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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Geraga M. (2021) Identifying Major Paleoenvironmental Changes in the Southern Red Sea Continental Shelf with the Use of High-Resolution XRF-Core Scanning Data
Paraschos F, Kaberi E, Iliakis S, Sergiou S, Geraga M, Szidat S & Sakellariou D

Geraki K. (2021) Mineralogical Effects of Alteration and Weathering in Peralkaline Silicate Hosted REE-HFSE Deposits
Borst AM, Finch AA, Horsburgh N, Smith M & Geraki K
(2019) Structural State of REE in Eudialyte-Hosted Critical Metal Deposits
Borst A, Finch A, Friis H, Horsburgh N, Gamaletsos P, Goettlicher J, Steininger R & Geraki K

Geraki T. (2017) Finding Toba: Traces in a Borneo Stalagmite
Carolin S, Orland I, Cobb K, Adkins J, Valley J, Webb S, Edwards N, Pyle D, Mosselmans F & Geraki T
(2013) S Burden in CFBs: A New Approach
Callegaro S, Baker DR, Marzoli A, De Min A, Bertrand H, Geraki T, Viti C & Nestola F
(2011) Radiation Damage in Biotite: Defined by Micro XAS and XRD
Pattrick R, Geraki T, Charnock J, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Pimblott S & Droop G

Gerakiteys C. (2005) In situ U-Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotope Analyses of the Rayner Complex, East Antarctica
Halpin J, Gerakiteys C, Clarke G, Belousova E & Griffin W

Geraldes Mauro (2023) Dimensionality Reduction Techniques and Computational Intelligence Models Used to Discriminate Different Petrogenetic Models Through Lithogeochemical Data
Potratz GL & Geraldes M
(2022) Trace Metal Analysis of Coral Skeletons: Anthropogenic Influences on Corals in Ilha Grande Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Pessoa I, Paytan A, Wood M, Pit S, Antonioli L & Geraldes M
(2021) The Future of Coral Reefs is a Joint Project
Pessoa I, Geraldes M & Antonioli L
(2020) Trace Metal Analysis of Coral Skeletons: Anthropogenic Influence on Corals at Ilha Grande Bay (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Pessoa I, Geraldes M & Antonioli L
(2019) A Practical in situ Approach for Analysis of Lead Isotopes in Biological Carbonate Matrices Using LA-MC-ICP-MS
Pessoa I, Geraldes M & Antonioli L

Geraldes Mauro Cesar (2015) Vitoria-Trindade Ridge: Petrology and Geochemistry Studies of Seamounts and Martin Vaz Archipelago
Santos A, Geraldes M & Vargas T
(2014) Vitoria-Trindade Ridge: Petrology and Geochemistry Studies of Seamounts and Martin Vaz Archipelago
Santos A, Geraldes M & Vargas T
(2011) LA-ICPMS U-Pb Ages of Paleo- and Mesoproterozoic Granites in Bolivia
Vargas-Matos G, Geraldes MC, Matos R & Teixeira W

Geraldes Mauro César (2021) Hybrid Mantle Invoked to Correlate Vitória-Trindade Ridge Origin to Reaction-Pyroxenite from Subducted Ancient Oceanic Eclogite Slab
Costa dos Santos A, Viana-Júnior ERR, Hackspacher P & Geraldes MC

Geraldes Mauro CESAR (2022) The 1800-1770 Ma Colíder Silicic Large Igneous Province in the Amazonian craton:Crustal Evolution Using Zircon in situ REE Compositions, U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotope Analyses
Almeida BS, Geraldes MC, Sommer CA & Paes de Barros AJ

Gerami-Manesch M. (2016) Magmatic Processes beneath Mt. Cameroon – Insights from Minerals and Melt Inclusions
van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Suh CE, Nordstad S, Gerami-Manesch M, Devey CW & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Compositional Diversity in Mt. Cameroon Eruptions
van der Zwan FM, Suh CE, Hansteen TH, Gerami-Manesch M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Devey CW, Embui FV, Tibang EEB & Taboko A

Geranmayeh Odomieh A. (2013) Chromium(III) and Bismuth(III) Complexation to Organic Matter: EXAFS Spectroscopy and Equilibrium Modelling
Gustafsson JP, Geranmayeh Odomieh A, Sjöstedt C, Persson I & Berggren Kleja D

Gérard B. (2019) Chlorine Isotopes in Volcanology: Exemple from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (FWI)
Bonifacie M, Gérard B, Robert V, Agrinier P, Moune S, Moretti R, Dessert C, Komorowski J-C & Legendre Y

Gérard E. (2023) Silicate Reactivity and Microbial Diversity Promoted by Water-Basalt Interactions Under Subsurface Conditions
Bas-Lorillot J, Wild B, Menez B, Daval D, Stefánsson A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Bríet Bjarkadóttir A, Aðalsteinsdóttir SM, Borrel G & Gérard E
(2023) Mineral Substrate and Fluid Redox Conditions Control Cell Density in Attached Biofilms: In situ Incubations in Deep Groundwater
Osorio-Leon I-D, Wild B, Bouchez C, Gérard E, Quaiser A, Lavenant N, Bouquerel H, Ménez B, Le Borgne T & Dufresne A
(2021) Impact of Intraterrestrial Microbial Life on Rock Weathering at Depth: Case Studies from Cave Environments
Pisapia C, Menez B, Bruxelles L, Watkinson M, Champollion C, Vernant P, Doerflinger E, Bouquerel H, Isambert A, Lecourt L & Gérard E
(2018) Microbial Ecology Linked to Serpentinization Processes and Related Carbonation at the Old City Hydrothermal Field
Lecoeuvre A, Ménez B, Lecourt L & Gérard E
(2018) Recognizing Microbial Life Preserved in Rocks: Insights from Population Morphometry
Rouillard J, Havas R, Gérard E, García-Ruiz J-M, Gong J & van Zuilen MA
(2017) Unexpected High Reactivity of Deep Biota Under Anthropogenic CO2 Injection into Basalt
Menez B, Trias R, Le Campion P, Zivanovic Y, Lecourt L, Lecoeuvre A, Schmitt-Kopplin P, Uhl J & Gerard E
(2017) Speciation of Fe in Modern Mexican Lacustrine Microbialites
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Morin G, Brest J, Menguy N, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E
(2017) Structure and Dynamics of a Basalt Hosted Subsurface Microbial Consortium Facing CO2-rich Groundwater in an Analogous Flow-Through Experiment
Lecoeuvre A, Moore R, Lecourt L, Ménez B, Ranchou-Peyruse A, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Dupraz S, Stéphant S & Gérard E
(2016) The Low Temperature Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal System of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pelletier B, Monnin C, Boulart C, Chavagnac V, Erauso G, Gerard M, Gerard E, Guentas L, Menez B, Payri C, Pisapia C, Postec A & Quemeneur M
(2015) High Local Iron Enrichments in Modern Microbialites from Mexico: Speciation and Origin
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Templeton A, Webb S & Gérard E
(2013) Organomineralization Drives Early Chimney Edification at the Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal Field of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pisapia C, Gerard E, Gerard M & Menez B
(2013) The Microbial Compelling Attraction for Hydrogarnets in the Oceanic Crust
Ménez B, Pasini V, Brunelli D, Pisapia C, Le Campion P, Laverne C & Gérard E
(2012) An Early-Branching Microbialite Cyanobacterium Forms Intracellular Carbonates
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, Gerard E, Moreira D, Bernard S, Brown Jr. GE & Lopez-Garcia P
(2011) Unraveling Microbes-Minerals Interactions in the Deep Biosphere
Ménez B, Gérard E, Brunelli D, Pasini V, Le Campion P, Dupraz S, Marinozzi M-C, Amor M & Guyot F
(2011) Early Fossilization Process of Cyanobacteria in Modern Microbialites
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, Gerard E, Esteve I, Moreira D & Lopez-Garcia P
(2010) Effect of Heterotrophic Bacteria (Pseudomonas reactants) on Olivine Dissolution Kinetics in the Context of CO2 Storage in Basalts
Shirokova L, Pokrovsky O, Benezeth P, Gerard E, Menez B & Alfredsson H
(2009) Geomicrobiology of Microbialites from the Alchichica Alkaline Lake
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, López-García P, Moreira D & Gérard E

Gerard Frédéric (2021) Investigation of the Role of Spatial Evolution in a 2-D Reactive Transport Simulation of the Oxalate Carbonate Pathway
Gatz-Miller H, Su D, Gérard F, Verrecchia E & Mayer KU
(2020) 2-D Reactive Transport Modeling of Biogeochemical Carbon Sequestration by the Iroko Tree – Examination of Spatial Dependencies of the Oxalate Carbonate Pathway
Gatz-Miller H, Gérard F, Verrecchia E & Mayer KU
(2017) Processes Controlling Phosphate Acquisition by Plants as Revealed by Coupled Root System-Reactive Transport Modelling
Gérard F, Bea S, Pagès L, Hinsinger P & Mayer U
(2016) A Robust and Parsimonious Model for Caesium Sorption on Pure Clay Minerals and Natural Clay Materials
Cherif MA, Martin-Garin A, Gerard F & Bilstein O
(2015) Implementation of Root System Architecture and Functions into the Reactive Transport Model MIN3P: Method and Capacilities
Gérard F, Blitz C, Moitrier N, Hinsinger P, Screpanti C, Pages L, Tambour L & Loiseleur O
(2011) Modeling the Effects of Fertilization and pH on Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus in Soils
Gerard F, Devau N, Le Cadre E & Hinsinger P
(2010) Surface Complexation Modelling of Phosphorus Availability and Bioavailability for Plants
Devau N, Le Cadre E, Hinsinger P & Gerard F
(2008) Modelling the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in Soils: Application to a Temperate Forest Ecosystem
Gérard F, Mayer KU & Hodson M
(2008) Using a Mechanistic Adsorption Model to Understand the Influence of Soil pH on the Environmental Availability of Phosphorus: Application to a Chromic Cambisol
Devau N, Gerard F, Le Cadre E, Roger L, Jaillard B & Hinsinger P
(2005) Influence of SOM on Aluminium Mobility in a Forested Brown Acidic Soil: A View from Soil Solutions Held at Different Matrix Potentials
Gérard F, Jaffrain J, Boudot J & Ranger J
(2001) An Indirect Method for Studying the Reaction Mechanism Controlling in situ and Present-Day Silicate Weathering Rate
Gérard F & Ranger J

Gérard Frederic (2019) Modeling the Key Role of Microorganisms in Organic Storage of Soil and Plant Nutrition
Pansu M, Ibrahim H, Drevon J-J, Gérard F & Blavet D
(2019) Reactive Transport Modeling the Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway of the Iroko Tree
Gatz-Miller H, Gérard F, Verrecchia E & Mayer KU

Gérard Fréderic (2019) Phosphorus Dynamics on Temperate Forest Soils: A Dual Isotopes Approach
Pistocchi C, Tamburini F & Gérard F

Gérard L. (2004)
Gérard L, de Vleeschouwer F, Mattielli N, Streel M, LeRoux G & Fagel N

Gerard M. (2021) Assessing the Role of Barite to Control 226Ra Long Term Behavior in McClean Tailings – Saskatchewan, Canada
Besançon C, Sardini P, Savoye S, Hughes K, Mokhtari H, Descostes M & Gérard M
(2017) Secondary U Bearing Minerals in Granitic Technosoils. (Massif Central, France)
Gerard M, Kanzari A, Tayal A, Conradson S & Descostes M
(2016) The Low Temperature Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal System of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pelletier B, Monnin C, Boulart C, Chavagnac V, Erauso G, Gerard M, Gerard E, Guentas L, Menez B, Payri C, Pisapia C, Postec A & Quemeneur M
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Mechanisms Concentrating Scandium in Lateritic Deposits
Chassé M, Aral H, van Huet S, O'Reilly SY, Griffin WL, Gérard M & Calas G
(2016) Weathering Impact of Granitic Waste Rock Piles at Former Uranium Mines (Limousin, France)
Kanzari A, Gérard M, Boekhout F, Galoisy L & Descostes M
(2015) Direct Evidence for Significant Oxygen in the Late Archean Atmosphere from Paleosols of the Fortescue Group, Western Australia
Teitler Y, Philippot P, Gerard M, Le Hir G, Fluteau F & Ader M
(2014) Uranium Migration and Stabilization during Weathering of Granitic Waste Rock Piles
Boekhout F, Gérard M, Calas G & Descostes M
(2013) Micromorphology Investigations by Imaging Alteration, Supergene and Anthropogenic Processes in Regoliths
Gerard M, Trombino L, Boekhout F, Kanzari A, Parisot JC & Stoops G
(2013) Organomineralization Drives Early Chimney Edification at the Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal Field of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pisapia C, Gerard E, Gerard M & Menez B
(2013) Isotopic and Mineralogical Evidence for Atmospheric Oxygenation in 2.76 Ga Old Paleosols
Philippot P, Teitler Y, Gérard M, Cartigny P, Muller E, Assayag N, Le Hir G & Fluteau F
(2013) Weathering Processes and Supergene Formation of Uranium Bearing Minerals at U-Mines in the Saint-Sylvestre Area (French Massif Central)
Boekhout F, Gérard M, Phrommavanh V, Descostes M & Calas G
(2012) Supergene Evolution of Granitic Waste Rock Piles Around U-Mines in the Saint-Sylvestre Area (French Massif Central)
Galoisy L, Gerard M, Poquet T, Calas G, Descostes M & Phrommavanh V
(2012) Intrabasaltic Regoliths in the Deccan (India) and Karoo Traps (Lesotho): Witnesses of Volcanic Quiescence and Environmental Links
Gerard M, Fluteau F, Courtillot V & Moulin M
(2011) Ubiquitous Subaerial Weathering during Emersion of the Fortescue Late Archean Igneous Province, Western Australia
Teitler Y, Philippot P, Gerard M, Fluteau F & Le Hir G
(2001) Origin of the 234U-238U Fractionation in Surface Waters of Mount Cameroon
Riotte J, Chabaux F, Benedetti M, Dia A, Boulègue J & Gérard M
(2000) Chemical Weathering of Basaltic Lava Flows Suffering Extreme Climatic Conditions: The Water Geochemistry Record
Dia A, Benedetti M, Riotte J, Chabaux F, Boulègue J, Bulourde M, Chauvel C, Gérard M, Deruelle B & Ildefonse P

Gérard Y. (2023) Copper Isotope Compositions Measured Using the Collision/Reaction Cell (CRC)-MC-ICP-MS Sapphire
Luu T-H, Peters D, Gérard Y, Lahoud-Heilbronner E & Moynier F
(2023) The Nu Sapphire SP001 Collision Cell MC-Icp Mass Spectrometer: Application to High-Precision Measurements of K and Ca Isotopes
Jacobsen SB, Parendo CA, Eriksen ZT, Fu H & Gérard Y
(2023) Chalcophile Elements on Collision Course: S and Se Isotope Ratio Measurements Using the Sapphire Dual Path MC-ICP-MS with Collision/Reaction Cell
Peters D & Gérard Y
(2023) Performances of Isotopic Ratio Measurements of Sr and U by MC-ICPMS Using Oxygen in Collision/Reaction Cell
Isnard H, Gérard Y & Peters D
(2023) Advances in High-Precision Analysis of Stable Potassium (K) Isotope Ratios by “Sapphire” Collision-Cell MC-ICP-MS
Lv Y, Zheng X & Gérard Y
(2022) High Precision Analysis of Stable Potassium (K) Isotopes by the Collision Cell MC-ICP-MS “Sapphire” and a Correction Method for Concentration Mismatch
Zheng X, Chen X, Ding W, Zhang Y, Charin S & Gérard Y

Gerardin C. (2023) Controlling Molecular and Nanoscale Structures and Compositions of Porous Functional Silica Hybrid Materials: Role of Interactions at Interfaces
Gerardin C

Gerardo-Abaya J. (2009) Heavy Metals and Sediment Fluxes in Coatzacoalcos River Estuary: A History of Land Use Changes
Ruiz-Fernández AC, Sánchez-Cabeza JA, Bojórquez-Sánchez S, Bojórquez-Leyva H, Pérez-Bernal LH, Mellado-Vázquez PG, Alonso-Hernández C, Díaz-Ascencio M, Gerardo-Abaya J, Quejido-Cabezas AJ, Sericano JL & Páez-Osuna F
(2009) Reconstruction of Sedimentation and Pollution in Havana Bay, Cuba
Díaz-Asencio M, Alonso-Hernández C, Quejido-Cabezas A, Rúiz-Fernández AC, Gerardo-Abaya J & Sanchez Cabeza JA

Gerasimov M.V. (2002) Impact-Induced Early Differentiation of Terrestrial Planets
Dikov YP, Gerasimov MV, Yakovlev OI & Wlotzka F
(2002) Chemical Consequences of an Impact of a Comet: Experimental Simulation
Gerasimov MV, Dikov YP, Yakovlev OI & Wlotzka F

Gerasimov P.A. (2001) Precipitation of Metal Sulfates from Draining Solutions of Burning Slags of the Belovo Zinc Plant
Sidenko NV, Miroshnichenko LV & Gerasimov PA
(2001) Deep-Seated Magmas from Siberian Platform and Surroundings and their Melting Sources Based on Trace Element Analyses
Ashchepkov IV, Vladykin NV, Gerasimov PA, Saprykin AI & Anoshin GN
(2000) Thermal Gradient, Mantle Layering and Geochemistry beneath Aldan Shield According to the Kimberlitic Deep Seated Disintegrated Inclusions
Ashchepkov I, Vladykin N, Yuri O, Anoshin G, Gerasimov P & Saprykin A

Gerasimov V. (2001) Lu-Hf and Ar-Ar Chronometry Supports Extreme Rate of Subduction Zone Metamorphism Deduced from Geospeedometry
Philippot P, Blichert-Toft J, Perchuk A, Costa S & Gerasimov V

Géraud Y. (2023) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotopes of the Post-Collisional a Type-Granites from the Zenaga, Kerdous and Bas-Drâa Inliers (Western Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Ougadire M, Askkour F, Favier A, Ousbih M, Ikenne M & Géraud Y
(2023) Unraveling the Composition of Mantle Noble Gases from CO2-rich Geothermal Emanations, Homa Hills, Kenya
Marty B, Contamine D, Pik R, Seltzer AM, Bekaert DV, Diraison M, Walter B, Géraud Y, Omenda P & Varet J

Gerbe M-C. (2009) Isotopic Data (Sr-Nd-Hf-O) of Intrusive Rocks from the Kerguelen Islands (Indian Ocean)
Chevet J, Gerbe M-C, Grégoire M, O'Reilly SY, Cottin J-Y & Griffin WL

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