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Herman J (2003) Trace Element, REE and 1 3C Melt-Restite Partitioning in Graphite-Bearing Metapelitic Migmatites
Shabeer P, Satish-Kumar M, Buick I & Herman J

Herman Janet (2015) Hydrologic Controls on the Fate of Fertilizer Nitrogen: Influence of Groundwater-Stream Connectivity
Herman J & Mills A

Herman P. (2000) Coupled Food-Web and Bacterial-Loop Modelling of a Lagrangian Experiment off the Iberian Margin
Soetaert K, Herman P, Middelburg J & Lamy F

Herman R.

Hermandez-Almeida I. (2017) Phytoplankton CO2 Estimates and the Carbon Concentrating Mechanism over Quaternary Glacial Cycles
Stoll H, Hermandez-Almeida I, Guitian J, Mejia LM, Phelps S & Polissar P

Hermann A. (2023) Artefact Geochemistry Demonstrates Long-Distance Voyaging in the Last Thousand Years from Polynesia to Western Pacific Islands
Gutierrez P, Hermann A & Chauvel C

Hermann Joerg (2015) Thermodynamic Controls on Water Incorporation in San Carlos Olivine
Tollan P, O'Neill H & Hermann J
(2015) Hydrogen Diffusion in Cr-Doped Forsterite Studied by XANES and FTIR
Jollands M, O'Neill H, Hermann J, Berry A & Rivard C
(2015) Effect of Melt Composition on REE Partitioning in Anorthite
Schoneveld L, O'Neill H & Hermann J
(2015) Stability of Chlorite in Subducted Ultramafic Schists
Lakey S & Hermann J
(2015) Oxygen Isotopes Analysis of Serpentine Minerals by SHRIMP: Analytical Developments and Geological Applications
Scicchitano MR, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Padrón-Navarta JA & Shen T
(2015) Melting of Subducted Felsic Crust
Hermann J, Stepanov A & Pirard C
(2015) Dating Prograde Metamorphism by Linking Zircon Recrystallization to Fluid Pulses
Gauthiez-Putallaz L, Hermann J & Rubatto D
(2015) Experimental Determination of Oxygen Diffusion Rates in Garnet: A Preliminary Study
Rubatto D, Scicchitano MR, Jollands MC, Hermann J & Williams IS
(2014) Diffusion of Major and Minor Elements within Zoned Garnet from the Kaapvaal Craton, as Determined Using NanoSIMS and EPMA
Hanger B, Jollands M, Yaxley G & Hermann J
(2014) Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Oxygen Fugacity on Diamond Versus Carbonate in Carbon-Bearing Eclogites during Deep Subduction
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hermann J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2014) Sediment-Eclogite Fluid Exchanges during Subduction in the Tavsanli Zone, Turkey
Gauthiez Putallaz L, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Martin L, Fornash K & Whitney D
(2013) Diffusion of Titanium in Forsterite
Jollands M, O'Neill H, Hermann J & Spandler C
(2013) Insights into Mantle Processes from Water and Trace Elements in Olivine
Tollan P, Hermann J, Arculus R, O'Neill H & Davidson J
(2013) Metasomatism in the Dora Maira Whiteschists Investigated by SHRIMP Oxygen Isotopes and U-Pb Geochronology
Gauthiez Putallaz L, Rubatto D & Hermann J
(2013) A Potential Geothermometer for Antigorite Serpentinite
López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V, Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Connolly JA, Garrido CJ, Gómez-Pugnaire MT & Marchesi C
(2013) Phase Relations of Carbonate Eclogite during Subduction and the Effect of Redox Conditions on Diamond–carbonate Reactions
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hermann J, O'Neill H & Berry A
(2013) Experimental Constraints on Carbon Recycling in Subducted Sediments and Altered Oceanic Crust
Hermann J & Martin L
(2013) Biotite is an Important Host for Nb in the Lower Crust
Stepanov A & Hermann J
(2013) Hydrogen Diffusion in Ti-Bearing Forsterite
Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J & O'Neill HS
(2013) Relating U-Th-Pb Ages of Accessory Minerals to Metamorphism: A Case Study from the Barrovian Sequence of the Central Alps, Switzerland
Boston K, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Amelin Y & Engi M
(2012) Instantaneously Developed Crustal Geochemical Signatures in Anatectic Melts, and Melt Interconnection in the Protolith
Acosta-Vigil A, Hermann J, London D & Morgan Vi GB
(2011) Experimental Study of Monazite/Melt Partitioning
Stepanov A, Hermann J & Rubatto D
(2011) Experimental Determination of CO2/H2O in Subduction Zone Fluids by GC-Tcd Analysis
Martin L & Hermann J
(2011) Partitioning of Chlorine and Fluorine between Apatite and Felsic Silicate Melts at Subduction Zone Conditions
Li H & Hermann J
(2011) Insights into Lower Crustal Evolution from Hf Isotope and Zr Thermometry Data for Rutile
Ewing T, Rubatto D & Hermann J
(2011) A New Methodology to Experimentally Determine Water Incorporation into Upper Mantle Olivine and Pyroxene
Kovacs I, Green D, Rosenthal A, Hermann J, O'Neill H, Hibberson W & Udvardi B
(2011) How Does the Slab Component get Across the Mantle Wedge?
Hermann J & Pirard C
(2011) Evidence of Slab Melt Transfer in the New Caledonian Fore-Arc Ophiolite
Pirard C, Hermann J & O'Neill H
(2010) Detailed Mechanisms of Melting and Crystal Growth during Crustal Anatexis at El Hoyazo (SE Spain)
Acosta-Vigil A, Buick I, Hermann J, Cesare B, Rubatto D, London D & Morgan Vi GB
(2010) Experimental and Natural Constraints on the Composition of UHP Metamorphic Fluids
Spandler C, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2009) Antigorite Dehydration in Silica Enriched Serpentinite
Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Garrido CJ, López Sánchez-Vizcaíno V & Gómez-Pugnaire MT
(2009) Preservation of Chemical and Isotopic Inheritance in Allanite during Protracted Alpine Melting
Gregory C, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Berger A & Engi M
(2009) Timing of Melting in Collisional Orogenies
Rubatto D, Hermann J, Berger A, Engi M & Chakraborty S
(2009) Melt Transport in the Mantle: Transition from Dunite Channels to Pyroxenite Dykes in the Upper Mantle Section of New Caledonia
Pirard C, Hermann J & O'Neill HS
(2009) O-H Absorption Coefficients of Four Common Mechanisms for Water Substitution in Olivine
Kovacs I, O'Neill H, Hermann J & Hauri E
(2009) Experimental Constraints on Carbonate and Silicate Melts, and CO2 Release during Subduction of Sediments
Hermann J
(2009) The Composition of Serpentinite Dehydration Fluids in Subduction Zones: An Experimental Study
Spandler C, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2008) Melting of Residual Eclogites with Variable Proportions of Quartz/Coesite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley GM, Green DH, Hermann J & Spandler CS
(2008) 40Ar Diffusion in Muscovite
Célérier J, Harrison TM, Aikman AB, Hermann J & Heizler MT
(2007) Phase and Melting Relations of a Residual Garnet Clinopyroxenite
Rosenthal A, Yaxley G, Green D, Hermann J & Spandler C
(2007) Accessory Phase Control on the Trace Element Signature of Subduction Zone Fluids
Hermann J & Rubatto D
(2007) Chlorine Partitioning: The Behavior of Cl in the Presence of Sulfide – Silicate Melts and Aqueous Fluid
Sparks H, Mavrogenes J, Wykes J & Hermann J
(2007) Trace Element Composition of Metasomatic Reaction Zones: Insights into the Evolution of the Slab-Mantle Interface
Marocchi M, Hermann J, Bargossi GM & Mair V
(2006) Experiments and eclogites: constraints on element recycling in subducted crust.
Hermann J
(2006) Sediment melts at sub-arc depth.
Hermann J & Spandler C
(2006) An integrated titanite U-Pb (MC-ICP-MS) and trace element (LA-ICP-MS) study of sub-solidus veining, Central Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa.
Buick I, Hermann J & Maas R
(2006) Zircon/garnet trace element partitioning: a tool for P-T-time paths.
Rubatto D & Hermann J
(2006) Geochronological constraints on fast exhumation: the example of the Central Alps
Rubatto D & Hermann J
(2006) Water solubility in forsterite and enstatite: implications for the secular evolution of mantle convection
Kovacs I, Hermann J & O`Neill H
(2006) Geochemical and lithological processing of oceanic crust during subduction to fore-arc depths
Spandler C & Hermann J
(2006) Fingerprinting fluid processes in the continental crust: An integratd approach using grain-scale Sr, C, O isotopes and REE gechemistry
Satish-Kumar M, Hermann J, Miyamoto T & Osanai Y
(2006) Exploring the potential of allanite as a geochronometer of high-grade crustal processes
Gregory C, Rubatto D & Hermann J
(2006) The behaviour of boron during LP/HT metamorphism of metapelites, Mt. Stafford, central Australia.
Buick I, Stevens G, Hermann J & Spicer E
(2006) Ar diffusion in muscovite
Celerier J, Harrison TM & Hermann J
(2006) Solubility, activity and phase relationships in silicate-H2O systems: insights from new hydrothermal experimental techniques
Tailby N, Mavrogenes J, Hermann J & O'Neill H
(2006) The Infrared Signature of Water Associated with Trivalent Cations in Olivine
Berry A, O'Neill H, Hermann J & Scott D
(2005) High-Pressure Veins in Eclogite from New Caledonia; Implications for Fluid Migration and Seismic Activity in Subduction Zones
Spandler C & Hermann J
(2005) Fluid or Melt? Constraining the Slab Component of Arc Magmas Using High-Pressure Hydrothermal Experiments on Subducted Sediment
Spandler C, Mavrogenes J & Hermann J
(2004) The Subduction Blender – The Role of Slab-Derived Hybrid Rock-Types for Volatile and Trace Element Recycling in Subduction Zones
Spandler C, Hermann J, Arculus R & Mavrogenes J
(2004) The Water Site in Mantle Olivine
Berry A, Hermann J & O'Neill H
(2003) Monitoring Partial Melting Processes in Metabasites Using Trace Elements
Storkey A, Hermann J, Hand M & Buick I
(2002) Metasomatic Origin of Pyroxenites in the Solomon Islands
Berly T, Hermann J, Arculus RJ & Lapierre H

Hermann Joerg (2018) Disequilibrium Mapping in High Grade Metamorphic Rocks – Implications for ‘Pseudosection’ Modeling
Lanari P & Hermann J
(2018) The Path of Fluids and the Composition of Melts in (Ultra)high Pressure Subducted Crust
Rubatto D, Gauthiez-Putallaz L, Williams M, Bovay T, Stepanov A & Hermann J

Hermann Joerg (2019) Trace Element Mapping of Garnet by LA-Icp-Tofms
Rubatto D, Burger M, Schwarz G, Keresztes Schmidt P, Neff C, Lanari P, Hermann J, Vho A & Günther D
(2019) Oxidation of Arc Magmas by Hydrogen Incorporation in Mantle Orthopyroxene
Tollan P & Hermann J
(2019) Redox Conditions Across the Antigorite Dehydration Reaction Constrained by Sulfide-Oxide-Silicate Mineral Geochemistry
Vieira Duarte J, Piccoli F, Hermann J & Pettke T
(2019) Reduced Fluids Released at Sub-Arc Depth from Subducting Ultramafic Rocks
Piccoli F, Kempf E, Viera Duarte JF, Hermann J, Pettke T & Connolly J
(2019) The Influence of Oceanic Oxidation on Serpentinite Dehydration during Subduction
Pettke T, Bretscher A & Hermann J
(2019) Petrogenesis and Evolution of the Continental Lithospheric Mantle Below the Cameroon Volcanic Line
Nformidah-Ndah SS, Tollan P & Hermann J

Hermann Joerg (2016) Experimental Calibration of Oxygen Diffusion Rates in YAG Garnet
Scicchitano MR, Jollands MC, Rubatto D, Hermann J & Williams IS
(2016) Tracing Fluids in Subducted Oceanic Crust Using in situ δ18O and δ11B by SHRIMP
Williams M, Rubatto D, Hermann J & Holden P

Hermann Jörg (2023) Rutile as a Tracer of Subduction Zone Conditions
Lueder M, Tamblyn R & Hermann J
(2023) Multi-Dimensional Classification and Correlation of Water and Trace Element Maps in Clinopyroxene Using SpecXY
Gies NB, Hermann J & Lanari P
(2023) Ophiolitic Relicts in the Central Alps: Timing the Transition from High-Pressure Melting to Amphibolite Facies Conditions
Lemke K, Rubatto D & Hermann J
(2023) SpecXY – A Tool for Working with Spatial Spectroscopic Data
Gies NB, Lanari P & Hermann J
(2023) Petrochronology of Metasomatic Rocks: Insights into Metamorphism, Fluid Flow and Deformation during Subduction
Piccoli F, Rubatto D, Millonig LJ, Gerdes A, Vitale Brovarone A & Hermann J
(2023) Solubility of Carbon in Diamond-Saturated Granite Melt in Subducted Crust: Implications for Carbon Transport to the Deep Mantle
Acosta-Vigil A, Stöckhert B, Hermann J, Cesare B, Yaxley GM & Remusat L
(2023) Tracing Fluid Infiltration in Subducted Oceanic Crust at High Pressure Conditions
Rubatto D, Williams M, Markmann T, Lanari P & Hermann J
(2023) Melting of Subducted Slab Dictates Trace Element Recycling in Global Arcs
Li H, Hermann J & Zhang L
(2023) Tracking Fluid Flow in Subducted Serpentinites of the Zermatt-Saas HP-Ophiolite (Western Alps) Using Oxygen Isotopes
Ulrich M, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Piccoli F & De Hoog C-J
(2023) Revisiting Barium Isotope Systematics at the Tongan Subduction Zone: Implications for Deep Mantle Recycling
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2023) Distinct Magmatic Mantle and Oceanic Hydration Histories of Subducted Ultramafic Rocks from the Central European Alps
Pettke T, Vieira Duarte JF & Hermann J
(2023) Focal Plane Array FTIR Imaging as a Semi-Quantitative Tool to Reveal the Metasomatic Origin of Amphibole Lamellae in Pyroxenes of Upper Mantle Xenoliths
Liptai N, Lange TP, Patko L, Aradi LE, Berkesi M, Tollan PME, Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Gergely S, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2023) Serpentine Dehydration and Continental Crust Formation
Hermann J, Tamblyn R, Ganade C, Rubatto D & Pettke T
(2023) Hydration and Metamorphism of Komatiites as a Source of Water for TTG Formation in the Archean
Tamblyn R, Hermann J, Hasterok D, Sossi PA, Pettke T & Chatterjee S
(2022) In situ Quantification of CO2 and H2O in Apatite: The Next Step in Studying Volatiles in Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems
Hammerli J & Hermann J
(2021) Infrared Spectroscopy of Amphibole Lamellae in Pyroxenes from Mantle Xenoliths of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Liptai N, Lange TP, Patkó L, Aradi LE, Berkesi M, Tollan PM, Padrón-Navarta JA, Hermann J, Szabó C & Kovács IJ
(2021) Combination of High-Resolution Mapping with Infrared Spectroscopy and Electron Microprobe to Study Incorporation and Retention of H in Metamorphic Garnet
Reynes J, Hermann J & Lanari P
(2021) The Distribution of the H2O Content in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals and its Effect on Shear Zone Formation and Widening (Holsnøy, West-Norway)
Kaatz L, Reynes J, John T, Hermann J, Vrijmoed HJC, Liesegang M & Schmalholz S
(2021) Textural and Geochemical Evidence for Magnetite Production Upon Antigorite Breakdown during Subduction
Vieira Duarte JF, Piccoli F, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2021) The Role of Chlorite Dehydration in Ultramafic Rocks for Slab Melting and Element Recycling in Subducted Crust
Hermann J, Lakey S, Lederer M & Rubatto D
(2021) Trace Element in Metamorphic Olivine: Implications for Geothermometry in Ultramafic Rocks
Kempf E, Piccoli F, Hermann J & Pettke T
(2021) Molybdenum Isotope Systematics at the Tonga Subduction Zone: The Role of the Metasomatized Forearc Mantle
Ahmad Q, Wille M, König S, Rosca C, Hensel A, Pettke T & Hermann J
(2021) Adding the Third Dimension to the Textural and Chemical Analysis of Metamorphic Rocks and Implications for Petrological Models
Lanari P, Dietrich J & Hermann J
(2017) Melting Crust at Extreme Conditions
Hermann J
(2017) Element Redistribution and Seawater Imprint in UHP Serpentinites from Tianshan, China
Shen T, Zhang L, Hermann J, Padrón-Navarta JA, Yang J & Zhang C
(2017) Water Incorporation into Metamorphic Olivine in the Zermatt-Saas Serpentinite
Kempf E & Hermann J
(2017) Water Incorporation and Site-Specific Diffusion in Garnets
Reynes J, Hermann J & Jollands M

Hermann M-V. (2007) Migmatisation in the Central Alps Lasting 10 m.y
Rubatto D, Berger A, Gregory C, Hermann M-V & Engi M

Hermanns R. (2002) Improving the Distinction of Cosmogenic 21Ne from Other Neon Components in Quartz
Niedermann S, Hermanns R & Hetzel R

Hermanns Yvonne (2007) Validation of Normalisation Concepts for in situ µ-EDXRF Data
Hermanns Y, Wittenberg A, Rammlmair D & Schwalb A

Hermanns Yvonne-Marie (2016) Solar Output Controls Periodicity in Lake Productivity and Wetness at Southernmost America
Pérez-Rodríguez M, Gilfedder B-S, Hermanns Y-M & Biester H

Hermanns Stengele R. (2001) Mineralogy in Controlled Landfill and Containment
Hermanns Stengele R & Plötze M

Hermans M. (2021) Iron and Manganese Dynamics in Coastal Seas and Response to Eutrophication
Slomp CP, Lenstra WK & Hermans M
(2021) Phosphorus Dynamics in a Eutrophic Coastal System with Contrasting Bottom Water Redox Conditions
van Helmond NAGM, Carstensen J, Hermans M, Bastiaan TC, Conley DJ, Humborg C, Lenstra WK & Slomp CP
(2019) Phosphorus Sequestration in Sediments Populated by Cable Bacteria in the Seasonally Hypoxic Gulf of Finland
Hermans M, Astudillo Pascual M, Behrends T, Lenstra WK, Conley DJ & Slomp CP
(2019) Iron Dynamics in Marine Sediments: New Insights from a Comparison of Sequential Extraction Procedures
van Helmond NAGM, Ungerhofer KA, Hermans M, Lenstra WK & Slomp CP
(2018) Impact of Cable Bacteria on the Biogeochemistry of Coastal Sediment
Hermans M, Behrends T, Risgaard-Petersen N, Meysman FJR & Slomp CP
(2018) Transfer of Iron from Continental Shelves to Anoxic Basins: A Comparison of the Black Sea and Baltic Sea
Lenstra W, Seguret M, Hermans M, Groeneveld R, van Helmond N, Witbaard R, Severmann S & Slomp C
(2017) Trace Metal Dynamics in the Water Column along a Shelf-To-Basin Transect in the Black Sea
Séguret M, Lenstra W, Hermans M, Dijkstra N, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Rijkenberg M, Laan P & Slomp C
(2017) Impact of Natural Reoxygenation on the Sediment Geochemistry in a Euxinic Baltic Sea Basin
Hermans M, Lenstra W, van Helmond NAGM, Egger M, Jilbert T, Witbaard R, Gustafsson E, Gustafsson BG, Conley DJ & Slomp CP
(2017) The Shelf-To-Basin Iron Shuttle in the Black Sea Revisited
Lenstra W, Seguret M, Hermans M, Witbaard R, Kraal P, Kuzminov A, Severmann S, Teaca A, Behrends T, Dijkstra N & Slomp C

Heřmanská Matylda (2018) Supercritical Fluids in Geothermal Systems: An Experimental Study
Heřmanská M & Stefánsson A

Heřmanská Matylda (2015) Multicomponent Fluid Chemistry of the High-Enthalpy Geothermal System, Krafla Volcano, NE Iceland
Heřmanská M & Stefánsson A

Heřmanská Matylda (2021) A Database of Kinetic Parameters for Dissolution of Selected Primary and Secondary Minerals
Heřmanská M, Marieni C, Voigt M, Declercq J & Oelkers EH

Heřmanská Matylda (2022) The Importance of Ca-Bearing Zeolites for Mineral Carbonation
Heřmanská M, Delerce S & Oelkers EH

Hermanska Matylda (2013) Mineral-Fluid Interactions and Time-Integrated Fluxes in Tin-Bearing Greisens, Krušné Hory (Erzgebirge) Mts., Central Europe
Hermanska M & Dolejš D
(2011) Reactive Fluid Flow and Time-Integrated Fluxes in an Upper Crustal Magmatic-Hydrothermal System, Krušné Hory Mts., Central Europe
Hermanska M & Dolejs D

Hermes A.L. (2023) Developing Sulfur Radio- and Stable Isotope Approaches to Determine Changes to the Terrestrial Sulfur Cycle
Hinckley E-LS, Hermes AL & Rea LT

Herminghaus S. (2015) Studying Exoelectrogen Biofilm Formation, Structure and Composition: An Integrated Approach
Schkolnik G, Harnisch F, Musat N, Schroetter M, Schmidt M, Richnow H-H, Harms H, Herminghaus S & Mazza M

Hermis N. (2019) New Insights in Geobiochemical Characterization of Terrestrial and Planetary Underwater Vent Systems
Sobron P, Barge L, Acosta-Maeda T, Amend J, Burnett J, Detry R, Hermis N, Kelley D, Manalang D, Marburg A, Misra A, Nawaz A, Price R, Rehnmark F, Smith M, Thornton B, Yu D & Zacny K
(2018) Prebiotic Chemistry and Habitability in Serpentinizing Hydrothermal Systems on Early Earth and Other Worlds
Barge LM, Flores E, Chin K, Jones J-P, Hermis N & Baum MM
(2018) Electrode-Mineral Interfaces for the Evaluation of Prebiotically Relevant Electrochemistry
LeBlanc G, Wirth D, Barge L & Hermis N

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