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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hepp S. (2004) Li, Be and B in Amphibolites from the Schwarzwald (Germany)
Hepp S, Altherr R, Kalt A & Ludwig T

Hepple R.A. (2015) Pillow Basalts from the Mount Ada Basalt, Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Craton: Impications for the Initiation of Grainite-Greenstone Terrains
Murphy DT, Trofimovs J, Hepple RA, Wiemer D, Kemp A & Hickman A

Hepworth L. (2015) Incremental Construction of the Unit 10 Peridotite, Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland
Hepworth L, O'Driscoll B, Gertisser R & Emeleus H

Hérail G. (2004) Nd and Sr Isotopes, Trace and Major Elements Geochemistry of Neogene Sediments of Western Amazonia
Roddaz M, Viers J, Pinto L, Baby P, Brusset S & Hérail G

Herath D. (2017) High Resolution Seasonal Signals in Bivalve Shells from Lake Rotorua, New Zealand
Herath D, Stern R, Jacob D, Clearwater S & Fallon S

Heraty Linnea (2018) Development and Application of C and N Isotope Analysis in Investigating Alkaline Hydrolysis Mechanism of 2, 4-Dinitroanisole
Wang C, Heraty L, Sturchio N, Fuller M & Hatzinger P

Heraty Linnea (2016) Isotopic Biofractionation of Perchlorate
Williamson A, Sturchio N, Heraty L, Huang L & Coates J

Heraty Linnea (2010) Isotopic Tracing of the Origin and Transport of Perchlorate
Sturchio N, Beloso A, Bohlke J, Caffee M, Gu B, Hatzinger P, Heraty L & Jackson A
(2010) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Large Metropolitan Water Reclamation Plant
Bellucci F, Carbone J, Heraty L, Sturchio N, Gonzalez-Meler M, Kozak J & O'Connor C

Heraty Linnea (2002) A Chlorine Isotope Effect for Biochlorination
Reddy C, Drenzek N, Sturchio N, Heraty L, Butler A & Kimblin C

Heraty Linnea J. (2021) C and N Isotope Effects during UV-Induced Photocatalytic Degradation of 2, 4-Dinitroanisole (DNAN) and 3-Nitro-1, 2, 4-Triazol-5-One (NTO)
Wang C, Fuller ME, Heraty LJ, Hatzinger PB & Sturchio NC

Herazo A. (2017) Reassessing the Role of Organic Matter on Metal Transport and Deposition in Chilean Stratabound Cu Deposits
Herazo A, Reich M, Barra F & Morata D

Herbauts J. (2005) Strontium Isotopes Highlight Change in Ca Souces in Forest Ecosystems
Drouet T, Herbauts J & Demaiffe D

Herbel M. (2005) Stimulated Migration of Arsenic and Uranium by Reductive Transformation of Iron
Tufano K, Stewart B, Herbel M & Fendorf S
(2005) Arsenic Mobilization Influenced by Iron Reduction and Sulfidogenesis
Kocar B, Tufano K, Masui Y, Stewart B, Herbel M & Fendorf S

Herber R. (2015) Flow Through Experiments of CO2 Injection Together with Impurities in the Reservoirs of Northeast Netherlands Gas Fields
Bolourinejad P, Baritantonaki A & Herber R

Herberg J. (2008) Association of Aluminum with Silica: Connecting Molecular Structure to Surface Reactivity Using NMR
Houston J, Herberg J, Maxwell R & Carroll S

Herbert B. (2004) Cation-Pi Bonding: A New Perspective on the Sorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Hydrated Mineral Surfaces
Herbert B

Herbert J. (2012) Prediction and Observation of Dissolved Geochemistry of the Fraser River, British Columbia
Voss B, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eglinton T, Marsh S, Gillies S, Fiske G, Wollheim W, Stewart R, Alamwala M, Bennett M, Downey B, Fanslau J, Fraser H, Herbert J, Macklam-Harron G & Wiebe B

Herbert Lisa (2019) Benthic Trace Element Cycling Controlled by Glacial Activity in Arctic Fjords (Spitsbergen, Svalbard)
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Michaud A, Laufer K, Røy H, Jørgensen B, Aller R & Wehrmann L
(2018) Biogeochemical Processing of Glacially Sourced Trace Metals in High-Latitude Fjord Sediments
Herbert L, Riedinger N, Aller R, Jørgensen B & Wehrmann L

Herbert Lisa C (2021) Sediment Biogeochemistry and Trace Metal Fluxes Near the Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers, Amundsen Sea
Herbert LC, Lepp A, Simkins L, Wellner J, Severmann S & Sherrell RM

Herbert Roger (2012) Pilot-Scale Barrier System for Removal of Nitrate in Mine Drainage
Herbert R & Winbjoerk H
(2011) Pilot-Scale Barrier System for Removal of Nitrate in Mine Drainage
Herbert R & Winbjörk H
(2005) A Diverse Ecosystem Response to Volcanic Ash Falls
Frogner Kockum P, Herbert R & Gislason S
(2004) Establishment and Persistence of Sulphate – Reducing Bacteria in Municipal Compost
Morales T & Herbert R
(2004) Surface Speciation of Mine Tailings after Sterilization Treatment
Herbert R
(2004) Al-F Toxicity Contributes to Ecosystem Stress and Species Decline Following Large-Scale Volcanism
Frogner P, Herbert R & Gislason S
(2004) Microbial Pyrite Oxidation at Various Oxygen Partial Pressures
Gleisner M, Herbert R & Frogner P
(2002) Comparison of Sulfide Oxidation in Unweathered Pyritic Mine Tailings
Gleisner M & Herbert R
(2002) Surface Chemistry and Acidic Dissolution of Forsterite
Morales TA & Herbert R

Herbert Ross (2015) Controls of Acid Dissolution of P in Mineral Dust during Atmospheric Processing
Stockdale A, Krom M, Mortimer R, Benning L, Carslaw K, Herbert R & Shi Z

Herbert T. (2020) Northern Hemisphere Timing of Pliocene/late Miocene Climate Variations
Herbert T, Tzanova A, Novak J, Caballero-Gill R & Caruso A
(2012) A Coupled Biomarker-Genetic Approach to Understanding the Uk'37 SST Proxy in Estuaries
Salacup J, Herbert T & Prell W
(2012) UK37' in Eastern Tropical Pacific Surface Sediments: Implications for Alkenone Paleothermometry at the 'Warm End'
Kienast M, MacIntyre G, Dubois N, Higginson S, Kienast SS & Herbert TD
(2005) A Tale of Two Margins: A Comparison of Redox and Productivity Paleo-Proxies in Sediments off Oman and Peru
Altabet MA, Agnihotri R, Tierny J, Higgins SM & Herbert TD
(2003) Early Deglacial Rise in Peru Margin Denitrification: Oceanic Trigger for Transition to Interglacial Conditions?
Higginson M, Altabet M & Herbert T
(2002) Glacial-Interglacial Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Changes Deduced from the Alkenone Paleothermometer
Herbert T

Herbette S. (2023) Iron and Mesoscale Eddy Dynamics in the South-West Indian Ocean – RESILIENCE Cruise
Cloete R, Samanta S, Ellis N, Jansen van Vuuren L, Baudet C, Penven P, Herbette S, Roychoudhury A, Bucciarelli E & Planquette H

Herbin J.P. (2000) Gas Geochemistry of Mud Volcanoes from Trinidad: Surface Evidence of Deep Gas Reservoirs, Modified by Vertical Migration
Deville E, Prinzhofer A, Battani A, Herbin JP, Ballentine C & Houzay JP

Herbout A. (2019) Assessment of Trace Elements Distribution in French Agricultural Soils
Herbout A, Armand R, Martinez RE, Rizzo D & Pourret O

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