Farina M.
Teaching Geo-Chemico-Physics with a Musical Point-Of-View
Arrouvel C, Graber O, Adalberto PR, de Oliveira LS & Farina M
Farina S.
Aerosol Size Distribution Response to Anthropogenically Driven Historical Changes in Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation
D'Andrea S, Acosta Navarro J, Farina S, Riipinen I & Pierce J
Farizon B.
Pyridinium–Water Nanodroplets Under Irradiation
Parrado Ospina L, Lissillour H, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD
Formation and Elongation of Polyglycine via Unimolecular Reaction in the Gas Phase
Lissillour H, Parrado Ospina L, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Daniel I, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD
Farizon M.
Pyridinium–Water Nanodroplets Under Irradiation
Parrado Ospina L, Lissillour H, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD
Formation and Elongation of Polyglycine via Unimolecular Reaction in the Gas Phase
Lissillour H, Parrado Ospina L, Comte D, Lavy L, Bertier P, Calabria P, Fillol R, Calvo F, Daniel I, Farizon B, Farizon M & Märk TD
Farkaš Juraj
Comparison of δ53Cr Ratios between Geogenic and Anthropogenic Chromium in Central European Waters
Novak M, Chrastny V, Farkas J, Bullen TD, Cadkova E, Szurmanova Z, Tylcer J, Erbanova L, Prechova E & Pasava J
Magnesium Isotope Composition of Globally Distributed Modern Brachiopods: Implications for Paleo-Seawater δ26Mg Reconstructions
Farkas J, Brand U, Tomasovych A, Azmy K, Fietzke J & Eisenhauer A
The Phanerozoic δ<sup>88/86</sup>Sr Record of Seawater: New Constraints on Past Changes in Oceanic Carbonate Fluxes
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Wallmann K, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Liebetrau V, Krabbenhöft A, Farkaš J, Tomašovŷch A, Raddatz J & Veizer J
Calibration of the Δ47 (Clumped Isotope) Thermometer for Biogenic and Inorganic Carbonate Using the MIRA IRMS
Kirk R, Dennis P, Farkas J & Marca A
Marine Carbonate Burial Rates at the Phanerozoic Mass Extinctions
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Bohm F, Fietzke J, Wallmann K, Liebetrau V, Farkas J, Tomasovych A & Veizer J
High-Resolution Ontogenic Distribution of Mg/Ca Ratios and Mg Isotopes in Modern Brachiopods
Farkas J, Tomasovych A, Chrastny V, Jacob D, Francova M, Boehm F & Vollstaedt H
Isotope Constraints on the Biogeochemical Cycling of Calcium (Ca) in a Base-Poor Forest Ecosystem
Farkaš J, Déjeant A, Novák M & Jacobsen S
The Paleozoic δ88/86Sr-Seawater Record – Quantifying Carbonate Production Rates at Mass Extinction Events
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Fietzke J, Krabbenhöft A, Liebetrau V, Farkas J & Veizer J
Usefulness of Stable Isotopes in Small Catchment Studies: Overview of Results from the Stressed Ecosystems of Central Europe
Novak M, Buzek F, Jackova I, Chrastny V, Farkas J, Fottova D, Voldrichova P, Stepanova M & Prechova E
δ88/86Sr Record of Phanerozoic Marine Carbonates
Vollstaedt H, Eisenhauer A, Krabbenhöft A, Farkas J & Veizer J
Ca and Mg Isotope Variations of Paleoproterozoic (~2 Ga) Carbonates: Implications for Positive δ13C Event
Farkas J, Chakrabarti R, Melezhik V, Kump L, Medvedev P & Jacobsen S
A Multi-Proxy Perspective on Isotope Evolution of Phanerozoic Seawater
Farkaš J, Jacobsen S & Veizer J
Calcium Isotope Budget of the Phanerozoic Ocean
Boehm F, Amini M, Blenkinsop J, Buhl D, Eisenhauer A, Farkas J, von Geldern R, Gussone N, Heuser A & Et al.
Farkaš Juraj
Comparing Cr Concentration Data from Modern Marine Skeletal Carbonates from Sites with the Contrasting Continental Cr Inputs
Francová M, Frýda J, Farkaš J & Matoušková Š
A Larger Positive Delta 53Cr Shift from Pollution Source to Groundwater at Czech Industrial Sites, Compared to the Northeastern U.S
Stepanova M, Novak M, Hellerich LA, Chrastny V, Cadkova E, Farkas J, Curik J, Szurmanova Z & Cron M
Evidence for the Progressive Alkalinization of the Closed Basin Lakes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley
Farkas J, Rapprich V, Demewez A, Mitiku A, Abraham S, Jackova I, Buzek F, Rohovec J, Matouskova S & Tyler J
Ca and Mg Isotope Systematics in Acidified Forests from the Contrasting Monolithologic Czech Catchments
Farkas J, Novak M, Holmden C, Kram P, Simecek M, Francova M, Curik J & Veselovsky F
Farkas Juraj
Evaluating the Extent of Cr(VI) Reduction in Polluted Groundwater: Toward Better δ53Cr Fingerprinting of Sources
Novak M, Sebek O, Andronikov A, Kotkova J, Chrastny V, Prechova E, Curik J, Veselovsky F, Stepanova M, Farkas J, Martinkova E & Kram P
Testing the Late Silurian Seawater ‘carbonate Hypersaturation’ with Stable Ca, Sr and Cr Isotopes
Farkas J, Fryda J, Holmden C, Kolevica A, Boehm F, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A
Calibration of Marine Ca and Sr Isotope Proxies Against ‘salinity’ in Fresh-To-Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon-Estuarine Settings of South Australia
Shao Y, Farkas J, Holmden C, Mosley L, Kell-Duivestain I, Izzo C, Reis-Santos P, Tyler J, Haynes D, Tibby J & Gillanders B
δ26Mg Record of Phanerozoic Oceans
Törber P, Farkas J, Rollion-Bard C, Wallmann K, Brand U, Azmy K, Tomasovych A, Lecuyer C, Vigier N, Saulnier S, Komarek M, Magna T, Simecek M, Francova M, Böhm F & Eisenhauer A
Farkas Juraj
Origins of a Global Marine Late Silurian C Isotope Excursion: Insights from Stable Metal Isotopes (Ca, Sr, Cr) from Gotland and Prague Basin
Farkas J, Fryda J, Holmden C, Frydova B, Mergl M, Kolevica A, Boehm F & Eisenhauer A
Farkaš Juraj
Calibration of Stable Strontium Isotopes (δ88/86Sr) with Respect to Salinity and Carbonate Saturation in Lagoon-Estuarine Environments
Shao Y, Farkaš J, Mosley L, Wong H, Samanta M, Tyler J, Holmden C, Gillanders B, Kolevica A & Eisenhauer A
Magnesium Isotope Variations in Aqueous Samples from a Small Catchment in the Czech Republic
Novak M, Andronikov A, Sebek O, Kram P, Farkas J, Stepanova M, Curik J, Veselovsky F, Prechova E, Andronikova I & Hruska J
Chromium Isotope Constraints on the Late Paleoproterozoic Marine Redox: Evidence from ~1.64 Ga Carbonates of the Greater McArthur Basin, Australia
Farkas J, Toledo G, Klaebe R, Frei R, Collins A, Cox G, Blades M, Bullen M, Guiliano W, Samanta M, Edgoose C & Smith B
Deglaciation of the Cryogenian Glaciations: Intense Silicate Weathering and Large Element Fluxes in the Oceans
Taylor H, Dosseto A, Farkas J, Cox G, Kell Duivestein I, Dietzel M, Kingston A, Lorrey A, Corrick A & Shen B
Farkas Juraj
The Mid-Ludfordian Glaciation: A Trigger for Global Changes in Ocean Chemistry and Ecosystem Overturns
Fryda J, Lehnert O, Joachimski M, Männik P, Kubajko M, Mergl M, Farkas J & Frydova B
Copper Isotope Fractionation in Volatile-Fluxed Enclaves: Modern Analogues for the Genesis of Ancient Ore Deposits
McGee L, Lowczak C, Farkas J, Payne J, Wade C & Reid A
The Aftermath of the Sturtian Glaciation: Reconstructing Palaeo- Seawater Chemistry and Silicate Weathering
Taylor H, Dosseto A, Farkas J, Cox G & Lamothe K
Insights of Modern- and Palaeo-Hydrology of the Coorong Based on Strontium Isotope Tracers: 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr
Shao Y, Farkaš J, Tibby J, Haynes D, Wong H & Tyler J
Fractionated Cr Isotopes in the Late Paleoprotorozoic Marine Carbonates from the McArthur Basin, Australia: A Record of Oxic Paleo-Seawater or a Later Diagenetic Fluid-Flow Event?
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Collins A, Toledo G, Frei R, Lohr S, Murray S, Cox G, Blades M & Subarkah D
Farkas Juraj
Chromium Isotopes as a Proxy for Redox Conditions on Early Earth: Insights from Australian Sedimentary Rock Records
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Stromberg J, Spinks S, Toledo G, Liebelt S, Blades M, Collins A & Frei R
Ca and Sr Isotope Constraints on the Origin of the Late Cambrian SPICE Excursion: Insights from the Sedimentary Record of the Amadeus Basin, Central Australia
Farkas J, Holmden C, Al-Busaidi Q, Schmid S, Edgoose C & Collins A
In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Glauconite in Partially Altered Cambrian Sedimentary Sequences
Rafiei M, Löhr S, Alard O, Farkas J, Baldermann A & Brock G
Farkas Juraj
Assessment of Mica-Mg and GL-O Nano-Powders as Reference Materials for in situ Rb-Sr Dating by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Redaa A, Farkas J, Gilbert S, Collins AS, Löhr S, Vasegh D, Forster M, Blades ML, Baldermann A, Dietzel M & Garbe-Schönberg D
In situ Rb–Sr Dating and Trace Element Analysis of Glauconite-Rich Strata from the Arumbera Sandstone, Amadeus Basin
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Hissey E, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML & Collins AS
Dynamic Evolution of Marine Chemistry during the Mid-Ludfordian Glaciation and the Late Silurian Lau/Kozlowskii Extinction Events
Fryda J, Zhang F, Farkas J, Frydova B & Mergl M
Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ
Reconstructing Ancient Palaeoenvironments from the Mid-Proterozoic Packages of the Greater McArthur Basin, Northern Australia
Subarkah D, Collins AS, Farkas J, Blades ML, Virgo GM & Shao Y
Descending into the “Snowball”: Improving Interpretations of Tonian–Cryogenian Palaeoenvironments with Sedimentology and Multiproxy Geochemistry
Virgo GM, Collins AS, Amos KJ, Farkas J, Blades ML & Subarkah D
Introducing the OZCZO – Australian Critical Zone Network: What can We Learn from the Soils ‘down Under’ About the Near-Surface Biogeochemical Cycles and Pedogenesis
Farkas J, Thompson S, Andersen M, Chittleborough D, Mayer W, Leopold M, Cleverly J, Beringer J, Marshall A & Dahan O
Farkas Juraj
A Novel Method for Dating of Ancient Marine Volcanic Rocks: Constraints from in situ Rb-Sr Dating of Authigenic Green Clays Formed in Vesicles of the Late Paleoproterozoic Lavas from NT, Australia
Farkas J, Redaa A, Löhr S, Carson C, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Collins AS & Zack T
In situ Rb-Sr Dating and REE Patterns of Ediacaran Glauconites and Detrital Feldspars from the Centralian Superbasin and the Flinders Ranges, Australia
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML, Collins AS, Bishop C, Giles S, Christie-Blick N & Haines P
New Constraints on the Origin and Post-Depositional History of Neoproterozoic Breamar Ironstones from South Australia: Insights from Micro-Scale Mineral Mapping and in situ Rb-Sr Dating of Illite and U-Pb Dating of Hematite
Zheng R, Farkas J, Collins AS, Subarkah D, Payne J, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Courtney-davies L, Ramanaidou E & Giles D
In situ Triple Dating (Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, U-Pb) of Carbonate-Hosted Glauconite and Bioapatite from the Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin, Australia
Shao Z, Farkas J, Collins AS, Glorie S, Subarkah D, Gilbert S, Löhr S, Verdel C, Zivak D & Spandler C
Mineralogical, Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Recent Glauconite in Two Contrasting Marine Settings
Löhr S, Zheng X, Lv Y, Weissgerber J, Baldermann A, Farkas J & Abbott AN
Significance of Glauconite Formation for Elemental Sequestration in Marine Settings
Baldermann A, Löhr S & Farkas J
New Ways to Date Old Rocks: Novel Applications of in situ Geochronology to Constrain the Sedimentary Archive
Subarkah D, Nixon A, Collins AS, Gilbert S, Blades ML, Virgo GM, Simpson A, Shao Z & Farkas J
Laser Based S Isotope Analysis of Weathered ‘super-Heavy’ Neoproterozoic Sulphides and Rb–Sr Dating of Illite from Kapunda, South Australia
Woolston Z, Farkas J, Gilbert S, McGee L, Petts A, Fabris A & Krapf C
Farkas Juraj
In situ Apatite Ca Isotope Analysis: A Potential New Tool to Decipher Crust Formation
Liebmann J, Ware B, Schmitt AK, Hertwig A, Farkas J & Kirkland CL
Potassium Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Reverse Weathering in the Cretaceous Ocean
Zheng X-Y, Baldermann A, Löhr S, Farkaš J, Zack T & Abbott AN
Marine Glauconites: A Potential New Archive of Paleo Seawater Magnesium Isotopes
Shaikh DJI, Löhr S, Baldermann DA, Farkaš J, Abbott AN & Zheng X-Y
Farla R.
Experimental Constraints on the Composition of the Martian Core
Frost DJ, Man L, Chantel J, Boffa Ballaran T, Dolinschi J, Guignot N, Henry L, Farla R & Wang Y
Xenon High Pressure Crystal-Chemistry, Partitioning, and Isotopic Fractionation: What Does that Tell us About Atmosphere Formation on Earth and Mars
Sanloup C, Chen Q, Rzeplinski I, Bureau H, Horlait D, Shen G, Farla R, Gilabert E & Glazyrin K
Xenon Behavior in Deep Crust
Chen Q, Sanloup C, Bureau H, Glazyrin K & Farla R
Farland D.
Atmospheric Particles: Viscosity, Phase, and Response to Relative Humidity
Gilles M, Harder T, Farland D, Vezina N, Wang B & Laskin A
Farley Ken
Light Noble Gases Delivered to Earth by Interplanetary Dust Particles
Deng R & Farley K
3He/4He >65 Times the Atmospheric Ratio Measured in Baffin Island Lavas: Evidence of Core-Mantle Exchange?
Horton F, Curtice J, Farley K, Kurz MD, Asimow P, Blusztajn J, Biasi J & Boyes X
Does Dust Contribute to Changes in Organic Carbon Export to the Deep Sea during the Miocene Climate Optimum in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific?
Bell BB, Griffith EM, Farley K & Treffkorn J
Initial Results of Mars2020: Characterization of the Geological Context of the Future Samples of Mars Sample Return
Quantin-Nataf C, Farley K, Stack KM, Williford KH, Mangold N & Brown AJ
Farley Kenneth
Neon Isotopes Indicate that Baffin Island and Iceland Lavas Share a Common Origin
Horton F, Kurz M, Curtice J, Asimow P & Farley K
Loss of U during Laser-Heated Single-Aliquot Hematite (U-Th)/He Dating
Hofmann F & Farley KA
Hematite Polydomain Diffusion Thermochronology of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Miller H, McKeon R, Fischer W, Beukes N, Smith A & Farley K
Farley Kenneth A.
Helium Diffusivity Measurements Under Hydrothermal Conditions Indicate High Retentivity of Helium in Goethite at Surface Temperatures
Thyer B, Farley KA & Treffkorn J
A New Approach to Probe Carrier Phases of Extraterrestrial 3He in Pelagic Sediments
Deng R, Pavia F, Qian Y, Kirschvink J, Roberts A & Farley KA
40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He Constraints on Landscape Evolution in Alkaline-Carbonatite Complexes
Conceição FT, Vasconcelos PM, Navarro GRB & Farley KA
Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
Amazon Relic Landscapes: Evidence from Cosmogenic 3He in Paleoriver Hematite Pebbles
da Silva Monteiro H, de Paula Vasconcelos PM & Farley KA
Combining Weathering Geochronology and Cosmogenic Nuclides in Landscape Evolution
Vasconcelos PM, Farley K & Stone J
Xenon and Krypton in Carbon-Rich Lithologies: Isotopic Anomalies, Present and Past Atmospheric Signatures
Avice G, Farley KA & Tartèse R
Anomalous Magmatism at 40 S on the Pacific Antarctic Ridge during the Penultimate Deglaciation
Lund D, Asimow P, Farley K & Lewis M
Olivine Barometry Based on X-Ray Computed Tomography of Fluid Inclusions
Farley K & Horton F
Tectonics, Climate, and Copper in the Central Andes: Insights from (U-Th)/He Hematite Geochronology
Cooper F, Adams B, Blundy J, Bunker E, Farley K, McKeon R & Ruggiero A
Intracrystalline Oxygen Isotope Thermometry of Goethite
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P
Super Light Rain in Supercontinents
Vasconcelos PM, da Silva Monteiro H, Ireland T, Farley K & D'Avila J
SHRIMP-Si (18O/16O) Analyses of Goethite: Technical Aspects and Applications to Paleoenvironmental Studies
da Silva Monteiro H, Vasconcelos PM, Ireland T, Farley K, D'Avila J, Miller H, Eiler J & Southam G
The Clumped-Isotope Geochemistry of Marble Exhumation
Ryb U, Eiler JM, Farley KA, Lloyd MK & Stolper DA
Enhanced Hydrothermal Activity along the East Pacific Rise during the Last Two Glacial Terminations
Lund D, Asimow P & Farley K
Slow and Steady Drop of the Atacama Water Table from ~15 Ma Constrained by (U-Th)/He Dating of Hematite
Cooper F, Blundy J, Farley K, Mckeon R & Ruggiero A
Neon Diffusion in Hematite and Corundum
Cox S & Farley K
(U-Th)/He Chronometry of Multiple Secondary Minerals, Sierra Nevada, California
Sousa F, Saleeby J & Farley K
Neon Diffusion in Durango Fluorapatite
Cox S & Farley K
NASA’s Mars 2020 Rover Mission
Farley K, Schulte M, Beaty D & Bass D
Dating Mars with ID-Kard: Further Advances for a Future Mission
Cartwright J, Farley K, Hurowitz J, Asimow P, Simcic J, Madzunkov S & Papanastassiou D
(U-Th)/He Geochronology and δ18O Values of Goethite in Weathering Profiles
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P
Ne and He MDD Geochronology of Hematite from a Michigan BIF
McKeon R & Farley K
Radiation Damage and Noble Gas Mobility in Minerals
Reiners P & Farley K
Nucleogenic Neon-21 Production Rates for Geochronology
Cox S, Farley K & Cherniak D
Major Events in the Recent History of the Solar System Recorded by 3He in Deep-Sea Sediments
Farley KA
Testing the Limits to High Spatial Resolution Laser Analysis of Noble Gases in Natural and Experimental Samples
Kelley S, Cherniak D, Farley K & Schwanethal J
What are Diffusing Noble Gases Really Doing?
Farley K
Late Glacial Paleoclimate of the Central Altiplano Constrained by Cosmogenic He-3 Dating and ‘clumped-Isotope’ Paleothermometry
Blard PH, Lave J, Farley KA, Tripati A, Eiler JM, Sylvestre F & Fornari M
What is 4He/3He Thermochronometry Telling us About the (U-Th)/He System in Apatite?
Shuster D & Farley K
(U-Th)/He Apatite Constraints on the Erosional History of the Southwestern Colorado Plateau and Implications for Early Tertiary Uplift and Carving of a "Proto-Grand Canyon"
Flowers R, Wernicke B & Farley K
The Influence of Neutron Irradiation and Thermal Annealing on Helium Diffusivity in Apatite
Shuster D & Farley K
Very High Exhumation Rates in the Central Swiss Alps, Revealed by the (U-Th)/He and Fission Track Analyses
Aramowicz A, Cosca M, Farley K, Seward D & Stöckli D
Further Constraints on Helium Partitioning in Mantle Minerals
Burnard P, Farley K & Toplis M
Evidence for radiation damage control on apatite He ages from the Grand Canyon region, Colorado Plateau
Flowers RM, Shuster DL, Farley KA & Wernicke BP
Cosmogenic 3He in Apatite, Titanite, and Zircon
Farley K, Libarkin J, Mukhopadhyay S & Amidon W
Progress and Problems with Apatite (U-Th)/He Dating
Farley K & Clark M
(U-Th)/Ne chronometry
Gautheron C, Tassan-Got L & Farley K
Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides as Paleoaltimeters: New Approaches and Future Potential
Libarkin J, Riihimaki C & Farley K
(U-Th)/He and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering, Hamersley Province, Australia: implications for weathering history and landscape evolution
Heim J, Vasconcelos P, Farley K, Shuster D & Broadbent G
Subcontinetal lithospheric mantle origin of the Cenozoic kamafugite in western Qinling, China: Evidence from helium isotopes in mantle-derived xenoliths
Zhao Z, Gautheron CG, Farley K, Zhang H, Yu X & Mo X
Radiation damage and helium diffusion kinetics in apatite
Shuster D, Flowers R & Farley K
Timing of Accelerated Glacial Denudation Constrained by <+>4<$>He/<+>3<$>He Thermochronometry
Shuster D, Farley K & Ehlers T
Dating Erosion Events Using <+>4<$>He/<+>3<$>He Thermochronometry
Farley K, Shuster D, Clark M & Maheo G
He Diffusion and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry of Monazite and Rutile
Stockli D, Farley K, Walker JD & Blackburn T
Thermal Sensitivities of Zircon (U-Th)/He and Fission-Track Systems
Tagami T, Farley K & Stockli D
Experimental Evidence Concerning the Pressure Dependence of He Diffusion and Fission-Track Annealing Kinetics in Apatite
Donelick R, Farley K, Asimow P & O’Sullivan P
4He/3He Thermochronometry
Shuster D, Farley K, Sisterson J & Burnett D
Comparison between (U-Th)/He and K/Ar Ages from Layered Young Rhyolites in Kyushu, Japan
Yamada K, Tagami T & Farley K
Mantle-Derived Components in Xiangshan Uranium Deposit, Jiangxi, China
Hu R-Z, Zhao J, Peng J, Bi X, Farley KA & Burnard P
Acapulco Recorded an Early Asteroidal Heat Pulse
Marti K, Kim Y, Min K, Renne P & Farley K
Constraining Landscape Evolution of the West Antarctic Rift Flank of Southern Victoria Land
Fitzgerald P, Baldwin S, Farley K, Hedges L, O'Sullivan P & Webb L
Apatite (U-Th)/He Signals of Transient Topography
Ehlers TA & Farley K
Using Proton-Induced 3He to Study He Diffusion Kinetics and Rock Thermal Histories
Farley K, Shuster D, Burnett D & Sisterson J
Apatite (U-Th)/He Multi Grain-Size Analysis: A Thermal History Tool
Stockli DF & Farley KA
Rutile as a Potential (U-Th)/He Thermochronometer
Crowhurst PV, Farley KA, Ryan CG, Duddy I & Blacklock KA
Cosmogenic 3He in Goethite
Shuster D, Farley KA & Vasconcelos PM
3He Exposure Dating of Magnetite
Bryce J & Farley K
Volatiles in the Source of Basalts from the Southeast Indian: Degassing Corrections from Noble Gas Trajectories
Burnard PG, Farley KA & Graham DW
Fractionation of Noble Gases during Mantle Melting: Amsterdam-St. Paul's Plateau, South East Indian Ridge
Burnard P, Farley K, Graham D & Mukhopadhyay S
Farley R.
Pulsing Evolution of a Hotspot: Constraining the Scale of Mantle Heterogeneities
Taylor R, Farley R, Davila Harris P, Branney M & Gernon T
Farlie D.
Modeling Mineral Dust and Dissolved Iron Deposition
Johnson M, Meskhidze N, Solmon F, Farlie D & Gasso S
Farlin J.
Transit Time Distributions of Heterogeneous Catchments: Are Current Lumped-Parameter Models Applicable ?
Farlin J & Maloszewski P
Using the Ratio of Herbicide Parent Compound to Transformation Product and Groundwater Dating to Estimate Attenuation Rate in Aquifers
Farlin J, Bayerle M, Pittois D & Gallé T
Farmer Dan
Development of an Alternative PAG Management Strategy at a Coal Mine in British Columbia, Canada
Herrell M, Day S & Farmer D
Farmer Delphine K.
Fluxes of Fine Particles over a Semi Arid Pine Forest: Possible Effects of a Complex Terrain
Lavi A, Farmer DK, Segre E, Moise T, Rotenberg E, Jimenez JL & Rudich Y
Farmer E.
Rapid Climate Change during Marine Isotope Stage 5-4 Glacial Inception in the Subpolar North Atlantic
Farmer E & Chapman M
Holocene Temperature Evolution of the Subpolar North Atlantic Recorded in the Mg/Ca Ratios of Surface and Thermocline Dwelling Planktonic Foraminifers
Farmer E, Chapman M & Andrews J