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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Fu Zhiyou (2007) Different Accumulation of Pb, Zn, and Cd in River Sediments and in Lake Sediments Originated from Ancient Zinc Smelting Activities in Northwestern Guizhou, Southwestern China
Yang Y, Jin Z, Bi X, Li F, Liu J & Fu Z

Fubini B. (2019) Fibrous Antigorite from New Caledonia. An Environmental Health Hazard?
Petriglieri JR, Turci F, Tomatis M, Avataneo C, Fubini B, Gazzano E, Aldieri E & Laporte-Magoni C
(2019) Silanol Distribution is the Main Determinant of the Membranolytic and Inflammatory Activity of Respirable Silica Particles
Pavan C, Tomatis M, Leinardi R, Santalucia R, Fabbiani M, Yakoub Y, Uwambayinema F, Sironval V, Pastero L, Fubini B, Martra G, Turci F & Lison D

Fuchida Shigeshi (2014) Geochemistry of Pore Water and Carbon/Nitrogen Profiles of Cuttings from the Nankai Accretionary Prism
Even E, Sample JC, Fuchida S & Scientists TIE3

Fuchida Shigeshi (2015) Arsenic Behavior with Microbial Activity in Deepsea Sediment
Masuda H, Yoshinishi H, Fuchida S & Toki T

Fuchida Shigeshi (2016) Arsenic Contaminations and its Effect on Marine Phytoplankton during Deep Seafloor Mining
Fuchida S, Koshikawa H, Tsuboi S, Higashi H, Yamamoto H & Kawachi M

Fuchida Shigeshi (2020) Study on Geochemical Mechanisms for Acid Mine Drainage Generation by Kinetic Modeling and Petrological Analysis of Sulfide Cores
Fuchida S, Suzuki K, Kadokura M & Tokoro C
(2020) Kinetic Modeling of pH and Temperature Effects on Silica Polymerization
Tajima S, Kato T, Fuchida S, Kitagawa T & Tokoro C
(2020) Influence of Calcium Ion and pH on Oxidation Rates and Secondary Mineral Formation on Pyrite Surface
Xue J, Ishida S, Kato T, Fuchida S, Kuroiwa S, Aoki Y, Kikutani H & Tokoro C
(2020) Mercury Leaching from Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits
Takeuchi A, Fuchida S & Kawachi M

Fuchida Shigeshi (2021) Practical Performance of Arsenate (As(V)) Removal Using Mesoporous Zerovalent Iron-Magnetite Nanocomposites (ZVI-Mncs)
Zubair YO, Fuchida S & Tokoro C
(2021) Investigation on Zn Adsorption/Coprecipitation Mechanisms on MnO2 Under Neutral pH Conditions
Tajima S, Fuchida S & Tokoro C
(2021) Kinetic Evaluation of pH and Temperature Effects on Silica Polymerization in Mg, Al and Fe Coexisting Systems
Ishii S, Kitagawa T, Tajima S, Takaya Y, Fuchida S & Tokoro C
(2021) Galvanic Influence on Pyrite and Chalcopyrite Oxidation Rates Under Floatation pH Condition
Ishida S, Xue J, Fuchida S, Aoki Y, Kaseyama T, Kishimoto Y & Tokoro C
(2021) Experimental Evaluation of Galvanic Oxidation Rates of Sphalerite and Galena Dissolution in Seawater
Fuchida S

Fuchizaki M. (2012) Mineralogy of Lacustrine Sediment from Darhad Basin Records the Past Lake Level Changes of the Paleo-Lake
Fuchizaki M, Yabe T, Abe H, Fukushi K, Hasebe N & Kashiwaya K

Fuchs B. (2018) Offshore Transport of a Key Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria from the SUP05 Clade Sustains ‘cryptic Sulfur Cycling’ in the the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Peru Upwelling
Callbeck C, Lavik G, Ferdelman T, Fuchs B, Gruber-Vodicka H, Hach P, Littmann S, Schoffelen N, Kalvelage T, Thomsen S, Schunck H, Löscher C, Schmitz R & Kuypers M
(2017) Petite Diazotroph is a Key Player in the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Mohr W, Martínez-Pérez C, Löscher C, Dekaezemacker J, Littmann S, Yilmaz P, Lehnen N, Fuchs B, Lavik G, Schmitz R, LaRoche J & Kuypers M

Fuchs H. (2023) Evaluation of a Methodology for Ozone Production Rate Quantification in Ambient Air
Abichou G, Lahib A, Jamar M, Chen W, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Tomas A & Dusanter S
(2023) RO2 Intercomparison Campaign at SAPHIR Chamber
Schoemacker C, Batut S, Lahccen A, Fittschen C, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Dusanter S, Lahib A, Abichou G & Shamas N

Fuchs J. (2023) Rapid Determination of a Fundamental Aspect of the Biomineralisation Process of Diverse Marine Calcifying Organisms via Sequential Dissolution Experiments
Evans D, Fuchs J, Morsbach S, Rebaubier H, Erez J & Gray WR

Fuchs L. (2022) A Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of East Asian Monsoon Precipitation Dynamics on the Western Chinese Loess Plateau over the Past 140, 000 Years
Fuchs L, Guo J, Schefuß E, Sun Y, Dong J, Ziegler M & Peterse F
(2021) Identifying the Drivers of Vegetation Change on the Western Chinese Loess Plateau over the Last 70, 000 Years
Fuchs L, Haan, K.E. de K, Schefuß E, Guo J, Sun Y & Peterse F
(2021) Reconstructing 130, 000 Years of East Asian Air Temperature Variability Using Branched Tetraether Membrane Lipids and Clumped Isotopes of Land Snail Shells from the Chinese Loess Plateau
Guo J, Ziegler M, Vreeken M, Mishra S, Fuchs L, Dong J, Sun Y & Peterse F

Fuchs M. (2017) Insights into Organic Carbon Oxidation Potential during Fluvial Transport from Laboratory and Field Experiments
Scheingross JS, Dellinger M, Eglington T, Fuchs M, Golombek N, Hilton R, Hovius N, Lupker M, Repasch M, Sachse D, Turowski J, Veith-Hillebrand A & Wittmann H

Fuchs P. (2014) Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Basanites-Phonolite Series (Cumbre Vieja, La Palma)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2013) Experimental Constraints on the Magma Evolution of the Basanite-Phonolite Series from Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A
(2011) Phase Equilibria Constraints on the Magma Evolution of Basanite-Phonolite Series of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands)
Fuchs P, Almeev R & Klügel A

Fuchs R. (2019) Sr Isotopes at the Onset of the Ice Ages
Fuchs R, Lazar B, Angiolini L, Crippa G, Felletti F, Khrizman A, Fruchter N, Eisenhauer A & Stein M
(2018) Sr Isotopes at the Onset of the Ice Ages
Fuchs R, Lazar B, Angiolini L, Crippa G, Felletti F, Eisenhauer A & Stein M

Fuchs Sebastian (2020) Detachment Tectonics and Hydrothermal Circulation Pattern beneath TAG, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Ruepke L, Guo Z, Petersen S, German C, Ildefonse B, Fuchs S & Hasenclever J
(2019) From the Deposit to the Nano-Scale: Advancing our Understanding of Gold Ore-Formation
Fuchs S, Schumann D, Petersen S, Schwarz-Schampera U & Hannington MD
(2018) Geochemical Controls on the Concentration and Distribution of Gold and Silver in Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposits
Fuchs S, Hannington M & Petersen S
(2014) Gold and Uraninite Formation by Immiscible Fluid Intermixing in the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Fuchs S, Schumann D, Williams-Jones A & Vali H
(2012) Electrochemical Precipitation of Gold from a Hydrothermal Fluid in the Black and Kimberley Reefs, South Africa
Fuchs S, Williams-Jones AE & Przybylowicz W
(2011) Black Reef and Witwatersrand Gold Fingerprint, South Africa
Gauert C, Batchelor D, Fuchs S & Kloess G
(2011) The Transport of Gold in Petroleum: An Experimental Study
Fuchs S, Migdisov A & Williams-Jones A

Fuchs Sebastian H (2021) The Crucial Role of Hydrocarbons in the Formation of Gold and Uranium Ore in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
Fuchs SH, Schumann D, Martin RF & Couillard M

Fuchs Y. (2007) Hydrogen Concentration in Mantle Xenoliths from the Veneto Volcanic Province (NE Italy)
Carraro A, Bureau H, Visonà D, Raepsaet C, Fuchs Y & Khodja H

Fuchser Jens (2011) Molecular Microstratigraphy via Laser-Desorption Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-Ms)
Dittmar T, Abiven S, Niggemann J & Fuchser J
(2011) Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter by Laser-Desorption Ionization Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-Ms)
Abiven S, Fuchser J, Schmidt MWI & Dittmar T

Fuchser Jens (2013) Increasing Spatial Resolution of Lipid Biomarker Analysis by LDI FT-Icrms
Wörmer L, Elvert M, Fuchser J, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U

Fuchsman C. (2017) N Isotope Isotopic Effects in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone
Devol A, Fuchsman C, Casciotti K & Buchwald C

Fuck R. A. (2006) In-situ U-Pb dating and geochemical constraints on UHT metamorphism in the Brasilia fold belt
Möller A, Moraes R, Hellebrand E, Kennedy A & Fuck R
(2001) P-T Path of Sapphirine-Quartz Bearing Granulites, Ana?polis-Itauc?u Complex, Central Brazil
Moraes R, Brown M & Fuck RA

Fuck Ra

Fuck Reinhardt (2020) Plume-Subduction Events Recorded by KS2 Kimberlite Indicator Minerals from Juína, Brazil
Jalowitzki T, Gervasoni F, Sumino H, Klemme S, Berndt J, Dalla Costa M & Fuck R
(2020) Spectroscopic Characterization of Brazilian Emeralds from Tocantins State: Preliminary Results
Cavalcanti D, Nogueira Neto J, Fuck R, Barbosa P, Souza V & Lima M

Fuck Reinhardt Adolfo (2021) Significance of Appinitic Suite Occurence in Tocantins Province, Center of Brazil
Leite AG, Fuck RA, Dantas EL & Ruiz AS
(2021) Metasomatized Mantle Xenoliths from Canastra-1 Kimberlite, Southern Edge of the São Francisco Craton
Braga LG, Jalowitzki T, Rocha MP, Gervasoni F, Mazzucchelli M, Giovanardi T, Novais Rodrigues E, Dalla Costa M, Fuck RA, Rubiano GM, Bertotto GW & Santos RV

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