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Hajialioghli R. (2009) Textural Features and Isotopic Ratios of the Magmatic and Inherited Zircons in the Mafic Migmatites from the Takab Core Complex, NW Iran
Hajialioghli R & Moazzen M
(2007) Petrogenesis of Meta-Peridotites in the Takab Area, NW Iran
Hajialioghli R, Moazzen M, Jahangiri A, Droop G, Bousquet R & Oberhänsli R

Hajibeygi H. (2023) Sulfur Oxidation States in Underground Salt Caverns and Sedimentary Formations: Geochemical Considerations for Underground H2 Storage
Beckingham LE, Shi Z, Peters CA, Hajibeygi H & Dopffel N

Hajikazemi E. (2012) Carbon- Isotope Stratigraphy; A Correlation Tool for Cenomanian Turonian Carbonates in Southern Iran
Hajikazemi E, Al-Aasm I & Coniglio M

Hajimirza S. (2018) Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolite
Hajimirza S, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE & Giachetti T

Hajirezaie S. (2018) Mineral Paragenesis and Microtextures in Naturally Sealed Shale Fractures
Sheets J, Hajirezaie S, Swift A, Crandall D, Cole D, Peters C & Kornacki A

Hajj F. (2017) Mass-Dependent Fractionation of Strontium Isotopes by Tree Uptake
Hajj F, Poszwa A, Bouchez J, Bartier D & Guérold F

Hajjaji W. (2017) Effect of Composition and Temperature in Mines Waste Based Cements
Nouairi J, Hajjaji W, Senff L, Labrincha J, Rocha F & Medhioub M

Hajjoul H. (2017) Technology-Critical Elements (Sb, Ta, Te, In, Ga) and Organic Matter Interactions by Fluorescence Quenching
Mounier S, Filella M, Ayoub N, Redon R, Hajjoul H & Garnier C

Hajna J. (2018) New Geochronologic Constraints on the Initiation of Cadomian Subduction in the Bohemian Massif
Svojtka M, Žák J & Hajna J

Hakala A. (2018) Evaluating Organic Reaction Products Generated during Interaction between Marcellus Shale and Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids
Hakala A & McAdams B
(2018) Investigation of Scaling in Marcellus Shale during a Laboratory Simulated Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Flow and Shut-In Period
Xiong W, Moore J, Hakala JA, Crandall D & Lopano C
(2014) The Validation of the Setschenow Equation for Selected Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Hypersaline Solutions
Burant AS, Lowry GV, Hakala A & Karamalidis AK
(2014) Impact of Geochemical Kinetics at the Reservoir/ Shale Interface on Long Term CO2 Storage
Balashov V, Brantley S, Guthrie G, Lopano C & Hakala A
(2013) Dissolution of Arsenic and Iron from Reservoir and Cap-Rocks of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Storage Sites
Parthasarathy H, Lopano C, Hakala A, Dzombak D & Karamalidis A

Hakala Jacqueline (2010) Tracking CO2 Migration Through a Sandstone Aquifer Using Sr Isotopes: Chimayó, New Mexico, USA
Gardiner J, Stewart B, Capo R, Hakala J & Keating E

Hakala Jani (2011) How do Plant VOC Emissions Affect Atmospheric Nanoparticle Formation?
Dal Maso M, Mentel TF, Kiendler-Scharr A, Kleist E, Tillmann R, Sipilä M, Petäjä T, Hakala J, Liao L, Lehtipalo K, Kulmala M & Worsnop D
(2011) Measurements of Ocean Derived Aerosol off the Coast of California
Bates T, Quinn P, Frossard A, Russell L, Hakala J, Kieber D & Keene W

Håkansson L. (2019) Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A

Hakashi K. (2016) Seasonal Variations of Organic Matter in Lake Kiba, Japan during 2014-2015
Bui HT, Nagao S, Sutuki T, Yakawano Y, Fukushi K, Hakashi K, Ochiai S & Yamamoto M

Hakdaoui M.

Hakesworth C. (2000) Evidence for an Abrupt, High-Amplitude Climate Fluctuation c. 8, 300 Years ago in a New Laser Ablation *18O Record for a Holocene Speleothem from S.W. Ireland
McDermott F, Mattey D & Hakesworth C

Hakil F. (2015) Selenium Volatilization and Isotopic Fractionation Induced by Micro Organisms during Respiratory Reduction of Sulphate and Fumarate
Lanceleur L, Tessier E, Bueno M, Berail S, Hakil F, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D

Hakim Abbas (2021) Interspecific Element Incorporation in Biogenic Carbonates Recapitulates Phylogeny for Diverse Marine Species
Ulrich RN, Guillermic M, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Stewart JD, Román-Palacios C, Carroll HM, DeCorte I, Gilmore RE, Doss W, Tripati A, Ries JB & Eagle RA
(2021) Coupled Δ47–Δ48 Clumped Isotope Analysis Indicates Origins of Kinetic Isotope Effects in Cultured Biogenic Marine Carbonates
Ulrich RN, Lucarelli JK, Campbell J, Hakim A, Han R, Singh S, Ries JB, Tripati A & Eagle RA

Hakim Adnan (2010) Evaluation of Water Quality from Deep Wells in Bangladesh
Zheng Y, Van Agthoven A, Hakim A, Morsheda E, Rasul S, Huq I & Ghosh S

Hakim Greg (2019) New Views of Warm Worlds from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
Tierney J, King J, Malevich SB, Bhattacharya T, Feng R, Zhu J, Li M, Poulsen C, Haywood A, Otto-Bliesner B, Ridgwell A, Hakim G, Tardif R & Kump L

Hakim Gregory (2020) Impact of New Observations on Improved Understanding of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Li M, Kump L, Ajayi O, Amrhein D, Hakim G, Malevich S, Poulsen C, Ridgwell A, Tardif R, Tierney J, Zhang F & Zhu J

Hakim K. (2023) Exoplanet Ocean Chemistry in the Presence of Diverse Carbonates
Hakim K, Tian M, Bower DJ & Heng K

Hakim S.S. (2013) Early Stage Ostwald Ripening of Submicrometer Calcite
Schultz LN, Dideriksen K, Müter D, Hakim SS & Stipp SLS

Hakkakzadeh B. (2011) Environmental Effects of Zarand Coal Mines and Coal Washing Plant in Kerman Province, Southeast Iran
Yaghubpur A & Hakkakzadeh B

Häkkinen S. (2015) Interactions of Atmospheric Organic Particles with Inorganic Pollutants and Cloud Water
Riipinen I, Häkkinen S, Rastak N, Dalirian M, Murphy B, Julin J, Pandis S & Ekman A
(2014) Understanding and Constraining Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Amount and Size-Resolved Condensational Behavior
D'Andrea S, Häkkinen S, Westervelt D, Kuang C, Levin E, Leaitch R, Spracklen D, Riipinen I & Pierce J

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