Gagan M.K.
The Modern Hydrogeochemistry of Small Pools in Corchia Cave, Italy: Implications for Palaeoclimate Reconstruction
Drysdale R, Zanchetta G, Baneschi I, Couchoud I, Daeron M, Hellstrom J, Paul B, Gagan M, Greig A, Isola I, Regattieri E & Guidi M
Vegetation Collapse on Flores 69, 000 Years Ago: A Consequence of the Toba Super-Eruption, or a Volcanic Disaster Closer to Home?
Scroxton N, Gagan MK, Williams IS, Hellstrom JC, Cheng H, Ayliffe LK, Dunbar GB, Hantoro WS, Rifai H & Suwargadi BW
Coral Records of Ocean Acidification and Physiological Processes in the Southern Great Barrier Reef
Kang JO, McCulloch M, Eggins S, Gagan M & Mortimer G
Speleothem Reconstructions of Palaeomonsoon Dynamics from Flores, Indonesia over the Last 24 kyr
Bretherton S, Gagan M, Ayliffe L, Zhao J-X, Griffiths M, Drysdale R & Hantoro W
The Indian Ocean Dipole and Great Earthquake Cycle: Long-Term Perspectives for Improved Prediction
Gagan M, Abram N, Hantoro W, Natawidjaja D & Sieh K
Long-term anthropogenic change in South Australian gulfs recorded by the faviid coral Plesiastrea versipora
Burgess S, McCulloch M, Gagan M & Ward T
Mg/Ca, Stable Isotopes and an Important paleo-Salintiy Record from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Opdyke B, Edwards J, Bostock H, Lea D, Spero H, Gagan M & Fifield K
Coral records of the 1990s in the tropical northwest Pacific: ENSO, mass coral bleaching, and global warming.
Suzuki A, Gagan MK, Kan H, Siringan F, Yoneda M & Kawahata H
C-O-Sr isotopic record of monsoon climate during 10-20 ka in a stalagmite from central-west China
Zhou H-Y, Zhao J-X, Feng Y-X, Gagan MK & Yan J
High-resolution paleoclimate of the MIS 11 interglacial (423-360 ka) using geochemical proxies in giant Tridacna clams
Ayling BF, Chappell J, McCulloch MT, Gagan MK & Elliot M
Geochemical Expressions of Early Marine Diagenesis in Corals – Implications for Paleoceanographic Reconstructions
Mueller A & Gagan MK
Coral Reconstruction of Abrupt Tropical Cooling 8000 Years ago
Gagan M, Ayliffe L, Scott-Gagan H, Hantoro W & McCulloch M
Seasonal Trace Element and Isotope Variations in Freshwater Tufas: Potentials and Limitations for Climate Reconstruction
Ihlenfeld C, Maas R, Gagan M, Norman M & Henderson G
Gage D.
New Insights into Ancient Proteins from Traditional and Novel Mass Spectrometric Approaches
Schall M, Ostrom P, Leykam J, Gandhi H, McNulty T & Gage D
Gagell C.
Microorganisms in Flooded Underground Uranium Mines of East Germany
Gagell C & Arnold T
Gagen E.
Biogeochemical Processes Responsible for Iron Duricrust Cementation
Gagen E, Paz A, Levett A & Southam G
Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron Oxide in the Rhizosphere of Plants Grown on Ferruginous Duricrust (Canga)
Paz A, Gagen E, Levett A & Southam G
Surface Mediated Bacteria-Mineral Interactions: Mineral Dissolution and Re-precipitation
Southam G, Gagen E, Levett A, Bostelmann H, Shuster J, Long P, McCutcheon J & Vasconcelos P
Deciphering Sulfur Cycling, Porewater Geochemistry and Carbonate Mineralogy in Modern Dolomitic Sediments
Morgan B, Wilson SA, Johnston SG, Gagen EJ, Burton ED & Southam G
Potential of Weathering-Derived Efflorescences in Meteorites for Preserving Biofilms, Fossils and Organics
Tait A, Wilson S, Gagen E, Holman A, Tomkins A, Grice K & Southam G
Trace Metal Distribution in Iron Manganese Oxyhydroxide Crusts from a Tasmantid Seamount
Gagen E, Monteiro H, Nothdurft L, Rintoul L, Paterson D, Vasconcelos P & Southam G
Evidence of Biogeochemical Processes in Iron Duricrust Formation
Levett A, Gagen E, Shuster J & Southam G
Iron Biogeochemical Cycling in Ferruginous Duricrust (Canga)
Paz A, Gagen E & Southam G
Effect of Bituminous Coal on Methanogenesis
Raudsepp M, Gagen E, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G
The Importance of Iron Duricrust Formation to Brazilian Iron Ore Production
Southam G, Gagen E, Levett A, Monteiro H, Paz A & Vasconcelos P
Meteorites as Potential Microbial Habitats on the Surface of Mars
Tait AW, Gagen EJ, Wilson SA, Tomkins AG & Southam G
Gagen M.
Asian Monsoon Circulation Strength Inferred from Multicentury Tree-Ring Stable Isotope Chronologies from Southeast Asia
Anchukaitis K, Gagen M, Martin-Benito D, Buckley B, Ummenhofer C & LeGrande A
Gaggero L.
Does the Asbestos Classification Need to be Implemented? Cytotoxic Insights in Progress
Militello GM, Gaggero L & La Maestra S
Biological Effects on Asbestiform and Non-Asbestiform Amphiboles. Which Aspect Ratio Range Consider on Quantitative Determination of Elongated Mineral Particles (EMP) in Bulk Samples?
Militello GM, La Maestra S & Gaggero L
U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Granulite-Amphibolite Complex in the Asinara Island (Italy)
Gaggero L, Oggiano G, Casini L & Tiepolo M
Gagliano A.
Extreme Isotope Fractionation of Hydrothermal Methane due to Oxidation Processes in Hot Springs of Central Greece
D'Alessandro W, Daskalopoulou K, Gagliano AL, Calabrese S, Fiebig J, Tassi F & Kyriakopoulos K
Seawater Trace Metals in Acidified Condition: An Accumulation Study in the Blue Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis off Vulcano Island Submarine Vents (Italy)
Boatta F, D'Alessandro W, Gagliano A, Federico C, Calabrese S, Liotta M, Milazzo M & Parello F
Investigation of the Methanotrophic Activity in the Soils of a Geothermal Site of Pantelleria Island (Italy)
Gagliano AL, D'Alessandro W, Quatrini P & Parello F
Gagliardi J.
Subglacial Chemical Precipitates Record Antarctic Ice Sheet Response to Southern Ocean Warming
Gagliardi J, Blackburn T, Piccione G, Tulaczyk S & Keller CB
Gagliardi L.
Thin Film Model of Crystal Growth and Dissolution
Gagliardi L, Kohler F, Dysthe DK & Pierre-Louis O
Gagliardini E.
ID21 a Synchrotron Multi-Modal Platform for Micro-Spectroscopic Analyses in Earth, Environmental and Geo-Sciences
Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Salome M, Fayard B, Hesse B, Rivard C, Bugnazet D, De Nolf W, Gagliardini E, Berruyer G & Susini J
Gagne O.
Machine Learning in Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale Crater, Mars
Morrison S, Pan F, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Fox P, Gagne O, Downs RT, Bristow TF, Rampe EB, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Achilles CN, Ming DW, Yen AS, Treiman AH, Morris RV, Chipera SJ, Craig PI, Tu VM & Hazen RM
Gagne S.
Review of Environmental Multi-Tracer Sensitivity to Groundwater Discharge in River
Lefebvre K, Barbecot F, Larocque M, Ghaleb B, Helie J-F, Noret A & Gagne S
Gagne-Turcotte R.
Mining Environments in a Changing Climate
Huntsman P, Cleaver A, Jamieson H, Volchek K, DiFeo T, Reynier N, Gagne-Turcotte R, Langley S, Clemente J, Asemaninejad A, White HP & Rickwood C
Gagnevin D.
Causes and Consequences of Zn, Fe and S Isotope Fractionation in a Large Hydrothermal System: The Navan Orebody, Ireland
Gagnevin D, Boyce A, Barrie C, Menuge J & Blakeman R
Minor Elements in Layered Sphalerite Record Fluid Origin in the Giant Navan Zn-Pb Orebody, Ireland
Gagnevin D, Menuge JF, Kronz A, Barrie CD & Boyce AJ
Zircon as Proxy of Magma Differentiation and Mixing in the Tuscan Magmatic Province (Italy)
Gagnevin D, Daly JS, Whitehouse M, Horstwood M & Kronz A
Zircon Growth and Resorption in an Incrementally Filled Granite Pluton: Insights from in situ U-Pb, Trace Element and Hf Isotopic Analyses
Daly S, Gagnevin D & Whitehouse M
Zircon as a Magma Mixing Proxy: Textural, Chemical and Isotopic Evidence from a Young Plutonic System
Gagnevin D, Daly S & Whitehouse M
Insights Into Magma Evolution in Capraia Volcano (Italy) From Plagioclase Chemical and Isotopic Zonation.
Gagnevin D, Daly JS, Waight TE, Poli G & Conticelli S
Microchemical Investigation of K-Feldspar Megacrysts: Clues to Magma Dynamics in a Plutonic Environment
Gagnevin D, Daly JS & Poli G
Gagnidze N.
Discovery of Neo-Proterosic Relics in Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti Belt,
Lesser Caucasus: Implication for Zircons U-Pb Geochronology
Okrostsvaridze A, Gagnidze N, Chung S-L & Chang Y-H
Felsitic Magmatism and Th-Bi Mineralization in the Greater Caucaus Kakheti Region, Georgia
Gagnidze N & Okrostsvaridze A
Magmatism and Mineral Occurrences of the Eastern Greater Caucasus, Georgian Segment
Gagnidze N, Okrostsvaridze A, Aqimidze K & Chung S-L
Gondvanian Relicts in the Processes of the Caucasus Collisional Orogen Continental Crust Formation
Okrostsvaridze A, Lee Y-H & Gagnidze N
Petrology and Ore Mineralization Processes of the Eastern Greater Caucasus Georgian Segment
Gagnidze N, Akimidze K & Okrostsvaridze A
Petrology of the Sakeni Intrusive and Sakeni Goldfield Genesis (Greater Caucasus, Georgia)
Okrostsvaridze A, Bluashvili D & Gagnidze N
Ore Mineralization Processes in the Greater Caucasus Kakheti Segment, Georgia
Okrostsvaridze A, Aqimidze K & Gagnidze N
Gagnon Alex
The Martian Critical Zone: Concept and Experimental Example
Perdrial N, Armfield J, Reeder G, Gagnon A, Rampe E & Perdrial J
Gagnon Alexander
Boric Acid Diffusion in Biomineralisation: Implications for B Geochemical Proxies
Branson O & Gagnon A
The Geochemistry of Coral Biomineralization: Using Boron Isotopes to Understand the Cost of Resilience in a Changing Ocean
Gagnon A, Gothmann A, Branson O, Rae J & Stewart J
Geochemical and Biochemical Factors Controlling Skeletal Nucleation and their Impact on Coral in a Changing Ocean
Wolfshorndl M, Larsen A & Gagnon A
Seeking a Mechanistic Understanding of Cold-Water Coral Trace Metal Composition Through Culture Experiments with Decoupled Carbonate Chemistry Parameters
Gothmann A & Gagnon A
Quantitative Decomposition of the Biogeochemical “Heartbeat” of a French Polynesian Atoll
Bolden I, Gagnon A & Sachs J
Sub-Micron Heterogeneity In Biominerals: What Is the Role of Organic-Mineral Interactions?
Gagnon A
Calcium Carbonate Nucleation Rates Manipulated by Organic Templates as Indicators of Coral’s Sensitivity to Ocean Acidification
Wolfshorndl M, Anderson D & Gagnon A
Controls on Cold-Water Coral Mineralization Through Manipulation of Separate Carbonate Chemistry Parameters in Culture
Gothmann A, Miner M & Gagnon A
The Atomic-Scale Chemistry of a Calcite Bio-Mineral Interface
Branson O, Spero H, Perea D, Winters M, Bonnin E, Zhu Z & Gagnon A
Deciphering Amorphous Calcium Carbonate Crystallization Pathway Using Stable Isotope Labels
Giuffre A, Gagnon A & Dove P
Mechanisms Driving Sub-Micron Proxy Heterogeneity in Biominerals: Lessons from Planktic Foraminifera
Gagnon A, Giuffre A, Russell A, Spero H, Zhu Z & Perea D
Systematic Sub-Micron Na/Ca Banding in Cultured Planktic Foraminifera
Bonnin E, Kogut M, Zhu Z, Spero H, Hönisch B, Russell A & Gagnon A
Biomineralization in Corals and the Hunt for New Tracers of the Past Ocean
Adkins J & Gagnon A
Me/Ca Proxies and Foram Biomineralization: The Role of Cation Transport
Gagnon A, DeYoreo J, DePaolo D, Spero H, Russell A & Giuffre A
The Influence of Mineralization Pathway on Composition and Isotope Signatures in Calcite
Dove P, Giuffre A, Han N, De Yoreo J & Gagnon A
Calcium Isotopes during Coral Biomineralization
Gagnon A, DePaolo D, Adkins J & De Yoreo J
Analysis of Mg, Sr, and Ba in Deep Sea Corals Using SIMS and ICP-MS
Gabitov R, Gagnon A, Adkins J & Eiler J
Phosphorus, Barium and Boron in the Deep-Sea Coral Desmophyllum dianthus: Preliminary Calibrations
Anagnostou E, Sherrell R, Adkins J & Gagnon A
Sr/Ca as a Proxy for Temperature in the Deep-Sea Coral Desmophyllum dianthus
Gagnon A, Adkins J & Fernandez D
Gagnon C.
Scale, Carbonate Weathering, and the Laboratory/Field Dichotomy
Anovitz L, Prisk TR, Emmanuel S, Cheshire MC, Weber J, Bleuel M, Ilavsky J, Mildner DFR & Gagnon C
Effect of Cation Concentration and Radius, and Rheology on Nano-Scale Boehmite Aggregation
Anovitz L, Huestis P, Krzysko A, Weston J, Zhang X, Chun J, Schenter G, Ilavksy J, Kuzmenko I, Frith M, Ivory C, Clark S, Weigandt K, Stack A, Bleuel M, Gagnon C & Mildner D
The Effects of Chemomechanical Processes on Limestone Weathering
Cheshire M, Anovitz L, Prisk T, Emmanuel S, Weber J, Brantley S, Bleuel M, Ilavsky J, Mildner D & Gagnon C
Gagnon J.e.
Pyrite Compositions from Contrasting Styles of Syenite-Hosted Au at the Young-Davidson and Thunder Creek Deposits, Abitibi Belt, Canada
Linnen RL, Campbell R, Martin RD, Layne GD, Wing B, Gagnon JE, Lin S & Zhang J
Gagnon Jean-Christophe
Microbial Diversity and Functions in a Deep and Old Terrestrial Subsurface Aquifer Ecosystem
Lazar CS, Gagnon J-C & Marcil J-S
Gagnon Jessica
Attrition of Minority Groups in the UK Geochemistry Workforce Across the Academic Career Ladder
Bots P, Maters E, Appiah F, Gagnon J, Bhagwat S, Riches AJV, Little SH, Chi Fru E, Ngwenya B, Lawrence A & Anand [she/her] P
Is the Geochemistry Academic Work Environment a Potential Barrier to Inclusion and Progression?
Anand [she/her] P, Lawrence A, Little SH, Bots P, Gagnon J, Appiah F, Riches AJV, Maters E, Chi Fru E, Bhagwat S & Ngwenya B
Gagnon Joel
An Olivine-Melt Thermometer Based on DNi, with no Dependence on H2O in the Melt: New Experimental Evidence
Pu X, Lange R, Moore G, Touran J & Gagnon J
Oxide Mineralogy as a Record of Postmagmatic Processes in the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, NW Ontario: Significance of Textures
Brzozowski M, Samson I, Gagnon J, Good D & Linnen R
Cu and Fe Diffusion in Rhyolitic Melts during Chalcocite “Dissolution”
Ni P, Zhang Y, Simon A & Gagnon J
The Marathon Cu-Pge Deposit, Ontario: Insights from Sulphide Chemistry and Textures
Samson I, Fryer B & Gagnon J
A Simple Technique for Preparing Matrix- and Concentration-Matched Standards for LA-ICPMS Analysis?
Fryer B & Gagnon J
Quantitative Major, Minor & Trace Element Analysis of Minerals by LA-ICPMS Without an Internal Standard
Gagnon J, Fryer B, Williams-Jones A & Samson I
High Resolution LA-ICP-MS Analyses of PGMs and Sulphides, Marathon Pd-Cu Deposit, Ontario
Samson I, Fryer B, Gagnon J & Donnelly CL
Partitioning and Vapour Transport of Pt at Magmatic Conditions
Blaine F, Linnen R, Holtz F, Gagnon J & Bruegmann G
Gagnon Joel E.
Applications of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy in the Study of Orogenic Gold Hydrothermal Rocks
Watts JF, Lawley CJM, Gagnon JE & Rehse SJ
Gagnon Jonathan
Characterizing Water Mass Origins and Nutrient Sources and Sinks in Baffin Bay Using Multiple Geochemical Tracers
Manning CCM, Bourbonnais A, Granger J, Hamme RC, Lehmann N, Valerio D, Perin D, Raftery E, Deslongchamps G, Gagnon J, Zheng Z, Fenwick L, McCulloch RD, Mottram J, Altabet MA, Tremblay J-É, Yeung LY, Young ED & Tortell PD
Gagnon K.
Copper Requirements and Uptake by Plankton in the sub-Arctic NE Pacific Ocean
Semeniuk D, Cullen J, Gagnon K, Ruth T & Maldonado M