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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Fumiko S. (2016) Precursory Eruptions of AsO-4 Caldera-Forming Pyroclastic Flows: Melt Inclusion Study to Characterize Magma Supply System
Hasenaka T, Fumiko S, Kosuke S, Hideto Y, Mori Y, Hokanishi N & Yasuda A

Fumio I. (2016) A Modified SDS-Based DNA Extraction Method for High Quality Environmental DNA from Seafloor Environments
Natarajan VP, Xinxu Z, Yuki M, Fumio I & FengPing W

Fumita R. (2014) Interaction of Surface Water and Groundwater in the Kyoto Basin
Kashiwaya K, Fumita R, Koike K, Tada Y, Taniguchi M & Nakano T

Funaki M. (2003) 40Ar-39Ar Age Analyses of Some Intruded Rocks from Mt. Riiser-Larsen in the Napier Complex
Takigami Y, Ishikawa N & Funaki M

Funakoshi K-I. (2023) Increase of Hydrogen-Induced Volume Expansion of hcp-Fe by Si Dissolution – Constraint to Hydrogen Content in the Core
Mori Y, Kagi H, Aoki K, Kakizawa S, Sano-Furukawa A & Funakoshi K-I
(2022) Effects of Sulfur on the Hydrogenation of Iron in Early Earth’s Evolution
Iizuka-Oku R, Gotou H, Shito C, Fukuyama K, Mori Y, Hattori T, Sano-Furukawa A, Funakoshi K-I & Kagi H
(2016) Creep Strength of Ringwoodite Measured up to 1700 K at 17-18 GPa Using a deformation-Dia Apparatus
Kawazoe T, Nishihara Y, Ohuchi T, Miyajima N, Maruyama G, Higo Y, Funakoshi K-I & Irifune T
(2016) Lattice-Preferred-Orientation of hcp Metals Studied by High-Pressure Deformation
Nishihara Y, Ohuchi T, Kawazoe T, Maruyama G, Seto Y, Higo Y, Funakoshi K-I & Tange Y
(2013) P‒V‒T Equation of State of Sodium Majorite up to 21 GPa and 1673 K
Dymshits A, Litasov K, Shatskiy A, Sharygin I, Ohtani E, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K
(2013) P-V-T Equation of State for ε-Iron up to 80 GPa and 1900 K Using the Kawai-type High Pressure Apparatus
Yamazaki D, Ito E, Yoshino T, Yoneda A, Guo X, Zhang B, Sun W, Shimojuku A, Tsujino N, Kunimoto T, Higo Y & Funakoshi K-I
(2009) The Orthoenstatite/Clinoenstatite Phase Transition Under the Upper Mantle Conditions Determined by in situ X-Ray Diffraction: Implications for Nature of the x-Discontinuity
Akashi A, Nishihara Y, Takahashi E, Nakajima Y, Tange Y & Funakoshi K-I
(2009) Hydrogen Incorporation to the Earth’s Core
Terasaki H, Ohtani E, Sakai T, Kamada S, Shibazaki Y, Asanuma H, Hirao N, Yasuo O, Sata N, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A & Funakoshi K-I
(2008) Structure of MgSiO3 Glass at High Pressure and Temperature
Yamada A, Lesher C, Gaudio S, Inoue T & Funakoshi K-I
(2006) Elastic wave velocities of ringwoodite and majorite in a pyrolite composition under the P/T conditions of the mantle transition region
Irifune T, Higo Y, Inoue T, Li B & Funakoshi K
(2003) Thermal Expansion of Mg2SiO4 Spinel in its Stability Field
Katsura T, Yokoshi S, Song M, Kawabe K, Kubo A & Funakoshi K
(2003) The Structure of Jadeite Composition Melt at High Pressure
Urakawa S, Funakoshi K, Kikegawa T & Shimomura O
(2001) Spinel and Post-Spinel Transitions in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 Binary Using in situ Pressure Determinations: Implications for the Earth’s Mantle
Minarik WG, Fei Y, Hirose K, Li J, Van Orman J, Walter M & Funakoshi K
(2001) Post-Spinel Transition in Mg2SiO4 Determined by High P-T in situ X-Ray Diffractometry
Katsura T, Walter MJ, Yamada H, Shinmei T, Kubo A, Ono S, Kanzaki M, Yoneda A, Ito E, Urakawa S, Funakoshi K & Utsumi W

Funamori N. (2016) The Possible Existence of Neutral Atomic Hydrogen in Interstitial Voids of Silicates Inferred from Muon Spin Rotation Spectroscopy
Funamori N
(2013) Equation of State for Silicate Melts: Static vs. Shock Compression
Funamori N & Wakabayashi D

Funato K. (2016) Aerosol Surface Area Concentrations Measured by a Diffusion Charger in Fukuoka, Japan
Okuda T, Yamazaki H, Hatoya K, Kaneyasu N, Yoshino A, Takami A, Funato K, Inoue K, Nishita C, Hara K & Hayashi K

Funatsu T. (2016) The Formation of Elongated Dark Areas on Pluto by a Charon-Forming Giant Impact
Genda H, Sekine Y & Funatsu T
(2016) Neutral pH Water on Early Ceres
Sekine Y, Shibuya T & Funatsu T

Funck J. (2021) Tracing Megafauna Mobility in Beringia Using Strontium Isoscapes
Bataille C, Wooller M, Funck J & Rasic J

Funcke A. (2013) Opening the Foraminiferal Proxy Black Box a Bit Further
Bijma J, Brombacher A, Funcke A, Howes E, Kaczmarek K, Keul N, Langer G, Nehrke G, de Nooijer L, Raitzsch M & Reichart G-J

Funder S. (2019) Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A

Funderburg R. (2020) The Spatial Distribution of ƒO2 in the Mantle: Insights from V Partitioning Behavior in Ocean Island Basalts
Willhite L, Arevalo R, Locmelis M, Piccoli P, Farcy B, Castillo M, Funderburg R, Jackson M, Day J, Ireland T & Lassiter J
(2014) Assessing Reactive Surface Areas in Glacial Sediments
Elwood Madden M, Funderburg R, Joo Y-J, Miller J, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Marra K & Soreghan G

Funes E.Y. (2009) Road Dust Pollution in India
Patel KS, Sahu D, Hoinkis J, Aguilera JFN & Funes EY

Fung I. (2013) Chemical Evolution of Perched Groundwater Flowing Through Weathered Bedrock Underlying a Steep Forested Hillslope, Northern California
Kim H, Bishop JJK, Dietrich WE & Fung I
(2013) Asian Monsoon Hydrometeorology from TES and SCIAMACHY Water Vapor Isotope Measurements and the LMDZ Simulations: Implications for Speleothem Climate Record Interpretation
Lee J-E, Risi C, Fung I, Worden J, Scheepmaker R, Lintner B & Frankenberg C
(2008) Water Isotopes during the Last Glacial Maximum: New GCM Calculations
Lee J-E, Fung I, DePaolo D & Otto-Bliesner B

Fung M. (2024) Expanding the View of Wildfire at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary: A Novel Molecular Marker Approach
Wagner S, Schaller M, Barton R, Barkett S, Corcoran C & Fung M
(2018) The Extraterrestrial Impact at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary Carbon Isotope Excursion
Schaller M, Fung M & Turrin B

Funk Claudia (2012) Isotope Dilution Analysis of Se and Te in Chondritic Meteorites
Funk C, Wombacher F, Becker H & Bischoff A

Funk Claudia (2015) Sulfur, Se, and Te Abundances in Chondrites and their Components
Funk C, Wombacher F, Becker H, Bischoff A, Günther D & Münker C
(2015) Distribution of S, Se and Te in Chondrites Determined by LA-ICP-MS Using a Nanoparticle Standard
Funk C, Wombacher F, Günther D, Tabersky D, Koch J, Meisel T, Kronz A & Heuser A
(2013) Element Quantification in Chondritic Components by LA-ICP-MS
Funk C, Wombacher F, Glaus R, Tabersky D, Koch J & Günther D

Funk Claudia (2019) A Cosmochemical Perspective on Earth's Volatile Element Budget
Braukmüller N, Wombacher F, Funk C & Münker C

Funk Claudia (2020) Volatile Elements in Chondrites
Braukmüller N, Funk C, Münker C & Wombacher F

Funk K. (2024) Water Quality Monitoring in the Halton Region: Assessment of Stream Health and Hyporheic Exchange
Beckner-Stetson N, Vriens B, Funk K, Dunn A, Doulatyari B & Barrett K

Funk Rebecca (2021) Quantifying the Potential for Mineral Carbonation of Processed Kimberlite with the Rietveld-Ponkcs Method
Wang B, Zeyen N, Wilson S, Funk R & Turvey C

Funk Roger (2013) Enhanced Ice Nucleation Activity of Soil Dust Particles
Steinke I, Funk R, Danielczok A, Höhler K, Hiranuma N, Hoffmann N, Hummel M, Kirchen S, Kiselev A, Leue M, Möhler O, Saathoff H, Schnaiter M, Schwartz T, Sierau B, Stetzer O, Toprak E, Ulrich A, Hoose C & Leisner T

Funk S.P. (2015) HYDROSCAPE: A New Versatile Software Program for Predicting Contaminant Transport in Groundwater
Funk S, Hnatyshin D & Alessi D
(2011) An Experimental Study of Minettes and Associated Mica-Clinopyroxenite Xenoliths from the Milk River Area, Southern Alberta, Canada
Funk SP & Luth RW

Funkey C. (2022) The Influence of Nutrient Supply (N, P, Fe) on Marine Particle Stoichiometry: A 30 day Mesocosm Study
Seelen E, Townsend E, Mora R, Yang S-C, Kong KP, Bian X, White A, Funkey C, Bjorkman K, Karl D & John SG
(2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D
(2020) Unique Metal Isotope Signatures from Lava-Seawater Interaction during the 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea
Hawco N, Yang S-C, Foreman R, Funkey C, Dugenne M, White A, Wilson S, Kelly R, Bian X, Huang K-F, Karl D & John S
(2017) Using Stable Isotope and Lipid Biomarkers to Understand the History of Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka
Funkey C, Tolosa I & Waduge V

Fuoco I. (2017) Preliminary Study of Geogenic Arsenic in Thermal Waters of Northern Calabria (Italy)
Apollaro C, Vespasiano G, Barca D, DeRosa R, Fuoco I, Miriello D & Bloise A

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