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My Goldschmidt

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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gerber B. (2023) Recent Progress in Understanding the Dynamics of Peroxy Radical Interactions and their Impact on Atmospheric New-Particle Formation
Daub CD, Valiev R, Zakai I, Salo V-T, Mandal I, Ramazanov R, Skog R, Gerber B & Kurtén T
(2014) Investigation of Particle Formation from Methanesulfonic Acid and Amines via Laboratory Studies and ab Initio Calculations
Chen H, Varner M, Ezell M, Arquero K, Dawson M, Gerber B & Finlayson-Pitts B

Gerber Christoph (2023) Natural Hydrogen in Low Temperature Geofluids in a Mesoproterozoic Granite, South Australia
Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Wilske C, Mallants D, Suckow AO, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M, Gerber C, Crane P & Deslandes A
(2023) Assessing Groundwater Time Scales at and Beyond 36Cl/Cl Using 81Kr and Radiogenic Noble Gas Isotopes in Australia
Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Crane P, Wilske C, Raiber M, Yang G-M, Jiang W & Meredith K
(2023) Noble Gas Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in the Deep Hiltaba Suite Granite (South Australia) Reveal Fluid Circulation on the Billion Year Time Scale
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Crane P, Deslandes A, Delle Piane C, Bourdet J, Questiaux D, Spooner N, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M & Mallants D
(2022) Noble Gases from Fluid Inclusions in the Hiltaba Suite Granite, South Australia
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Deslandes A, Crane P, Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Spooner N & Mallants D
(2022) Quantifying Recharge to the Pilliga Sandstone Aquifer, Great Artesian Basin Australia: Learnings from Combining 14C, 36Cl and 81Kr
Suckow AO, Raiber M, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Martinez J, Yang G-M, Jiang W & Meredith K
(2021) Contradicting Groundwater Tracer Results in a Large Karst Aquifer in Northern Australia Reveal Recharge Processes, Regional Flow Patterns and Origin of Culturally Important Springs
Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Wilske C, Lamontagne S, Yang G-M, Jiang W, Lambrinidis D & Duvert C
(2021) Fluid Inclusions in Minerals of the Deep Crust – Investigations with the New High Vacuum Crushing System at the CSIRO Noble Gas Facility
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Crane P, Gerber C, Spooner N & Mallants D
(2019) A Multi-Tracer Study on Groundwater Flow and Impacts of Regional Development and Climate Change in a Sedimentary Multi-Aquifer System: Peel Region, Western Australia
Gerber C, Deslandes A, Wilske C, Barron O & Suckow A
(2016) Using Isotopic Data for the Calibration of a Coupled Surface Water-Groundwater Model
Schilling OS, Partington D, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P
(2015) The Influence of Groundwater Abstraction on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Emmental
Schilling O, Gerber C, Purtschert R, Kipfer R, Hunkeler D & Brunner P

Gerber Christophe (2018) Determining the Absolute Abundance of Atmospheric 81Kr
Zappala J, Baggenstos D, Bishof M, Gerber C, Jiang W, Kennedy M, Lu Z-T, Mueller P, Purtschert R & Visser A

Gerber L. (2014) Sources and Transformations of Organic Biomarkers in a Varved Lake with a New Approach Using Sub-Milligram Sample Size
Tolu J, Boily J-F, Gerber L, Maier D, Bigler C & Bindler R
(2014) Whole-Lake Spatial Distribution of As, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn Revealed by Sediment Geochemistry and Organic Composition
Tolu J, Rydberg J, Gerber L, Meyer-Jacob C & Bindler R

Gerber R. (2017) Chlorine (δ37Cl) Stable Isotope Distribution in the Groundwaters of the Oak Ridges Moraine, Southern Ontario, Canada
Labelle L, Frape S, Isaacs N & Gerber R
(2014) Groundwater Recharge and Mixing in the Oak Ridges Moraine Complex, Ontario Canada
Labelle L, Frape S & Gerber R

Gerber U. (2017) Spectroscopic and Microscopic Approach of U(VI) Sorption on Acidovorax Facilis for Remediation Purpose
Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Gerber U, Steudtner R, Müller K, Moll H, Rossberg A & Merroun M
(2016) U(VI) Reduction by Anaerobic Microorganisms Isolated from the Flooding Water of the Former Uranium Mine Königstein (Saxony/Germany)
Gerber U, Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Scheinost AC & Arnold T
(2015) Evidence of U(VI) Sorption on Acidovorax by TRLFS and TEM/EELS
Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Gerber U, Steudtner R, Lünsdorf H & Arnold T

Gerbert-Gaillard L. (2002) Melt Freezing at the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Interface: Geochemical Evidence from the Oman Peridotites
Godard M, Gerbert-Gaillard L & Bodinier J-L

Gerbi C. (2008) Chopinite-Sarcopside in Meteorite GRA95209
Grew E, Yates M, Beane R, Floss C & Gerbi C

Gerbig C. (2010) Identification of Metacinnabar in Mixed Mercury, Sulfide, and Dissolved Organic Matter Solutions Through Chromatographic Concentration and EXAFS
Gerbig C, Ryan J, Aiken G, Kim C, Stegemeier J & Moreau J

Gerdenich M. (2000) Geochemistry of Hydrous Ferric Oxide Reduction by Geobacter Metallireducens: Implications for Sustained Dechlorination of Tetrachloromethane
McCormick M, Gerdenich M, Kao L & Adriaens P

Gerdes A. (2019) In situ U-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Garnet and Accessory Phases
Millonig LJ, Albert R, Gerdes A, Avigad D, Dietsch C & Ague JJ

Gerdes Axel (2023) Crustal Evolution of Western Europe: Insights from Detrital Zircon U-Pb-Hf-O Isotopes
Avigad D, Abbo A, Gerdes A & Schmitt AK
(2023) Petrochronology of Metasomatic Rocks: Insights into Metamorphism, Fluid Flow and Deformation during Subduction
Piccoli F, Rubatto D, Millonig LJ, Gerdes A, Vitale Brovarone A & Hermann J
(2023) Disruption of a High-Pressure Unit during Exhumation: Petrology and Geochronology within the Cycladic Blueschist Unit (Thera, Ios and Naxos Islands, Greece)
Peillod A, Patten CGC, Drueppel K, Beranoaguirre A, Zeh A, Gudelius D, Hector S, Majka J, Kleine BI, Karlsson A, Gerdes A & Kolb J
(2023) Split Stream Bulk-Rock Elemental and Boron Isotopes Analysis by LA-Sf-ICPMS
Xu J, Gerdes A, Schmidt A & Marschall H
(2023) Timescales of Oceanic Lithosphere Hydration: Constraints from Rodingites, Apennines, Italy
Lorthioir C, Scambelluri M, Belmonte D, Millonig LJ, Gerdes A, Marschall H, Starr PG & Baxter EF
(2023) Skarn-, Greisen- and Vein-Hosted Sn Mineralization at Geyer, Erzgebirge (Germany)
Meyer N, Markl G, Gerdes A, Gutzmer J & Burisch M
(2023) Tracing the Emergence of Continental Crust in the Archean-To-Proterozoic Using Boron Isotopes of Marine Deposits (Cherts and Iron Formations)
Abbo A, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2023) In situ Characterization and Dating of Sedimentary Carbonates: Case Studies, Process, and Progress
Cantine M & Gerdes A
(2023) Isotopic Fingerprint of Metasomatism in Eclogite Xenoliths from the Navajo Volcanic Field (USA)
Pohlner JE, Aulbach S, Seitz H-M, Spomer E, Albert R, Gerdes A, Schulze DJ & Helmstaedt H
(2023) U-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Ilmenite by LA-ICPMS
Beranoaguirre A, Millonig LJ, Albert R, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2023) Garnet Reference Material for in situ U-Pb Dating
Millonig LJ, Beranoaguirre A, Albert R, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2023) Character and Timing of Mantle Metasomatism in Orogenic Settings: Trace-Element Zonation and U-Pb Dating of Garnet
Kotkova J, Copjakova R, Millonig LJ, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2022) Tackling TSR Risk in Deeply Buried Carbonate Reservoirs: New Insights from Coupling Fluid Inclusion Study with Clumped Isotopes Δ47/U-Pb Thermochronology
Sissmann O, Gasparrini M, Renard S, Maurand N, Wenke A, Henriksen LB, Rhodes P, Gerdes A & Eiler J
(2021) Chemical Geodynamics with Eclogite – P. Gast Medal Lecture
Aulbach S, Arndt NT, Gerdes A, Heaman LM, Höfer HE, Stagno V, Stern RA, Viljoen F & Woodland AB
(2021) Pushing the Limits: U-Pb Dating of Garnet by LA-MC-ICPMS at Sub-Ng/G U Levels
Beranoaguirre A, Millonig LJ, Shu Q, Albert R, Marschall H, Gil Ibarguchi JI & Gerdes A
(2021) Garnet U-Pb Dating by LA-ICP-MS: Regional Metamorphic Garnet vs. Skarn Garnet
Millonig LJ, Beranoaguirre A, Albert R, Marschall H & Gerdes A
(2019) Fluid Flow Evolution of the Southern Pyrenees Inferred from Clumped Isotopes Thermometry and U-Pb Geochronology
Cruset D, Vergés J, Albert R, Gerdes A, John C, Benedicto A, Cantarero I & Travé A
(2019) Monazite Petrochronology Evidence for Long-Lived High Geothermal Gradient Metamorphism in the Intracontinental Seridó Belt, Brazil
Cioffi C, Meira V, Trindade R, Lanari P & Gerdes A
(2019) U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Veins in Cretaceous to Neogene Oceanic Crust
Zavala K, Gerdes A, Bach W & Kasemann S
(2019) Speleothems-Derived Geochronologic Constraints on the Timing of Late Miocene Uplift along the Dead Sea Transform Western Margin
Chaldekas O, Vaks A, Haviv I, Albert R & Gerdes A
(2019) In situ Carbonate U-Pb Analysis by LA-ICP-MS: From Absolute Dating to Understanding the U-Pb Partitioning in Lacustrine Systems
Montano D, Gasparrini M, Gerdes A, Albert R, Rohais S & Della Porta G
(2019) Geochronologic Constraints on the Onset of the Shuram Excursion in Oman
Cantine MD, Bergmann KD, Rooney AD, Linneman U-G, Hofmann M, Albert R, Gomez Perez I, Baloushi B & Gerdes A
(2019) Hallmarks and Physical Effects of Ultramafic Melt Metasomatism in Mantle Eclogite
Aulbach S, Massuyeau M, Gerdes A, Heaman L & Viljoen KS
(2018) In situ U-Th-Pb Dating of Metamorphic Garnet, Staurolite and Accessory Phases – A Case Study from the Straits Schist, Connecticut
Millonig LJ, Albert Roper R, Gerdes A, Avigad D & Ague JJ
(2018) In situ LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb Monazite Dating of Metapelites from Namche Barwa Area, Eastern Tibet
Peng T, Gerdes A, Albert Roper R, Millonig LJ, Marko L, Zeng L-S & Wu C-M
(2018) Implications on the Timing of Ore-Formation of Sb Vein-Type Mineralization of the Berga Antiform, Germany
Krolop P, Seifert T, Gerdes A & Burisch M
(2018) 87Sr/86Sr in situ Analyses of Fracture Infill and Adjacent Salt Rocks from z2 Potash Salts (Upper Permian), Northern Germany
Mertineit M, Gerdes A, Grewe W, Schramm M & Hammer J
(2018) In situ U-Pb Dating of Garnet. A Laser Ablation ICP-MS Approach on Low-U Garnet
Albert Roper R, Gerdes A, Millonig LJ, Buick IS & Marko L
(2017) Experimental Modeling of Sediment-Peridotite Interaction in a Thermal Gradient
Woodland A, Girnis A, Bulatov V, Brey G, Höfer H & Gerdes A
(2017) Formation of LCT Pegmatites in Archean Cratons: Constraints from 40Ar/39Ar Mica, U-Th-Pb Monazite and U-Pb Tantalite/Columbite Dating
Dittrich T, Seifert T, Schulz B, Pfänder J & Gerdes A
(2017) Building up the First Continents: A Message from Integrated Zircon U-Pb/Lu-Hf Isotopes, Granitoid Petrology and Geochemistry
Laurent O, Zeh A, Vander Auwera J, Bingen B, Bolle O, Debaille V, Mattielli N & Gerdes A
(2017) Birth, Assembly and Decay of a Continental Arc Magmatic System
Schaltegger U, Skopelitis A, Ulianov A, Gerdes A, Fisher CM, Hanchar J, Whitehouse M, Bindeman I & Müntener O
(2017) Dating of Mineralisation and Ore Formation by U-Pb Small Scale Isochrons
Gerdes A
(2017) Hydrothermal Carbonate-Sulfate Assemblages Record the Transition from a Deep to a Shallow Hydrothermal System, Schwarzwald, SW Germany
Burisch M, Walter B, Gerdes A, Lanz M & Markl G
(2017) Crustal Evolution of the Balkan: Episodic Igneous Activity and Crustal Recycling of Peri-Gondwana European Terranes Revealed from Zircons and Rutiles in Basement Rocks and River Sediments
Abbo A, Avigad D & Gerdes A
(2017) Constraining the Age of Peak Metamorphism and Exhumation in the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex (Northeast India) Using Dynamically Recrystallized Carbonate Veins
Maibam B, Palin R, Gerdes A, White R & Foley S
(2017) Pelagonian Affinity of the ‎Intermediate Blueschist Nappe in the ‎Olympus-Ossa-Pelion Area (Northern ‎Greece)‎
Zlatkin O, Avigad D & Gerdes A
(2017) An Emerging Thermo-Chronometer to Resolve Longstanding Enigmas in Sedimentary Basin Analysis: D47/(U-Pb)
Mangenot X, Gasparrini M, Bonifaci M, Gerdes A & Rouchon V
(2017) B Isotopic Composition (LA MC-ICP-MS) of Tourmaline from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (SE Brazil): Constraints on Magmatic-Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution
Albert C, Lana C, Gerdes A, Schannor M, Narduzzi F, Queiroga G & Jordt-Evangelista H
(2017) Direct Dating of Brittle and Ductile Deformation Using U-Pb Small Scale Isochrons
Gerdes A
(2016) A 2 Billion-Year Record of Cratonic Lower Crust Formation and Evolution
Aulbach S, Krauss C, Förster B, Gerdes A & Chacko T
(2016) Dating Faults, Metamorphism, Diagenesis, and Surface Processes by U-Pb Small Scale Isochrones
Gerdes A
(2016) Early Paleozoic I- and S-Type Granitic Magmatism at the Pacific Margin of the Transantarctic Mountains (TAM): Dominantly a Crustal Recycling Process?
Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A, Menneken M, Tribuzio R, Schüssler U & Zeh A
(2016) Tectonic Implications of U-Pb Zircon Ages and Geochemical Data from the Basement and Cover Units of the Armutlu Metamorphics for Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic Tectonic Development of S Eurasian Margin in NW Turkey
Ustaömer PA, Zulauf G, Gerdes A, Ustaömer T & Dörr W
(2016) Crustal Recycling vs. Mantle Input: The Crustal Evolution of South America from Hf Isotopes of Zircon
Augustsson C, Willner AP, Rüsing T, Niemeyer H, Gerdes A, Adams CJ & Miller H
(2015) Evidence of Crustal Recycling in the Troodos Ophiolite (Cyprus): Insights from B-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb Isotopes
Fonseca R, Kirchenbaur M, Ballhaus C, Münker C, Gerdes A, Heuser A & Zirner A
(2015) Geo- and Thermochronology of Anatase as Benchmarks for Basin Evolution
Dunkl I, Gerdes A, Wolff R, Botor D, Wellhäuser A, Döhmann M & von Eynatten H
(2015) Cadomian Paleogeography and Tectonic Setting as Recorded in the Tauride Block (Turkey)
Abbo A, Avigad D, Gerdes A & Güngör T
(2015) Implications for a Carbonated Peridotite Source for Intra-Continental Alkaline Mafic Lavas from the Siebengebirge Volcanic Field (Germany)
Baldwin LC, Tomaschek F, Gerdes A, Fonseca ROC & Ballhaus C
(2015) A Multi-System Geochronology of Cenozoic Tuffs in the Western Pannonian Basin with Implications for Interpretation of (U-Th)/He Data
Danišík M, Fodor L, Dunkl I, Gerdes A, Csizmeg J, Hámor-Vidó M, McDonald B & Evans N
(2015) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of Nb-Ta Mineralization
Marko L, Gerdes A, van Lichterfelde M & Melcher F
(2015) Extensive Post-Collisional Melting in a Mid-Crustal Gneiss Dome – Case of the Variscan Melechov Pluton, Moldanubian Batholith
Janousek V, Trubac J, Dörr W, Gerdes A, Moyen J-F, Zak J & Matejka D
(2013) The Inheritance of Source Hf Isotopic Diversity in S-Type Granites
Farina F, Stevens G, Gerdes A & Frei D
(2013) Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of a Nested Granite Intrusion – The Sedmihoří Composite Stock (Bohemian Massif)
Trubač J, Janoušek V, Žák J & Gerdes A
(2013) Storage of Hadean Oceanic Crust in the Kaapvaal Subcratonic Mantle
Brey GP, Shu Q, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2013) Simultaneous Mantle Metasomatism, Diamond Growth and Crustal Events in the Archean and Proterozoic of South Africa
Shu Q, Brey G, Gerdes A & Hoefer H
(2013) U-Pb, Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics during Polymetamorphism in the Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland
Taylor J, Gerdes A & Zeh A
(2013) Contemporaneous Crustal Records in the Eastern and Western Dharwar Craton: Evidence from U – Pb and Lu – Hf Isotope Sytematics
Maibam B, Gerdes A & Goswami JN
(2013) Geochronology of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Hoefer CE, Brey GP, Luchs T, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2013) The Age of Eclogitisation Underneath the Kaapvaal Craton – A Composite Xenolith from Roberts Victor
Sieber M, Brey GP, Seitz H-M, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2013) Discovery of a Triassic Magmatic Arc Source for the Permo-Triassic Karakaya Subduction Complex, NW Turkey
Ustaömer PA, Ustaömer T, Gerdes A, Robertson AHF & Zulauf G
(2013) Clumped Isotopes, δ18O, δ13C, δ11B, 87Sr/86Sr: A Multiproxy Approach to Silurian Brachiopod Shells
Wacker U, Fiebig J, Gerdes A, Munnecke A, Joachimski MM & Schöne BR
(2013) The Oldest Zircons of Africa – Their Implications for Hadean to Archean Crust-Mantle Evolution
Zeh A, Gerdes A & Stern R
(2012) Iberian Paleogeography Traced by U-Pb Zircon Ages of Ediacaran-Cambrian Rocks
Sola R, Pereira F, Chichorro M, Lopes L, Gerdes A & Silva JB
(2012) Apparent Crustal Growth due to Disequilibration of the Lu-Hf Isotope System during Crustal Melting
Gerdes A
(2012) Geochemistry and Isotope Composition (U-Pb, Hf, O) on Zircons from Two Precambrian Carbonatites of the Kola Alkaline Province
Tichomirowa M, Whitehouse M, Gerdes A & Gotze J
(2012) U-Th-Pb Geochronology of Meta-Carbonatites and Meta-Alkaline Rocks
Millonig LJ, Gerdes A & Groat LA
(2012) Zircon Alteration in Archean Orthogneisses: Insights from U-Pb-Hf-O Isotopes and Trace Elements
Zeh A, Gerdes A & Stern R
(2011) Advances in Analyses of Radiogenic Isotope by LA-MC-ICPMS: The Importance of Mass Bias and Interference Corrections
Gerdes A
(2011) In situ U-Pb Dating of Scheelite: Constraints on the Age and Genesis of the Felbertal Tungsten Deposit
Raith J, Gerdes A & Cornell D
(2011) Tracing the Late Paleozoic to Early Mesozoic Crustal Evolution of Coastal Southern Peru
Boekhout F, Spikings R, Chiaradia M, Sempere T, Ulianov A, Gerdes A & Schaltegger U
(2011) 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios in Single Benthic Foraminifera by LA-MC-ICPMS
Mikes T, Gerdes A, Hudáčková N & Mulch A
(2011) Chronological and Thermal History of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Luchs T, Brey G & Gerdes A
(2011) Distinguishing Periods of Crustal Growth and Recycling by U-Pb Dating, Sr, Pb and Hf Isotopes Among the Eastern Cordilleran Granitoids of South Peru
Reitsma M, Schaltegger U, Spikings R, Chiaradia M, Ulianov A & Gerdes A
(2011) Single Crystal Sr-Isotope Data of Ferrar Lavas and Sills Determined by LA-MC-ICPMS
Tympel JF, Abratis M, Gerdes A & Viereck-Goette L
(2011) Implications of U-Pb-Hf Detrital Zircon Data on the Precambrian Crustal Evolution of NW India
Kaur P, Zeh A, Chaudhri N, Gerdes A & Okrusch M
(2011) Long-Distance Transport of North Gondwana Cambro-Ordovician Sandstones: Evidence from Detrital Zircon Hf Isotopic Composition
Morag N, Avigad D, Gerdes A, Belousova E & Harlavan Y
(2011) Age Relations, Mineral-Chemical and Isotopic Investigations on Basaltic gem Stone Zircons from Eastern Germany
Büchner J, Tietz O, Seifert W, Gerdes A & Linnemann U
(2011) Nature, Origin and Causes of Jurassic Felsic Igneous Activity in the Victory Glacier Area (Eastern Graham Land)
Janoušek V, Gerdes A, Žák J, Soejono I, Venera Z, Erban V, Lexa O & Mixa P
(2011) U-Pb Dating, and Lu-Hf Property of Zircon from Granitic Leucosome within Orthogneiss from Sulu UHP Terrane, Eastern China
Liu F & Gerdes A
(2011) U-Pb Geochronology and Lu-Hf Isotope Data from Meta-Carbonatites in the Southern Canadian Cordillera
Millonig LJ, Gerdes A & Groat LA
(2011) Mid and Heavy REE in Carbonatites at Lofdal, Namibia
Do Cabo V, Wall F, Sitnikova M, Ellmies R, Henjes-Kunst F, Gerdes A & Downes H
(2010) Insights on the Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Luchs T, Brey G & Gerdes A
(2009) U-Pb Age and Isotope Data from the S- and I-Type Syn-Collisional Granites in Ekecikdag Area, Central Anatolia
Toksoy-Köksal F, Gerdes A, Göncüoglu MC, Möller A, Frei D & Köksal S
(2009) Evolution and Stabilization of a Juvenile Crust: Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Perspectives from the Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield
Morag N, Avigad D, Gerdes A, Belousova E & Harlavan Y
(2009) Long-Lived Mesoproterozoic Magmatic Activity in Namibia – Insights to the Origin and Evolution of Anorogenic Igneous Suites
Drüppel K, Gleißner P, Romer R & Gerdes A
(2009) Timing of Injection and of Thermal Maturation in a Mid-Crustal Variscan Bimodal Intrusion
Barboni M, Schoene B, Bussy F, Schaltegger U & Gerdes A
(2008) Simultaneous in situ Analysis of U-Pb Age and Hf Isotopes of Zircon by Laser Ablation Sector-Field (MC-) ICP-MS
Schwieters JB, Gerdes A, Deerberg M & Wills J
(2007) Plešovice Zircon – A New Natural Standard for U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Microanalysis
Slama J, Kosler J, Crowley JL, Gerdes A, Hanchar J, Horstwood MSA, Morris GA, Nasdala L, Schaltegger U & Tubrett MN
(2007) Zircon Formation Versus Zircon Alteration – New Insights from Combined U-Pb and Lu-Hf in situ LA-ICP-MS Analyses, and Consequences for the Interpretation of Archean Zircon from the Limpopo Belt
Zeh A & Gerdes A
(2007) Growth of the South American Convergent Margin (Lat. 31°36°S) during Late Paleozoic Times: A U-Pb and Hf-Isotope Study of Detrital Zircons from a Fossil Accretionary System
Willner A, Gerdes A & Massonne H-J
(2007) Zoned Zircon from Eclogite Lenses in Marbles from the Dabie-Sulu UHP Terrane: A Clear Record of Ultra-Deep Subduction and Fast Exhumation
Liu F & Gerdes A
(2007) Chronological History of UHP Rocks from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling: A Multi-Methodical Approach
Gerdes A, Liu F, Weyer S & Brey G
(2007) Palaeoproterozic Metamorphism in the Limpopo Belt: New Petrological and Geochronological Constraints
Millonig LJ, Zeh A, Gerdes A & Klemd R
(2007) Uranium "Stable" Isotope Fractionation in Nature: A Potential Paleo Redox- and Bio- Tracer?
Weyer S, Anbar A, Gerdes A, Arnold G, Gorden G, McManus J & Boyle E
(2007) "Blood Coltan": Fingerprinting of Columbite-Tantalite Ores
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(2007) Tracing Earth's First Crust with Hf Isotopes in Zircons from the Narryer Gneiss Complex, Australia
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(2006) High precision LA-SF-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating of Archaean gneisses, southern West Greenland
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Gerin C, Oliviero E, Bachelet C, Tassan-Got L & Gautheron C

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