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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gehin A. (2016) Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of U(VI) Sorption on Chalk Substrates
Gehin A, Markelov I, Crancon P & Charlet L
(2014) Kinetics of Carbon Isotopic Exchange with High Purity 12C Nano-Calcite
Gehin A, Montes-Hernandez G, Silvester E & Charlet L
(2013) Novel Bionanocomposites – Chitosan Geothite Bead – for Arsenic Remediation
He J, Bardelli F, Gehin A & Charlet L
(2012) Synthesis and Isotopic Characterization of High-Pure 12C Nano-Calcite
Gehin A, Montes-Hernandez G & Charlet L
(2011) Redox Reaction of Pyrite with Se
Bardelli F, Kang M, Gehin A & Charlet L
(2011) Selenium Reduction by Pyrite: pH Effect and Mossbauer Study
Gehin A, Kang M, Greneche J-M & Charlet L
(2009) Spectroscopic Investigations of Uranyl Reduction by Fe-Bearing Clays
Chakraborty S, Boivin FF, Gehin A, Banerjee D, Scheinost AC, Greneche JM, Mullet M, Bardelli F & Charlet L
(2004) Specific Sorption of Fe(II) on Synthetic Montmorillonite in Anoxic Conditions
Géhin A, Grenèche J, Tournassat C & Charlet L

Gehin G. (2023) Investigating the Redundancy of Two Mn Oxidases in Pseudomonas putida GB-1 in Response to Mn(II) Concentration
Gehin G, Carraro N, Gurfield KM, van der Meer JR & Peña J
(2022) Influence of Pore-Scale Hydrodynamic Regimes and Reactant Gradients on Manganese Biomineralization in Porous Media
Fadely E, Gehin G, Morales V & Pena J

Gehlen Marion (2018) Model Constraints on the Anthropogenic Carbon Budget and Acidification of the Arctic Ocean
Terhaar J, Orr J, Gehlen M, Ethe C, Bopp L & Regnier P
(2015) Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes in the Global Coastal Ocean: Simulated Trends and Anthropogenic Uptake
Bourgeois T, Orr JC, Resplandy L, Ethé C, Gehlen M & Bopp L
(2013) Aluminium in an Ocean General Circulation Model and Observations
van Hulten M, de Baar H, Middag R, Sterl A, Dutay J-C, Gehlen M & Tagliabue A
(2012) Evidence of Ocean Acidification Viewed by Boron Isotopes and B/Ca in Scleractinian Corals
Douville E, Gonzalez-Roubaud C, Louvat P, Gaillardet J, Cabioch G, Montagna P, Frank N & Gehlen M

Gehlen Micha (2011) Characteristics and Origin of the Lala Iron Oxide Cu-Co-(u, REE) Deposit: Sichuan, Southern China
Meyer M, Schardt C, Sindern S, Gehlen M, Halbach P, Lahr J & Li J

Gehlken P-L. (2021) Finding the Lost Child of the Norsethite Family: BaFe[CO3]2, a New Double Carbonate – Synthesis, Structural Characterisation, and Geostability Implications for High and Low PT
Liang W, Peters C, Li L, Leupold O, Gehlken P-L, Li H & Böttcher ME

Gehör S. (2007) Mineral Chemistry of Pyrochlore in Residually Inherited Fe-P-Nb-Laterite Ore Bodies at Sokli Carbonatite Complex
Pehkonen-Ollila A-R & Gehör S

Gehre M. (2018) Bacteria Potentially Involved in Iron-Cycling in Surface Marine Sediments Revealed by Pyrosequencing
Reyes C, Dellwig O, Lipka M, Dähnke K, Gehre M, Noriega-Ortega BE, Böttcher ME, Meister P & Friedrich MW
(2017) Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons Using Gas Chromatography Hyphenated with Multiple- Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Horst A, Renpenning J, Richnow H-H & Gehre M
(2015) Use of Chromium in Reductive High-Temperature Conversion for Improved Accuracy of δ2H Values of New International Organic Stable Isotope Reference Materials
Gehre M, Renpenning J, Kuemmel S & Schimmelmann A
(2014) Novel Strategy for Pre-Concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds from Water Samples for Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Analysis at Trace Levels
Herrero-Martín S, Nijenhuis I, Richnow HH & Gehre M
(2014) Performance and Limits of Liquid Chromatography Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry System for Halogenated Compounds
Gilevska T, Gehre M & Richnow H-H
(2008) Abiotic Sulfide Oxidation via Manganese Fuels the Deep Biosphere
Bottrell S, Böttcher ME, Schippers A, Parkes RJ, Jorgensen BB, Raiswell R, Telling J & Gehre M
(2002) Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Deep Sediments of ODP Leg 181: Evidence from Stable Sulfur Isotope Fractionation and Pore Water Modeling
Böttcher ME, Khim B-K, Suzuki A, Gehre M, Wortmann U & Brumsack H
(2000) Methane Formation during the Degradation of N-Alkanes and Total Crude Oils
Richnow HH, Zengler K, Gehre M, Michaelis W & Widdel F

Gehrels George (2021) A Zircon Petrochronologic View on Granitoids and Continental Evolution
Ducea M, Petrescu L, Balica C, Gehrels G, Triantafyllou A & Roban R
(2019) Sparrow: A Cyberinfrastructure Component Supporting Data Management and Sharing in Geochronology Laboratories
Quinn DP, Schaen AJ, Sundell K, Gehrels G, Peters SE, Ross JI, Schmitz M & Singer BS

Gehrels George E. (2013) The LA-ICP-MS U-Th-Pb Network: Improving Data Standards in Laser Ablation Geochronology
Horstwood M, Kosler J, Gehrels G, Jackson S, Pearson N & Sylvester P
(2010) Insight into Drake Passage Opening from Sediment Provenance and Thermochronology
Barbeau DL, Zahid KM, Gombosi DJ, Guenthner WR, Scher HD, Bizimis M, Davis JT, Brown AR, Gehrels GE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN & Garver JI
(2010) U-Pb-Hf Characterization of the Coast Mountain Batholith: New Insights into the Crustal Architecture of the Central Canadian Cordillera
Cecil MR, Gehrels G, Patchett J & Ducea M
(2009) U-Pb Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Hornblende Ages of Glaciogenic Detritus Around East Antarctica
Pierce EL, Steponaitis E, Cox SE, Gehrels GE, Hemming SR, Goldstein SL, Brachfeld SA, Van de Flierdt T & Williams T
(2008) Kinematic History of the Fuegian Andes as Indicated by U-Pb Detrital-Zircon Geochronology and Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of the Magallanes Foreland Basin
Barbeau, Jr. DL, Swanson-Hysell N, Olivero EB, Khandaker Z, Gombosi DJ, Murray KE, Gehrels G & Ducea M
(2008) Triple-Dating of Detrital Apatites and Zircons from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
Cox SE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN, Gehrels GE, Nicolescu S, Hemming SR, van de Flierdt T, Goldstein SL & Brachfeld SA
(2008) Sedimentary Provenance Evidence for the Origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, Antarctica
van de Flierdt T, Hemming SR, Gehrels GE, Cox SE & Goldstein SL
(2008) Hornblende Ar-Ar and Zircon U-Pb Evidence for Provenance of Eastern Weddell Sea Glaciogenic Sediments, Antarctica
Steponaitis E, Gehrels G, Hemming S, Goldstein S, Van De Flierdt T & Brachfeld S
(2008) Paleo-Atmospheric Circulation Inferences from Geochemistry and Sedimentology of Paleozoic Loess: Examples from Western Pangaea
Soreghan M, Soreghan G, Hamilton M & Gehrels G
(2006) Late Cretaceous porphyry copper mineralization in Sonora, Mexico and the implications for the evolution of the SW North America porphyry copper deposit Province.
Valencia VA, Ruiz J, Gehrels G, Noguez-Alcantara B & Barra F
(2006) The Source of Gold for the Witwatersrand from Re-Os and U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology
Ruiz J, Valencia V, Chesley J, Kirk J, Gehrels G & Frimmel H
(2005) Geochronology of the Western Gneiss Region UHP Terrane
Hacker B, Gehrels G, Grove M, Johnston S, Mattinson J, Root D, Walsh E & Young D

Gehrels R. (2021) Unequal Anthropogenic Enrichment of Mercury in Earth’s Northernand Southern Hemispheres
Li C, Sonke JE, Le Roux G, Piotrowska N, Van der Putten N, Roberts SJ, Daley T, Rice E, Gehrels R, Enrico M, Mauquoy D, Roland TP & De Vleeschouwer F

Gehrels W. (2004) Role of Iron in Marine Biogeochemistry
Achterberg E, Ussher U, Gledhill M, Worsfold P, Bowie A, Gehrels W, Geider R & de Baar H

Gehring A.U. (2009) Thermal Stability of Maghemite: Fingerprint for Basalt Weathering
Gehring A, Fischer H, Louvel M, Weidler P & Luster J
(2007) The Sedimentation Rate Controls Microfossil Preservation
Glasauer S & Gehring A
(2007) Magnetite in Bacteria: A FMR Study
Fischer H, Warthmann R & Gehring A
(2004) The Fate of Structure-Bound Mn2+ during the Decomposition of Dolomite and in the Resulting Conversion Products
Gehring A, Weidler P & Granwehr J
(2003) Immobilization of Metals at the Cell Wall of Subsurface Bacteria during Anaerobic Respiration
Glasauer S, Lloyd J, Renshaw J, Gehring A & Beveridge T
(2002) Cw and Pulse EPR: A Way to Gather Structural Information
Gehring AU, Granwehr J & Weidler PG
(2001) The Fate of Structure-Bound Mn(II) in a CaO-Mgo-H2O-CO2 System during Phase Transformation
Gehring AU, Granwehr J & Weidler PG

Gehringer M.M. (2023) On the Trail of Oxygenic Photosynthesis in Ancestral Cyanobacteria on Early Earth
Gehringer MM, Boden JS, Tamanna SS & Sanchez-Baracaldo P
(2023) Implications of Marine Phytoplankton Trace Element Variability for the Interpretation of the Banded Iron Formation Trace Element Budget
Schad M, Gehringer MM, Gutierrez Rueda D, Li Y, Drabesch S, Dreher CL, Robbins LJ, Alessi DS, Kappler A & Konhauser KO

Gehrke F. (2021) Towards Realistic Models of Plate Tectonic Evolution
Kendall E, Sobolev SV, Brune S, Glerum A & Gehrke F

Gehrke G. (2012) An Isotopic Record of Mercury in San Francisco Bay
Donovan P, Blum J, Yee D & Gehrke G
(2007) Hg Accumulation in Reducing Sediments of the Mediterranean Sea: Trace Metal and Hg Isotope Evidence
Gehrke G, Blum J & Meyers P
(2005) Seasonal Mineralogical Transformations Influence Heavy Metal Release from Mine-Impacted Coeur d‚Alene River (ID) Wetlands
Bostick B, Landis J & Gehrke G

Geibert W. (2023) Precise Measurement of 226Ra/230Th Disequilibria in Deep-Sea Sediments by High-Sensitivity ICP-MS
Yuan L, Pinghe C, Jiang X, Geibert W, Cheng Y & Chen Y
(2022) Marine Ice: A Sleeping Iron Giant in the Southern Ocean?
Stichel T, Freitag J, Henkel S, Geibert W & Kasten S
(2021) A Fresh Look at the Glacial Arctic Ocean
Geibert W, Matthiessen J, Stimac I, Wollenburg J & Stein R
(2019) Dating Deep-Sea Sediments with 230Th-Excess
Geibert W, Stimac I, Rutgers van der Loeff MM & Kuhn G
(2019) Circulation Changes in the Amundsen Basin from 1991 to 2015 Revealed from Distributions of Dissolved 230Th
Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Geibert W, Gdaniec S, Moran SB, Lepore K, Puigcorbé V, Casacabuerta N, Paffrath R, Smethie W, Roy-Barman M & Edwards RL
(2018) Using 224Ra/228Th Disequilibrium to Quantify Benthic Fluxes of Trace Metals into Pearl River Estuary: From Alkaline Earth Elements (Ba) to Redox Sensitive Metals (U, Mn, and Fe)
Hong Q, Cai P, Geibert W, Cao Z, Stimac I, Liu L & Li Q
(2017) 231Pa and 230Th in the Arctic Ocean 1991-2016: Changes in the Eurasian and Makarov Basins
Valk O, Gdaniec S, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Geibert W, Smethie W, Moran SB, Lepore K, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Rijkneberg M
(2017) Constraining Sedimentation Rates with 231Pa/230Th Ratios of Marine Sediments
Geibert W, Volz J & Kasten S
(2017) Natural Variability of Geochemical Conditions, Biogeochemical Processes and Element Fluxes in Sediments of the Eastern CCZ, Pacific Ocean
Volz J, Mogollón J, Geibert W, Martínez Arbizu P, Koschinksy A & Kasten S
(2015) Radium Isotopes as a Tracer of Micronutrient Input from Shelf Seas to the North Atlantic
Annett A, Geibert W & Thomas A
(2015) The Distribution of 231Pa and 230Th between Dissolved and Particulate Phases in the Western North Atlantic
Kretschmer S, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Masqué P & Geibert W
(2015) Coupling between Nutrient Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean
Pichevin L, Ganeshram R, Geibert W & Squaratti F
(2014) Tight Coupling between Si and Fe Biogeochemical Cycles in the Ocean: Evidences from Diatom-Bound Proxies
Pichevin L, Ganeshram R, Geibert W, Thunell R & Hinton R
(2013) The Role of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for Chemical Fluxes in the Atlantic: Clues from Ra and Ac Isotopes
Geibert W, Hsieh Y-T & Henderson GM
(2013) Comparison of 228Ra and Microstructure Derived Ocean Mixing Rates and Chemical Fluxes in the Cape Basin
Hsieh Y-T, Geibert W, Palmer MR, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2012) Uranium Series Rate Meters for Ocean Processes
Henderson G, Hsieh Y-T, Bourne M, Geibert W, Deng F & Thomas A
(2012) New Water Column Profiles of Dissolved Thorium and Protactinium in the Western North-Atlantic
Kretschmer S, Masque P, Geibert W & Rutgers van der Loeff M
(2012) Using 228Ra to Assess Ocean Mixing and Nutrient Fluxes in the Cape Basin
Hsieh Y-T, Geibert W, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2011) 227Ac in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean: New Results from Bonus-Goodhope and UK GEOTRACES
Geibert W, Hsieh A, Hanfland C, Verdeny E, Masque P & Henderson G
(2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M
(2011) Separating the Sources of 228Ra to the Open Ocean with 223, 224, 226, 228Ra Measurements in Loch Etive and the South-East Atlantic
Hsieh Y-T, Geibert W, van Beek P & Henderson G
(2011) Diatom-Bound Trace Metals: A Tracer for Past Changes in Micronutrients Availability?
Pichevin L, Geibert W & Ganeshram R
(2009) A Map of Recent Terrigenous Fluxes to Southern Ocean Sediments: Application of 230Thxs-Normalized 232Th as a Dust Flux Tracer
Geibert W, Gersonde R, Kuhn G, Martinez-Garcia A, Masqué P, Rosell A, Rutgers van der Loeff M & Verdeny E
(2008) Distribution of 230Th, 10Be and 231Pa in Sediment Particle Classes
Kretschmer S, Geibert W, Schnabel C, Rutgers van der Loeff M & Mollenhauer G
(2004) Ocean Circulation and Bioproductivity in the Weddell Gyre: Geochemical Findings
Geibert W, Hanfland C, Usbeck R, Schwarz J, Webb A & Ansorge I
(2003) Actinium-227 as a Tracer for Diapycnal Mixing and Deep Upwelling
Geibert W, Usbeck R & Rutgers van der Loeff M
(2002) The Adsorption of Th and Pa on Different Particle Types in Dependence of the Provenance of Natural Seawater
Geibert W & Usbeck R

Geider R. (2004) Role of Iron in Marine Biogeochemistry
Achterberg E, Ussher U, Gledhill M, Worsfold P, Bowie A, Gehrels W, Geider R & de Baar H

Geiger Charles A. (2021) History of the Mineral Sciences: Crystals and their Role in the Development of Atomic Theory
Geiger CA
(2021) A New Paradigm for “Water” in Garnet: Micro- & Nano-Size Hydrogarnet Clusters
Geiger CA & Rossman GR
(2019) An Analysis of the Magnetic Behavior of Olivine and Garnet Substitutional Solid Solutions
Geiger CA, Grodzicki M & Dachs E

Geiger Charles Arthur (2017) Recent Developments in Low-Temperature Calorimetry and Cp and S° Behavior of Minerals
Geiger CA & Dachs E
(2017) Hydrogen Incorporation Mechanism in Synthetic Katoite-Grossular and Natural Grossular: 1H Static and MAS NMR and First-Principles Calculation
Xue X, Kanzaki M & Geiger C
(2015) The Local Structural State of a Kimberlitic Grospydite Garnet Using Paramagnetically Shifted 27Al and 29Si MAS NMR Resonances
Geiger CA, Palke AC & Stebbins JF
(2014) 27Al and 29Si MAS-NMR and 57Fe Mössbauer Study of Iron-Bearing Grossular and Pyrope Garnet: Implications for Order/Disorder
Palke A, Stebbins J, Geiger C & Tippelt G
(2013) Storage of Initially Organic Nitrogen in Silicate Minerals and Volcanic Glasses
Bebout G, Lazzeri K, Palya A, Anderson-Smith L, Izawa M, Banerjee N & Geiger C
(2013) Thermodynamics of Almandine-Spessartine Garnet Solid Solutions
Dachs E, Geiger CA, Benisek A & Grodzicki M
(2010) Thermodynamic Properties of Spessartine
Dachs E, Geiger CA, Withers AC & Essene EJ
(2010) Molecular H2O in Microporous Silicates: Thermodynamic and H-Bonding Behavior of Confined H2O
Geiger CA, Dachs E, Dalconi MC & Artioli G
(2009) Quasi-Ice-Like Cp Behavior of Molecular H2O in Hemimorphite Zn4Si2O7(OH)2.H2O: Cp and Entropy of Confined H2O in Selected Microporous Silicates
Geiger CA & Dachs E
(2007) The Crystal Chemistry of Macfallite
Nagashima M, Rahmoun N-S, Alekseev E, Geiger CA & Akasaka M
(2007) Fe- and Mg-Cordierite: A Calorimetric and Thermodynamic Study
Dachs E & Geiger C
(2004) Molecule-Mineral Inner Surface Interactions in Nanoporous Silicates: A Raman Spectroscopic Investigation
Kolesov B & Geiger C
(2004) Microscopic Strain-Macroscopic Thermodynamic Relationships in Garnet Solid Solutions: A Synchrotron Study
Dapiaggi M, Geiger C & Artioli G

Geiger F.M. (2017) Second-harmonic Generation Studies of the Noncentrosymmetric α- Quartz/Water Interface
Ohno PE & Geiger FM
(2017) Silica/water EDL Structure from SHG Salt Screening Experiments
Geiger F
(2013) Hematite/Water Interfaces Probed by Second Harmonic Generation
Geiger F
(2013) Nanoparticle Interactions with Lipid Bilayers Studied by Nonlinear Optics
Troiano JM, Walter SR, Olenick LL & Geiger FM
(2012) Probing the Interactions between Glutamic Acid and Diopside
Estrada CF, Chen EH, Geiger FM, Sverjensky DA & Hazen RM
(2011) Speciation of Trivalent Metal Ions at the Silica/Water Interface Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
Jordan D, Saslow S & Geiger F
(2010) Studying the Interactions of Trivalent Metal Ions with the Silica/Water Interface Using Second Harmonic Generation
Jordan D, Malin J & Geiger F
(2010) Zinc Interaction with Glucosamine-Functionalized Fused Silica/Water Interfaces at pH 7 and 10 mM NaCl Studied by Second Harmonic and Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation
Chen EH & Geiger FM
(2010) U(VI) and Sr(II) Speciation at the Silica/Water Interface Determined by Second Harmonic Generation
Malin J & Geiger F
(2010) Monitoring the Interaction of Divalent Metal Ions with Surface Bound ssDNA Using Second Harmonic Generation
Holland J, Malin J, Jordan D & Geiger F
(2009) Interactions of Metal Cations with Mineral/Water and Organic-Containing Mineral/Water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
Hayes P, Malin J, Konek C & Geiger F
(2005) Can Kinetics Tell us More? Cr(VI) Binding to Organic Adlayers at Silica/water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation
Mifflin A, Al-Abadleh H, Konek C, Voges A & Geiger F
(2005) Interaction of Cr, As, and U-Containing Pollutants with Mineral-Water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation
Al-Abadleh H, Mifflin A, Voges A & Geiger F
(2005) Tracking Interfacial Acidities, Charge Density, Potential, and Energy Density at Carboxylic Acid-Functionalized Silica/Water Interfaces Using Second Harmonic and Sum Frequency Generation
Konek C, Musorrafiti M, Voges A, Al-Abadleh H & Geiger F
(2004) Real-Time, in situ Surface-Specific Studies of Chromate Binding to Silica/Water Interfaces Using Second Harmonic Generation
Mifflin A, Konek C, Al- Abadleh H & Geiger F
(2004) Chromate Binding to Organic Adlayers at Silica/Water Interfaces Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
Konek C, Al-Abadleh H, Mifflin A & Geiger F

Geiger H. (2023) Felsic Magma Storage in Ocean Islands; Insights from Miocene Microsyenite Samples from Gran Canaria, Canary Islands
Geiger H, Deegan FM, Troll VR, Perez-Torrado FJ, Carracedo JC, Harris C & Jensen M
(2023) Magma-Shale Interaction and Volatile Mobilization at LIPs: Insights from Kinetic Experiments
Deegan FM, Bédard JH, Grasby S, Dewing K, Geiger H, Misiti V, Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Svensen HH, Yakymchuk C, Aradi LE, Freda C & Troll VR
(2022) Lava Compositions of the 2021 La Palma Eruption Reflect Magma Recharge and Mixing Processes in the Lithosphere
Day JMD, Aulinas M, Deegan F, Troll VR, Geiger H, Carracedo JC, Gisbert Pinto G & Perez-Torrado FJJ
(2020) Exotic, Frothy Xenoliths in Recent and Historical Ocean Island Eruptions
Jägerup SB, Troll VR, Deegan FM, Geiger H, Carracedo JC, Harris C, van der Zwan FM & Zaczek K
(2018) Multi-Level Magma Plumbing at Agung and Batur Volcanoes Increases Risk of Hazardous Eruptions
Geiger H, Troll VR, Deegan FM, Jolis EM, Harris C, Hilton DR & Freda C
(2017) Behaviour of Boron Isotopes during Magmatic Degassing
Thomaidis K, Deegan FM, Troll VR, Whitehouse MJ, Weis FA, Helbling AH, Marschall HR & Geiger H

Geiger J. (2019) Sm-Nd and Sr Isotope Systematics of Western Abitibi Scheelites and Andradite Garnets, Implications for Gold Mineralization
Bouvier A, Van Kessel A, Geiger J, Linnen RL, Georg RB, Zajacz Z & Withers AC

Geiger S.
(2009) Constraining Timescales of Ore-Formation by Numerical Simulations of Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Weis P, Coumou D, Driesner T, Geiger S, Steinberger I, Grün G & Heinrich CA
(2006) Modeling multiphase flow of H2O-NaCl fluids by combining CSP5.0 with SoWat2.0
Driesner T, Geiger S & Heinrich C
(2005) Coupled Heat and Salt Transport Around Cooling Magmatic Intrusions
Geiger S, Driesner T, Heinrich C & Matthai S
(2004) Thermodynamics of Hydrothermal Two-Phase Flow of H2O-NaCl Fluids
Driesner T, Geiger S & Heinrich C
(2002) Combining Control Volume Finite Element Methods with Realistic Fluid Properties for High-Resolution Simulations of Multiphase Flow in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Geiger S, Driesner T, Matthai S & Heinrich C

Geilert S. (2023) Microscale, in situ δ30Si Analyses of Authigenic Aluminosilicates – New Constraints on the Use of Pore Fluid Si Isotopes as a Tracer for Marine Silicate Alteration
Geilert S, Frick DA, Abbott AN & Löhr S
(2023) Serpentinite Mud Volcanoes as Natural Laboratory for Mineral Carbonation Reactions
Freitas ML, Geilert S, Heuser A, Wallmann K & Magalhães VH
(2021) Climate-Driven Marine Silicate Weathering off Peru
Geilert S, Grasse P, Garbe-Schönberg D, Dale A & Sommer S
(2021) Laser Ablating the Stable Si Isotope Budget of Slab Dehydration
Geilert S, Albers E, Frick DA, Hansen C & von Blanckenburg F
(2021) Kinetics of Olivine Weathering in Seawater: An Experimental Study
Fuhr M, Geilert S, Schmidt M & Wallmann K
(2019) Marine Reverse Silicate Weathering Traced by Silicon Isotopes
Geilert S, Hensen C, Doering K, Grasse P, Ehlert C, Liebetrau V, Scholz F, Schmidt M & Frank M
(2017) Si Isotopes in Sedimentary Pore Fluids Trace Early Diagenetic Reactions in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Geilert S, Hensen C, Liebetrau V, Scholz F, Frank M & Ehlert C
(2015) Si Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation from Hot Spring Waters, Geysir Geothermal Field, Iceland
Geilert S, Vroon PZ, Keller NS, Stefánsson A, Gudbrandsson S & van Bergen MJ
(2015) Investigation of Transform Type Plate Boundaries within the Project FLOWS: Seep Fluids and Gases in the Guaymas Basin
Geilert S, Hensen C, Schmidt M, Scholz F, Liebetrau V, Kipfer R & Lever M
(2013) Silicon Isotope Variation in the Buck Reef Chert (Barberton Greenstone Belt) Records Early Archean Basin Evolution
Geilert S, Van Bergen M & Vroon P
(2012) Si Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation in Flow-Through Experiments
Geilert S, Van Bergen M, Vroon P & Van Cappellen P
(2011) Si-Isotope Fractionation during Silica Precipitation: An Experimental Approach
Geilert S, Van Bergen MJ & Vroon PZ

Geilich J. (2013) Organic Carbon and Trace Element Mobilization from a Biochar Amended Arable Soil: A Soil Column Study
Riedel T, Geilich J & Iden S

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