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Garcia Sarahi (2023) Subsurface Persistence of Carbon Degrading Microbes as Thawing Permafrost Moves between the Terrestrial and Marine Environments
Lloyd KG, Sipes K, Buongiorno J, Steen A, Abramov A, Peters S, Giannone R, Hettich RL, Boike J, Garcia S & Vishnivetskaya T

Garcia Sebastian (2019) Critical Raw Materials Enrichment Processes Associated with Tailings Processing at the Cauquenes Tailings Deposit Plant
Garcia S, Caraballo M, Townley B, Riquelme B, Gonzalez E & Kotthoff K

Garcia Tatiana (2004) Induced Structural and Compositional Modifications on Glauconite from Dissolution Experiments
Santos A, Fernandez-Bastero S, Garcia T & Gago-Duport L
(2002) Geochemical Self-Organization of Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Sediments in Estuarine-Like Systems
García T, Gago-Duport L, Fernández-Bastero S, Velo A, Santos A & De la Rosa-Fox N
(2002) XRD-Rietveld and RMC Analysis of the Aging Process in Glauconites
Fernandez-Bastero S, Gago-Duport L, Garcia T, Velo A, Villar MP & Santos A
(2002) Numerical Modelling of Competitive Nucleation Pathways
Velo A, Fernandez-Bastero S, Garcia T, Vilas F, Santos A & Gago-Duport L

Garcia Therese I. (2009) Cretaceous Carbon Cycle and Climate: The Negative Carbon Isotope Spike at the Onset of OAE1a in the Early Aptian
Keller CE, Méhay S, Bottini C, Giorgioni M, Garcia TI, Bernasconi SM, Hochuli PA, Erba E & Weissert H

Garcia Victor (2023) U-Series and Sr Isotope Systematics in Soil Carbonates from Natural and Managed Dryland Critical Zones: Implications for Inorganic Carbon Storage and Transformation in Dryland Soils of the American Southwest
Ma L, Nyachoti S, Garcia V, Monger C, Tweedie C, Gill T & Jin L
(2018) U-Series Isotopes of Travertine Deposits Near the Santa Fe Fault in Laguna, New Mexico: Reconstruction of Paleo Flow Paths and Hydrodynamics
Garcia V, Ma L & Ricketts J

Garcia Victor B. (2023) Enriched Hadean Reservoir Recorded by Archean Rocks from NE Brazil: Insights from 142Nd Isotopes
Garcia VB, O'Neil J & Dantas EL

García Arévalo Isabel (2023) Mercury Species Sorption and Partition Kinetics from a Model Marine Phytoplankton
García Arévalo I, Thomas B, Lefort C, Hubert C, Berard JB, Lacour T, Collin K & Knoery J

García Arévalo Isabel García (2021) Towards a Better Understanding of Mercury (Hg) Dynamics in the Marine Environment
Gindorf S, Kleindienst A, Malberti LM, García Arévalo IG, Torres-Rodriguez N, Amptmeijer D, Amouroux D, Point D, Knoery J, Guyoneaud R, Lorrain A, Bieser J, Horvat M, Schrum C, Tessier E, Sonke JE, Jonsson S & Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E

Garcia Arredondo M. (2018) Biogeochemical Profiling of Transient Microenvironments at the Root-Soil Interface
Garcia Arredondo M, Cardon Z, Jones M, Tfaily M & Keiluweit M
(2015) Chromium au Naturel: Chromium(VI) Generation within Structured Soils and Sediments
Hausladen D, Garcia Arredondo M & Fendorf S

Garcia Bravo A. (2019) Role of Organic Matter Composition on Mercury Methylation in Aquatic Ecosystems
Garcia Bravo A
(2017) Uncovering the Effect of Molecular Organic Matter Composition on Trace Elements Fate in Lake Sediments
Tolu J, Bouchet S, Garcia Bravo A, Rydberg J, Björn E, Bertilsson S, Meyer-Jacob C & Bindler R

García Casco A. (2020) Origin and Tectonic Significance of the Serpentinites in the Escambray Complex, Central Cuba: Geodynamic Implications
Despaigne Diaz AI, Wilde S & Garcia Casco A
(2017) Mantle Plume-Supra-Subduction Zone Mantle Interaction: Evidence from Chromitite (Loma Caribe Ophiolite, Dominican Republic)
Farré de Pablo J, Proenza JA, Aiglsperger T, González Jiménez JM, García Casco A, Colás V, Villanova de Benavent C & Longo F

García de Madinabeitia S. (2013) Characterization of Complex Fe-Mn Phosphates by LA-ICP-MS Methods
García de Madinabeitia S, Roda-Robles E, Pesquera A, Sánchez ME & Gil Ibarguchi JI

García del Cura A. (2014) Microbe-Gypsum Interactions in Microbial Mats: Implications for the Carbonatation of Sulfates
Sanz-Montero ME, García del Cura A & Cabestrero Ó

Garcia del Real P. (2017) Global Serpentinization and H2 Production at Mid-Ocean Ridges: 200 Ma to Present
Garcia del Real P, Daniel I, Andreani M, Wright N & Coltice N
(2013) Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Ultramafic-Hosted Magnesium Carbonates
Garcia del Real P, Kluge T, John C, Johnson N, Maher K, Bird D & Brown G
(2012) Large Magnesite Vein and Fracture Formation in Peridotite Rocks
Garcia del Real P, Maher K, Bird D & Brown, Jr. G

Garcia Diez T. (2004) 3D-Mineral Distribution during the Early Diagenesis in Shallow Marine Sediments from XRD-Rietveld Analysis
Garcia Diez T, Fernandez-Bastero S & Gago-Duport L
(2004) Sponge-Like Hosted Mineralization on Silica Gardens: Implications for Natural Systems
Fernandez-Bastero S, Garcia Diez T, Santos A & Gago-Duport L

Garcia Fragoso R.G. (2015) Formation of Arsenic Secondary Minerals and Geochemistry Dynamics in Different Mineralogy Deposits
Garcia Fragoso RG, Edraki M, Baumgartl T & Mulligan D

Garcia Granda S. (2007) Interaction of Gypsum and As(V)aq at Different pH Ranges
Rodriguez Blanco JD, Jimenez A, Garcia Granda S & Prieto M

García Moya A. (2019) First Chemical and Isotopic Denudation Rate Estimates for Central Cuban Drainage Basins
Bierman P, Schmidt A, Yvelice Sibello Hernández R, Campbell M, Alejandro Cartas AGUILA4 H, Bolaños Alvarez Y, Guillén Arruebarrena A, Dethier D, Dix M, Massey-Bierman M, García Moya A, Perdrial J, Racela J, Corbett L & Alonso-Hernández C

Garcia Paredes Evelyn R. (2022) Mantle Xenoliths in Young Intraplate Volcanism: The Mantle beneath the Arabian Plate
Zivadinovic I, van der Zwan FM, Al Malallah MY, Jägerup BS, Follmann J, Garcia Paredes ER & Homaidi H
(2022) From Primitive to Mature Intraplate Volcanism: Geochemical Evolution of the Cenozoic Harrats in Western Saudi Arabia
Jägerup BS, van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Garcia Paredes ER, Follmann J, Zivadinovic I & Al Malallah MY
(2022) Characterization of Xeno-Pumices from Harrat Rahat, SaudiArabia: Understanding Magma-Crust Interaction
Garcia Paredes ER, Jägerup BS, van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Troll VR, Follmann J & Zivadinovic I

Garcia Paredes Evelyn Raquel (2023) Low-Temperature Venting and Microbial Iron Deposit Formation in the First Observed Active Hydrothermal Vent Fields in the Red Sea Rift
van der Zwan FM, Augustin N, Petersen S, Altalhi SM, Schultz J, Peixoto RS, Follmann J, Anker A, Benzoni F, Garcia Paredes ER, Al Malallah MY, Shepard L, Ouhssain M, Jägerup BS, Jones BH & Rosado AS

Garcia Ruiz J.M. (2017) Geochemical Plausibility of Silica Self-Assembly and its Relation to Life Detection Studies and Prebiotic Chemistry
Garcia Ruiz JM, Kotopoulou E, Nakouzi E, Steinbock O & Van Zuilen M
(2014) To Make or Not to Make Crystals from Ions
Benning LG, Shaw S, Bots P, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Stawski T, Garcia Ruiz JM, Van Driessche A, Ossorio M & Rodriguez Navarro C
(2011) Growth Rate of Giant Gypsum Crystals
Van Driessche AES, García Ruiz JM, Tsukamoto K, Patiño LD & Satoh H
(2011) Experimental Study of Nucleation and Phase Stability of Calcium Sulfate
Ossorio Peralta M, Van Driessche A & García Ruiz JM

García Serrano J. (2019) Peridotite Xenoliths from the El Morrón de Villamayor Volcano (Calatrava Volcanic Field)
García Serrano J, Villaseca González C & Pérez-Soba C

Garcia- Lorenzo M. (2013) Isotope Geochemistry in Waters Affected by Mining Activities in Portman Bay (Spain)
Martinez-Sanchez MJ, Garcia- Lorenzo M, Perez-Sirvent C & Hernandez-Cordoba M
(2013) Limestone-Based Technosols. A Remediation Technique for Sediments Contaminated by Heavy Metals
Martinez-Sanchez MJ, Garcia- Lorenzo M, Perez-Sirvent C, Gonzalez E, Perez V, Martinez S, Belando MD, Martinez L & Hernandez C

Garcia-Alix A. (2023) A New Eemian-Aged Reconstruction of Temperature and Effective Moisture from Padul Wetland, Southern Iberia
Doyle RM, Marchegiano M, Peral M, Goderis S, García-Alix A, Jiménez-Moreno G, Camuera J, López-Avilés A & Claeys P
(2019) Insolation Influence on Late Pleistocene-Holocene Hydrology of the Southern Iberian Peninsula
García-Alix A, Camuera J, Ramos-Román MJ, Toney JL, Sachse D, Schefuß E, Jiménez-Moreno G, Jiménez-Espejo FJ & Anderson RS
(2017) Holocene Environmental Evolution of Alpine Wetlands from Sierra Nevada (S. Spain). An Overview
Garcia-Alix A, Toney JL, Jiménez-Moreno G, Anderson RS, Jiménez-Espejo FJ, Ramos-Román MJ & Camuera J

García-Alonso D. (2019) Hg Anomalies in Air and Related Bedrock in the Acoculco Geothermal Field, Mexico
Canet C, Jiménez-Franco A, Sundblad K, Morton O, Martínez-Coronado A & García-Alonso D

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