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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Fricke J. (2017) Smart Kd-Values as Realistic Distribution Coefficients
Stockmann M, Britz S, Flügge J, Fricke J, Becker D, Noseck U & Brendler V
(2017) Surface Complexation Modelling: Sorption of Ni on Quartz and Orthoclase
Fricke J, Britz S, Noseck U, Biester H, Durner W, Brendler V & Stockmann M

Fricke Margarete (2009) Weekly Aerosol Cycle at DWD Observatory Hohenpeissenberg
Flentje H, Thomas W & Fricke M

Fricke Matthew (2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K

Fricker M.B. (2011) Towards Past Climate Reconstruction of Speleothems by Atmospheric Sampling LA-ICPMS
Tabersky D, De Maddalena I, Fricker MB, Dietiker R, Fleitmann D & Günther D

Friddle R. (2017) Mechanistic Insight into Microbial Biomineralization of Iron Oxides
Sand K, Jelavić S, Dobberschütz S, Ashby P, Marshall M, Friddle R & Deyoreo J

Fridleifsson Gudmundur Ó (2022) From Rift to Off-Rift: The Sulfate Cycle in the Oceanic Crust
Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Zierenberg RA, Jeon H, Whitehouse MJ, Jónasson K, Fridleifsson GÓ & Weisenberger TB

Fridleifsson Gudmundur Ómar (2015) The Vonarskard Geothermal System, Central Iceland: An Oasis in the Desert
Keller NS, Stefánsson A, Kaasalainen H, Björnsdóttir S, Pétursdóttir S, Gunnarsson Robin J, Hreggvidsson GÓ, Jóhannesson H & Fridleifsson GÓ

Fridrichová J. (2020) The Site Occupancy Assessment in Tourmaline-Supergroup Minerals Based on Bond-Length Constraints
Bačík P & Fridrichová J
(2020) Cation Partitioning Based on Bond-Length Constraints in Beryl
Fridrichová J & Bačík P

Fridriksson T (2004) Processes Controlling Sr Surface Waters and Geothermal Solutions in, a Tertiary Tholeiitic Floodbasalt Province in Iceland
Fridriksson T & Arnórsson S
(2004) CO2 Emissions from Geothermal Areas
Ármannsson H & Fridriksson T

Fridriksson Thrainn (2013) The Nitrogen Isotope Composition of Volcanic Fluids
Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Fridriksson T & Caliro S
(2009) Acid Sulfate Alteration of Basalts in Active Geothermal Systems, Krísuvík, Iceland
Markusson SH, Stefansson A & Fridriksson T
(2009) Fluid Geochemistry and Surface Alteration Associated with Rhyolitic Rocks, Torfajökull Iceland
Björke J, Stefánsson A & Fridriksson T
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes in Volcanic Fluids of Different Geodynamic Settings
Inguaggiato S, Taran Y, Fridriksson T, Melián G & D'Alessandro W

Fridriksson Thráinn (2023) Mantle CO2 Fluxes and Carbonate Fixation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems in Iceland
Kleine BI, Smit MJ, Toro DI, di Stefano AM, Pope E, Waight T, Thomassot E, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Padilla Rivas EK, Wiese F, Fridriksson T, Ármansson H, Gunnarsdóttir SH, Mesfin KG, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Fiebig J, Ricci A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldorsson SA, Kjartansdóttir R, Ono S, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Ólafsdóttir R & Stefánsson A

Friðleifsson Guðmundur Ó (2018) The Impact of Seafloor Alteration on δ18O and δ34S of Sulfates in the Oceanic Crust
Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Whitehouse MJ, Zierenberg RA, Weisenberger TB, Friðleifsson GÓ, Jackson MD & Guðmundsson MT
(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Hydrothermal Systems: Insights into Ancient Meteoric Waters and Paleoseawater
Zakharov D, Bindeman I, Tanaka R, Friðleifsson GO & Reed M

Friðleifsson Guðmundur Ó. (2019) Seafloor Alteration Traced by Stable Isotope (δ44Ca, δ34S, δ18O) Fractionation of Sulfates
Jónasson K, Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Whitehouse MJ, Zierenberg RA, Weisenberger TB, Friðleifsson GÓ, Jackson MD & Guðmundsson MT

Friebel Matthias (2013) Isotopic Constraints for Sources and Sinks of NOx in the City of Berlin
Friebel M & Wiechert U

Friebel Matthias (2015) Sn Stable Isotope Analysis: A New Method for Sn Separation for Geological Materials
Friebel M, Schönbächler M & Fehr M

Friebel Matthias (2017) Cadmium Isotope Variations in Bulk Chondrites
Toth ER, Schönbächler M, Fehr M & Friebel M
(2017) Nucleosynthetic Tin Isotope Variations in Chondrites
Friebel M, Schönbächler M, Fehr M & Toth E

Friebel Matthias (2018) The Sn Isotope Composition of Chondrites, the Earth and the Moon
Friebel M, Fehr M & Schönbächler M

Friebel Matthias (2020) Cadmium Isotope Variations in Chondrites and Acid Leachates of Jbilet Winselwan (CM2)
Toth ER, Fehr M, Friebel M & Schönbächler M

Fried R. (2009) Environmental Tracers in Hydrogeology: Principles, Applications, and Challenges
Stute M, Horneman A & Fried R

Friedel M. (2023) Effect of Iron-Organic Carbon Coprecipitates on Greenhouse Gas Release Across a Permafrost Thaw Gradient
Voggenreiter E, Friedel M, Kappler A & Joshi P

Friedemann S. (2023) Novel Setup for Geoelectrochemical Measurements in a Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell
Vlasov K, Friedemann S & Lord OT

Friederich G. (2017) Dissolved Carbon Biogeochemistry and Export from a Mangrove Estuary
Ho D, Wanninkhof R, Friederich G, Del Castillo C, Maher D, Dulai H & Schlosser P

Friedl G. (2004) Trace Metal Accumulation in the Sediments of Baldeggersee Under Contrasting Environmental Conditions during the Last 8000 Years
Wehrli B, Fabian D, Bott M, Friedl G, Monecke K & Sturm M
(2001) Spatial Distribution of Methanogens and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Anaerobic Sediments of the Danube Delta
Sahan E, Dinkel C, Friedl G, Friedrich J, Nyundu K, Wehrli B & Zepp K

Friedl T. (2010) Microbial Biofilms on Stone Surfaces
Hallmann C, Stannek L, Fritzlar D, Friedl T & Hoppert M

Friedland A. (2005) Influence of Overstory Vegetation on Long-Term Chemical Weathering Rates
Schroth A, Friedland A & Bostick B
(2005) Lead Transport and Speciation in Organic Horizons of Forest Soils
Kaste J, Friedland A, Bostick B & Schroth A

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