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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Garda Gm (2003) Tourmalines from the Morro da Pedra Preta Formation, Serra do Itaberaba Group – SP (Brazil)
Garda G, Beljavskis P & Mansueto M

Garde A.A. (2009) The Origin of TTGs Inferred from High-Precision HFSE Measurements
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Rosing MT, Næraa T, Garde AA & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2006) High precision LA-SF-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating of Archaean gneisses, southern West Greenland
Hollis J, Frei D, Gerdes A, Garde A & Van Gool J
(2004) A Petrological Study of Basic Dykes and Sills of Assumed Palaeoproterozoic Age in Central West Greenland
Árting U, Bernstein S, Garde A & Brooks C
(2004) 'Anorogenic' Granites in a Convergent Plate-Tectonic Setting: A Review of the Palaeoproterozoic Rapakivi Suite in South Greenland
Garde A, Hamilton M, Chadwick B, Grocott J & McCaffrey K

Garde J. (2023) Partial Melting of Hyperaluminous Metasediments: The Origin of Rare-Metal Granites and Pegmatites?
Horányi B, Gion AM, Gaillard F, Plunder A, Gloaguen E, Melleton J, Moradell-Casellas A & Garde J

Gardea-Torresdey J. (2018) Tracing Gypsiferous White Sands Aerosols in the Shallow Critical Zone at White Mountain, New Mexico Using Sr/Ca and 87Sr/86Sr Ratios
Rea P, Ma L, Gill T, Gardea-Torresdey J, Tamez C & Jin L

Gardel A. (2017) U-Pb Zircon Ages and Geochemical Analyses of French Guiana Recent Coastal Sediments Under Amazon Influence
Philippe S, Dörr W, Marko L, Courcot L, Lesourd S, Caillaud J, Gontharet S, Gardel A, Bory A & Henry F
(2013) Distribution and Sources of Organic Matter (OM) in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank of French Guiana
Gontharet S, Mathieu O, Lévêque J, Milloux M-J, Lesourd S, Philippe S, Caillaud J & Gardel A

Gardella J.A. (2010) Release of Toxic Elements from Air-Exposed Coal of Guizhou, China
Liang H, Gardella JA & Yatzor B

Garden B. (2005) A Comparison of Mineral and Whole Rock Approaches to Re-Os Dating of the Kaapvaal Lithospheric Mantle
Garden B, Carlson R, Pearson G, Shirey S & Richardson S
(2004) Mantle Modification and Diamond Genesis during Continental Accretion
Garden B, Shirey S, Carlson R, Schmitz M, Richardson S & Gurney J

Gardenová N. (2012) LA-ICP-MS as a Tool for Elemental Mapping Geological Samples
Vaculovic T, Gardenova N, Kanicky V, Breiter K & Vyslouzilova L
(2011) Analysis of Geochemical "Twins" Al/Ga and Si/Ge in Rock-Forming Silicate Minerals in Granitoides Using LA-ICP-MS
Gardenová N, Kanický V, Breiter K & Vaculovič T

Gardés E. (2021) Unravelling (CO2+H2O)-bearing Melt Distribution in the Upper Mantle Using Experimental Nano-Petrology
Gardés E, Laumonier M, Massuyeau M & Gaillard F
(2015) Modelling the Composition of H2O-CO2-rich Incipient Melts in the Upper Mantle
Massuyeau M, Gardés E, Morizet Y & Gaillard F

Gardes T. (2023) Platinum Trajectories in Two Major French Rivers Using Dated Sediment Cores (1930-2021): From Geochemical Baseline to Emerging Source Signals
Chastanet M, Debret M, Gardes T, Schäfer J, Abdou M, Lestel L, Morereau A, Grosbois C, Eyrolle F & Coynel A
(2022) Trajectories of Legacy and Emerging Metal Contaminants in French River Sediments
Gardes T, Coynel A, Debret M, Copard Y, Bossy C, Chastanet M, Lepage H, Dendievel A-M, Mourier B, Winiarski T, Schäfer J, Grosbois C & Eyrolle F
(2018) Organic Compounds and Trace Metal Elements in the Eure River Watershed: Past and Actual Records of Anthropogenic Impacts
Gardes T, Debret M, Copard Y, Koltalo F, Patault E, Laberdesque Y, Develle A-L, Deloffre J, Marcotte S, Sabatier P, Chaumillon E, Coulombier T, Révillon S & Nizou J

Gardia-Parège C. (2021) Metrology for Monitoring of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Under the EU Water Framework Directive
Steinhaeuser L, Lardy-Fontan S, Piechotta C, Heath E, Balzamo S, Gardia-Parège C, Gökcen T, Budzinski H & Perkola N

Gardien Veronique (2017) A New Paleo-Thermometer for Evaporitic Halite: Brillouin Spectroscopy
Guillerm E, Caupin F, Gardien V & Ariztegui D
(2017) Deep Penetration of Meteoric Water in Variscan Ductile Shear Zones
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Boulvais P, Dubois M, Gardien V, Grimes S & Mulch A
(2017) New Paleo-Altimeter Based on Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes of Aqueous Fluid Inclusions in Hydrothermal Quartz
Gardien V, Leloup H, Maheo G, Monie P & Arnaud N
(2017) Long-Lived Interaction between Hydrothermal and Magmatic Fluids in the Soultz Granite (Rhine Graben, France)
Rabinowicz M & Gardien V
(2015) Syntectonic Emplacement of an Alkaline Massif in Burundi: Consequences on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Element (REE, HFSE) Mobility
Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Tack L, Nimpagaritse G, Midende G, Gardien V, Demaiffe D & Decrée S
(2014) Magmatism, Hydrothermalism and Complex (REE and HFSE) Mineralized System in the Upper Ruvubu Alkaline Massif, Burundi
Decrée S, Boulvais P, Cobert C, Baele J-M, Gardien V, Tack L & Demaiffe D
(2013) C and O Isotope Compositions of the Matongo Carbonatite (Burundi): New Insights into Alteration and REE Mineralization Processes
Boulvais P, Decrée S, Cobert C, Midende G, Tack L, Gardien V & Demaiffe D
(2008) Mantle Flux at Lower Crust / Upper Mantle Interface: A Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes Study of Granulites
Rigaudier T, Gardien V, Lecuyer C, Simon L & Martineau F

Gardien Véronique (2019) Characterization of Meteoric Water Infiltration in Variscan Shear Zones
Dusséaux C, Gébelin A, Boulvais P, Gardien V, Dubois M, Ruffet G, Poujol M, Branquet Y, Mottram C, Grimes S & Mulch A

Gardin A. (2023) Stable Isotopes of Crocodilian Teeth Reveal the Diversity of Freshwater Environments and Climate over the Past Million Years in the Turkana Depression (Eastern Africa)
Gardin A, Pucéat E, Garcia G, Boisserie J-R, Schuster M, Nutz A & Otero O

Gardin S (2006) A Multi-proxy Approach of the Bajocian Sedimentary Crisis in Western Tethys
Beaumont V, Bartolini A, Mas R, Gardin S, Gaillardet J, Chetelat B, O'Dogherty L, Sandoval J & Cecca F

Gardin Silvia (2023) Calcification Response of Emiliania huxleyi to Acidification Under Calcite and Aragonite Sea
Wang H, Ruiz-Pino D, Gardin S, Probert I & Langer G
(2021) Biogeochemical Disruptions Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Insights from Sulfur Isotopes
Jouini A, Paris G, Caro G, Bartolini Mariotti A & Gardin S
(2021) Effects of Sulfate Concentration on Emiliania huxleyi Growth in Current and Past Ocean
Wang H, Ruiz-Pino D, Broche B, Probert I & Gardin S
(2019) Geochemistry of the Coccoliths: Proxy of Surface Water Conditions or of Resilience of Coccolithophores Facing Climate Change ?
Boye M, Sabata i Villardell N, Guéguen B, Schmidt S, Gardin S & Beaufort L
(2019) Sulfate in Biogenic Carbonates: A Simple yet Complicated Story
Paris G, Dellinger M, Thaler C, Bartolini A, Barkan Y, Halevy I, Sessions A, Adkins J, West J, Gardin S, Ruiz-Pino D & Perez-Huerta A
(2017) Sulfur Impact on Coccolithophore Bio-Calcification. A Simulated in Vitro Approach Linking Present with Ancient Oceans
Broche B, Ruiz-Pino D, Probert I, Prevot F, Beaufort L, Bartolini A & Gardin S

Gardiner J. (2010) Tracking CO2 Migration Through a Sandstone Aquifer Using Sr Isotopes: Chimayó, New Mexico, USA
Gardiner J, Stewart B, Capo R, Hakala J & Keating E

Gardiner Nicholas (2022) The Si Isotope Evolution of the Crust Recorded by Ancient Glacial Diamictites
Murphy M, Savage PS, Gardiner N, Prave T, Gaschnig RM & Rudnick R
(2019) Timescales of Archaean Magmatism
Gardiner N, Johnson T & Kirkland C
(2018) Are Earth’s Oldest Felsic Rocks Impact Melts?
Johnson T, Gardiner N, Miljković K, Spencer C, Kirkland C, Bland P & Smithies H
(2017) Earth’s First Stable Continents did not Form by Subduction
Johnson T, Brown M, Gardiner N, Kirkland C & Smithies H

Gardiner Nicholas J (2023) TDMelts: A Theriak-Domino Wrapper for 2-Dimensional Batch Melting Models
Koopmans L, Palin RM & Gardiner NJ
(2023) Turning Advances in High-Precision Cassiterite U-Pb Geochronology into Improved Mineral System Models
Goodey MA, Tapster SR, Roberts NMW, Gardiner NJ, Robb LJ, Shail RK & Bista D
(2023) Tracing Granite-Hosted Mineralization via Zircon Metal Anomalies
Gardiner NJ, Hawkesworth C, Robb LJ, Mulder JA & Cawood PA
(2023) Repeated Melting of Archean Crust: New Evidence of the Progressive Differentiation of the Zimbabwe Craton
Koopmans L, Mapingere B, Palin RM, Mamuse A, Gardiner NJ, Larson K, Dyck B & Robb LJ
(2023) A Si Isotope Investigation of Archaean Melting Processes
Murphy ME, Macdonald JE, Fischer S, Gardiner NJ, White RW & Savage PS

Gardiola B. (2023) Fe-Mg Phase Equilibria Under High-Temperature and High-Pressure Conditions: Experimental Investigation and Calphad Modeling
Desseaux M, Andrieux J, Gardiola B, Le Floch S, Deffrennes G, Wada T, Kato H, Parisiadis P, Morard G & Dezellus O

Gardner Christopher (2021) A Ferrous Wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Hawkings J, Skidmore M, Priscu J, Shoenfelt Troein E, Davis C, Christner B, Kim O-S, Sieber M, Conway T, Gardner C, Vick-Majors T, Michaud A, Tranter M, Benning LG & Spencer R

Gardner Christopher B. (2019) Surface Geochemistry of the Shackleton Glacier Region, Antarctica and Implications for Soil Habitability
Diaz M, Adams B, Hogg I, Fierer N, Wall D, Gardner C, Shaver-Adams M & Lyons WB

Gardner D. (2019) Seasonal Variations in the Sulphur Content of Urban Residential PM2.5
Rasmussen P, Levesque C, Chenier M & Gardner D

Gardner J. (2001) Preliminary Investigations of Membrane Fe(III) Reductase Activity and Electron Transfer Processes
Ruebush SS, Icopini G, Gardner J, Tien M & Brantley SL

Gardner James (2022) How to Build a Legacy of Scientific Leadership: The HR Formula
Hammer J, Baker L, Barclay J, Carroll MR, Coombs M, Cottrell E, Dygert NJ, Elkins-Tanton L, First E, Gardner J, Goldsby D, Greenwood J, Johnson M, Krawczynski M, Mandeville C, McCanta M, Minitti ME, Nelson W, Prissel T, Venezky D, Weitz C & Woodruff D
(2020) Growth and Resorption of Bubbles in Magma
Llewellin E, Coumans J, Wadsworth F, Humphreys M, Dobson K, Allabar A, Brooker R, Gardner J & Connolley T
(2016) Non-Equilibrium Degassing and Vapor Fluxing Recorded in Obsidian Pyroclasts
Watkins J, Gardner J & Befus K
(2014) Discriminating Secondary from Primary Water in Rhyolitic Matrix-Glass of Volcanic Pyroclasts Using Thermogravimetric Analysis
Giachetti T, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE & Shea T

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