Guyot Francois
Chemical Signature of Magnetite from Magnetotactic Bacteria: Results from Laboratory Cultures
Busigny V, Mathon F, Amor M, Menguy N, Guyot F & Lefevre CT
Production of Carbon-Containing Pyrite Spherules Induced by Hyperthermophilic Thermoccocales: A Biosignature?
Truong C, Bernard S, Le Pape P, Morin G, Gorlas A & Guyot F
Impact of Microbial Biofilms on Mn(II) Oxidation Dynamics
Rollot V, Dejean C, Guyot F, Diaz JM & Gelabert A
Investigating and Quantifying Natural H2 Emissions within the Fe-Rich Kansas Precambrian Granitoid Crust, Through High Resolution Microscopy and Tomography
Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Kularatne K, Julia G, Guyot F, Bernard S, Viennet J-C, Martinez I, Renard S, Newell KD, Derluyn H & Deville E
Bayesian Hypothesis Testing for the Origin of the Methane in Enceladus' Plume: Biomethanation Versus Abiotic Hydrothermal Chemistry
Affholder A, Guyot F, Sauterey B, Mazevet S & Ferrière R
Rate Constants for the Non-Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Na2ATP at 80℃ to 120℃: A Constraint for Metabolic Pathways for Extremophiles
Moeller C, Schmidt C, Guyot F & Wilke M
Biomineralization of Electroactive Mn-Oxides by the Mn(II) Oxidizer Pseudomonas putida for Electrochemical Energy Storage
Galezowski L, Recham N, Miot J, Skouri-Panet F, Larcher D & Guyot F
Mn Oxides Biomineralization Monitored by in situ Liquid Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
Gelabert A, Couasnon T, Alloyeau D, Guyot F & Ménez B
Greigite: A Biomineral of Hydrothermal Chimneys?
Gorlas A & Guyot F
Geochemical Implications of Carbonates with CO4 Groups
Boulard E, Guyot F & Fiquet G
Guyot Francois J
In situ Monitoring of ATP Hydrolysis at High Pressure and Temperature: Exploring the Limits of Life
Moeller C, Schmidt C, Testemale D, Guyot FJ, Kokh M & Wilke M
Living with and Even Benefiting from Polysulfide Species: An Achievement of Hyperthermophilic Archaea
Guyot FJ, Truong C, Bernard S & Gorlas A
Timescale of Serpentinization Reactions on Enceladus
Daval D, Gaël C, Sotin C & Guyot FJ
Eco-Evolutionary Modeling of Planetary Ecosystems to Predict Habitability and Biosignatures – The Cases of Early Earth and Mars
Sauterey B, Affholder A, Guyot FJ, Charnay B, Mazevet S & Ferrière R
Iron Biomineralization by Hyperthermophilic Archaea
Truong C, Gorlas A, Guyot FJ & Bernard S
Guyot J-L.
Denudation and Weathering Rates from Meteoric 10Be/9Be Ratios in the Amazon Basin
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Dannhaus N, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Guyot J-L, Maurice L, Llacer-Roig H, Filizola N & Christl M
Modeling Cosmogenic Nuclide Accumulation during Sediment Transport in the Upper Amazon Basin
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Guyot J-L & Kubik PW
The role of the Béni floodplain on the chemical weathering fluxes in the upper Madeira basin, Bolivia.
Gaillardet J, Maurice-Bourgoin L, Guyot J-L & Dosseto A
Guzik M.
Dypingite Series Defined by the Content of Molecular H2O
Lu Y, Sednev-Lugovets A, Carvalho P, Guzik M, Dunkel K, Austrheim H & Friis H
Guzman Jose
Siderophores Catalyze the Oxidation of Commercial Pb to Nano-Sized Lead (Hydr)oxides Stable in Water at pH 5 and 25℃
Cornejo-Garrido H, Guzman J, Alonso-Gomez A, Fernandez-Lomelin P, Trejo M, Hao Z, Lapidus-Lavine G, Gilbert B & Cervini-Silva J
Stability of Nanoparticles in the Presence of Biological Material and their Toxicity
Cervini-Silva J, Fernandez P, Gilbert B, Hernandez M, Guzman J & Chavira E
Biogenic Mineral Dissolution and Transformation of Arsenopyrite
Cornejo-Garrido H, Fernandez P, Guzman J, Sedov S & Cervini-Silva J
Guzman Juan
Annotation of Compound-Specific Molecular Structures in Aquatic Natural Organic Matter Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Mass Spectrometry
Aristilde L, Spina P & Guzman J
Guzman Marcelo
Prebiotic Simulations of Shallow Sea Hydrothermal Vents: Photochemical Reduction of CO2 on Sphalerite
Guzman M & Zhou R
The Emergence of Metabolism: Prebiotic Simulations of Shallow Sea Hydrothermal Vents
Guzman M
Guzman Mario
Vein Petrography and Geochemistry of the North Amethyst Au-Ag Epithermal Deposit, Creede, Colorado USA
Guzman M & Monecke T
Guzman N.
A High Resolution Temperature Calibration Study on the Chilean Gastropod Concholepas Concholepas
Guzman N, Lazareth C, Poitrasson F, Candaudap F, Cuif J & Ortlieb L
Guzman V.
Complex Cyanides and Other Organics in Protoplanetary Disks
Oberg K, Guzman V & Loomis R
The Physical and Chemical Structure of Protoplanetary Disks
Guzman V, Oberg K, Loomis R & Qi C
Guzman Morales J.
Geoscience, Colonialism, and the Energy Transition
Ng J, Brito-Millan M, Guzman Morales J, Harrison E, Quintanilla L & Salomon A
Guzmán-Marusic G.
Contrasting Old and Young Volcanism in Irruputuncu Volcano, Central Andean Volcanic Zone, Chile
Guzmán-Marusic G, González-Maurel O, Pineda C, Rodríguez I, le Roux P & Godoy B
Scales of Change: Intra-Flow, Intra-Volcano, and Intra-Volcanic Chain B Isotope Variations
le Roux P, Ncetani S, González-Maurel O, Godoy B, Deegan FM, Garbe-Schönberg D, Rodríguez I, Guzmán-Marusic G & Muena N
Guzmics T.
Fluid and Melt Inclusions Study from Jacupiranga Carbonatite
Abudayeh A & Guzmics T
3D Raman Mapping of Complex Fluid Inclusions to Shed Light on Fluid Compositions in the Deep Lithosphere
Aradi LE, Spránitz T, Myovela JL, Guzmics T & Berkesi M
Carbonatite Formation in Continental Settings via High Pressure – High Temperature Liquid Immiscibility
Berkesi M, Myovela JL, Yaxley GM & Guzmics T
Raman Imaging of Multiphase Fluid Inclusions: A Case Study from the Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain
Aradi LE, Spránitz T, Guzmics T & Berkesi M
Composition of Carbonatite-Related Orthomagmatic Fluids
Mororó E, Berkesi M & Guzmics T
3D Raman Imaging of Multiphase Fluid and Melt Inclusions: Challenges and Perspectives
Aradi LE, Spránitz T, Guzmics T, Szabó C & Berkesi M
The Role of Natrite-Normative Fluid Degassing in the Formation of Carbonatite and Highly Peralkaline Nephelinite Melts at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Guzmics T & Berkesi M
Understanding of Natrocarbonatite Formation: Results from Kerimasi Nephelinites
Guzmics T, Berkesi M & Szabó C
Extremely Alkaline Carbonate Melts at Oldoinyo Lengai: A Melt Inclusion Study
Berkesi M, Guzmics T & Szabó C
3D Raman Mapping of Melt Inclusions in Kerimasi (Tanzania) Alkaline and Carbonatite Rocks
Káldos R, Guzmics T, Váczi T, Berkesi M, Dankházi Z & Szabó C
Combined HR-Raman and FIB-SEM Analyses of Carbonate Melt Inclusions from Kerimasi Jacupirangite (Tanzania)
Káldos R, Guzmics T, Váczi T, Baris A, Berkesi M, Szabó C, Havancsák K & Dankházi Z
Importance of Melt Inclusions in Study of Carbonatites: Insight into Kerimasi Melt Evolution
Guzmics T, Káldos R, Zajacz Z, Mitchell R & Szabó C
Trace Element Partitioning between Immiscible Silicate and Carbonate Melts, Based on Natural Melt Inclusions from Kerimasi Volcano, Tanzania
Guzmics T & Zajacz Z
CO2-rich Fluids in the Mantle: A Comparative Fluid Inclusion Study
Berkesi M, Szabo C, Guzmics T, Pinter Z, Kaldos R, Dubessy J, Park M & Czuppon G
Melt Inclusions in Coexisting Perovskite, Nepheline, Magnetite and Clinopyroxene in Pyroxene Melilitolite from Kerimasi Volcano, Tanzania
Guzmics T, Mitchell RH, Berkesi M, Szabó C & Milke R
Trace Element Transport by COHS Fluids in the Deep Lithosphere: A Fluid Inclusion Perspective
Szabo C, Berkesi M, Hidas K, Guzmics T, Bodnar R & Dubessy J
Carbonatite Melt Inclusions in Coexisting Magnetite, Apatite and Monticellite from Kerimasi Carbonatite, Tanzania
Guzmics T, Mitchell R, Berkesi M & Szabó C
Apatite- and K Feldspar-Hosted Primary Carbonatite Melt Inclusions from Mantle Xenoliths, Hungary
Guzmics T, Zajacz Z, Szabó C & Halter W
Melt/wallrock Interaction Shown by Silicate Melt Inclusions in Peridotite Xenoliths from Pannonian Basin
Hidas K, Szabó C, Guzmics T, Bali E, Zajacz Z & Kovács I
Guzzetti F.
First Preliminary Map of Deep CO2 Degassing in Alpine Region
Donnini M, Frondini F, Cardellini C, Caliro S, Chiodini G, Marchesini I & Guzzetti F
Alpine Weathering and Carbon Cycle
Donnini M, Probst J-L, Probst A, Frondini F, Marchesini I & Guzzetti F
Guzzo J.
Doubly 13C-Substituted Ethane
Clog M, Eiler J, Guzzo J, Moraes E & Souza I
Gvozdaitė R.
The Adsorptive Behaviour of Am and Tc on Fe-Bearing Minerals
Druteikienė R, Lukšienė B, Remeikis V, Šapolaitė J & Gvozdaitė R
Gvoždík L.
Factors Influencing Radionuclide Migration in Crystalline Rock Fracture
Havlová V, Zuna M, Gvoždík L, Sosna K & Stas L
Gwak H-Y.
Characterization of the White Precipitates found in Acid Mine Drainage
Kim Y, Lee C-M & Gwak H-Y
Gwalani L.
C, O and H Isotope Compositions of the Wilmott and Yungul ‘Carbonatites’ and the Associated Fluorites in the Speewah Dome, Kimberley Region, Australia
Czuppon G, Demény A, Gwalani L, Ramsay R, Rogers K, Eves A & Szabó C
Gwandu T.
From a Waste to a Valuable Resource: Combined Application of Water Treatment Residual and Compost Improves Maize Productivity
Gwandu T, Nezomba H, Mtambanengwe F, Chivasa S, Dobson K, Lark M & Johnson K
Gwanmesia G.
Elasticity of Polycrystalline β-Mg2SiO4 Containing 0.73 Wt.% H2O to 10 GPa and 600 K by Ultrasonic Interferometry Technique Combined with Synchrotron x-radiation
Gwanmesia G, James A, Whitaker M & Triplett R
Indoor Seismology
Liebermann R, Li B, Kung J, Jackson I, Gwanmesia G, Antao S & Parise J
Gwo J.P.
Reactive Transport in Fractured Saprolite: Determining Diffusive Mass Transfer and Surface Reaction Kinetics Parameters
Gwo JP, Mayes M & Jardine P
Determining Hydrogeochemical Parameters for the Fate and Transport of CdEDTA and CoEDTA in Fractured Sparolite Using HBGC123D
Gwo JP, Frenzel H, Mayes MA & Sieve BJ
Gwosdz S.
Effects of Volcanic CO2 Vents on a Freshwater Environment, the Laacher See
Gwosdz S, Möller I, Richnow HH & Krüger M
Gwyn R.
Calcium and Magnesium Distribution between Sulfide and Silicate Melts: Thermodynamic Modeling and Insights into Mercury's Mantle-Crust Differentiation
McCombs T, Gwyn R, Anzures BA, Lambart S & Boujibar A
Gwynn J.P.
Tracer Application of Chemical Speciation of 129I in Arctic Seawater
Hou X, Luo M, Fan Y, Gwynn JP, Karcher M, Aldahan A & Possnert G