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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ghosh Sanghamitra (2012) Mercury Isotopes in the Precambrian
Bergquist BA, Ghosh S, Ono S, Hazen RM, Sverjensky D, Papineau D, Kah LC & Joel B
(2012) Estimating Isotope Fractionation Driven by Nuclear Size
Schauble E, Ghosh S & Bergquist B
(2012) Mercury Isotope Fractionation during Aqueous Photo-Reduction of Methylmercury in Presence of Dissolved Organic Matter
Chandan P, Ghosh S & Bergquist B
(2006) Density of carbonated basaltic melt at the conditions of Earth’s upper mantle
Ghosh S, Ohtani E, Litasov K & Suzuki A

Ghosh Santanu (2017) Effects of Tectonism on the Organic Matter of Coal from Sikkim, India: Insights from Petrography and Geochemical Proxies
Varma A, Ghosh S, Patil D, Tiwari D & Biswas S

Ghosh Shudhir (2010) Evaluation of Water Quality from Deep Wells in Bangladesh
Zheng Y, Van Agthoven A, Hakim A, Morsheda E, Rasul S, Huq I & Ghosh S

Ghosh Sujoy (2021) Subduction and Cumulate Processes for the Origin of Eclogite Xenoliths from Wajrakarur Kimberlite Field, Eastern Dharwar Craton
Pattnaik J, Ghosh S & Babu EVSSK
(2015) Origins of Majoritic Inclusions in Diamond
Kiseeva E, Wood B & Ghosh S
(2012) The Density of Carbonate and Silicate Melts in the Upper Mantle
Sanchez-Valle C, Ghosh S, Malfait W, Seifert R, Petitgirard S & Perrillat J-P
(2012) Fluid-Absent Melting of Phase D and the Role of Hydrous Melts in the Deep Mantle
Ghosh S & Schmidt MW
(2012) The Stability of Iron Nickel Carbides in the Earth S Mantle
Rohrbach A, Schmidt MW, Ghosh S, Wijbrans CH & Klemme S
(2011) Stability of Phase D at High Pressure and Temperature: Implications for the Role of Fluids in the Deep Mantle
Ghosh S & Schmidt M
(2009) Partial Melting of Peridotite + CO2 and Origin of Kimberlite Melt in the Deep Mantle
Ghosh S, Ohtani E & Litasov K

Ghosh Sulata (2010) In Vivo Hg MIF Effect in Epiphytes?
Ghosh S & Odom L
(2008) Mercury Isotopic Signature of the Atmosphere
Ghosh S & Odom AL

Ghosh Suranjan (2022) On the Formation of Diffusion-Controlled Multilayer Corona Textures in Mafic Granulites from Sandmata Complex, Aravalli Craton (Northwestern India)
Ghosh S, Naraga P & D'Souza J

Ghosh Tathagata (2020) Microbial Weathering of Coal for REE Extraction
Briggs B, Martinez M, Sachan A & Ghosh T

Ghosh Tithi (2018) Melting History of Northern Mariana Residual Trench Peridotite: A Re-Os-PGE Study
Ghosh T, Snow JE & Brandon AD

Ghosh Upal (2020) Characterization and Validation of a Novel Equilibrium Passive Sampler for Prediction of Porewater Methylmercury
Washburn S, Ghosh U, Damond J & Gilmour C

Ghosh Urmi (2023) Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Machine Learning Investigation on the Redox State of Silicate Melts
Zheng D, Ghosh U, Deng J & Zhang Z
(2021) Chemistry of Li-Bearing Micas (Zinnwaldite): Clues to Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of Granite-Hosted W-Mineralization at Degana, India
Ghosh U, Upadhyay D, Mishra B & Pruseth KL
(2019) Fluid Source for Balda and Motiya Tungsten Mineralization, W India: A Boron Isotope Study of Tourmaline
Ghosh U, Upadhyay D, Abhinay K, Mishra B & Pruseth KL

Ghosh W. (2023) The Enigmatic Polythionate S4O62- as a Key Junction in the Sulfur Cycle of Continental Slope Sediments
Mandal S, Bhattacharya S, Peketi A, Mazumdar A & Ghosh W
(2018) Enhanced Carbon-Sulfur Cycling in the Sediments of Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone Center
Mazumdar A, Fernandes S, Bhattacharya S, Peketi A, Mapder T, Roy C, Da Silva R & Ghosh W
(2018) Cryptic Methane Cycle in the Upper Sediment Layers of the Arabian Sea Oxygen Minimum Zone
Bhattacharya S, Mapder T, Roy C, Rameez M, Berchmans S, Peketi A, Mazumdar A & Ghosh W
(2013) 34S Enrichment during Chemotrophic Sulfur Oxidation by Bacteria
Ghosh W, Alam M & Mazumdar A

Ghoshal S. (2018) Release of Metal Nanoparticles from Paints during Contact with Water
Rahim A & Ghoshal S
(2017) Dissolution Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles and Formation of Secondary Silver Nanoparticles in Municipal Wastewater by Single Particle ICP-MS
Ghoshal S & Azodi M
(2017) The Impact of Coatings on the Sulfidation and Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles
Azodi M & Ghoshal S
(2017) Comparison of Aqueous Phase and Organic Phase Redox Reactions of Pd-Doped Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron with Trichloroethene
Ghoshal S & Bhattacharjee S
(2013) The Effects of Sulfide and Sulfate Ions on Degradation Kinetics of Chlorinated Organics by Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron
Ghoshal S & Rajasekar CRS

Ghoshdastidar A.J. (2015) Catching Quicksilver – The Chemical and Phase Speciation of Atmospheric Oxidized Mercury
Ghoshdastidar AJ, Deeds DA & Ariya PA

Ghoshmaulik S. (2020) Triple Oxygen Isotope Clue of Enigmatic Nodular Chert Formation in Vindhyan Carbonates and an Insight into the Late Neo-Proterozoic Seawater Composition
Ghoshmaulik S, Bhattacharya SK, Sarkar A & Roy P

Ghotra A. (2019) Multi-Century Reconstruction of Atmospheric Hg(0) Trends Using Tree-Rings from Northern Canada
Lehnherr I, Porter T, Clackett S & Ghotra A

Giaccai J. (2014) Black Crusts on Urban Sandstone: Natural or Anthropogenic?
Livingston R, Grissom C, Giaccai J, Little N, Vicenzi E, Freedman W & Aloiz E

Giaccherini A. (2022) Unexpected Metal Micro/Nanoparticles in Mediastinal Lymph Nodes: A Combined µXRF and INAA Case Study
Di Benedetto F, Visonà S, Moretti M, Merli D, Osculati A, Giaccherini A, Montegrossi G, Capella S, Belluso E & Hesse B
(2020) A Study of Radicals in Industrial Raw Cristobalite Powders
Di Benedetto F, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Belluso E, Capella S, Zoleo A, Arcangeli G, Marinaccio A, Gottardo O & Capacci F
(2019) A microXRF Study of Silicon and its Behaviour in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Cappella S, Visonà S, Moretti M, Osculati A, Buccianti A, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Arcangeli G & Capacci F
(2019) An EPR Study of Silica Radicals in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Capella S, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Ciuffi B, Montegrossi G, Zoleo A & Capacci F

Giaccio B. (2021) High Precision 40Ar/39Ar Dating of Distal Tephra Layers from the Fucino Paleolacustrine Sequence Using ATONA Amplifiers Array
Nomade S, Guillou H, Scao V, Pereira A, Tootell D, Leicher N, Monaco L, Giaccio B, Wagner B, Palladino D, Marra F, Sottili G & Zanchetta G
(2021) Proximal to Distal Correlation of Campania Tephra in the Last 200 ka: Insights from Two Successions Drilled in the Campania Plain
Totaro F, Arienzo I, D'Antonio M, Di Vito MA, Giaccio B, Iovine RS, Petrelli M, Petrosino P, Santangelo N, Santo A & Zanchetta G
(2021) Chemical and Isotopic (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) Fingerprinting of a Stratigraphic Sequence from the Acerno Lacustrine Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy)
Iovine RS, Totaro F, Petrosino P, Arienzo I, Zanchetta G, Giaccio B, Petrelli M & D'Antonio M
(2017) Combining 40Ar/39Ar Single Crystal Dating with Paleo-Dosimetric Methods: Toward a Unified Chronological Framework for the Italian’s Acheulean Sites ?
Nomade S, Pereira A, Voinchet P, Arzarello M, Bahain J-J, Falguères C, Giaccio B, Guillou H & Scao V
(2017) Mediterranean Climate Variability during the Last Interglacial
Mannella G, Zanchetta G, Regattieri E, Wagner B, Giaccio B, Nomade S, Pereira A, Renne P & Niespolo E

Giaccio L. (2013) Geochemical Atlas of Italian Soils
Cicchella D, Albanese S, Dinelli E, Giaccio L, Lima A, Valera P & De Vivo B

Giachetti T. (2022) Understanding the Influence of nm-Scale Titanomagnetite on Bubble Nucleation in Crystal Poor Rhyolite Using 1-Atm Crystallization and Vesiculation Experiments
McCartney KN, Hammer J, Shea T, Brachfeld S & Giachetti T
(2020) Investigating Titanomagnetite Abundance in Rhyolite Pumice
McCartney K, Hammer J, Shea T, Giachetti T & Brachfeld S
(2018) Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolite
Hajimirza S, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE & Giachetti T
(2014) Discriminating Secondary from Primary Water in Rhyolitic Matrix-Glass of Volcanic Pyroclasts Using Thermogravimetric Analysis
Giachetti T, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE & Shea T

Giacobbe C. (2019) Assessing the Biopersistence of Asbestos by Nano Single Crystal Diffraction of Fibres Extracted from Human Lung Tissues
Zoboli A, Di Giuseppe D, Giacobbe C, Vigliaturo R, Bonasoni MP, Sala O & Gualtieri A
(2019) A New Synchrotron Endstation for Nanofocus X-Ray Diffraction, Imaging and Fluorescence
Giacobbe C & Wright J

Giacomino A. (2017) Dynamics of Inorganic Components in Lake Waters from Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
Conca E, Malandrino M, Giacomino A, Buoso S, Berto S & Abollino O

Giacomoni P.P. (2022) Magma-Mush Dynamics Control Paroxysmal Eruptions at Basaltic Volcanoes: The Summer 2019 Eruptions at Stromboli Volcano (Italy)
Petrone CM, Mollo S, Gertisser R, Buret Y, Scarlato P, Del Bello E, Andronico D, Ellis BS, Pontesilli A, De Astis G, Giacomoni PP & Coltorti M
(2021) CO2 Storage in the Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica) SCLM: Clues from Fluid Inclusions, Mineral Chemistry and X-Ray Microtomography
Casetta F, Rizzo AL, Faccini B, Ntaflos T, Giacomoni PP, Lanzafame G, Mancini L & Coltorti M
(2020) Pre-Rifting Volatile-Rich Melts and Asthenosphere Influxes: The Alkaline-Carbonatitic Lamprophyres of the Southern Alps (NE Italy)
Casetta F, Ickert RB, Mark DF, Bonadiman C, Giacomoni PP, Ntaflos T & Coltorti M
(2019) Thermo-Barometric Constraints on Mt. Etna Feeding System during the 2015 Summit Eruptive Activity
Giacomoni PP, Casetta F, Valenti V, Lanzafame G, Coltorti M & Ferlito C
(2015) Refertilization vs Metasomatism in Mantle Xenoliths from Greene Point and Handler Ridge, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
Pelorosso B, Bonadiman C, Coltorti M, Melchiorre M, Giacomoni PP, Faccini B, Ntaflos T & Gregoire M
(2015) Reconstructing the Magmatic Conditions Driving Eruptions at Mt. Etna
Giacomoni PP, Coltorti M, Ferlito C & Mollo S
(2013) Primary Magmas, Fractionation Modelling and Mantle Source of Etnean Lavas
Alesci G, Giacomoni PP, Coltorti M & Ferlito C
(2013) Textural and Compositional Zoning of Plagioclase as Archive of Magmatic Evolution: The Mt. Etna Case Study
Giacomoni PP, Coltorti M, Ferlito C, Bonadiman C & Lanzafame G
(2013) Petrological Study of Cenozoic Basic Lavas and Melt Inclusions from Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica)
Giacomoni PP, Coltorti M, Mukasa S, Bonadiman C, Ferlito C & Pelorosso B
(2012) The Plagioclase as Archive of Magma Ascent Dynamics: The 2001-2006 Eruptive Period of Mount Etna
Giacomoni PP, Coltorti M & Ferlito C
(2008) A New Perspective on the Geochemical Signature of Mt. Etna Alkaline Magmas
Viccaro M, Giacomoni PP, Ferlito C & Cristofolini R

Giada Team I. (2015) Characterization of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Dust Environment by GIADA
Della Corte V, Rotundi A, Fulle M & Giada Team I

Giagnoni F. (2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G

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