exposure History of Pallasite Metal
Cook D, Herzog G, Huber L & Leya I
(2007) Novel Cosmogenic Iosotope Tools and Progress Towards Historic Time-Scales
Schaefer JM, Korschinek G, Faestermann T, Knie K, Finckel R, Serifiddin F, Herzog G, Winckler G, Schluechter C & Niedermann S
(2005) News from the Oldest Ice on Earth Buried in Antarctica and a New Cosmogenic Tool
Schaefer JM, Marchant D, Herzog G, Ivy-Ochs S, Korschinek G, Knie K, Schluechter C, Serefiddin F, Wieler R & Kubik P
(2003) Dust to Dust: Cosmic-Ray Exposure Histories of Meteorites
Herzog G

Herzog M. (2022) Monitoring Mechanisms that Control Gold Precipitation from Auriferous Fluids
LaFlamme C, Sugiono D, Herzog M & Barré G

Herzog S.D. (2017) High Stability of Riverine Iron along Salinity Gradients – The Role of Iron Speciation
Herzog S, Persson P, Conrad S, Ingri J & Kritzberg E
(2017) Varved Sediments as Records of Past Changes in Fe Dynamics?
Björnerås C, Ojala A, Hammarlund D, Persson P, Herzog SD & Kritzberg ES

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