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My Goldschmidt

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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Garasic V. (2013) First Occurrence of Dumortierite in Croatia: A Potential Evidence of Tetrahedral Ti Substitution for Si
Garasic V, Lugovic B, Sekusak M, Meyer HP, Vrkljan M & Schuster R

Garate-Olave I. (2022) Mineral Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Metasedimentary Host Rocks of Aplite-Pegmatite Dykes: One Step Closer to the Detection of Buried Lithium (Li) Pegmatites in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
Cardoso-Fernandes J, Roda-Robles E, Errandonea-Martin J, Garate-Olave I, Lima A, Ribeiro MDA, De Almeida CR & Teodoro AC

Garay A. (2018) Carbonate Fluorescence and Carbonate Stable Isotopes Footprint Around Ferrobamba Cu-Skarn, Southern Peru
Garay A, Andrew B, Cooke D & Barker S

Garay M. (2014) Novel Spectropolarimetric Imaging Instrumentation and Algorithm Concepts for Aerosol Remote Sensing
Diner D, Xu F, Kalashnikova O, Garay M, Davis A & Seidel F

Garay P. (2018) A First Speleothem Hydroclimate Record for the 93-76 ka BP Interval in the Western Mediterranean
Sanchez-Martin B, Martin-Chivelet J, Turrero MJ, Edwards RL, Ortega AI & Garay P

Garayburu-Caruso V. (2023) Respiration Partitioning Across the Yakima River Basin
Kaufman M, Delgado D, Barnes M, Boehnke B, Chen X, Cornwell K, Forbes B, Fulton S, Garayburu-Caruso V, Goldman A, Gonzalez B, Grieger S, Hammond G, Jiang P, Laan M, Li B, Li Z, McKever S, Mudunuru M, Muller K, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Pelly A, Peta K, Regier P, Renteria L, Roebuck A, Scheibe T, Son K, Torgeson J, Hall R, Zheng J & Stegen J

Garayp E. (2018) Gold Composition of the Witwatersrand-Type Jacobina Gold Deposits, Brazil
Garayp E & Frimmel H

Garb M. (2020) Volatilized Extraterrestrial Zn Isotope Signatures in Marine and Terrestrial K-Pg Boundary Sites
Mathur R, Spencer M, Mahan B, Godfrey L, Garb M, E. Oboh-Ikuenobe F & Landman N

Garb Y. (2018) The Potential of Remote Sensing for Assessing Urban Contamination Levels Around a Legacy Mining Zone
Garb Y, Friedlander L, Ericson B, Weisbrod N, Rottman S, Dayan I, Maman S & Blumberg D
(2018) Mobility of Trace Metals from a Peri-Urban Informal E-Waste Recycling Site in an Arid Environment
Friedlander L, Weisbrod N & Garb Y
(2017) Toward Quantitative Remote Sensing of Pb Contamination from Legacy Mining (Kabwe, Zambia)
Friedlander L & Garb Y

Garbaras A. (2016) Atmospheric Processes and Aerosol Sources Revealed by Carbon Isotopes
Ceburnis D, Garbaras A, Masalaite A, Remeikis V, Ovadnevaite J, Yttri KE, Maenhaut W & O'Dowd C
(2013) Source Apportionment of Organic Matter by Isotope Analysis, AMS PMF and HNMR Techniques
Ceburnis D, Ovadnevaite J, Garbaras A, Szidat S, Rinaldi M, Decesari S, Yttri KE, Remeikis V, Facchini MC & O'Dowd C
(2013) Temperature Driven Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio in Marine Aerosols
Garbaras A, Ceburnis D, Masalaite A, Maenhaut W, Ovadnevaite J, O'Dowd CD & Remeikis V
(2009) Proof of Biogenic Origin of Marine Aerosol by 13C and 14C Analysis
Ceburnis D, O'Dowd CD, Garbaras A, Remeikis V, Rinaldi M, Szidat S, Fahrni S, Prevot ASH, Perron N, Wacker L & Leinert S

Garbarino G. (2023) Nanoscale Heterogeneous Structure and Vibrational Properties of Hydrous Silica at High Pressure
Jahn S, Herrmann M, Schulze M, Dreschmann J, Morgenroth W, Pakhomova A, Garbarino G, Mezouar M, Andrault D & Wilke M
(2023) Experimental Monitoring of Iodine Degassing from Basaltic Volcanic Systems
Bureau H, Grützner T, Pakhomova A, Munsch P, Vangu D, Guarnelli Y, Siebert J, Garbarino G & Mezouar M
(2021) Constraining Noble Gas Solubilities in the Earth’s Mantle
Rosa AD, Irifune T, Morard G, Dewaele A, Garbarino G & Bouhifd A
(2017) Noble Gas Partitioning between Earth’s Mantle and Core: Implications for Earth's Global Geodynamics
Rosa AD, Bouhifd MA, Briggs R, Morard G, Garbarino G & Irifune T
(2015) Melting Criterion in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: Combined in situ and ex situ Methods
Morard G, Andrault D, Antonangeli D, Amichi L, Siebert J, Guyot F, Auzende A-L, Lord O, Bouchet J, Harmand M, Cochain B, Garbarino G, Kantor I, Torchio R, Boulard E & Mezouar M
(2013) Composition of the Earth’s Core from Density Measurements of Liquid Iron Alloys at Megabar Pressure
Morard G, Antonangeli D, Siebert J, Andrault D, Guignot N & Garbarino G
(2013) High-Pressure Behavior and Phase Transitions of Thaumasite
Ardit M, Cruciani G, Dondi M, Garbarino G & Nestola F
(2011) Melting of Peridotite to 140 GPa
Fiquet G, Auzende A-L, Siebert J, Corgne A, Bureau H, Ozawa H & Garbarino G
(2010) Melting Curve of the Lowermost Earth's Mantle
Andrault D, lo Nigro G, Bolfan-Casanova N, Bouhifd M-A, Garbarino G & Mezouar M

Garbe-Schoenberg D. (2019) High-Resolution Mg/Ca Measurements of Foraminifers Using Microanalytical Techniques
Jochum KP, Jentzen A, Schiebel R, Garbe-Schoenberg D, Stoll B, Weis U, Leitner J, Belza J, Vanhaecke F & Haug GH
(2019) Low Cu/Ag in Continental Crust and Slab Melts
Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Yogodzinski G, Hoernle K & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2019) The Origin of Banding in BIFs: II. Cr Isotopes and Th/U in the Neoarchean Temagami IF, Canada
Bau M, Frei R, Garbe-Schoenberg D & Viehmann S
(2019) The Origin of Banding in BIFs: I. Ge-Si and REY Systematics in the Neoarchean Temagami IF, Canada
Ernst D, Schier K, Garbe-Schoenberg D & Bau M
(2019) New Olivine (MongOl Sh11-2) Reference Material for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg@ifg.uni-kiel.de D, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Goemann K, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Sobolev A
(2019) The Origin of the Bathymetrist Seamounts – A Geochemical and Morphological Study
van der Zwan FM, Long X, Augustin N, Geldmacher J, Le Saout M, Wölfl A-C, Hauff F, Hoernle K, Schade M, Hübscher C & Garbe-Schönberg D

Garbe-Schönberg D. (2023) A First Look into the Gallium-Aluminium Systematics of Early Earth’s Seawater: Evidence from Banded Iron Formations
Ernst DM, Garbe-Schönberg D, Kraemer D & Bau M
(2023) Scales of Change: Intra-Flow, Intra-Volcano, and Intra-Volcanic Chain B Isotope Variations
le Roux P, Ncetani S, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Deegan FM, Garbe-Schönberg D, Rodríguez I, Guzmán-Marusic G & Muena N
(2023) Magmatic and Geodynamic Evolution of the King’s Trough Complex – The Grand Canyon of the North Atlantic
Dürkefälden A, Geldmacher J, Hauff F, Garbe-Schönberg D, Portnyagin MV, Schenk J, Stipp M & Hoernle K
(2023) Seawater Pb Isotopes Record Early Miocene to Modern Circulation Dynamics in the Pacific Sector of the Southern Ocean
Huang H, Gutjahr M, Song Z, Fietzke J, Frank M, Kuhn G, Hillenbrand CD, Christl M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Goepfert T & Eisenhauer A
(2022) Cerium-Nd Isotope Evidence for an Incompatible Element Depleted Moon
Hasenstab E, Münker C, Tusch J, Thiemens MM, Strub E, Garbe-Schönberg D & Sprung P
(2022) Assessment of Mica-Mg and GL-O Nano-Powders as Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Redaa A, Farkas J, Gilbert S, Collins AS, Löhr S, Vasegh D, Forster M, Blades ML, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2021) Climate-Driven Marine Silicate Weathering off Peru
Geilert S, Grasse P, Garbe-Schönberg D, Dale A & Sommer S
(2021) Boron Isotope Systematics in the Magmatic Evolution of San Pedro and La Poruña Volcanoes, Central Andes, Northern Chile
Godoy B, le Roux P, Deegan F, Garbe-Schönberg D, González-Maurel O & Rodríguez I
(2020) More Than 40 Million Years of Oblique Subduction Recorded in the Magmatism of the Westernmost Aleutian Arc
Höfig TW, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Jicha BR, Wartho J-A, van den Bogaard P & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2020) Origin of Isolated Seamounts in the Canary Basin (East Atlantic): The Role of Plume Material in the Origin of Seamounts not Associated with Hotspot Tracks
Geldmacher J, Long X, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Wartho J-A & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2020) Post-Plateau Volcanic Evolution of Shatsky Rise (NW Pacific) – Papanin Ridge and Ojin Rise Seamount Province
Dürkefälden A, Geldmacher J, Hauff F, Garbe-Schönberg D, Portnyagin M, Lück T, Werner R, Müller D & Hoernle K
(2018) Deep Mantle H2O Recycling at 3.3 Ga?
Sobolev A, Asafov E, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S, Wilson A & Byerly G
(2018) Geochemistry of South Atlantic Hotspots: Intimate Association of EMI & HIMU End Members
Hoernle K, Homrighausen S, Hauff F, Werner R, Portnyagin M, Geldmacher J, Garbe-Schönberg D, van den Bogaard P & Wartho J
(2018) Subduction Initiation in the Aleutian Arc System
Bezard R, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Portnyagin M, Werner R, Yogodzinski G, Jicha B, Garbe-Schönberg D, Turner S & Schaefer B
(2018) Particles, Nanoparticles and Colloids in a Black Smoker Hydrothermal System
Gartman A, Findlay A, Hannington M & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2017) Water in the 2.7 Ga Belingwe Komatiite Magma Inferred from the Melt Inclusions in Olivine
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schonberg D & Krasheninnikov S
(2017) Primitive Melts and Mantle Sources of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Based on Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Suh CE, Gurenko AA, Ngwa CN, Devey CW & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D
(2017) Alkaline OIB Melts: Plume or Lithospheric Melts? Constraints from Trace Elements in Olivine
Søager N, Holm PM, Portnyagin M & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2016) Magmatic Processes beneath Mt. Cameroon – Insights from Minerals and Melt Inclusions
van der Zwan FM, Hansteen TH, Suh CE, Nordstad S, Gerami-Manesch M, Devey CW & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2016) Evidence for Neoarchean Hydrous Deep-Mantle Reservoir Provided by Abitibi Komatiites
Sobolev A, Asafov E, Gurenko A, Arndt N, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schoenberg D & Krasheninnikov S
(2016) A Hydrous Mantle Reservoir in the Paleoarchean?
Asafov E, Sobolev A, Gurenko A, Batanova V, Portnyagin M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Krasheninnikov S, Wilson A & Byerly G
(2015) Lithium and Boron Isotope Analysis of Whole-Rock Nano-Particle Pressed Powder Tablets by LA-MC-ICP-MS
le Roux P, Garbe-Schönberg D & Gray K
(2015) An Improved Understanding of Martian Hf-W Geochronology
Münker C, Elfers BM, Schulz T & Garbe Schönberg D
(2015) Are Oceanic Plagiogranites from Cyprus Archean TTG Analogues?
Marien CS, Münker C, Hoffmann JE & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Shatsky and Hess Rise in the NW Pacific: Genetically-Related Twins or Just Neighbors?
Geldmacher J, Tejada MLG, Hauff F, Hoernle K, Garbe-Schönberg D & Heydolph K
(2015) Chronology of Magmatic and Hydrothermal Processes Related to Plagiogranite Formation in the Oman Ophiolite: Insights from High-Resolution 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Trace Element Geochemistry
Herrmann M, Pfänder J, Schulz B & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Trace Element Budget along a Section of Fast-Spread Oceanic Crust: Results from Drilling at the Hess Deep Rift (ODP Leg 147 and IODP Expedition 345)
Godard M, Falloon T, Gillis K, Akizawa N, Koepke J, Marks N, Saha A, Garbe-Schonberg D & Meyer R
(2015) The Origin of > 3, 8 Ga Peridotites, South of Isua Region, SW Greenland
van de Löcht J, Münker C, Hoffmann JE, Kleinschrodt R, Garbe-Schönberg D & Rosing MT
(2015) 187Os-HSE-Se-Te Systematics of Subducted Oceanic Crust
Lissner M, Luguet A, Nagel T, Schuth S, König S & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Asthespheric Versus Lithospheric Sources of the Payenia Basalts (Argentina): Constraints from Al-in-Olivine Thermometry and Melt Inclusions
Søager N, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Holm PM & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Continental Thickening vs. Flat Subduction – The Cause for Cretaceous Magmatism in the Pamir
Malz N, Pfänder JA, Ratschbacher L, Münker C, Mezger K, Jung S, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hauff F
(2015) The Acidity of Hydrothermal Solutions on the Ocean Floor
Ballhaus C, Gäb F & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Compositional Diversity in Mt. Cameroon Eruptions
van der Zwan FM, Suh CE, Hansteen TH, Gerami-Manesch M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Devey CW, Embui FV, Tibang EEB & Taboko A
(2014) Past Plate and Mantle Motion from New Ages for the Hawaiian-Emperor Seamount Chain
O'Connor J, Steinberger B, Regelous M, Koppers A, Wijbrans J, Haase K, Stoffers P, Jokat W & Garbe-Schoenberg C-D
(2014) The Role of Pyroxenite Sources in the Origin of the Payenia Volcanic Province, Argentina: Insights from Trace Elements in Olivine
Søager N, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2013) Nano-Particulate Pressed Powder Tablets for LA-ICP-MS
Müller S & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2012) Comparing Felsic and Mafic Volcanics along Central America with Implications for Interaction with Continental Crust
Kutterolf S, Heydolph K, Freundt A, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Perez W, Wehrmann H, Garbe-Schonberg D & Schmincke H-U
(2011) Origin of Vesuvianite-Bearing Ultramafic Layers from the Raspas Complex, Ecuador
Halama R, Savov IP, Garbe-Schönberg D & Toulkeridis T
(2011) Temporal Variations in Galápagos Plume-Ridge Interaction at the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center
Herbrich A, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Werner R & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2011) Arc Magmas from Slab to Eruption: The Case of Kliuchevskoy Volcano
Portnyagin M, Mironov N, Ponomareva V, Bindeman I, Hauff F, Sobolev A, Kayzar T, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hoernle K
(2011) Highly Depleted Melt Inclusions in Olivine from Shatsky Rise
Almeev R, Portnyagin M, Wengorsch T, Sano T, Natland J & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2011) Along-Arc Geochemical Variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile
Jacques G, Hoernle K, Wehrmann H, Garbe-Schönberg D, van den Bogaard P, Hauff F, Mahlke J, Schumann K & Lara LE
(2011) A Profile of Multiple Sulfur Isotopes for the Oman Ophiolite
Oeser M, Strauss H, Peters M, Wolff E, Koepke J, Garbe-Schönberg D & Dietrich M
(2011) Chemical Heterogeneities along the South Atlantic Mid-Ocean-Ridge (5-11°S): Shallow or Deep Recycling of Ocean Crust?
Hauff F, Hoernle K, Kokfelt TF, Haase K, Garbe-Schönberg D & Werner R
(2011) High–Temperature Hydrothermal Activity in the Lower Oceanic Crust: Petrological and Geochemical Evidence for Fluid Pathways in the Oman Ophiolite
Wolff PE, Garbe-Schönberg D, Koepke J & Streuff K
(2011) On the Fluid-Mobility of Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Antimony in Subduction Systems
Wehrmann H, Halama R, Garbe-Schönberg D, Hoernle K, Jacques G, Heydolph K, Mahlke J & Schumann K
(2011) Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Cultured Scleractinian Corals
Taubner I, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Eisenhauer A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Erez J
(2009) Chalcophile Element Budget in the Upper Oceanic Crust (ODP Hole 1256D)
Scheibner B, Stosch H-G & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2009) Rare Earth Element Distribution and Temporal Variability in Supercritical Vapor Phase Fluids from 5°S, MAR
Schmidt K, Garbe-Schönberg D, Koschinsky A & Bau M
(2009) The Origin of TTGs Inferred from High-Precision HFSE Measurements
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Rosing MT, Næraa T, Garde AA & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2009) Energetics of Catabolic Reactions in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids – Clues to Subseafloor Microbial Metabolism
Hentscher M, Bach W, Perner M, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Amend JP
(2009) Divalent Cation Incorporation into Alcyonarian Spicules (Octocorallia)
Taubner I, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Erez J
(2009) Lithium Isotope Signatures of Mantle Domains
Krienitz M-S, Garbe-Schönberg C-D, Romer RL, Meixner A & Haase K
(2008) Hydrothermal Fluids from 5°S, MAR: Evidence for a Different Heat Flow Regime in Slow-Spreading Crust?
Garbe-Schönberg D, Koschinsky A, Schmidt K & Strauss H
(2008) The Geochemical Behaviour of Sb, Mo and W in Subduction Zones
Konig S, Munker C, Schuth S & Garbe-Schonberg D
(2007) Geochemistry of Cold Vent Fluids at the Central American Convergent Margin
Hensen C, Wallmann K, Schmidt M, Liebetrau V, Fehn U, Garbe-Schönberg D & Brückmann W
(2007) First Direct Sampling of Superhot Supercritical Vapor Phase Fluids at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Schmidt K, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Seifert R
(2007) Paired δ44/40Ca, Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in Cultured G. ruber
Kisakürek B, Eisenhauer A, Erez J & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2006) Detailed geochemical investigation of hydrothermal fluids from the Logatchev field, 15°N, MAR
Schmidt K, Koschinsky-Fritsche A & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2006) Reactive fluid flow and trace-element mobilization in slabs: insights from dehydrating blueschist
John T, Klemd R, Gao J & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2006) Lithospheric Removal: The Cause of Widespread Cenozoic Intraplate Volcanism on Zealandia?
Hoernle K, White J, Van Den Bogaard P, Hauff F, Coombs D, Werner R, Timm C, Garbe-Schönberg D, Reay A & Cooper A
(2004) Sr/Ca Ratios in Caribbean Sclerosponges as Temperature Proxy
Haase-Schramm A, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Garbe-Schönberg D, Reitner J & Dullo W
(2004) Effects of Subducting the Louisville Ridge and Osbourn Trough beneath the South Tonga Arc
Worthington T, Stoffers P, Timm C, Zimmerer M & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2002) High Precision U-Series Isotope Measurements of East Scotia Back-Arc Basalts Using Single-Collector Sector-Field ICP-MS
Fretzdorff S, Garbe-Schoenberg D, Fietzke J, Livermore RA & Stoffers P
(2000) Experimental Determination of Low-Temperature Dissolution Kinetics of Silicate Glasses
Utzmann A, Van Cappellen P, Schmincke H & Garbe-Schönberg D

Garbelli C. (2021) Permian-Triassic Mass Extinction – A Carbon-Driven Climatic and Biogeochemical Collapse
Jurikova H, Gutjahr M, Wallmann K, Flögel S, Liebetrau V, Posenato R, Angiolini L, Garbelli C, Brand U, Wiedenbeck M & Eisenhauer A
(2020) Uranium Isotopes in Permian Marine Carbonates and Calcitic Brachiopods: Validation of the Global Paleoredox Proxy and Implications for Ocean Oxygenation in the Permian
Wang W, Zhang F, Shen S, Bizzarro M, Garbelli C & Dahl TW
(2017) Decoupled δ11B and δ13C during the Late Permian: Implications for Carbon Cycle Perturbations during the Mass Extinction Event
Jurikova H, Gutjahr M, Wallmann K, Liebetrau V, Flögel S, Brand U, Posenato R, Garbelli C, Angiolini L & Eisenhauer A

Garber A. (2017) How Microbes Oxidize Fe(II)
Chan C, McAllister S, Garber A & Currie A

Garber Joshua (2020) Igneous Geochemical Evidence for Continuous Plate Tectonics Since ~3.5 Ga
Garber J, Holder R, Smye A & Reimink J
(2019) 10 My of Prograde Metamorphism in the Monviso Meta-Ophiolite: LASS Depth Profiling of µm-Scale Zircon Rims
Garber J, Feineman M, Smye A & Kylander-Clark A
(2019) Active Ultra-High Temperature Metamorphism Recorded in Young Lower Crustal Xenoliths, Rio Grande Rift, NM
Cipar J, Smye A & Garber J
(2018) Fine-Grained Sediments Record Evolving Igneous Systematics, not the Rise of Felsic Crust
Garber J

Garber Joshua M (2023) New Constraints on the Timescales of Continental Lower Crust Formation: A Garnet Lu-Hf Petrochronological Investigation of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy
Connop CH, Smye AJ, Garber JM & Vervoort JD
(2023) Single Spot Rb-Sr Isochron Dating of Micas by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Cruz-Uribe AM, Craig G, Garber JM, Arkula C, Paul B & Bouman C
(2023) Cryptic Geologic Events Revealed by Single Spot Rb-Sr Dating of Biotite by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS
Arkula C, Cruz-Uribe AM, Garber JM, Craig G, Paul B & Bouman C
(2023) A Perspective on Life and its Environment(s) during the Great Oxygenation Event from Apatite and Dolomite Petrochronology of Microbialites: The 2.4-2.2 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
Soares GG, Garber JM, House C & Reimink JR
(2023) Shear Heating along a Nascent Subduction Interface
Garber JM, Rioux M, Cruz-Uribe AM, Smye AJ & Searle MP
(2023) A Multi-Scale, Spatially-Resolved Textural and Geochemical Approach to Interpreting Paleoproterozoic Biosignatures
Barlow (she/her) EV, Garber JM, Nomchong BJ & House CH
(2022) Rapid (~1 My) Heating Associated with Intraoceanic Thrusting beneath the Samail Ophiolite (Oman/UAE): Major- and Trace-Element Diffusion Speedometry of the Metamorphic Sole
Garber JM, Rioux M, Cruz-Uribe AM, Smye AJ & Searle MP
(2022) Timescales of Subduction Initiation in the Samail Ophiolite: High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Petrochronology of the Metamorphic Sole
Rioux M, Garber JM, Searle MP, Crowley JL, Stevens SM, Schmitz MD, Kylander-Clark A, Ambrose TK & Smye AJ
(2022) Reliability of Phosphorites as a Deep-Time Environmental Indicator: Apatite Petrochronology of the 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group in Western Australia
Soares GG, Garber JM, House CH & Reimink JR

Felipe dos Santos P, Gaona X, Lassin A, Garbev K, Skerencak-Frech A, Touzelet S, Cartigny Y, Altmaier M & Madé B

Garcelon E.A. (2016) Petrogenesis of a Unique, Massive Monazite-Xenotime Vein-Dike in Southern NY, USA
Garcelon EA, Lentz DR & McFarlane CRM

Garcia Aimee (2022) Tree Size as a Proxy of Texture and Soil Salinity in a Pecan Orchard: Exploring the Spatial Variability and Dominant Controls on Carbon Fluxes in Managed Dryland Critical Zone
Quiroz M, Garcia A, Molina V, Ramirez-Valle O, Sosa M, Orona V, Kaip G, Doser D, Engle M, Gutierrez H, Darrouzet-Nardi A, Ma L & Jin L

Garcia Amanda K (2021) Laboratory Reconstruction of Ancestral Nitrogenase Enzymes Across an Evolutionary Transect
Garcia AK, Rivier A, Carruthers BM & Kaçar B

García Andreina (2019) Metal Organic Framework Advanced Adsorbents to Revalorize Metal Ions from Mining and Industrial Wastewater Sources
Fernández de Luis R, Copello G, García A, Gonzalez Sainz P, Tovar G, Torres D, Valverde A, Quintero YM, Serrano Larrea E, Fidalgo Marijuan A & Arriortua Marcaida M

Garcia Angel (2012) Elemental Sulfur Nanoparticle Coarsening Kinetics and Changes in Raman and Voltammetric Signals
Garcia A & Druschel G

Garcia B (2017) Relative Permeability and Salinity Dependence of the Electrokinetic Coupling Coefficient in Carbonate Rocks
Cherubini A, Cerepi A, Garcia B & Revil A

Garcia Bruno (2022) Impact of a CO2 Leak on the Release of Trace Elements in a Shallow Carbonated Freshwater Aquifer in Relation to Hydrodynamic Conditions
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2022) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Julia G, Ekambas P, Martin F, Vermesse H, Garcia B, Estublier A, Leroux O, Loisy C, Rossi L, Brichart T, Hautefeuille B & Cerepi A
(2021) Dissolved Trace Metals Dynamics during a rich-CO2-water Leakage in a Near-Surface Carbonate Freshwater Aquifer
Rossi L, Loisy C, Cerepi A, Petit A, Le Roux O, Estublier A, Noirez S, Martin F, Hautefeuille B, Brichart T & Garcia B
(2021) Geochemical Monitoring of CO2 and CH4 Injection in a Carbonate Shallow Aquifer
Julia G, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Arfi L, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Loisy C, Rossi L, Cerepi A, Le Roux O & Petit A
(2020) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Thomas B, Lavielle B, Baldassari A, Bachaud P, Bouquet S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Brichart T, Chiquet P, Luu van Lang L, Gance J, Texier B, Hautefeuille B, Leroux O, Loisy C, Petit A, Rossi L, Kennedy S & Cerepi A
(2019) Lead Isotopes Inform on Crude Oil Migration Processes
Fetter N, Blichert-Toft J, Ludden J, Lepland A, Sanchez Borque J, Greenhalgh E, Garcia B, Edwards D, Telouk P & Albarede F
(2016) A Fluid Phase Equilibria Model in the System CO2-N2-H2O-NaCl-He-Ne-Ar Below 200 Bar and 150℃ – Application to CO2/He Fractionation in Continental Mantle Degassing
Rouchon V, Courtial X, Durand I, Garcia B, Creon L & Mougin P
(2016) Solute Transport in Porous Media during Drying: The Chlorine Isotopes Point of View
Bernachot I, Garcia B, Ader M, Peysson Y, Rosenberg E, Bardoux G & Agrinier P
(2015) Hydrogen Migration Through Porous Media: An Experimental Comparative Study in Cap and Reservoir Rocks
Cherubini A, Sissmann O, Garcia B, Vacquand C, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Cerepi A, Magnier C, Rouchon V & Beaumont V
(2015) The CO2-Vadose and DEMO-CO2 Projects: Numerical Modeling, Geochemical and Geophysical Monitoring of CO2-injection in a Carbonate Vadose Zone
Garcia B, Delaplace P, Rouchon V, Loisy C, Cohen G, Rillard J, Le Roux O, Rhino K, Cerepi A & El Khamlichi A
(2015) Cl Isotope Fractionation during Drying of Brine in a Porous Media
Bernachot I, Garcia B, Ader M, Bardoux G & Agrinier P
(2015) Determination of Petrophysical Properties of Carbonated Porous Medium Using a Geoelectrical-Geochemical Coupling Approach
Cerepi A, Garcia B & Deschamps H
(2014) A Geochemical Approach to Evaluate the Petrophysical Properties of a Porous Media
Bernachot I & Garcia B
(2014) The Noble Gas Fingerprints of the CO2 Produced at the First French Pilot (Lacq Pilot, Total SA Company)
Garcia B & Rouchon V
(2012) The CO2-Vadose Project: Numerical Simulations Coupled with Geochemical and Geophysical Monitoring of CO2 in the Vadose Zone
Cohen G, Garcia B, Loisy C, Delaplace P, Larroque F, Laveuf C, Magnier C, Rouchon V, Le Roux O, Franceschi M & Cerepi A
(2012) Zinc Sorption on Carbonate Reservoir System, Implications on CO2 Geological Storage
Auffray B, Garcia B, Lienemann C-P & Cerepi A
(2008) Basic Minerals for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: Potential and Quantification
Garcia B, Beaumont V, Blanchet D, Oger P, Dromart G, Huc A-Y & Haeseler F
(2004) Olivine Surface Dissolution with Escherichia Coli Cells
Garcia B, Lemelle L, Perriat P, Tillement O & Gillet P

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