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Gazeau F. (2016) Impact of an in situ Acidification Experiment on Benthic Foraminifera Ecology and their Calcite Geochemistry
Vigier N, Barras C, Cox E, Gazeau F, Rollion-Bard C, Plihon M, Mahacek P, Kerros M-E, Parent B, Alliouane S, Jorissen F & Gattuso J-P
(2014) Is Nutrients Dynamic Affected by Ocean Acidification? Results from Two Mesocosms Experiments in the Mediterranean Sea (FP7 MedseA Project)
Louis J, Guieu C & Gazeau F

Gazeev Viktor (2016) Rusinovite – A Typical Product of Cross Bimetasomatism in Processes of Carbonate Xenoliths Alteration in Volcanites
Środek D, Galuskina I & Gazeev V

Gazeev Viktor M. (2021) Geochemical and Petrological Constraints on Origin and Evolution of Young Silicic Magmatism of Chegem, Elbrus, Tyrnyauz Volcanic Centers (Greater Caucasus, Russia)
Shcherbakov VD, Bindeman IN, Wotzlaw J-F & Gazeev VM

Gazel E. (2023) From Source to Surface: Magmatic Timescales and Processes Leading to Eruptions from Red Crater (Tongariro, New Zealand)
Gruender K, Barker S, Rowe M, Conway C & Gazel E
(2022) 90 Million Years of the Galapagos Plume: The Evolution of Lithological Heterogeneity
Soderman CR, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Geist D, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2022) Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in a Long-Lived Subduction Channel
Flores KE, Gazel E, Bonnet G, Martin C, Cai Y, Hemming SR, Hannes BK & Harlow G
(2022) A Re-evaluation of the Al-in-Olivine Geothermometer
Zhang Y, Namur O, Charlier B, Li W, Shorttle O, Gazel E, Jennings E, Thy P & Grove T
(2022) Accounting for Multi-Phase Carbon in Melt Inclusion Bubbles
DeVitre C, Dayton K, Gazel E, Barth A, Plank TA, Pamukcu A, Gaetani G & Monteleone B
(2021) Volatile Characteristics of Central American Geothermal Fluids
Barry PH, Bekaert DV, de Moor M, Labidi J, Gazel E, Nakagawa M, Giovannelli D, Schrenk M & Lloyd K
(2020) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone at Bermuda: Can Tungsten Stable Isotopes Help Differentiate Recycled Lithologies?
Mazza S, Gazel E & Kleine T
(2020) Testing Geodynamic Models with Major Elements Geochemistry: Implications for Intraplate Volcanism
Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba A, Ballmer MD, Allison C & Gazel E
(2019) Phanerozoic Komatiites from a Reservoir at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Gazel E
(2019) Sampling the Volatile Rich Transition Zone beneath Bermuda
Mazza S, Gazel E, Bizimis M, Moucha R, Beguelin P, Johnson E, McAleer R & Sobolev A
(2018) Volatile Contents of Bubble-Bearing Melt Inclusions from Klyuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka) Determined by Mass-Balance and Experimental Homogenization Methods
Moore L, Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Gazel E & Bodnar R
(2018) The Secular Evolution of the Galapagos Mantle Plume
Gazel E
(2017) Galapagos Plume Terranes – Longevity of Plume Components
Class C, Trela J & Gazel E
(2015) Discrimination of Subduction Components with B and Be Systematics in the Aeolian Island Arc, Italy
Zamboni D, Gazel E, Cannatelli C, Atlas ZD, Lucchi F, De Vivo B & Ryan JG
(2015) Generation of Continental Crust in Oceanic Arcs
Gazel E, Hayes J, Hoernle K, Holbrook WS & Vance E
(2013) Serpentinization History of the Santa Elena Complex Peridotites, Costa Rica
Schwarzenbach E & Gazel E
(2013) Examination of Magma Degassing Paths Based on Melt Inclusions
Bodnar R, Gazel E, Esposito R, Moore L, Steele-MacInnis M & Wallace P
(2012) Calibration of Thermobarometry (T-P) Estimates with H2O and fO2 Data from Melt Inclusions: Results from the Big Pine Volcanic Field, Western USA
Gazel E, Plank T, Forsyth DW, Bendersky C, Lee C-T & Hauri E
(2012) Contrasting Plateau- and Intra-Oceanic Arc (IOA)-related Plagiogranites, Nicoya and Santa Elena Complexes, Costa Rica
Whattam S & Gazel E
(2011) Melting Conditions with PRIMELT: Examples and Future Work
Gazel E, Herzberg C & Asimow P
(2010) The OIB Signature in Central America: Old Lithospheric and Young Asthenospheric Mantle Reservoirs
Gazel E, Feigenson M, Carr M & Hoernle K

Gazis C. (2014) Geochemical Studies of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions in Central Washington, USA
Gazis C, Holt R, Patterson J, Taylor S & Weis Z
(2009) A Stable Isotope Study of Soil Water and Soil CO2 along a Climate Gradient
Gazis C, Hammond T & Larkins C

Gazit-Yaari N. (2002) Depletion Factor as a Paleodepth Indicator
Gazit-Yaari N, Lazar B & Erez J

Gazley M. (2016) Nanoparticles and Gold Deposit Formation
Pearce M, Gazley M, Fisher L, Hough R, Saunders M & Kong C

Gazquez F. (2023) Secular Evolution of Boron Isotope Composition of Seawater Archived in Evaporites?
Jurikova H, Gázquez F, Branson O, Weldeghebriel MF, Evans D, Dumont M, Sendula E, Bodnar R, Lowenstein TK & Rae JWB
(2023) Triple Oxygen Isotopes Provide Insights into Hydrological and Climatological Controls of Ephemeral Lakes in Southern Spain
Voigt C, Gázquez F, Martegani L & Rodríguez-Rodríguez M
(2023) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotopes of Gypsum Hydration Water in Sub-Actual Playa-Lakes Sediments: Implications for Paleoclimate Reconstructions
Gázquez F, Martegani L & Voigt C
(2021) Reconstructing the Secular Evolution of Boron Isotope Composition of Seawater from Evaporites
Jurikova H, Rae JWB, Gázquez F, Sendula E, Bodnar R, Weldeghebriel M & Lowenstein T
(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of Gypsum Hydration Water from the Evaporites of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Hodell D, Evans N, Gázquez F, Bauska T, Chapman H & McKenzie J
(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Hydration Water of Lacustrine Gypsum for Quantitative Paleo-Humidity Estimates
Gazquez F, Morellon M, Bauska T, Herwartz D, Surma J, Moreno A, Staubwasser M, Valero-Garces B & Hodell DA
(2017) Hydrological History of the Altiplano over the Last Glacial Cycle from Gypsum Hydration Water and Halite Fluid Inclusions
Bauska TK, Gazquez F, Baker PA, Fritz SC & Hodell DA
(2017) Coupled Measurement of Ca and Sr Isotopes in Evaporites from the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
Evans N, Mailes J, Bauska T, Gázquez F, Chapman H, Bradbury H, Turchyn S & Hodell D
(2015) New Method for the On-Line Measurement of δD and δ18O of Mineral Hydration Waters Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Walters G, Mather I, Gazquez F & Hodell D
(2015) 17O-Excess and Deuterium-Excess in Gypsum Hydration Water
Gazquez F, Evans N, Mather I, Herwartz D, Staubwasser M & Hodell D

Gazzano E. (2019) Fibrous Antigorite from New Caledonia. An Environmental Health Hazard?
Petriglieri JR, Turci F, Tomatis M, Avataneo C, Fubini B, Gazzano E, Aldieri E & Laporte-Magoni C

Gazze S.A. (2011) Ectomycorrhizal Fungi and Silicate Mineral Weathering: Characterising Nanoscale Interactions Using AFM
Kapitulcinova D, Howe RCT, Jackson S, Gazze SA & McMaster T
(2011) Nutrient Uptake at the Fungi-Mineral Interface
Mankasingh U, Gazze SA, Saccone L, Duran AL, Leake JR & Ragnarsdottir KV
(2009) Nanoscale Imaging of Ectomycorrhizal Weathering Processes on Minerals
Gazze SA, Ragnarsdottir KV, Banwart S, Leake J & McMaster T
(2009) Paxillus involutus Hyphae: Imaging their Structure and Interaction with Mineral Surfaces Using AFM
Saccone L, Gazze SA, Ragnarsdottir KV, Leake JR, Duran AL, Hallam KR & McMaster TJ
(2009) Weathering of Chlorite Studied at the Nanometre Scale Using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Gazze SA, Ragnarsdottir KV & McMaster TJ

Gbaguidi I. (2020) Geotechnical Characterization and Development of Local Materials: Use of Clay from the Goudomp Department in Construction
Niang D, Gbaguidi I & Lo PG

Gbele O. (2023) Multi-Parameters Statistical Analysis of K, Th and U Concentrations in Eastern Senegal: Implications for the Interpretation of Airborne Radiometric
Thiam A, Baratoux D, Fall M, Faye G & Gbele O
(2023) Lithogeochemical and Structural Study of Yamoussoukro’ Granitoids
Gnanzou A, Coulibaly I, Kouame LNS, Gbele O & Kouamelan AN
(2021) Origin of Mafic Volcaniclastics in the Central Part of the Toumodi-Fetekro Greenstone Belt (Côte D’ivoire)
Tegan NES, Yao KA, Kouamelan AN, Coulibaly I, Hayman P, Gbele O & Aka WG

Gdaniec S. (2019) Circulation Changes in the Amundsen Basin from 1991 to 2015 Revealed from Distributions of Dissolved 230Th
Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Geibert W, Gdaniec S, Moran SB, Lepore K, Puigcorbé V, Casacabuerta N, Paffrath R, Smethie W, Roy-Barman M & Edwards RL
(2017) 231Pa and 230Th in the Barents Sea and the Nansen Basin: Implications for Shelf-Basin Interactions and Changes in Particle Flux
Gdaniec S, Roy-Barman M, Levier M, Missiaen L, Dapoigny A, Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff M & Andersson P
(2017) 231Pa and 230Th in the Arctic Ocean 1991-2016: Changes in the Eurasian and Makarov Basins
Valk O, Gdaniec S, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Geibert W, Smethie W, Moran SB, Lepore K, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Rijkneberg M
(2017) Influence of Deep Water Formation and Boundary Scavenging on 231Pa and 230Th Distribution in the Mediterranean Sea
Roy-Barman M, Gdaniec S, Foliot L, Thil F, Burckel P, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Masque P & Garcia-Orellana JG-O

Gdanski R. (2019) Waterflooding for Improved Oil Recovery: Cation Exchange Makes the Difference
Tambach T, Fadili A, Gdanski R, Kampman N, Koot W, Snippe J & de Zwart B-R

Gdowski G. (2005) Chemical Environment at Waste Package Surfaces in a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
Carroll S, Alai M, Craig L, Gdowski G, Hailey P, Nguyen QA, Rard J, Staggs K, Sutton M & Wolery T

Ge B. (2023) Unexpected High Contribution of In-Cloud Wet Scavenging to Nitrogen Deposition Induced by Pumping Effect of Typhoon Landfall in China
Ge B
(2019) Impacts of Ammonia on Gas-Particle Partition and AWC during the 2016 APHH-Beijing Campaign: Inducing Effects of Nitrate Ammonium
Ge B

Ge C (2005) Boron Isotope Variation and its Environmental Implication in Wuquan River Estuary, Hainan Island, China
Ge C, Jiang S, Ling H & Chen P

Ge Can (2019) A New Practical Isobaric Interference Correction Model for in situ Hf Isotopic Analysis Using Laser ablation-Multi-Collector-Icp-Mass Spectrometry of Zircons with High Yb/Hf Ratios
Gu H-O, Sun H, Wang F & Ge C

Ge Chendong (2017) The Record of Organic Matter Sources Change and its Significance of the Sedimentation Rate in the Tidal Flat of Jiangsu Province, China
Ge C, Dong T, Huang M & Liu X
(2002) Fluid Geochemistry of an Ancient Analog to the Modern Seafloor Polymetallic Massive sulfides--Yongping Super-Large Copper deposit, Jiangxi province, China
Ge C & Ni P

Ge D. (2023) Early and Late Paleozoic Mafic Dykes in South Qinling, Central China: Evidence for Evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean
Cheng H, He J, Ge D & Chen F

Ge H. (2017) Assessment of Terrestrial Organic Matter Inputs in the New Britain Trench: A Biomarker Based Study
Xu Y, Xiao W, Wei D & Ge H

Ge J. (2017) Late Quaternary Chronology of the Lower Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354) – Paleoclimate Implications
Weber ME, Dekens PS, Reilly BS, Lantzsch H, Selkin PA, Das SK, Williams T, Martos YM, Adhikari RR, Gyawali BR, Jia G, Fox L, Ge J, Manoj MC, Savian J & Meynadier L

Ge L. (2009) Geochemical Characteristics of Cold Seep Carbonates as Records of Gas Venting in Shenhu Area, Northern South China Sea
Ge L, Jiang SY, Yang T, Yang JH, Swennen R, Chen DH, Liu J & Wu NY

Ge Liangsheng (2013) Geochemical Characteristics of Granites and their Relationship to Gold Mineralization in Yangshan Gold Deposit, Gansu Province, China
Yang G, Yuan S, Qi J & Ge L

Ge Lu (2017) Lipid Biomarkers and their Specific Carbon Isotopic Compositions of South China Sea Seep Carbonates
Ge L & Jiang S
(2016) Isotope Geochemistry of Rhizoliths from Badain Jaran Desert, China and Environmental Significance
Ge L & Wang C
(2015) Pliocene Cold Seep Carbonates from Western Foothills, Southwestern Taiwan
Ge L & Jiang S
(2014) Lipid Patterns of Anaerobic Methanotrophic Consortia in South China Sea Seep Carbonates
Ge L & Jiang S
(2013) Sr and Nd Isotopes of Modern Cold Seep Carbonates from the Northern South China Sea
Ge L, Chen J, Jiang S & Yang T

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