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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Herrig I. (2021) Biogeochemical and Microbiological Characterization of Rust Tubercles Induced by Microbial Activity
Fiskal A, Raghunatha Reddy L, Herrig I, Wulf S-E, Meier J & Fischer H

Herrill M. (2019) Geochemistry in the Mine Life Cycle
Bowell R, Declercq J, Herrill M & Williams C

Herrin Jason (2020) Hierarchical-Clustering-Based Cokriging to Advance the Spatial Prediction Accuracy of Soil Heavy Metals Distributions
Zeng L & Herrin J

Herrin Jason (2013) Submicrometer Exsolution Lamellae in Volcanic Pyroxenes as Indicators of Magma Residence Times
Herrin J, Costa F, Tay YY, Liu H & Pramana S
(2013) Accretion and Differentiation Processes in the Ureilite Parent Body
Downes H, Smith C, Abernethy F, Herrin J & Ross A

Herrin Jason (2015) Fe-Silicide-Bearing Meteorites: Analogues for the Early Building Blocks of Terrestrial Planets?
Downes H, Rai N, Smith C, Ross A & Herrin J
(2015) Recent Activity and Magmatic Processes at Batu Tara
Herrin J & Costa F
(2014) Magmatic Processes and Time Scales Below a Yet-To-Be Silicic Caldera Eruption
Costa F, Jay J, Pritchard M, Lara L, Singer B & Herrin J

Herrin Jason (2016) 16 Million Years of Volcanism on Bolaven Plateau, Laos
Herrin JS, Sieh K, Wiwegwin W, Chualaowanich T, Charusiri P, Singer BS, Jicha B & Sihavong V
(2016) Same Initial Volatile Budget but Different Ascent Paths led to Contrasting Eruptive Styles at Merapi Volcano in 2006 and 2010
Li W, Costa F & Herrin J

Herrin Jason S (2011) Howardite Noble Gases as Indicators of Asteroid Surface Processing
Cartwright JA, Mittlefehldt DW, Herrin JS & Ott U

Herrin Jason S. (2002) Multiple Sources for Ultrapotassic Arc Magmas from Batu Tara Volcano, Indonesia
Herrin JS, Nikogosian IK, Van Bergen MJ & Mason PRD

Herring J.F. (2022) Understanding the Effect of Defects on 3He Diffusion in Quartz with Paired Simulations and Experiments
Tremblay MM, Gu T, Herring JF & Tay SX

Herrington Richard (2021) Assessing the Co Fertility in Laterite Systems by Means of Multivariate Statistical Analysis: The Santa Fe’ (Brazil) and Wingellina (Western Australia) Case Studies
Putzolu F, Mondillo N, Boni M, Santoro L, Porto C & Herrington R

Herrington Richard (2007) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Serov Ni Lateritic Deposit, N Urals
Balashova Y, Mordberg L & Herrington R
(2002) Iron Isotope Fractionation in an Archaean BIF Sample Suite
Mullane E, Herrington RJ, Russell SS, Gounelle M, Weiss D & Coles B
(2002) Mantle Helium in Sulphides Deposited in a Palaeozoic Arc Setting
Turner G, Harrison D & Herrington R

Herrington Richard (2018) Compositional Variations in Natural Goethite and Other Oxy-Hydroxides in Supergene Ore Deposits
Santoro L, Herrington R, Mondillo N & Putzolu F

Herrington Richard (2019) Geochemistry of Natural IOH in Supergene Ore Deposits by TEM Analyses
Santoro L & Herrington R

Herrington Richard (2015) Behaviour of Cr in Laterites and Implications for Ni Laterite Formation
Krüger JC, James RH, Herrington R, Brown P, Pearce CR & Roberts S

Herrington Richard J (2020) Stockpiled Limonitic Material as a Novel Source of Readily Bioleached Cobalt
Dybowska AD, Schofield PF, Mosselmans FJW & Herrington RJ
(2017) Atmospheric Heap Leaching of the Piauí Ni-Co Laterite Deposit, Brazil
Norman R, Schofield P, Dybowska A, Herrington R, Oxley A & Oxley M
(2017) Cobalt Speciation in Lateritic Deposits – Implications for Development of Novel Extraction Strategies
Dybowska AD, Schofield PF, Norman RL, Mosselmans FJW & Herrington RJ
(2017) Behaviour of Cr and its Isotopes in Laterites and Implications for Ni Laterite Formation
Krüger JC, James RH, Herrington R, Pearce CR & Roberts S

Herrle J. (2023) Evolutionary Lineages of Alkenones Recorded in Cretaceous and Paleocene Sediments from the Transkei Basin (Iodp Site U1581)
Doiron KE, Brassell SC, Bijl PK, Wagner T, Herrle J, Uenzelmann-Neben G, Bohaty SM, Childress LB & Science Party IE3
(2023) The Silica Cycle on a Continental Shelf during the Upper Cretaceous: Reconstructions of Silicon Isotopes of Sponges, Radiolaria and Diatoms
Doering K, Zhang Z, Dai Y, Dummann W, Pickering RA, Brylka K, Stoerling T, Schröder-Adams C, Richoz S, Frank M, Herrle J, Harwood D & Conley DJ

Herrmann Achim (2017) Tectonic Events of the Taconic Orogeny Elucidated Through LA-ICPMS Studies of Volcanic Zircons, Southern Appalachians, USA
Herrmann A, Haynes J & Leslie S
(2016) Validation of the Carbonate 238U/235U Paleoredox Proxy: Evidence from Multiple Localities Spanning the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Romaniello S, Zhang F, Algeo T, Lau K, Chen X, Elrick M, Herrmann A & Anbar A

Herrmann Achim D. (2015) Uranium (U) Isotope Variation in Marine Carbonates Across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
Zhang F, Romaniello S, Algeo T, Herrmann A & Anbar A
(2015) U Isotope Variations in a Dolomitized Jurassic Carbonate Platform (Tithonian; Southern Germany)
Herrmann A, Gordon G & Anbar A
(2014) Uranium Isotope Fractionation during Incorporation into Aragonite and Calcite
Chen X, Romaniello S, Herrmann A, Wasylenki L & Anbar A
(2014) Progress, Pitfalls, and Future Directions Developing the δ238U Paleoredox Proxy
Romaniello SJ, Herrmann AD & Anbar AD
(2013) Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Dynamics in a Paleozoic Epicontinental Black Shale
Herrmann A, Algeo T, Romaniello S, Gordon G & Anbar A
(2012) Incorporation and Early Diagenesis of Mo and U Isotope Records in Bahamian Carbonate Sediments
Romaniello SJ, Herrmann AD & Anbar AD
(2012) U Isotopes in Marine Calcareous Algae: A Paleo-Redox Proxy?
Herrmann A, Romaniello S, Reid P & Anbar A
(2010) Using Uranium Isotopes to Understand Ancient Marine Systems: Advances and Challenges
Herrmann A

Herrmann Anke M. (2018) Microbial Energetics, Carbon, and the Progression of Redox Reactions in Flooded Soils
Boye K, Herrmann A, Bobb C, Tolar B, Noel V, Bargar J, Maher K & Fendorf S
(2018) Land-Use Alters the Temperature Response of Microbial Carbon-Use Efficiency
Bölscher T, Ågren GI & Herrmann AM
(2017) Carbon in Transit – Implications of Microbial Energetics for Carbon and Contaminant Fate in Transitory Systems
Boye K, Tfaily MM, Herrmann A, Noël V, Bargar JR & Fendorf S
(2017) Microbial Bioenergetics along a Scots Pine Stand Age Gradient
Herrmann AM, Kainemi V, Rosling A, Urbina H, Boye K & Fransson P

Herrmann Anke Marianne (2011) Thermodynamic Principles of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in a Changing World
Herrmann AM, Grice SM, Ritz K & Harris JA
(2009) Potential of Visualisation Methods to Further our Understanding of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics
Herrmann AM, Nunan N & Ritz K

Herrmann F. (2009) The Ozonolysis of β-Caryophyllene
Moortgat GK, Kanawati B, Herrmann F & Winterhalter R

Herrmann Hartmut (2013) A New Aqueous Phase Protocol for the Mechanism Generator GECKO-A Used for the CAPRAM Mechanism Extension
Bräuer P, Mouchel-Vallon C, Tilgner A, Wolke R, Aumont B & Herrmann H
(2013) Aerosol Trace Metal Fractional Solubility and Chemical Composition of Marine Aerosols at the CVAO
Fomba KW, Müller K & Herrmann H
(2011) CAPRAM Mechanism Development: Evaluation of Prediction Methods for Aqueous Phase Rate Constants and Model Results
Bräuer P, Mouchel-Vallon C, Tilgner A, Aumont B & Herrmann H
(2011) Photolysis of iron(III) Carboxylato Complexes – Quantum Yield Determination and Reactivity Simulation in Clouds and Atmospheric Particles
Weller C, Tilgner A & Herrmann H
(2011) Chemical Analysis of Saharan Dust in Marine Aerosols
Fomba KW, Müller K, Gnauk T & Herrmann H
(2011) Cloud Processing Measured with Sulfur Isotopes during HCCT 2010
Harris E, Sinha B, Hoppe P, Crowley J, Borrmann S, Foley S, Gnauk T, Van Pinxteren D & Herrmann H
(2010) Detection of Aliphatic Amines in the Marine Environment
Müller C, Iinuma Y, Müller K & Herrmann H

Herrmann Hartmut (2017) Temporal Variation of the Chemical Composition of Asian Dust at Tajikistan
Fomba KW, Müller K, Hoffer J, Althausen D, Abdullaev S, Makhmudov A & Herrmann H

Herrmann Hartmut (2015) Highlight Results from the HCCT-2010 Hill Cap Cloud Experiment
van Pinxteren D, Poulain L, Tilgner A, Henning S, Stratmann F, Mertes S, Schneider J, Harris E, Sinha B, Whalley L, Heard D, D'Anna B, George C & Herrmann H

Herrmann Hartmut (2023) Imaging Single Aerosol Particles for Oxidation Chemistry and Reactive Species
Alpert PA, Corral Arroyo P, Kilchhofer K, Manoharan Y, Dou J, Krieger UK, Bjelic S, Salionov D, Dommen J, Herrmann H & Ammann M

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