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Herbrich A. (2011) Temporal Variations in Galápagos Plume-Ridge Interaction at the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center
Herbrich A, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Werner R & Garbe-Schönberg D

Herbst F-A. (2013) Biomass Residues from Different Classes of Soil Microorganisms are a Significant Source of Soil Organic Matter
Miltner A, Achtenhagen J, Hoffmann-Jäniche C, Schweigert M, Braeckevelt M, Herbst F-A, Seifert J, Fester T & Kästner M

Herbst Michael (2013) Vulnerability and Resilience of Soil Organic Matter to Environmental Change
Amelung W, Herbst M, Sandhage-Hofmann A, Meyer N & Vereecken H

Herbst Michael (2015) Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) Contribution to Soil N2O Spatial Variability in a Norway Spruce Forest
Liu S, Herbst M, Weymann D, Wiekenkamp I, Gottselig N, Bol R, Vereecken H & Brüggemann N

Herbst W. (2017) The Flyby Model for Chondrule Formation
Herbst W & Greenwood J

Herceg Matija (2015) Complex Study of the Anomalous Structure of the North Atlantic Oceanic Lithosphere Based on Integrated Analysis of GOCE Satellite Gravity and Geological Data
Barantseva O, Artemieva I, Thybo H & Herceg M

Herceg Matija (2013) Compositional Heterogeneity of the Upper Mantle beneath the Siberian Craton: Reconciling Thermal, Seismic and Gravity Data
Artemieva I, Herceg M, Cherepanova Y & Thybo H

Hercman H. (2014) Radiocarbon Dating of Soot Aggregates – Speleothems Black Layers Example
Hercman H & Pawlyta M
(2014) Atypically Heavy Isotope Composition of Carbon and Oxygen in Calcareus Sinters from the Cordillera Orientale, Andes, Argentina
Hercman H, Gradziński M, Alonso RN, Gąsiorowski M, Jach R & Pawlak J
(2008) Spatial Variability in the NAO-European Winter Precipitation δ18O Relationship: Implications for Stalagmite Proxy NAO Index Reconstructions
Baldini L, McDermott F, Macpherson C, Hercman H & Baldini J

Herczeg G.J. (2009) VLT-CRIRES Observations of 12C/13C Fractionation in Protostellar Envelopes
Smith RL, Pontoppidan KM & Herczeg GJ

Herd Chris (2018) Heterogeneous Distribution of Presolar SiC in the Tagish Lake Meteorite
Riebe M, Busemann H, Alexander C, Nittler L, Maden C, Herd C & Wieler R

Herd Christopher (2015) Are Radicals the Carriers of D in IOM?
Alexander C, Nilges M, Cody G & Herd C
(2014) A Cryogenic Inert Atmosphere Sample Curation Facility
Herd C & Hilts R
(2014) Synthesis of Prebiotic Organic Compounds within the Tagish Lake Meteorite
Hilts R, Herd C, Simkus D & Slater G
(2014) Comparative Controls on Planetary Redox States: Insights from the Earth and Mars
Herd C
(2012) The Origin of Water in Asteroids and the Terrestrial Planets
Alexander C, Bowden R, Fogel M, Howard K & Herd C
(2008) Experimental Partitioning of REE Using a Primitive Martian Basalt Composition
Blinova A & Herd C
(2008) The Tagish Lake Meteorite: Opportunities in Cold Curation and Analysis
Herd C & Hilts R
(2004) Partitioning of Light Lithophyle Elements at High Pressure: Implications for the Degassing of Martian Magmas
Musselwhite D, Treiman A & Herd C

Herd Christopher D.K. (2023) Thermal History and Water Contents in the Seitah Igneous Rocks in Jezero, Mars
Liu Y, Asimow PD, Schmidt M, Treiman A, Randazzo N, Hernández-Montenegro JD, Udry A, Herd CDK, Allwood A, Hurowitz J, Pedersen DAK, Henneke J, Simon JI, Brown AJ & Cable M
(2023) Mineralogical Diversity of Jezero Crater, Mars from Orbit and Rover Observations and Implications for Mars Sample Return
Horgan BHN, Bell J, Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Million C, St. Clair M, Vaughan A, Udry A, Herd CDK, Fagents S, Randazzo N, Ravanis E, Simon JI & Wadhwa M
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA

Herd R. (2015) Geochemical Evolution of Mafic Enclaves during an Arc Eruption
Plail M, Edmonds M, Humphreys M, Christopher T, Herd R & Barclay J
(2015) Timescales of Magma Transfer, Degassing and Crustal Assimilation at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia
Gertisser R, Handley H, Reagan M, Preece K, Berlo K, Barclay J & Herd R
(2013) Petro-Geochemical Evidence for Vapour Transport in Andesite Shear Fractures
Plail M, Edmonds M, Barclay J, Humphreys M & Herd R

Herde H. (2018) Pressure Broadening in SO2 and Implications for S-Mif
Lyons J, Herde H, Stark G, Blackie D, Pickering J & de Oliveira N
(2013) O-Mif and S-Mif Effects in Photolysis of CO and SO2
Lyons J, Stark G, Blackie D, Herde H & de Oliveira N

Herdem Yucel D. (2022) Trace Element Loss in Pyrite at Different Pressure and Temperature
Herdem Yucel D & Gregory DD

Herdhiyanti T. (2016) U/Th Dating of Uplifted Coral Terraces in Sumba Island (Indonesia)
Liu X, Chiang H-W, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Herdhiyanti T, Johnny J, Djamil YS, Meilano I, Bijaksana S, Abidin HZ, Tapponnier P & Wang X

Herdocia C. (2021) Geochemical Response to Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a in Lower Aptian Pelagic Sediments of the Subbetic Basin, Spain
Herdocia C & Maurrasse FJM

Herdsman R. (2013) Uranium Isotopes in Anoxic Sediments
Andersen M, Vance D, Little S, Herdsman R, Matthews A, Lyons T & Romaniello S

Heredia B.D. (2012) Geochemical Proxies Linked to Astronomical Climate Forcing in Dynamic Sedimentary Environments: Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Heredia BD, Gaylor JR, Mezger K, Hilgen F & Kuiper K
(2012) The Rofna Porphyry Complex: Combining LA-ICPMS and CA-TIMS U-Pb Ages on Zircons
Scheiber T, Heredia B, Berndt J & Pfiffner OA

Heredia C.R. (2023) Roman Ore Sourcing and Human Exposure to Metallurgy in the Ancient City of Vienne (Isere, France) Using Lead and Copper Isotopes
Heredia CR, Gourlan AT, Helly B, Delile H, Granier G, Audin L & Guédron S
(2023) From Real Sample to Digital 3D Model: Photogrammetry to Disseminate Collections and Experiments
Heredia CR, Papaslioti EM & Pimentel C
(2021) Lead and Copper Isotopic Tracing of Human Exposure and Ore Sources during Roman Mining Activities in the Ancient City of Vienne (Isère, France)
Heredia CR, Gourlan AT, Helly B, Delile H, Granier G, Audin L & Guédron S

Heredia S. (2022) Timing of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event – New Zircon U-Pb ID-TIMS Dates (Precordillera, Argentina)
Paul AN, Lindskog A, Mestre AI, Ahrenstedt V, Moreno F, Heredia S & Schaltegger U

Heredia-Langner A. (2015) Novel Analysis Approach and New Insights from UHR MS of Soil Organic Matter
Hess N, Tfaily M, Tolic N, Heredia-Langner A & Robinson R
(2014) Integration of Biogeochemistry and Genomic Datastreams for Interpetation of Ecosystem Robustness
Hess N, McCue LA, Heredia-Langner A & Bailey V

Herfurth S. (2016) On the in situ Measurements of Physicochemical Properties of Geothermal Brines in Germany
Herfurth S & Schroeder E

Hergt Janet (2017) Beyond Technology: What Have Students Learned in our Classrooms About their Employability?
Hergt J
(2017) New Constraints on MARID- and PIC-Style Mantle Metasomatism and their Relationship to Continental Alkaline Magmatism
Fitzpayne A, Giuliani A, Phillips D, Hergt J & Janney P

Hergt Janet (2016) Insights from Titanites into the Petrology of Archaean Metabasalts from the Pilbara Craton
Tympel J, Hergt J, Woodhead J, Maas R & Greig A
(2016) The Composition of Altered Oceanic Crust (AOC) Revisited
Kuo T-Y, Woodhead J & Hergt J

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