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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

García-Robledo E. (2018) Measurement of O2 Transformation Rates at Nanomolar Concentrations
Revsbech NP & Garcia-Robledo E
(2017) Archean Oxidative Weathering: Insights from Sulfide Oxidation Experiments at Ultra-Low pO2
Johnson AC, Reinhard CT, Romaniello SJ, Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Canfield D, Lyons TW & Anbar AD
(2016) Mobilizing Molybdenum: Interpreting Archean Oxidative Weathering Signatures
Johnson A, Reinhard C, Romaniello S, Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Canfield D, Lyons T & Anbar A
(2015) Oxygen in the OMZ: In situ Measurement and Biological Transformations
Garcia-Robledo E, Tiano L, Paulmier A, Ward B, Stewart F, Klimant I, Ulloa O, Borisov S & Rebsvech NP
(2013) Metal Fluxes at the Sediment-Water Interface in a Reservoir Affected by AMD
Torres E, Ayora C, Arias JL, García-Robledo E, Papaspyrou S & Corzo A
(2009) Decomposition of Macroalgae Affects N-Cycling in Intertidal Sediments
Garcia-Robledo E, Revsbech NP, Risgaard-Petersen N & Corzo A

Garcia-Rodriguez T. (2023) Manganese Oral and Respiratory Bio-Accessibilities in Wastes and Soils and the Influence of their Geochemical Characteristics
Amaro-Ramirez D, Gutierrez-Ruiz M, Romero FM, Góngora Úbeda E & Garcia-Rodriguez T

García-Ruiz J.M. (2023) Silica-Induced Mineral Self-Assembly in Natural Geochemical Environments
Getenet M, García-Ruiz JM & Otálora F
(2022) New Ways of Crystallizing Calcium Phosphates
Besirske P, Menichetti A, Montalti M, García-Ruiz JM, Boneberg J & Cölfen H
(2021) Searching for Mineral Self-Organization in Soda Lakes
Getenet M, García-Ruiz JM, Otálora F & Verdugo-Escamilla C
(2018) Recognizing Microbial Life Preserved in Rocks: Insights from Population Morphometry
Rouillard J, Havas R, Gérard E, García-Ruiz J-M, Gong J & van Zuilen MA
(2018) Precipitation of Self-Organized Fe-Silica Membranes on Early Earth: Friend or Foe?
Kotopoulou E, Lopez-Haro M, Calvino Gamez JJ, van Zuilen M & Garcia-Ruiz JM
(2017) Environmental Conditions for the Formation of Silica-Witherite Biomorphs and Relevance for Microfossil Identification in Archean Cherts
Rouillard J, Van Zuilen M & Garcia-Ruiz J-M
(2017) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Hyper-Acidic Hydrothermal System of Dallol, Ethiopia
Kotopoulou E, Garcia-Ruiz JM, Delgado Huertas A, Lopez Garcia JM, Dominguez Vera JM & Guerra I
(2014) In situ Observation of Nucleation Process in a Solution by TEM
Kimura Y, Tsukamoto K & Garcia-Ruiz JM
(2013) Precipitation and Stability Behaviour of Calcium Sulfate: The Role of Salinity, Temperature and Reaction Time
Ossorio M, Van Driessche AES, Pérez P & García-Ruiz JM

Garcia-Sanchez L. (2012) Discrimation between Biotic and Abiotic Rates of Stabilization of Se(VI) in Soil
Coppin F, Loffredo N, Mounier S, Thiry Y & Garcia-Sanchez L

Garcia-Sanchez R. (2006) Light Element Distribution in an Amphibolite-Facies Metapelite
Gieré R, Jeffries T, Garcia-Sanchez R & Williams T

García-Sellés C. (2019) Acid Rock Drainage in Mountain Catchments from the Pyrenees
Cirés J, Piña J, Vilà M & García-Sellés C

Garcia-Solsane E. (2013) Distribution of 230Th and 232Th along the Bonus GoodHope Section in the SouthEast Atlantic Ocean
Roy-Barman M, Marchandise S, Thil F, Bordier L, Ayrault S, Garcia-Solsane E & Jeandel C
(2007) Radium Isotopes as Tracers of Submarine Groundwater and Nitrogen Discharge in a Karstic Area
Garcia-Solsona E, Garcia-Orellana J, Masqué P, Mejías M & Ballesteros B

Garcia-Solsona E. (2020) Deep Oceanographic Changes in the South Tyrrhenian Sea during the Time of Last Mediterranean Sapropel Formation
Trias-Navarro S, Cacho I, Pena L, De La Fuente M, Català A, Paredes E, Garcia-Solsona E, Frigola J, Lirer F & Caruso A

García-Tenorio R. (2015) On the Use of PELAGRA Sediment Traps and Radionuclides (234Th, 210Po) for Estimating Particle Export Efficiency in the High Latitude North Atlantic
Ceballos-Romero E, Villa-Alfageme M, Le Moigne F, Henson S, Marsay C & Garcia-Tenorio R
(2013) Observations and Modeling of Sinking Particle Speeds in the Twilight Zone Using 210Po-210Pb Deficit
Villa-Alfageme M, de Soto F, Le Moigne F, Giering S, Sanders R & Garcia-Tenorio R
(2009) Anthropogenic Natural Radionuclide Activity Ratios as Chronological Markers in Sediments from the Huelva Estuary
García-Tenorio R, San Miguel EG & Bolivar JP

Garcia-Tigreros F. (2015) Magnitude and Mechanisms of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) in the Arctic during Warming Climate: Case Study from Alaska
Dimova N, Paytan A, Kessler J, Sparrow K, Garcia-Tigreros F, Lecher A, Murray J & Tulaczyk S

Garcia-Tigreros Kodovska F. (2017) Using Radiocarbon to Fingerprint Ancient Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon to the Alaskan Arctic Shelf
Garcia-Tigreros Kodovska F, Sparrow K, Schreiner K & Kessler J

Garcia-Tortosa F.J. (2013) Clay-Rich Sediments Injected into Clastic Dykes during Earthquakes in the Galera Fault Zone (Guadix-Baza Basin, Central Betic Cordillera)
Sanchez-Roa C, Jimenez-Millan J, Nieto F, Garcia-Tortosa FJ, Abad I & Jimenez-Espinosa R

García-Tovar G.P. (2019) Peralkaline Rhyolitic Volcanism in the Back-Arc Area, Las Navajas-Hidalgo Stratovolcano, Eastern Sector of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt: Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization
Martínez-Serrano RG, Núñez-Velázquez MV, Contreras-Cruz D, García-Tovar GP, Solís-Pichardo G & Arrieta-García G
(2015) Geochemical and Isotopic Characterization of Back-Arc Quaternary Mafic Volcanic Rocks from Campo Volcánico Cerro Gordo, Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, México
Solis-Pichardo G, Gómez-Alvarez K, Martínez-Serrano RG & García-Tovar GP

Garcia-Valles M. (2017) Mineral Chemistry as a Tool for Optimization the Mineral Processing in the Central Andean Tin Belt
Jiménez-Franco A, Payà A, Alfonso P & Garcia-Valles M
(2015) Chemical and Mineralogical Characterization and Rheological Constraints on Deposition and Flux in Glassy, Highly Welded Pyroclastic Alkaline Rhyolites (SW Sardinia, Italy)
Tarragó M, Garcia-Valles M, Martinez S, Gimeno D & Gisbert G
(2009) Environmental Geochemistry of Volcanic Ashes from the Southern Puna, NW Argentina
Ruggieri F, Fernandez-Turiel J-L, Gimeno D, Garcia-Valles M & Saavedra J

Garcia-Veigas J. (2013) Evidence from Fluid Inclusions Extends the Record of Seawater Chemistry by ~300 Million Years, from ~544 Ma to ~830 Ma
Spear N, Holland H, Garcia-Veigas J, Lowenstein T & Giegengack R

Garcia-Villadangos M. (2012) Exploring the Geomicrobiology of the Rio Tinto Subsurface Mars Analog by Using a Life Detector Biochip
Puente F, Moreno-Paz M, Cruz-Gil P, Rivas L, Postigo M, Gomez M, Garcia-Villadangos M & Parro V

García-Zafra S. (2017) Multidisciplinary Study of a Mediterranean Hypersaline Pond (Laguna Honda, Southern Spain)
Quijano ML, Castro JM, Guerrero F, de Gea GA, Galotti A, García F, García-Zafra S, Jiménez-Gómez F, Jiménez-Melero R, Martínez J, Morales JA, Nieto LM, Rey J, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Ruiz-Valenzuela L & San Miguel EG
(2015) The Record of the Valanginian Weissert Episode of Environmental Change from the Prebetic (Spain): C-Isotope Stratigraphy and Biomarkers
Quijano ML, de Gea GA, Castro JM, García-Zafra S, Arias C, Vilas L & Company M

GarcíaI-ibáñez M.I. (2017) Distribution of Radium-226 along the GA01-GEOTRACES Section in the North Atlantic
Le Roy E, Sanial V, Charette MA, Henderson PB, Lacan F, GarcíaI-ibáñez MI, Pérez FF, Jacquet SHM, Lherminier P, Souhaut M, Jeandel C & van Beek P

Garcin M (2000) Chronology of Fluvial Sediments in the Loire River Valley over the Past 8500 Years:
Négrel P, Kloppmann W, Garcin M & Giot D

Garcin Manuel (2011) Li Isotopes a Powerful Tool to Trace Hydrothermal Impact during Chemical Weathering Processes
Rivé K, Rad S, Garcin M & Millot R

Garcin Y. (2023) Using Organic Biomarkers for Paleoclimatic and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at Low Latitudes: The NGaoundaba Peat Record
Schaaff V, Grossi V, Makou M, Ansanay-Alex S, Eddhif B, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Garcin Y, Sebag D, Ngounou Ngatcha B & Ménot G
(2023) Non Conservative Behavior of Chlorine in Tropical Hydro-Systems: Evidence from Thermonuclear 36Cl in Cameroon Lakes
Abba S, Hamelin B, Garcin Y & Deschamps P
(2021) Holocene Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Changes from the Ngaoundaba Peat Deposit (North Cameroon)
Schaaff V, Makou M, Grossi V, Ansanay-Alex S, Antheaume I, Deschamps P, Hamelin B, Garcin Y, Sebag D, Ngounou Ngatcha B & Ménot G
(2011) Evaluation of Lake Biomarkers as Indicator of Environmental Changes along a Climatic Gradient in Cameroon
Schwab-Lavrič V, Garcin Y, Sachse D, Todou G, Séné O, Onana J-M, Achoundong G & Gleixner G

Garçon M. (2023) Hadean Protocrust and Early Mantle Depletion: Isotopic Evidence, Complementarity and Origin
Garçon M & Boyet M
(2023) Stable Ce Isotopic Composition of the ca. 2.4 Ga Hotazel Formation, South Africa: A Deep-Water Oxygenation in the Marine Basin at the Early Stage of the Great Oxidation Episode
Basu P, Garçon M, Boyet M & Bekker A
(2023) Link between Europium Anomaly and Isotopic Composition of Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks
Nicol L, Garçon M, Boyet M & Bekker A
(2023) What Minerals Control the REE+Y Content and Radiogenic Isotopic Compositions of the Earth’s Oldest Banded Iron Formation?
Aquila Q, Garçon M, Olivier N & Bekker A
(2021) Advantages and Caveats of Using Nd Isotopic Compositions of Sedimentary Rocks to Trace Continental Sources and History: Insights from Global Databases
Garçon M
(2021) Depositional System and Terrigenous Influence in an Archaean Deep Water Environment (3.2 Ga-Old Fig Tree Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Aquila Q, Garçon M, Olivier N, Marin-Carbonne J & Thomazo C
(2021) Residual Liquid from Deep Magma Ocean Crystallization in the Source of Komatiites from the ICDP Drill Core in the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Boyet M, Garçon M, Arndt NT, Carlson RW & Konc Z
(2018) Creating Earth's most Ancient Crust
Carlson R, Garcon M, O'Neil J, Reimink J & Rizo H
(2018) A New Look at the Nd Isotopic Record of Sedimentary Rocks Through Earth’s History
Garçon M
(2017) 142Nd Anomalies in Mid- to Late- Archean Sedimentary Rocks: Large-Scale Recycling of Hadean Crust?
Garçon M, Boyet M, Carlson R, Shirey S & Horan M
(2015) Erosion of Archean Continents: The Nd-Hf Isotopic Record of Barberton Sedimentary Rocks
Garçon M, Carlson R, Shirey S, Arndt N & Horan M
(2013) Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Chauvel C, Garçon M, Bureau S, Gallet S & Jahn B-M
(2013) Removing the “Heavy Mineral Effect” to Obtain a New Pb Isotopic Value for the Upper Continental Crust
Garçon M, Chauvel C, France-Lanord C, Limonta M & Garzanti E
(2011) Beach Placer, a Proxy for the Average Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of a Continental Area
Garcon M, Chauvel C & Bureau S
(2011) Average Nd-Hf Isotopic Compositions and Model Age of the Upper Continental Crust
Chauvel C, Garcon M, Arndt NT, Gallet S & Jahn B-M

Garczynski B. (2023) Mineralogical Diversity of Jezero Crater, Mars from Orbit and Rover Observations and Implications for Mars Sample Return
Horgan BHN, Bell J, Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Million C, St. Clair M, Vaughan A, Udry A, Herd CDK, Fagents S, Randazzo N, Ravanis E, Simon JI & Wadhwa M
(2022) Mastcam-Z Views of Alteration in Jezero Crater Floor Rocks
Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Horgan BHN, Vaughan A, Rice M, Bell J, Núñez J, Curtis S, Million C & St. Clair M
(2019) Is Lake Salda a Good Analog for Jezero Crater, Mars?
Balci N, Gunes Y, Garczynski B & Horgan B

Gard M. (2014) Stable Isotopic Identification of Nitrate Sources in a Tundra Ecosystem, Barrow, AK
Heikoop J, Newman B, Throckmorton H, Perkins G, Gard M, Iversen C, Wilson C & Wullschleger S

Garda Gianna Maria (2012) Tourmalinites of the Brusque Group in the Sao Joao Batista-Tijucas Area, Santa Catarina State – Brazil
Garda GM, Basei MAS & Brentan F

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