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Herodotou C. (2017) A Comparative Study of Blended and Online Learning Using the Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences
Herodotou C, Muirhead D, Aristeidou M, Hole M, Kelley S, Scanlon E & Duffy M

Herold A. (2013) Characterization of Indigenous Oil Field Microorganisms for Microbially Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR)
Sitte J, Biegel E, Herold A, Alkan H & Krüger M

Heron C. (2009) Norway’s First Exploitation of Oil? The Processing of Marine Mammal Blubber in Slab-Lined Pits
Heron C, Nilsen G, Stern B, Craig O & Nordby C

Heron K. (2015) Origin and Evolution of the Mesoarchean Aouéouat Greenstone Belt and Associated Magamatism
Heron K, Crowley Q, Benn K & Babechuk M

Heroult J. (2010) Developpment of a Fast Method of Mineralization for Routine Analysis of Matrix of the Agricultural Production
Heroult J, Parat C, Buissière S, Coriou C, Denaix L, Lespes G & Potin-Gautier M

Herpoel M. (2023) Manganese Cycling in European Forest Ecosystems: Influence of Tree Species
Duquenne R, Herpoel M, Bogaert P, Delmelle P & Agnan Y

Herr J. (2022) Oxidation Paradox: Influx of Oxidant Stimulates Microbial Metal/Radionuclide Reduction
Weber KA, Westrop JP, Yadav P, Rosso T, Noël V, Van Veelen A, Bargar J, Wu X, Chakraborty R & Herr J

Herrell M. (2022) Prediction and Calibration in the Kinetic Modelling of Mine Waste Facilities
Declercq J, Bowell R & Herrell M
(2021) Environmental Impacts Predictions via Kinetic Modelling
Declercq J, Herrell M & Bowell R
(2020) Environmental Impacts Predictions via Kinetic Modelling
Declercq J, Bowell R & Herrell M
(2019) Potential for Hydrogen Generation in Underground Mines
Declercq J, Bowell R, Herrell M & Oelkers E
(2019) Development of an Alternative PAG Management Strategy at a Coal Mine in British Columbia, Canada
Herrell M, Day S & Farmer D

Herrera A. (2009) A Geobiological Comparison of High- and Low-Silica Containing Weathered Volcanic Glass
Kelly L, Herrera A, Olsson-Francis K, Andersen G, Piceno Y & Cockell C

Herrera C. (2014) 14C Groundwater Dating in Northern Chile Using Paired DOC and DIC Techniques
Godfrey L, Herrera C, Burr G & Jordan T

Herrera J. (2018) Molecular Characterization of Preserved Tissues in a Cretaceous Ankylosaur
Summons R, Herrera J, Sistiaga A, Brown C, Henderson D & Vinther J

Herrera O. (2023) Nanoremediation the Tannery Wastewater: A Case Study from the Upper Basin of the Bogotá River (Colombian)
Vasquez Y, Galvis J, Filip J, Agudelo F, Franco J, Vasquez J, Cardenas G, Petala E & Herrera O

Herrera S. (2023) Discovery and Exploration of Active Off-Axis Hydrothermal Vents at 9° 54'N East Pacific Rise
McDermott JM, Parnell-Turner R, Barreyre T, Herrera S, Downing CC, Pittoors NC, Pehr K, Vohsen SA, Dowd WS, Wu J-N, Marjanovic M, Siverand JM, Bibaj E, Preston V & Fornari DJ

Herrera-García L. (2018) Thallium(I) Sequestration by Fe- and Mn-Bearing Secondary Minerals: Structural Incorporation vs Surface Sorption
Aguilar-Carrillo J & Herrera-García L

Herrera-Herrera A.V. (2017) Anatomical-Part N-Alkane Distributions and Thermal Alteration in Celtis Australis: New Insights on Paleofire Interpretation
Jambrina-Enríquez M, Herrera-Herrera AV & Mallol C

Herrero C. (2011) Simulations of Glacial/Interglacial Cycles with Simple Box-Models. Key Triggers for Deglaciations
Herrero C, Garcia-Olivares A & Pelegri JL

Herrero T.M. (2020) Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism 2.0: LAB Melt Lavas in the NW Atlantic
van der Zwan FM, Devey CW, Augustin N, Herrero TM, Pałgan D, Schade M, Böttner C & Almeev RR
(2019) A New Style of Oceanic Intraplate Volcanism
Augustin N, Devey CW, Herrero TM, Pałgan D, Schade M, van der Zwan FM & Böttner C

Herrero Albillos J. (2013) Magnetic Nanostructures in Meteorites: A Window on the Early Solar System
Harrison R, Bryson J, Church N, Kasama T & Herrero Albillos J
(2013) Spectroscopy and Magnetic Imaging at the Nanoscale for the Study of Magnetic Minerals
Herrero-Albillos J
(2013) Nanomagnetism of Iron Meteorites Identified by X-Ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy
Bryson J, Herrero Albillos J, Kronast F, van der Laan G, Redfern S & Harrison R

Herrero-Albillos J. (2017) Microstructural Insight into the Impact History of the IAB Parent Body
Nichols C, Krakow R, Herrero-Albillos J, Kronast F, Northwood-Smith G & Harrison R

Herrero-Martín S. (2014) Validation of Extraction and Clean-Up Methods for Compound-Specific Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides in Complex Matrices
Herrero-Martín S, Ivdra N, Heinicke S & Fischer A
(2014) Novel Strategy for Pre-Concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds from Water Samples for Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Analysis at Trace Levels
Herrero-Martín S, Nijenhuis I, Richnow HH & Gehre M

Herrero-Pérez M.J. (2019) An Equilibrium Phase Diagram Model to Study the Metamorphism Experienced by the Parent Asteroid of Villalbeto de la Peña Ordinary Chondrite
Herrero-Pérez MJ, Reche Estrada J & Trigo Rodríguez JM

Herret M-T. (2022) Implications for the Source of the Marquesas Island OIB from Short-Lived Radiogenic Isotope and Seismic Data
Mundl-Petermeier A, Herret M-T, Peters B, Kim D & Castillo PR

Herries A (2006) Paleoclimatic Context Of The Origins Of Modern Humans in South Africa: Based on Speleothems Isotopic Records
Bar-Matthews M, Marean C, Nilssen P, Fisher E, Herries A & Karkanas P

Herries Andy (2014) Uranium-Lead Age Constraints for the “Taung Child”, Australopithecus africanus, from Taung, South Africa
Hopley P, Parrish R, Herries A, Menter C & Kuhn B
(2014) Inter-Annual Variability of Southern African Rainfall from an Early Pleistocene Speleothem; Implications for Early Hominin Evolution
Hopley P, Weedon G, Thrasivoulou C, Herries A & Leng M

Herries K. (2019) Decadal U-Th Age Shifts from Marine Alteration of Drowned Reef Corals of the Last Glacial Termination
Rubin K, Herries K & Hellebrand E

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