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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Goodman M. (2018) Using 87Sr/86Sr Ratios of Carbonate Minerals to Quantify Dust Fluxes from Desert Playas to the Urban Wasatch Front, Utah, USA
Goodman M, Carling G, Fernandez D, Nelson S, Rey K & Hale C

Goodman Steve (2007) Bugs in Stress: Microbial Control of Surface Reactivity in a Stress Field
Sturm C, Waters M, Arvidson R, El-Naggar M, Goodman S, Nealson K, Luttge A & Udwadia F

Goodman Steven (2015) What Does Nature Tell us About Anthropogenic Aerosol Indirect Effect?
Yuan T, Remer L, Yu H, Pickering K, Oreopoulos L, Wilcox E, Bian H, Ziemke G, Albrecht R & Goodman S

Goodman-Tchernov B. (2019) Description of Evolving Ferruginous Oxygen Minimum Zones from the Eastern Mediterranean during Sapropel S1 – A Potential Predictor for Modern Climate Change
Zirks E, Schmeidl G, Goodman-Tchernov B & Krom M
(2018) Evidence for an Evolving Sub-Oxic Water Mass in the Eastern Mediterranean (EMS) Interacting with the Nile Flood during Sapropel S1; Effect on P Geochemistry
Krom M, Zirks E, Zhu D & Goodman-Tchernov B
(2017) Evidence for an Evolving Sub-Oxic Zone in the Eastern Mediterranean during Sapropel S1 Partly Controlled by the Increased Nile Flood; A Sensitive Record of Regional Paleoclimatic Change
Zirks E, Goodman-Tchernov B & Krom M

Goodrich C. (2020) Noble Gases in an Almahata Sitta Sample Rich in C1 Like Material
Riebe M, Busemann H, Goodrich C & Maden C
(2019) Origin of Diamonds in Ureilites
Nestola F, Barbaro A, Morana M, Christ O, Brenker F, Domeneghetti MC, Dalconi MC, Alvaro M, Goodrich C, Fioretti AM, Leoni M & Shaddad MH
(2013) Transmission Electron Microscopy of Iron Metal in Almahata Sitta Ureilite
Mikouchi T, Yubuta K, Sugiyama K, Aoyagi Y, Yasuhara A, Mihira T, Zolensky M & Goodrich C

Goodship A. (2022) 3Ts and Li-Batteries: Regional Zonation and Li Potential of Rare Metal Pegmatites in the Great Lakes Region of Central Africa
Borst AM, Acke J, van der Does L, Goodship A & Kwizera D

Goodwell Allison (2018) Understanding Multivariate Causal Dependencies from Time-Series Observations
Kumar P, Jiang P & Goodwell A

Goodwell Allison E (2024) Drought-Induced Calcite Precipitation Promotes CO2 Efflux from Rivers
Wang J, Winnick M, Bouchez J, Goodwell AE, Kumar P & Druhan JL

Goodwin A. (2010) Structure Model of Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Reeder R, Goodwin A, Michel FM, Phillips B, Keen D & Dove M
(2003) Origin of Archean Adakites and NEBA from the Upper Keewatin Assemblage, the Lake of the Woods Greenstone Belt, Western Wabigoon Subprovince, Superior Province
Ujike O & Goodwin A

Goodwin C. (2017) Quantification and Molecular Characterization of Mineral Associated Organic Carbon as Influenced by Redox Oscillations
Afsar M, Goodwin C & Jin Y

Goodwin D.H. (2011) Rapid Age Determination of Oysters Using Shell Mg/Ca Ratios
Spence B, Gillikin DP, Goodwin DH, Byrne D, Roopnarine P & Anderson L

Goodwin N. (2009) Fluid Origins in Orogenic Au Mineralization Defined by Noble Gas-Halogen Systematics, Alpine & Otago Schists, New Zealand
Goodwin N, Burgess R, Craw D, Sumino H, Teagle D & Ballentine C
(2008) Combined Noble Gas-Halogen Study of Mesothermal Au Fluid Origin, Alpine & Otago Schists, NZ
Goodwin N, Ballentine C, Burgess R, Craw D, Sumino H & Teagle D
(2007) A Noble Gas Approach to Fluid Origin in Mesothermal Gold Deposits, Otago & Alpine Schists, New Zealand
Goodwin N, Ballentine C, Burgess R, Craw D, Sumino H & Teagle D

Goodwin T. (2011) Establishing Baseline Geochemical Conditions at Historic Gold Mines for Risk Assessment and Remediation
Parsons M, Goodwin T & Little M

Goody D.C. (2020) Removing the Barriers for Measuring Phosphate Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Low P Concentration Freshwater Samples
Barbecot F, Tcaci M, Helie J-F, Surridge BWJ & Goody DC

Goolsby E.

Goordial Jackie (2015) Organic and Isotopic Biomarkers of Antarctic Endolith Microbial Communities
Brady AL, Goordial J, Davila AF, Whyte L & Slater GF

Goordial Jacqueline (2024) Assessing Sources of Mercury to Arctic and Subarctic Soils Using Mercury Stable Isotopes
Bergquist BA, Barnhart B, Goordial J, Mollica L, Nason K, Morse P, Hall R, Finkelstein S & Poulain A
(2018) Active Microbial Groups in Oceanic Crust
Orcutt B, D'Angelo T, Goordial J & Jones R
(2018) Energy in the Deep Subsurface and as Extraterrestrial Habitability Analogs
Jones R, Goordial J & Orcutt B

Goos M. (2015) Geochemistry of Monohydrocalcite and its Potential as Proxy
Niedermayr A, Goos M & Immenhauser A

Gooseff Michael (2014) Quantifying Stream-Groundwater Interactions and Biogeochemical Cycling at Several Spatial and Temporal Scales
Gooseff M, Wlostowski A, Singha K, Ward A, McGlynn B & Burgos W
(2011) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of a Deep Coal Mine Discharge
Burgos W, Fitzgerald M, Larson L, Herwehe L, Singha K & Gooseff M
(2001) Direct Observations of Chemical Weathering and Biofilm Development on Mica Surfaces in the Hyporheic Zone of an Antarctic Dry Valley Stream
Maurice PA, McKnight DM, Leff L, Fulghum J & Gooseff M

Gooseff Michael N (2023) Locating and Quantifying Geothermal Groundwater Discharge to the Colorado and Virgin Rivers Using Continuous Boat-Mounted Helium Measurements
Newman CP, Humphrey EC, Brennwald M, Gardner WP, Palko KM & Gooseff MN
(2021) Linking Innovative Field Measurements to Models: Characterizingreactive Groundwater Exchange along Large Rivers
Briggs MA, Helton AM, Gooseff MN, Barclay JR, Terry N, Moore EM, Haynes A, Jackson K, Bisson A, DiGiorno M, Arntzen E & Chen X

Gooseff Michael N.

Goosens C. (2024) The Age of Reason for Mineral-Based Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement?
van de Velde S, Currie K, Geerts LJJ, Goosens C, Huysmans T, Hylén A, VanHeurck B & Meysman FJR
(2023) Hawaiian Beaches as Natural Analogues for Long-Term Rates and Impacts of Coastal Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Kreuzburg M, Hylén A, Winardhi C, Cole D, VanHeurck B, DeWolf S, Goosens C, Romaniello SJ, Monserrat F, Cnudde V & Meysman FJR

Goosse H (2000) Modeling the Present-Day CO2 Drawndown in the HNLC Southern Ocean
Lancelot C, Hannon E, Sylvie B, Probst G, Goosse H, Schoemann V & de Baar H

Goosse Hugues (2015) The Role of Sea Ice in the Carbon Cycle of Polar Seas: 1D to 3D Modeling
Moreau S, Vancoppenolle M & Goosse H

Goossens T. (2017) Colloids Mediate Phosphate Leaching in Agricultural Soil: Observations and CD-MUSIC Modelling
Warrinnier R, Goossens T, Verbeeck M, Vanden Nest T, Amery F & Smolders E

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