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Hergt Janet (2015) New Developments in 3D LA-ICP-MS Imaging: Advanced Alignment and Analysis Techniques
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2015) A Convergence Rate Control on Subduction Zone Chemistry
Woodhead J, Hergt J, Osteby B, Edwards L, Greig A, Maas R, Bliss M, Johnson W & Arculus R
(2015) Evidence of Decarbonation Process in a Skarn Deposit from Matanumadh Formation, Kachchh Basin, India
Banerjee Y, Dasgupta R, Ghosh P, Chakrabarti R & Hergt J
(2015) Widespread Metasomatism in the sub-African Mantle: Fossil Evidence from Kimberlitic Zircon Megacrysts
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Phillips D, Giuliani A & Maas R

Hergt Janet (2019) Petrogenesis of Arc Lavas: Lessons from Bougainville Island
Hergt J, Woodhead J & Johnson W
(2019) Progressive Metasomatism of the Mantle by Kimberlitic Melts: Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopic Compositions of MARID and PIC Minerals
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Maas R, Hergt J, Janney P & Phillips D
(2019) Petrographic and Geochemical Variations in the Kaavi-Kuopio Kimberlite Field, Finland: The Role of Mantle Assimilation
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & O'Brien H

Hergt Janet (2020) Kimberlite Magmatism in Finland: Distinct Sources and Links to the Breakup of Rodinia
Dalton H, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J, Maas R, Woodhead J, Matchan E & O'Brien H

Hergt Janet M. (2014) Laser-Ablation U-Pb Geochronology in common-Pb Rich Minerals
Paton C, Paul B, Woodhead J, Hergt J & Bizzarro M
(2014) Carbonate Metasomatism at the Continental Scale: Insights from Kimberlite-Hosted Zircon Megacrysts
Woodhead J, Hergt J & Phillips D
(2014) High-Resolution 3D Imaging Strategies for Bio-Materials by LA-ICP-MS
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2013) 206Pb/238U Matrix Induced Bias in LA-ICP-MS: A Multivariate Study
Marillo Sialer E, Woodhead J & Hergt J
(2013) Multiple Controls on the Geochemistry of Early Cenozoic Volcanism in Victoria, Australia
Chang T-J, Hergt J, Holdgate G & Phillips D
(2013) Element Outgassing in BABB: An Example from the Havre Trough
Hergt J
(2013) Pilbara Greenstones Revisited: A Multi-Proxy Geochemical Perspective on Archean Crust-Mantle Interaction
Tympel JF, Hergt JM, Woodhead JD, Maas R & Greig A
(2013) Annual Rainfall Proxy Records from Soda-Straw Stalactites
Paul B, Green H, Drysdale R, Woodhead J, Hergt J, Hellstrom J & Desmarchelier J
(2011) Melt Inclusion Pb-Isotope Analysis by LA-MC-ICPMS: Assessment of Analytical Performance and Application to OIB Genesis
Paul B, Woodhead J, Hergt J & Danyushevsky L
(2010) 230Th/U Dating of Pedogenic Carbonate by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Hellstrom J, Sharp W, Ludwig K, Hergt J, Woodhead J, Amundson R & Chadwick O
(2009) Isotopic and Elemental Imaging by Laser Ablation ICPMS
Woodhead J, Hellstrom J, Hergt J, Paton C, Greig A & Maas R
(2009) Volatility in BABB: Implications for Nb/Ta in the Mantle Source Region
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Greig A, Wysoczanski R, Leybourne M, Todd E & Wright I
(2008) African Kimberlites Revisited: In situ Sr-Isotope Analysis of Groundmass Perovskite
Woodhead J, Phillips D, Hergt J & Paton C
(2008) Palaeoclimate Records from >500 ka Speleothems: New Chronology and Imaging Methods
Woodhead J, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R, Greig A, Hergt J & Maas R
(2006) The NSW leucitites: lithospheric melts or hot-spot magmas?
Hergt J, De Leon A & Woodhead J
(2006) The Relationship between Gabbros and I-type Granites: An Example from the Lachlan Fold Belt, South-Eastern Australia
Whelan J, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2006) Garove Island: degree of melting and melt modification processes in the New Britain Arc
Edwards L, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2006) Possible Pb isotopic heterogeniety in chalcopyrite & magnetite-implications for Pb-Pb step-leaching
Bassano K, Hergt J, Maas R & Woodhead J
(2006) Pre-1.8 Ga Crustal Evolution of the Mount Isa Fault Region, Northeastern Australia - Insights from SHRIMP U-Pb and In-situ Lu-Hf Analysis of Zircons
Bierlein F, Black L, Hergt J & Mark G
(2006) Laser ablation analysis of Sr isotopes in kimberlitic perovskite
Paton C, Hergt JM, Woodhead JD & Phillips D
(2006) The case for crust-mantle interaction during silicic magma genesis: the zircon testimony
Kemp AIS, Hawkesworth CJ, Paterson BA, Foster GL, Woodhead JD, Hergt JM & Wormald RJ
(2005) Magmatic Evolution in the Lau-Tonga Arc-Backarc Basin System
Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2003) Application of the PbSL Technique to Garnets from High-Grade Metamorphic Terranes
Tonelli M, Hergt J & Woodhead J
(2003) The Geochemistry of the Euroa Mafic Volcanics: Implications for Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneities beneath Victoria, Australia
Paul B, Hergt J, Woodhead J & Phillips N
(2003) The Cause of Potassium Variation in Arc Magmas: Evidence from Bougainville
Hergt J, Woodhead J, Johnson W & Pharoah A
(2003) Geological Applications of the HelEx 193nm Laser Ablation System Coupled to a Nu Plasma MC-ICPMS
Woodhead J, Hellstrom J, Maas R, Hergt J, Shelley M & Eggins S

Heri A.R. (2009) Riverrun, Past Eve and Adam’s: Molybdenums Wake
Villa IM, Greber N, Haudenschild E, Heri AR, Hofmann B, Neubert N & Nagler TF
(2008) Refining Sources and Sinks in the Global Molybdenum Cycle
Neubert N, Heri AR, Nägler TF, Böttcher ME & Villa IM

Heriawan M.N. (2017) Rare Earth Elements as Supporting Approaches for Early-Stage Geothermal Exploration
Shoedarto RM, Tada Y, Kashiwaya K, Koike K, Iskandar I, Heriawan MN, Notosiswojo S & Malik D

Herich H. (2009) Water Uptake of Clay and Desert Dust Aerosol Particles at Sub- and Supersaturated Water Vapor Conditions
Herich H, Tritscher T, Wiacek A, Gysel M, Weingartner E, Lohmann U, Baltensperger U & Cziczo DJ

Hering D. (2013) Retention of Selenate at the Water-Mineral Interface in the Context of Salt Dome Repositories
Franzen C, Hering D & Jordan N

Hering J.G. (2020) Photogenerated Fe(II) Accelerates Ligand-Controlled Dissolution Rates of Iron(hydr)oxides
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
(2019) Surface Catalyzed Fe(II) Oxidation Process and its Influence on Ligand-Controlled Fe(III) (Hydr)oxide Dissolution Rate
Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Biswakarma J, Hug SJ, Hering JG & Kraemer SM
(2019) Isotope Exchange and Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of Iron(hydr)oxides in the Carbonate System
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
(2018) Fe(II)-catalyzed Ligand-Controlled Dissolution of FeOOH: ATR-FTIR, Isotopic, and Kinetic Studies
Biswakarma J, Kang K, Schenkeveld WDC, Borowski SC, Kraemer SM, Hering JG & Hug SJ
(2017) Ligand-Controlled Fe(hydr)oxide Dissolution Catalyzed by Electron Transfer
Kang K, Biswakarma J, Borowski SC, Hug SJ, Hering JG, Schenkeveld WDC & Kraemer SM
(2015) Amorphous Ca-Fe(III)-phosphates Formed by Fe(II) Oxidation in Water
Senn A-C, Kaegi R, Hug S, Hering J & Voegelin A
(2014) Structure, Composition and Arsenate Uptake of Fe Oxidation Products
Senn A-C, Kaegi R, Hug S, Hering J & Voegelin A
(2013) Composition and Structure of Fresh and Aged Fe Oxidation Products
Senn A-C, Kaegi R, Hug S, Hering J & Voegelin A
(2011) Evidence for the Formation of a Fluorapatite Surface Layer on Nano-Sized Hydroxyapatite after the Exposure to an Aqueous Solution
Sternitzke V, Kaegi R, Hering JG & Johnson CA
(2011) Potential for Manganese Oxidation in Shallow Groundwater Induced by Water Table Fluctuation
Farnsworth C, Voegelin A & Hering J
(2009) Stumm and Schindler: Mineral-Water Interface Chemistry, a Retrospective
Hering J
(2009) Using a Hydrous Manganese Oxide Doped Gel Probe to Measure in situ Rates of Reductive Dissolution
Farnsworth C, Griffis S & Hering J
(2008) Predicting Arsenic Behavior in High-Iron Subsurface Environments
Root R, O'Day P, Hering J, Campbell K & Vlassopoulos D
(2007) Advection and Redox Processes as Controls on Minor Elements in Groundwater Influenced by Irrigation and Surface-Water Exchange
Wildman R, Hering J & Domagalski J
(2005) Sorption and Surface Precipitation as Controls on the Reactivity and Bioavailability of Sorbates and Sorbents
Hering J
(2005) Effect of Sorbed Arsenic Species on Bacterial Reduction of HFO
Campbell K, Malasarn D, Saltikov C, Newman D & Hering J
(2002) Contrasting Biogeochemistry of Arsenic in Two Reservoirs on the Los Angeles Aqueduct, California, USA
Hering J

Hering M. (2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of the ~3.0 Ga Fiskefjord Peridotites, SW Greenland
Peters S, Pack A, Zeuner M, Szilas K & Hering M

Hering S. (2011) Novel Approaches to Organic Aerosol Chemical Characterization
Williams B, Zhang Y, Martinez R, Docherty K, Ulbrich I, Jimenez J, Hering S, Kreisberg N, Goldstein A & Worsnop D

Heringa M. (2011) Discrimination of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Different Sources
Heringa M, Chirico R, Platt S, Pfaffenberger L, Barmet P, Slowik J, DeCarlo P, Dommen J, Prévôt A & Baltensperger U
(2009) Smogchamber Investigations of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol from Combustion Sources
DeCarlo P, Chirico R, Heringa M, Tritscher T, Gysel M, Weingartner E, Prevot A & Baltensperger U
(2009) Source Apportionment and Chemical Features of the Organic Aerosol Using Aerosol Mass Spectrometers
Baltensperger U, DeCarlo P, Alfarra R, Chirico R, Heringa M, Dommen J, Duplissy J, Prevot A, Tritscher T, Weingartner E & Donahue N

Herique A. (2015) Properties of Interior of the Comet 67P/C-G Measured by CONSERT Experiment on Rosetta Mission
Kofman W, Herique A & Zine S

Herkelrath W. (2014) Subsurface Hydrologic Limitations on Crude Oil Biodegradation
Bekins B, Baedecker MJ, Eganhouse R, Hostettler F, Drennan D, Herkelrath W, Warren E, Delin G & Cozzarelli I

Herkenhoff K. (2010) Surface Alteration of Fe-Ni Meteorites Analyzed by the Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover
Johnson J, Ashley J, Bell Iii J, Farrand W, Fleischer I, Jolliff B, Herkenhoff K & Yen A

Herklotz I. (2007) Indications for Pedogenic Formation of Perylene in Terrestrial Soil: First Results from Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios
Gocht T, Barth J, Epp M, Herklotz I & Grathwohl P

Herlambang A. (2019) Reducing Sample Size on the IBEX Automated Clumped Isotope System: Preliminary Results
Marchegiano M, Herlambang A, Davis S & John CM

Herlin-Boime N. (2009) Investigation of Nanoparticles and Carbon Nanotubes Toxicity and Transfer in Bacteria and Plants
Carrière M, Simon-Deckers A, Larue C, Mayne-L'Hermitte M, Herlin-Boime N & Reynaud C

Herlory O. (2020) New Insights on Trace Metals Behavior in the Industrial Impacted Submarine Cassidaigne Canyon
Jacquet S, Chevalier C, Herlory O, Mille D & Monnin C

Herman A. (2021) Data Mining-Based Approaches to Investigate the Sources and Extent of Groundwater Contamination in Areas of Extensive Oil, Gas, and Coal Extraction
Shaheen SW, Wen T, Herman A & Brantley SL

Herman Donald (2022) Belowground Allocation and Dynamics of Recently Fixed Plant Carbon and Soil Organic Matter in a California Annual Grassland
Pett-Ridge J, Fossum C, Estera-Molina K, Yuan M, Herman D, Jacoby I, Nico PS, Morrison K & Firestone M

Herman Donald (2013) The Vulnerability of Subsurface Soil Organic Carbon to in situ Warming and Altered Root Inputs
Torn M, Pries C, Zhu B, Jansson J, Brodie E, Nico P, Herman D, Curtis B & Castanha C

Herman Donald (2015) Carbon Transformations in the Rhizosphere: The Critical Role of Microbial Functional Capacity
Pett-Ridge J, Shi S, Nuccio E, Herman D, He Z, Wu L, Brodie E, Zhou J & Firestone M

Herman Frédéric

Herman Frederic (2017) Very Low-Temperature Luminescence Thermochronometry of Feldspar Applied to the Siwalik Hills
King G, Grujic D, Coutand I & Herman F
(2013) Exhumation Rates from Orogenic Areas
Herman F, Champagnac J-D, Lupker M & Willett S
(2011) From Thermochronometric Ages to Exhumation Rates
Willett S, Brandon M, Fox M & Herman F
(2008) OSL-Thermochronometry for Rapidly Exhumed Rocks
Herman F & Rhodes E

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