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Fanning Christopher M. (2019) Lu-Hf and O Isotope Systematics in High-Si Late Triassic Granitoids of Southern Central Chile (34-37°S)
Rossel P & Fanning CM

Fanning M. (2021) The European Continental Crust Through Detrital Minerals
Castillo P, Bahlburg H, Berndt J, Chew DM & Fanning M
(2014) Northern Chilean Frontal Andes: Evidences for the Last Stages of Pangea Assemblage
Hernández González Á, Deckart K, Fanning M & Arriagada C
(2013) Evolution of Rhyolite Magmas in the Halle Volcanic Complex – A Record from Hf and O Isotope and Hf Concentrations in Zircon
Słodczyk E, Pietranik A, Breitkreuz C & Fanning M
(2013) Mesoproterozoic and Paleoproterozoic Igneous Crust of Central East Antarctica: Age and Origins Revealed from Glacial Clasts
Goodge J, Fanning M, Vervoort J & Fisher C
(2013) Initiation and 35 Myr Duration of S-Type Granitic Magmatism in an Accretionary Orogen
McKibbin S, Landenberger B, Collins B & Fanning M
(2012) U-Pb Age Zoning in Titanite by SIMS: New Criteria for Preservation
Bonamici C, Kozdon R, Fanning M & Valley J
(2012) Zircon U-Pb, O and Hf Isotope Characteristics of Granites Emplaced during Cretaceous Wrench to Transtension in West Antarctica
Siddoway C, Yakymchuk C, Fanning CM & Brown M
(2010) U-Pb and Trace Elements in Xenotime from Sediment-Hosted Co-Cu-Au and Cu-Ag Deposits, ID-MT
Aleinikoff J, Slack J, Hayes T, Fanning M, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2010) Zircon Oxygen and Hf Isotopic Constraints on 150 M.y. of Subduction Magmatism, South Patagonian Batholith, South America
Fanning M, Hervé F, Pankhurst R, Calderón M, Yaxley G & Holden P
(2008) LA-MC-ICPMS and Multi-Ion Counting System Applied to U-Pb Dating of Complex Zircons from Quaternary Volcanites: Geochemical Implications
Cocherie A, Fanning M, Jezequel P & Robert M
(2006) U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Constraints on the Provenance of Permian Detritus in Metasedimentary rocks of Southern Chile and Livingston Island, Antarctica
Fanning CM, Hervé F, Yaxley GM & Pankhurst RJ
(2006) Constraints on the timing and isotopic evolution for the 150 my emplacement history of the South Patagonian batholith, southern Chile.
Hervé F, Pankhurst RJ, Fanning CM, Calderón M & Yaxley GM
(2005) Evolution of the Salmon River Suture and Continental Delamination in the Syringa Embayment
Lund K, Aleinikoff J, Unruh D, Yacob E & Fanning M
(2002) Accretion and Splitting within the Permian Pangea Recorded by Episodic Metamorphic Zircon Growth
Cocherie A, Rossi P, Fanning CM & Deloule E
(2001) Influence of Metamictization and Alteration on U-Pb Zircon Age Determination
Cocherie A, Guerrot C, Fanning MC & Legendre O

Fanslau J. (2012) Prediction and Observation of Dissolved Geochemistry of the Fraser River, British Columbia
Voss B, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eglinton T, Marsh S, Gillies S, Fiske G, Wollheim W, Stewart R, Alamwala M, Bennett M, Downey B, Fanslau J, Fraser H, Herbert J, Macklam-Harron G & Wiebe B

Fansler S. (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2018) The Geomicrobiology of Ancient Glass Alteration with Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Pearce C, Plymale A, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Arey B, Soltis J, Vicenzi E, McCloy J, Johnson K, Saunders D, Brislawn C, Wells J, Fansler S, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2015) Characterization of Soluble Carbon in Soil Pore Waters Sampled with Different Suctions
Bailey V, Smith P, Fansler S & Tfaily M

Fanslow D. (2018) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation Patterns of Chlorophyll Track Taxonomic Shifts in a Natural Phytoplankton Community
Kharbush JJ, Smith D, Powers M, Vanderploeg HA, Fanslow D, Robinson RL, Dick GJ & Pearson A

Fantacchi S. (2021) Density Functional Theory Modeling of the Structural and Isotopic Properties of ZnO Surfaces
Lubani J, Blanchard M, Méheut M, Fantacchi S & De Angelis F

Fantappiè G. (2023) Unravelling Vivianite Formation in situ in Intertidal Sediments: The Role of P-Adsorbed Ferrihydrite as a Precursor
Kubeneck LJ, Notini L, Rothwell KA, Thomas Arrigo L, Schulz K, Fantappiè G, Huthwelker T & Kretzschmar R
(2023) Investigating Iron Mineral Transformations in Soils and Sediments Using 57Fe-Labeled Minerals and 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Notini L, Schulz K, Kubeneck LJ, Grigg ARC, Rothwell KA, Fantappiè G, Thomas Arrigo L & Kretzschmar R

Fantasia A. (2023) Palaeoenvironmental Records Across the Early Toarcian Hyperthermal Event: From Onset to Recovery
Fantasia A, Adatte T, Spangenberg JE, Mattioli E, Regelous M, Millot R, Bodin S, Rogov M & Suan G
(2022) A Global Picture of Seawater Redox Change and Organic Carbon Burial during the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Kemp DB, Suan G, Fantasia A, Jin S & Chen W
(2020) Organic Matter Sulfurization as a Mechanism of Enhanced Burial of Reduced Carbon and Sulfur Across the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Marroquín S, Pritchard J, Föllmi K, Fantasia A, Ruebsam W, Trabucho Alexandre J & Gill B

Fantauzzi G. (2004) Geodynamic Implications of the Deseado Massif Volcanism (Patagonia, Argentina)
Busà T, Fantauzzi G, Bellieni G, Echeveste H, Fernandez R & Piccirillo E

Fantauzzo V. (2023) Self-Assembled Monolayers as a Model System for Biomineralisation
Marinova V, Yeandel SR, Fantauzzo V, Freeman C & Harding JH
(2021) Controlling Mineral Polymorphs: Insights from Computer Simulation
Fantauzzo V, Armstrong E, Marinova V, Yeandel SR, Freeman C & Harding JH

Fantle Matthew (2020) The Secular Evolution of the Reverse Weathering Sink in the Global Li Cycle
Fantle M, Davis Barnes B & Andrews E
(2018) Minerals and Microbes in a Euxinic Ecosystem
Macalady J, Mansor M, Cosmidis J, Jones D, McCauley Rench R & Fantle M
(2018) Stable Calcium, Magnesium and Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Two Modern Bahamian Lake Stromatolites
Griffith E, Wogsland B, Li Z, Wronkiewicz D, Paul V, Fan M & Fantle M
(2018) Implications of Short-Term Exchange of Foraminiferal Tests for Proxy Application
Fantle M, Chanda P, Gorski C & Oakes R
(2017) First Measurements of Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Two Modern Bahamian Island Lake Stromatolites
Griffith E, Li Z, Gaines E, Wronkiewicz D, Paul V, Fan M & Fantle M
(2017) Model Perspectives on Stable Mineral Recrystallization
Fantle M, Joshi P & Gorski C
(2017) Isotopic Spatial Patterns as Biosignatures
Mansor M, Macalady J & Fantle M
(2017) Investigating the Role of Diffusion on Li Isotopes in Pore Fluid and Sediment Samples at IODP Site U1338
Andrews E & Fantle M
(2017) Quantifying Shale Weathering Processes by Li Isotopes
Steinhoefel G, Brantley SL, Fantle MS, Gonzales M & Liu W
(2016) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Subglacial Systems
Stevenson EI, Fantle M, Williams H, Das S, Sheik C & Aciego S
(2016) Oxidative Sulfur Isotope Fractionation on Sulfidic Cave Walls
Mansor M, Harouaka K, Macalady J & Fantle M
(2016) Ca Isotopic Constraints on Marine Carbonate Recrystallization Rates: Implications for Geochemical Proxies
Fantle MS, Huber C & Druhan JL

Fantle Matthew S (2023) Controls on Modern Microbialite Calcium and Magnesium Stable Isotopic Compositions from Storr’s Lake, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas with Implications for the Rock Record
Griffith EM, Wogsland B, Li Z, Wronkiewicz DJ, Fantle MS & Fan M
(2021) Exploration of Modern Microbialites with Calcium and Magnesium Stable Isotopes, Mineralogy, and Elemental Composition: Storr’s Lake, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas
Wogsland B, Li Z, Wronkiewicz DJ, Fantle MS, Fan M & Griffith EM

Fantle Matthew S. (2021) Calcium Isotopes' Place in the Diagenetic Toolbox
Fantle MS & Barnes BD
(2015) Effect of Amino Acids on the Growth Kinetics and Ca Isotopic Composition of Gypsum
Harouaka K, Kubicki J & Fantle M
(2015) Interpreting the Ca Isotopic Signal of Ocean Acidification in the Rock Record
Fantle MS, Kump LR & Ridgwell AJ
(2015) The Fe Isotopic Composition of Biogenic Pyrite Formed in Euxinic Settings
Mansor M, Macalady J & Fantle M
(2015) Quantifying Diagenetic Alteration of Marine Carbonate δ26Mg in an Open System Influenced by Advection
Chanda P & Fantle M
(2014) Tracing Weathering Processes in Shale by Li Isotopes
Steinhoefel G, Fantle MS & Brantley SL
(2014) Characterization of Phases and Fe Isotopes of Iron Sulfide Minerals in a Microbial Gradient Culture
Mansor M, Grettenberger C, Fantle M & Macalady J
(2014) Evaluating the Leverage to Alter Seawater Chemistry: The Effects of Diagenesis and Dolomitization on Ca and Mg Isotopes in Shallow Marine Carbonates
Fantle M & Higgins J
(2014) Implications of CaCO3 Phase Heterogeneity for Interpretation of the Ca Isotopic Fractionation Factor: An in situ Study
Gonzales M & Fantle M
(2014) Effect of Amino Acids on the Precipitation Kinetics and Ca Isotopic Composition of Gypsum
Harouaka K, Mansor M & Fantle M
(2013) Geochemical Evidence for Volcanic Activity Prior to and Enhanced Terrestrial Weathering during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Fantle M, Wieczorek R, Kump L & Ravizza G
(2013) Using Isotopic and Morphological Evidence to Determine Biogenicity of Gypsum Precipitates in the Frasassi Caves, Italy
Harouaka K, Gonzales M, Eisenhauer A & Fantle M
(2012) Investigating Controls on Calcium Isotope Ratios in Marine Carbonates and Barite Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Griffith E, Fantle M, Bullen T, Eisenhauer A & Paytan A
(2012) Evaluating Pore Fluid Mg Isotopic and Elemental Constraints on Seawater Mg Chemistry in the Cenozoic
Fantle M & Teng F-Z
(2011) Unconstrained Fluxes to the Ocean: Calcium Isotopes in Dust-Producing Regions
Fantle M, Tollerud H, Eisenhauer A & Holmden C
(2009) Ca Isotope Constraints on Diagenetic Alteration of Cenozoic Paleoproxies
Fantle M
(2008) Quantifying Aeolian Additions to Shale Hills Soils Through Analysis of Surface Manganese Enrichment
Herndon E, Jin L, Olsen A, Fantle M & Brantley S
(2008) Rapid Recrystallization of Carbonates and Implications for Geochemical Proxies
Fantle M
(2007) Constraining Reaction Rates in Marine Carbonate Sediments Using Reactive Transport Modeling: Investigating the Effects of Diagenesis on Sr, Ca, and Mg
Fantle M & DePaolo D
(2004) Fe Isotopic Composition of Rivers
Fantle M, Bullen T & Depaolo D

Fantong W. (2014) Recent Partial Pressure of CO2 Dissolved in the Water at Lake Monoun, Cameroon
Ohba T, Sasaki Y, Kusakabe M, Yoshida Y, Ueda A, Anazawa K, Saiki K, Kaneko K, Miyabuchi Y, Aka F, Fantong W, Tanyileke G & Hell J

Fantozzi I. (2019) Plumbing System Dynamics at Kolumbo Submarine Volcano, Greece, Prior to the 1650 CE Explosive Eruption
Mastroianni F, Fantozzi I, Petrone CM, Vougioukalakis GE, Braschi E & Francalanci L

Fara E. (2015) Paired Carbon Isotopes Study of the Early Triassic Smithian-Spathian Boundary Event
Thomazo C, Bour I, Vennin E, Brayard A, Mathieu O, Olivier N, Escarguel G, Bylund K, Jenks J, Stephen D & Fara E

Faraco M.T. (2013) Guyana: The Lost Hadean Crust of South America?
Nadeau S, Wei C, Reece J, Lachhman D, Ault R, Faraco MT, Fraga LM, Reis NJ & Betiollo L

Farag A. (2019) Geochemical and Biological Effects of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases
Cozzarelli I, Akob D, Benthem A, Haase K, Mumford A, Orem W, Skalak K, Engle M, Kent D, Farag A, Harper D, Thamke J, Briggs M & Lane J

Farag I. (2022) Taming the Uncultured: Modeling Microbial Life Under Very Low Redox Potential in the Subsurface and Deep-Sea Biosphere
Beckmann S, Farag I, Giri S, Bowen M, Baughan C, Heathman K, Siftar Z, Prouty N & Biddle J

Farahkhah N. (2015) Nature of Magma Storage System beneath the Damavand Volcano (Iran)
Eskandari A, Amini S, De Rosa R, Donato P & Farahkhah N

Farahmandian Mehran (2014) Cu-Pb Contamination, Using Remote Sensing; South of Kashan
Taghipour S, Farahmandian M, Afshari S & Tabatabaei H

Farahmandian Mehran (2015) Multivariate and Statistical Analyses of the Spatial Distribution and Origin of Heavy Metals in the Soils of Kamoo Area, Iran
Ghasemi A, Tabatabaei manesh SM, Farahmandian M, Mokhtari AR & Shabankareh M
(2015) AMD and PCA Multivariate Outlier Detection: A Case Study of Chahar Gonbad Area
Farahmandian M, Kianpouryan S & Safaei S

Farahmandian Mehran

Faranda C.F. (2023) Phase Equilibria Point to Cold and Shallow Depth Conditions for Magma Storage at La Palma 2021 Eruption
Andújar J, Scaillet B, Casillas R, Di Carlo I, Slodczyk A, Frascerra D, Faranda CF, Jiménez Mejías M, Núñez-Guerrero E, Meletlidis S, Scaillet S & from Orléans-Olot 2021-2022 course ESG
(2021) Experimental Characterization of Heavy Halogens Behavior in Alkaline Magmas
Faranda CF, Prouteau G, Scaillet B & Andújar J

Faraone A. (2010) Dynamics and Structure of Interlayer H2O in K-Saturated Hectorite Probed by 2H and 39K NMR and Neutron Spin-Echo (NSE) Spectroscopy
Bowers G, Kalinichev A, Faraone A, Bish D & Kirkpatrick RJ
(2010) Molecular Mechanisms of the Librational Motions of Water in the Interlayers of Hydrocalumite
Kalinichev A, Iskrenova-Tchoukova E, Faraone A & Kirkpatrick RJ
(2008) Librational Dynamics of Nano-Confined Water: Neutron Spectroscopy and Molecular Dynamics Computer Simulations for Hydrocalumite
Kalinichev A, Faraone A, Udovic T, Kolesnikov A, de Souza N, Reinholdt M & Kirkpartick RJ

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