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Hernández-Filiberto L. (2022) Development and Influence of Fluid Pathways in Rocks
Hernández-Filiberto L, Putnis CV, Putnis A & Austrheim H

Hernandez-Laguna A. (2010) Water Diffusion in the Dehydroxylation Reactions in Dioctahedral Phyllosilicates by ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Sainz-Diaz I, Molina-Montes E, Donadio D, Mañas E & Hernandez-Laguna A

Hernandez-Mendiola E. (2023) Mercury Speciation in Fish Tissue from a Regional Market in Mexico, City. A Human Health Risk Assessment
Hernández-Mendiola E, Romero FM & González Chávez JL
(2010) Carbonate U-Series Dating Using Quadrupole-ICPMS
Hernandez-Mendiola E, Bernal J-P & Lounejeva E

Hernández-Molina F.J. (2016) A Geochemical Approach to Contourites Deposits: Examples from Antartic Margin and Gulf of Cadiz (IODP Exp. 318 and 339)
Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Salabarnada A, Bahr A, Kuroda J, Escutia C, Ikehara M, Voelker AHL, Evangelinos D, Röhl U, Hernández-Molina FJ & Ohkouchi N

Hernández-Montenegro J.D. (2023) Thermal History and Water Contents in the Seitah Igneous Rocks in Jezero, Mars
Liu Y, Asimow PD, Schmidt M, Treiman A, Randazzo N, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Udry A, Herd CDK, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Pedersen DAK, Henneke J, Simon JI, Brown AJ & Cable M
(2022) PRIMARSMELT: Calculating Primary Magma Compositions for Mars
Hernández-Montenegro JD, Asimow PD & Herzberg C
(2022) Iron Isotopes in Mantle and Cumulate Xenoliths from Adak Island, Central Aleutians
Sosa ES, Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Tissot FLH, Kipp MA, Kay SM & Kay R
(2022) Fractionation of Iron Isotopes between Strongly Peraluminous Granites and their Sedimentary Sources: A Case Study of the Archean Ghost Lake Batholith
Bucholz CE, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Sosa ES, Tissot FLH & Kipp MA

Hernandez-Paniagua I.Y. (2014) Anthropogenic Influences on Atmospheric Boundary Layer CO2 and CH4 in SW London
Hernandez-Paniagua IY, Clemitshaw KC, Lowry D & Nisbet EG

Hernandez-Perez C. (2015) Geochemical Characterisation of Topsoils, Surface Waters and Efflorescences in a Historic-Metal Mining Area in SE, Spain
Perez-Sirvent C, Hernandez-Perez C, Garcia-Lorenzo M, Martinez-Sanchez M & Hernandez-Cordoba M

Hernandez-Puentes P. (2015) Seismic Series in Torreperogil and Sabiote Area (Province of Jaén, SE Spain): Hydrogeochemical Study
Jimenez-Espinosa R, Hernandez-Puentes P & Jimenez-Millan J
(2013) Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Signatures of Carboneras-Palomares Fault Area Aquifers (SE Spain)
Hernandez-Puentes P, Jimenez-Espinosa R & Jimenez-Millan J

Hernández-Rocha M. (2023) Experimental Study of Polystyrene Biodegradation by Tenebrio Molitor Y Zophobas Morio
Del Río D, Hernández-Rocha M, Méndez-Torres J & Hernández Terrones LM

Hernandez-Rodriguez A. (2015) A Study on Well Integrity in a Natural Analogue for the Geological CO2 Storage
Hernandez-Rodriguez A, Montegrossi G, Vaselli O, Virgili G, Minardi I & Marini L

Hernandez-Sanchez M.T. (2014) Sensitivity of Coccolithophorid Physiology to CO2 Concentrations on Geological Time Scales
Hernandez-Sanchez MT, Bolton CT & Stoll HM
(2014) Threshold Adaptations of Marine Algae to CO2 in the Late Cenozoic
Stoll H, Bolton C, Mejia-Ramirez LM, Mendez-Vicente A, Hernandez-Sanchez MT & Abrevaya L

Hernandez-Santoyo A. (2004) Isolation of a 35 kDa Protein from the Organic Matrix of Seashell of Haliotis Fulgens
Villarreal E, Arzate H, Hernandez-Santoyo A & Moreno A

Herndl G.J. (2019) Deep-Sea Particles and Microbes: Resolving the Discrepancy between Organic Carbon Demand and Supply
Herndl GJ

Herndon E. (2023) The Roles of Manganese in Stabilizing and Destabilizing Soil Organic Matter
Herndon E, Bidas K, Li H, Santos F & Sulman B
(2021) Modeling Interactive Effects of Mn, N, and Warming on Soil Carbon Storage
Herndon E & Sulman B
(2021) Microbial Iron Cycling during Permafrost Thaw
Bryce C, Patzner MS, Mueller CW, Logan M, Eberle A, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Hoeschen C, McKenna A, Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Herndon E, Borch T & Kappler A
(2021) Impact of Increasing Permafrost Thaw and Surface Ponding on Iron Speciation and Phosphorus Bioavailability in Abisko, Sweden
Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Singer DM, Patzner MS, Kappler A, Bryce C & Herndon E
(2020) Mineralogical Controls on the Retention and Chemical Composition of Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon
Santos F, Yan J, Li H, Herndon E, Parikh S, Ghezzehei T, Blanchette F, Bird J & Berhe A
(2020) Influence of Permafrost Thaw on Redox, Iron Speciation, and Bioavailable Phosphorus in a Subarctic Peatland
Barczok M, Smith C, Kinsman-Costello L, Singer D & Herndon E
(2020) Effects of Biological Manganese Cycling on Carbon Storage in the Critical Zone
Herndon E, Laubscher S, Sulman B & Rosenfeld C
(2020) X-Ray Vision in the Arctic Tundra: Exploring How Redox Biogeochemistry Influences Ecosystem Processes
Herndon E, Kinsman-Costello L, Michaud A, Emerson D & Bowden W
(2020) Role of Mn-Oxides in Regulating Fate and Transport of Soil Organic Matter
Li H & Herndon E
(2018) Iron Accumulation Promotes Phosphate Retention at Redox Interfaces in Arctic and Boreal Soils
Herndon E, Duroe K, Kinsman-Costello L, Mills J, Thompson A, Kane E, Sebestyen S & Wullschleger S
(2018) Concentration-Discharge Behavior of Contaminants in a Stream Impacted by Acid Mine Drainage
Shaw M, Klein M & Herndon E
(2017) Iron-Phosphorus Interactions Across Redox Transitions in Tundra and Boreal Wetlands
Herndon E, Duroe K, Mills J, Kinsman-Costello L, Wullschleger S, Sebestyen S & Kane E
(2017) Changes in Mn Oxidation State and U Immobility in Weathering Rinds
Sak P, Ma L, Gaillardet J, Herndon E & Brantley S
(2015) Iron Biogeochemistry in Arctic Tundra Soils
Herndon E, Roy Chowdhury T, Yang Z, Graham D, Gu B & Liang L
(2014) Quantifying the Signature of the Industrial Revolution from Pb, Cd and Zn Isotopes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Ma L, Guo J, Herndon E, Jin L, Sanchez D & Brantley S
(2014) Reactions of Soil Organic Matter with Iron and Iron-Oxides on its Sorption, Transport and Degradation
Gu B, Herndon E, Mann B, Bargar J, Wullschleger S, Graham D & Liang L
(2014) Geochemical Drivers of Organic Matter Degradation in Arctic Tundra
Herndon E, Mann B, Bargar J, Graham D, Wullschleger S, Gu B & Liang L
(2012) Micro- to Macro-Scale Investigations of Manganese in Soil-Plant Systems
Herndon E, Kubicki J & Brantley S
(2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Contaminant Mn Sequestration
Herndon E, Martinez CE, Eissenstat D & Brantley S
(2010) The Role of Biotic Cycling in Determining the Soil Residence Time of Industrial Pollutants
Herndon E & Brantley S
(2009) Impact of Aeolian Deposition on Mn Cycling in Soils
Herndon E, Jin L & Brantley S
(2008) Quantifying Aeolian Additions to Shale Hills Soils Through Analysis of Surface Manganese Enrichment
Herndon E, Jin L, Olsen A, Fantle M & Brantley S
(2007) Archaea and Bacteria in an Arsenic-Rich Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System, Papua New Guinea
Amend J, Meyer-Dombard D, Akerman N, Osburn M, Herndon E, Garey J, Rubelman H & Wu T

Herndon Scott (2013) Atmospheric Trace Gases and Isotopologues Using Mid-Ir Laser Direct Absorption Spectroscopy
Zahniser M, McManus JB, Nelson D, Shorter J, Herndon S, Roscioli J, Yacovitch T & Floerchinger C
(2011) Gas Phase Low Volatility Organic Compounds (LVOCs): Measurements from Chambers, Planes and Automobiles
Cross E, Daumit K, Hunter J, Carrasquillo A, Sappok A, Wong V, Herndon S, Jayne J, Worsnop D & Kroll J

Herndon Scott C (2022) Progress Toward a Carbon Dioxide Laser Isotope Analyzer for Oxygen-17 Excess and Three Clumped Isotopologues: 638, 828 and 637
Herndon SC, Wang Z, Dettman D, Quade J & Nelson DD

Hernes Peter (2022) Overprinting Riverine DOM with Non-Point Sources
Hernes P

Hernes Peter J. (2014) Hidden Lignin in Soils
Hernes P, Kaiser K, Dyda R & Cerli C
(2011) Incomplete Recovery of Mineral-Bound Lignin Phenols
Kaiser K, Hernes PJ, Dyda RY & Cerli C
(2005) Terrigenous Organic Matter in Suspended Marine Particulates: The Link between Aerosols and Sediments?
Hernes P & Benner R

Hernlund C. (2019) Now you see it, now you Don’t: Seismic Signals of an Iron Spin Transition in the Lower Mantle
Hernlund J, Shephard G, Hernlund C, Wentzcovitch R & Tronnes R

Hernlund John (2021) Joint Seismological-Geodynamical Assessment of Lower Mantle Temperature and Composition Variations
Su J, Houser C, Hernlund J & Deschamps F
(2019) Now you see it, now you Don’t: Seismic Signals of an Iron Spin Transition in the Lower Mantle
Hernlund J, Shephard G, Hernlund C, Wentzcovitch R & Tronnes R
(2017) Persistence of Large-Scale Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Ballmer M, Nakagawa T, Houser C, Hernlund J, Waszek L, Schmerr N, Wentzcovitch R, Ritsema J & Hirose K
(2016) Crystallization of SiO2 in the Core Before Inner Core Formation
Hirose K, Morard G, Sinmyo R & Hernlund J
(2016) Snow in the Earth's Core
Lasbleis M, Hernlund J & Labrosse S
(2016) Galactic Chemical Evolution Models and the Geophysical Nature of Cosmochemically Earth-Like Planets
Mojzsis S, Meyer B, Harrison TM, Frost D, Rubie D, Golabek G, Tackley P & Hernlund J
(2016) Mantle Iron Content and H-Rich Cores: Regulation by Hydrogen in the Proto-Atmosphere
Hernlund J, Mukhopadhyay S, Genda H, Hirose K & Brasser R
(2016) Terrestrial Core Stratification and Subsequent Mixing
Jacobson S, Hernlund J, Rubie D & Morbidelli A

Hernlund John W. (2013) Modes of Formation of the Basal Magma Ocean
Labrosse S, Hernlund J & Coltice N
(2011) The High Conductivity of Iron and Thermal Evolution of the Earth’s Core
Hirose K, Gomi H, Ohta K, Labrosse S & Hernlund J
(2011) Heat Flow in the Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell and the Thermal Conductivity of the Lower Mantle
Rainey E, Kavner A & Hernlund J
(2011) Spin Crossover and Iron-Rich Silicate Melt in the Earth’s Deep Mantle
Nomura R, Ozawa H, Tateno S, Hirose K, Hernlund J, Muto S, Ishii H & Hiraoka N
(2008) Some Implications of the Basal Magma Ocean Model for Earth's Formation and Segregation
Hernlund J, Labrosse S & Coltice N
(2008) Early Mantle Evolution Influenced by the Crystallization of a Basal Magma Ocean
Coltice N, Labrosse S & Hernlund JW
(2008) S and P Travel-Time Curves: Using Raw Data to Constrain Mineralogical and Chemical Changes Near the CMB
Houser C & Hernlund J
(2007) The Energy Balance at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Hernlund J, Labrosse S & Coltice N
(2007) Evolution of the Basal Dense Magma Ocean: The Ultimate Deep Mantle Rug!
Labrosse S, Hernlund J & Coltice N

Hernsdorf Alex (2016) Co-occurrence and Metabolic Consequences of Candidate Bacterial Phyla and Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing Archaea in the Deep Crustal Biosphere
Ino K, Hernsdorf A, Konno U, Kouduka M, Sunamura M, Hirota A, Togo Y, Ito K, Fukuda A, Iwatsuki T, Mizuno T, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Yanagawa K, Ishimura T, Amano Y, Thomas B, Banfield J & Suzuki Y

Hernsdorf Alexander (2015) Biogeochemical Transformations Mediated by Subsurface Microbial Communities
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Castelle C, Brown C, Hug L, Probst A, Sharon I, Hernsdorf A, Amano Y & Williams K

Herod Matt N. (2012) Input and Transport of 129I in the Canadian Arctic: Evidence of a Fukushima Pulse
Herod MN, Clark ID, Kieser WE & Zhao X-L

Herod Matthew N. (2013) The Fate of Iodine-129 Released from the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Accident
Herod MN, Suchy M, Clark ID, Kieser WE & Graham G

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