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Gao Shan (2016) Formation and Destruction of a Thickened Lower Continental Crust: Evidence from the Southeastern North China Craton
Guo J, Gao S, Xu W, Han P & Zou Z
(2016) Reevaluating Element Mobility during Continental Weathering
Chen K, Tang M, Liu Y-S & Gao S
(2016) Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Sixteen USGS Reference Materials
Feng L-P, Zhou L, Tong S-Y & Gao S
(2016) Improvements on High-Precision Eu Isotope Analysis by MC-ICP-MS
Li M, Chai X, Gao S, Hu Z, Liu Y, Zhou L & Chen H
(2016) Improvement of in situ Fe Isotope Analyses of Silicate Reference Glasses with a Synthetic Cr Standard by femtosecond-MC-ICP-MS
Xu L, Hu Z, Gao S, Liu Y & Ni Q
(2016) Microgranular Enclaves in the Mesozoic Tonglu Granitoid Pluton, SE China: Implications for Magma Mixing and Assimilation
Yu K, Liu Y, Hu Q & Gao S
(2016) Melting Model of Hawaiian Plume
Takahashi E, Gao S & Matsukage K
(2016) Multiple Metasomatism beneath the Northern North China Craton: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths in Siziwangqi Basalts
Wu D, Liu Y, Xu R & Gao S
(2016) Oceanic Crust Recycling and Generation of Cenozoic Basalts in the Trans-North China Orogen
Xu R, Liu Y, Wang X, Zong K, Hu Z, Chen H, Zhou L & Gao S
(2016) Experimental Melting Study of Basalt-Peridotite Hybrid Source
Gao S, Takahashi E, Matsukage K, Kimura J-I & Suzuki T
(2016) SiC-Dominated Ultra-Reduced Mineral Assemblage in Carbonatitic Xenolith from the Dalihu Basalt, Inner Mongolia, China
He D, Liu Y, Gao C, Chen C, Hu Z & Gao S
(2015) Accurate Analysis of Lithium Isotopes Using MC-ICP-MS by a Novel Method of Reducing Memory Effect
Lin J, Liu Y, Hu Z, Chen K, Chen H, Zong K & Gao S
(2015) In situ Nd Isotope Analyses in Geological Materials with Signal Enhancement and non Linear Mass Dependent Fractionation Reduction Using Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Xu L, Hu Z, Gao S, Liu Y & Ni Q
(2014) A Comparison of Elemental Fractionation in Silicate Glasses by Nanosecond and Femtosecond Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Li Z, Hu Z, Gao S & Liu Y
(2014) Molybdenum Isotopic Composition and Redox-Sensitive Trace Elements Indicative of the Paleoenvironmental Changes Cross the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary in South China
Zhou L, Feng L, Hu Z, Jie S, An S & Gao S
(2014) Super-Reducing Assemblages in Mantle Xenoliths: Evidence for Marine Carbonate Recycling
He D, Liu Y, Gao C, Foley S, Hu Z, Zong K, Schmidt MW & Gao S
(2013) Multiple Exsolutions in a Rare Clinopyroxene Megacryst from the Hannuoba Basalt, North China: Implications for Subducted Slab-Related Crustal Thickening and Recycling
He D, Liu Y, Tong X, Zong K, Hu Z & Gao S
(2013) Lower Continental Crust Residue in Mesozoic EM1-type Basalts from the North China Craton
Geng X-L, Liu Y-S & Gao S
(2013) NH4HF<sub>2</sub> – Assisted Digestion of Silicate Rocks for Multi-Element Analysis by ICP-MS: A New Development in Open Vessel Digestion
Zhang W, Hu Z, Liu Y, Chen H, Gao S & Gaschnig RM
(2013) In situ Trace Elements and Li, Sr Isotopes in Peridotite Xenoliths from Kuandian, North China Craton: Insights into Pacific Slab Subduction-Related Mantle Modification
Xu R, Liu Y, Tong X, Hu Z, Zong K, Li H & Gao S
(2012) A Mixing Model for Crustal Growth in Northeastern China as Revealed by U-Pb Age and Hf Isotopes of Detrital Zircons from Modern Rivers
Li M, Gao S, Guo J, Chen K & Geng X
(2011) NIST SRM 610-614 Matrix Induced Unique Element Fractionation in Laser Ablation ICP-MS at High Spatial Resolution Analysis
Hu Z, Zhou L, Liu Y, Zhao L & Gao S
(2011) A Synthetic Silica Glass Reference Material for Determination of Ti in Zircon by LA-ICP-MS
Liu X, Gao S & Ayers JC
(2011) Recycling of Lower Continental Crust in an Intracontinental Setting: Mineral Chemistry and Oxygen Isotope Insights from Websterite Xenoliths in the North China Craton
Xu W, Zhou Q, Pei F, Yang D, Gao S, Wang W & Feng H
(2011) Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling during Partial Melting of Thickend Eclogitic Lower Continental Crust
Meng F-X, Gao S, Xu W-L, Guo J-L & Zong C-L
(2011) Recycling Subcontinental Plagioclase-Rich Lower Crust in the North China Craton
Zhang J-B, Ling W-L, Liu Y, Gao S, Kusky T, Chen Z-W, Qiu XF & Chen M
(2011) Comparative Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-Os Isotopic Systematics of Xenolithic Peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton
Liu J, Carlson R, Rudnick R, Walker R, Wu F & Gao S
(2010) Os Isotope Evidence for Diachronous Formation of Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton
Liu J, Rudnick R, Walker R, Gao S, Wu F, Xu W & Xu Y
(2010) Ten Micron Zircon Dating Using LA-Q-ICPMS
Yuan H-L, Chen K-Y, He G-F, Song J-Y & Gao S
(2010) Simultaneous Analyses of Major and Trace Elements in Fused Rock Powders Using Hermetic Vessel Heater and LA-ICP-MS
Zhu L, Liu Y, Hu Z & Gao S
(2010) Molybdenum Isotope and Geochemical Evidence for Palaeoenvironmental Change at the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary, South China
Zhou L, Yanan S, Gao S, Xie S, Feng Q, Su J & Zhao L
(2010) Multiplicity of the North China Craton Destruction: Constraints from Metasomatic Types and Zircon U-Pb Ages from Peridotite Xenoliths Entrained by Mesozoic High-Mg# Diorites
Xu W, Yang D, Gao S, Pei F & Wang W
(2010) Crustal Growth of North China as Revealed by Detrital Zircons
Yang J, Gao S, Chen C, Tang Y, Yuan H, Gong H, Xie S & Wang J
(2010) Proterozoic Crustal Evolution of Yangtze Craton Revealed by Detrital Zircons from Shenlongjia Area, South China
Liu X, Ling W & Gao S
(2010) Multiple Growth of Titanite in Response to Lower Crustal Thickening and Recycling
Guo J, Gao S, Xu W, Hu Z, Yuan H, Liu Y & Zong K
(2009) Recycled Lower Continental Crust: Re-Os Isotopic Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths Entrained by Mesozoic High-Mg Diorites in the Eastern North China Craton
Xu W-L, Gao S, Yang D-B, Yuan H-L, Rudnick RL & Walker RJ
(2008) Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle of the Central North China Craton: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths
Xu W-L, Yang D-B, Gao S, Yu Y & Pei F-P
(2008) Simultaneous Determinations of U-Pb Age, Trace Element Compositions, and Hf Isotopes of Zircon by LA-Q&MC-ICPMS
Yuan H, Gao S, Dai M, Zong C, Günther D & Fontaine G
(2008) Age and Growth of the Archean Kongling Terrain, South China, with Emphasis on 3.3 Ga Granitoid Gneisses
Yang J & Gao S
(2008) Recycling of Lower Continental Crust in the Trans-North China Orogen: Evidence from Zircon Dating of Mantle Composite Xenoliths
Liu Y, Gao S, Gao C & Zong K
(2007) Recycling Deep Cratonic Lithosphere and Generation of Intraplate Magmatism
Gao S, Rudnick RL, Xu W-L, Yuan H-L, Liu Y-S, Puchtel I, Liu X-M, Huang H & Wang X-R
(2007) Study of Lu-Hf Geochronology-A Case Study of Eclogite from Dabie UHP Belt
Yuan H-L, Gao S, Luo Y, Zong C & Dai M

Gao Shan (2017) Petrogenesis of Deep-Seated Xenoliths from the Xuhuai Area, China: New Insights from Hf Isotope
Meng F, Gao S, Niu Y, Xu W & Zong C
(2017) Evidence from Early Cretaceous Basalts for Storage of Unradiogenic Lead in Recycled Lower Crust: Solution to the Lead Paradox
Geng X, Gao S & Liu Y

Gao Shan (2019) Presence of Eclogite in the Magma Source Region of Hawaiian Plume
Takahashi E, Gao S & Li L

Gao Shangde (2022) Estimating Ferric Iron Content in Clinopyroxene Using Machine Learning Models
Huang W, Lyu Y, Du M, He C, Gao S, Xu R, Xia Q-K & Zhang Z

Gao Shen (2017) Late Mesozoic Epithermal Gold Deposits in the Northern Xing’an Block, Heilongjiang Province, NE China: Characteristics and Metallogenic Mechanism
Gao S & Xu H

Gao Shuang (2013) Modeling of Modern δ30Si Distributions in the Oceans and in Marine Sediments
Gao S, Wolf-Gladrow D & Völker C

Gao Shuoshuo (2016) Drivers of Nitrogen Leaching Changes in China’s Cropland
Gao S & Zhou F

Gao Shutao (2018) Determination of Position-Specific Carbon Isotope Ratios of Propane from Natural Gas
Li Y, Zhang L, Xiong Y, Gao S, Yu Z & Peng P

Gao Simin (2017) Niche Specificity of Bathyarchaeota in the Surface Sediment of Pearl River Estuary, China
Wang P, Zhang T, Li F, Chen S, Lai D, Gao S, Xie W & Zhang C

Gao T (2005) Ar-Ar Dating for Greenschist-Facies Metavolcanics in the Dabie Orogen: Implication for the Accretionary Wedge of Continental Subduction
Gao T, Tang J & Zheng Y
(2003) The Re-Os Isotope Geochemistry of the Raobazhai Ultramafic Complex of North Dabieshan, Centra China
Zhi X, Jing Y, Meng Q, Gao T & Reisberg L

Gao Tianshan (2011) Growth of Zircon and Rutile during Continental Subduction-Zone Metamorphism: A Case Study of UHP Eclogite in the Dabie Orogen
Zheng Y-F, Gao X-Y, Chen R-X & Gao T

Gao Ting (2020) Evaluation of Fe Uptake and Transport Mechanism of Rice Plants in a Paddy Field Using Fe Isotope Fractionation
Chen G, Liu T, Li Y, Gao T & Li F
(2020) Varied Mg Isotope Responses to Distinct Climate Conditions during Granite Weathering
Gao T, Wang Z & Liu C
(2020) Fe Uptake and Translocation Responded to Various Zn Supplies at Tillering Stage: Coupling Study with Stable Metal Isotope and Molecular Biology
Wu Q, Gao T, Liu C, Liu Y, Xia Y, Qi M & Li F
(2018) Contrasting Mg Isotopic Compositions between Fe-Mn Nodules and Surrounding Soils: Accumulation of Light Mg Isotopes by Mg-Depleted Clay Minerals and Fe Oxides
Gao T, Liu C, Li F, Liao C & Wu F

Gao W.y. (2018) Fe–Ti-Oxides Down to the Nanoscale: Ores from Layered Intrusions
Gao WY, Ciobanu CL, Cook NJ, Huang F, Slattery A & Song D

Gao Wen (2020) The Research of Electrogeochemical Technology in Prospecting Exploration and Soil Remediation
Wen M, Gao W & Luo X
(2020) Comparison Study of Prospecting Concealed Uranium Deposit By Geoelectrochemical Methods in China and Australia
Luo X, Gao W, OuYang F & Liu P
(2019) Geoelectrochemical Methodin in Searching for Concealed Copper Deposits in Jiangsan of Zhejiang
Luo X, Gao W, Ouyang F & Wen M
(2019) Significance of a Quaternary Sedimentary Profile in Manjiang, Fusong County, Changbai Mountain Region
Gao W, Luo X, Ouyang F & Wen M
(2018) Application of Factor Analysis on Prospecting for Concealed Lead-Zinc Deposit Based on the Geo-Electrochemical Method in Zhijin Area, Guizhou
Luo X, Ou Y, Gao W & Liu P
(2017) Study on Combined Prospecting Methods and Discussion on Prospecting Effects for Covered Area – Taking Dong’an Gold Deposit as Example
Gao W, Luo X, Li T, Jia D & Liu P
(2017) Application of Geo-Electrochemical Exploration Method for Searching Concealed Antimony Ore
Liu P, Luo X, Wen M, Zhang J & Gao W
(2017) Mechanism of Geoelectrochemical Halo-Forming and Prospecting
Luo X, Gao W, Wen M, Ouyang F & Liu P

Gao Wenjing (2022) Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Additions on Transformation and Accumulation of Plant- and Microbial-Derived Soil Organic Carbon in Alpine Grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau
Yang Z, Ma T, Gao W, Shi B & Li Y

Gao Wenyuan (2021) Research on the Process of Amphibole Losing Water may Reveal the Temperature Gradient Inside the Planet
Li Y, Huang F, Gao W, Zhu Q, Shen C, Li M, Sun X & Wang X
(2021) Metamorphic Remobilization and Hydrothermal Superimposition Records in Sulfides from Archean VMS Deposit
Zhao F, Huang F, Chen L, Gao W & Meng L

Gao X (2006) Molecular Geochemical Signatures of Mixed Oils from the Mosuowan Area, Central Junggar Basin
Cao J, Hu W, Tao G & Gao X
(2006) Carbon, Oxygen and Strontium Isotopic Constraints on Fluid Flow in the Junggar Basin (NW China)
Cao J, Jin Z, Hu W, Yao S & Gao X
(2005) Late Mesozoic Adakites from the Northeastern China: Evidence for Subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean Toward the NE Asian Continent
Guo F, Fan W, Li C, Li X & Gao X
(2005) Trace-Element of Calcite Cement in Reservoir Rocks as a Useful Tool Defining Hydrocarbon Migration Pattern, Junggar Basin, China
Hu W, Cao J, Zhang Y, Zhang Y & Gao X

Gao Xiang (2015) The Genesis of Mengyejing Potash Deposit in Lanping-Simao Basin, Yunnan Province, China
Gao X & Fang Q
(2014) Authigenic Minerals and their Formation Environment in Surface Sediments of Modern Salt Lakes in the Hoh Xil Area, China
Gao X & Di Y
(2011) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Xingdi No. 1 Intrusion in Kuluketage, NW China: Tectonic Implication for Xingdi Mafic-Ultramafic Rock Belt
Cao X, Gao X, Lü X, Liu Y, Liu S & Chen C

Gao Xiao-Feng (2011) Redefine Bulunkuole Group in Eastern Pamirs Syntaxis and its Signification – From the Evidence of LA-ICP-MS Isotope Dating of Detrital Zircon
Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Kang L, Dong Z-C, Guo L & Xi R-G
(2011) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Hongqilapu Granite in Eastern Pamirs, China
Kang L, Xiao P-X, Gao X-F, Xi R-G, Dong Z-C & Guo L
(2010) LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry of Hongliugou Granite in the North Altyn Fault and its Geological Significance, China
Gao X

Gao Xiao-Ying (2020) Geochemical Evidence from Coesite-Bearing Jadeite Quartzites for Large-Scale Flow of Metamorphic Fluids in a Continental Subduction Channel
Gao X-Y & Zheng Y-F
(2019) Electrical Conductivity of Peraluminous Granitic Melt with Implications for Melting in the Tibetan Crust
Guo X, Zhang L, Su X, Mao Z, Gao X-Y, Yang X & Ni H
(2018) Petrological and Zircon Evidence for the Early Cretaceous Granulite-Facies Metamorphism in the Dabie Orogen, China
Gao X-Y, Zheng YF & Zhang QQ
(2017) Growth of Metamorphic and Peritectic Garnets in UHP Metagranite during Continental Subduction and Exhumation in the Dabie Orogen
Xia Q-X, Zhou L-G & Gao X-Y
(2016) Zircon Geochemistry Records the Action of Metamorphic Fluid on the Formation of UHP Jadeite Quartzite
Gao X-Y, Zheng Y-F & Chen Y-X
(2014) U-Pb Ages and Trace Elements of Metamorphic Rutile and Zircon from Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Quartzite in the Sulu Orogen
Gao X-Y, Zheng Y-F & Chen Y-X
(2011) Growth of Zircon and Rutile during Continental Subduction-Zone Metamorphism: A Case Study of UHP Eclogite in the Dabie Orogen
Zheng Y-F, Gao X-Y, Chen R-X & Gao T
(2011) Geochemical and U-Pb Age Constraints on the Occurrence of Polygenetic Titanites in UHP Metagranite in the Dabie Orogen
Gao X-Y, Zheng Y-F, Chen Y-X & Guo J-L
(2010) Multiphase Solid Inclusions in UHP Eclogite from the Dabie Orogen: Constraints on the Nature of Metamorphic Fluid/Melt during Continental Subduction-Zone Metamorphism
Gao X-Y & Zheng Y-F

Gao Xiaodong (2019) New Synthetic Biology Tools to Track Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
Masiello C, Silberg J, Stadler L, Fulk E, Del Valle I, Gao X, Shis D & Bennett G
(2018) New Synthetic Biology Tools to Scale up Microbial Processes in Soils and Sediments
Masiello C, Silberg J, Cheng S, Del Valle I, Fulk E, Gao X & Bennett G

Gao Xiaohui (2021) The Distribution and Source Apportionment of 12 Heavy Metals in a Tailing Pond, China
Yang J, Wang Y & Gao X
(2013) Characteristic of Fluid Inclusion of the Xujiahe Formation in the Central Sichuan Basin, China
Gao X, Tao S & Zhao X
(2013) Reservoir Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks in the Northeast of Junggar Basin, China
Zhao X, Zhang X, Gao X, Hou L & Wei Y
(2009) Geological and Geochemical Characteristics and Exploration Potential of the ‘Continuous’ Hydrocarbon Accumulation in China
Zou C, Tao S, Gao X & Gong Y

Gao Xiaoqi (2019) Geochemical Characteristics of Underground Fluid Observation Points in the North Tianshan
Gao X
(2016) Real-Time Mud Hydrogen Logging during Drilling of WFSD
Zhang B, Fang Z, Liu Y, Yang X, Gao X & Zhang L

Gao Xiaoyu (2021) Linking Phytoavailability of Inorganic Nanoparticles with their Transformation in the Rhizosphere
Rodrigues SM, Rodrigues S, Miranda M, Martins N, Trindade T, Gao X, Lowry GV & Avellan A
(2017) Influence of Nanoparticle Properties on Bioavailability in Spring Wheat
Laughton S, Gao X, Spielman-Sun E & Lowry G

Gao Xin (2023) Tracing the Source and Transport of Hg during Pedogenesis in Strongly Weathered Tropical Soil Using Hg Isotopes
Gao X, Yuan W, Chen J, Huang F, Wang Z, Gong Y, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhang T & Zheng W
(2021) Mercury Isotopic Fractionation in Latosol Profile Developed from Strongly Weathered Basalt
Gao X, Zhang Y, Huang F, Chen J & Zheng W

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