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Engelhardt T. (2013) Viruses Outnumber Prokaryotes in Marine Subsurface Sediments
Engelhardt T, Kallmeyer J, Cypionka H & Engelen B

Engelkes K. (2019) Detecting Biogenic Diagenesis in Tropical Corals
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Nehrke G, Damm T, Büsse S, Hu M, Leipe T, Vogts A, Engelkes K, Gorb S & Eisenhauer A

Engelmann R (2004) High-T Non-Stoichiometry of Titanomagnetite Re-examined – New Experimental Data
Sauerzapf U, Lattard D, Ullrich A & Engelmann R

Engelmann Ralf (2007) A New Version of the Fe-Ti-Oxide Thermo-Oxybarometer Relevant to Basic Magmatic Rocks
Lattard D, Sauerzapf U, Burchard M & Engelmann R

Engels J. (2022) Connecting Geoscience Knowledge, Traditional Stories,  and the Traditional Practice of Observation (Kilo) to Stimulate a More diversified Geoscience Community
Anderson A, Smith-Konter B, Anderson T, Dulai H, Burkhard L, Engels J, Ishii H, Ito G, Konter JG, Kane H, McDonald K, Okuhata B, Rowland S, Rubin K, Tachera D & Tavares K

Engels S.

Engels T. (2023) Large Impacts and their Contribution to the Water Budget of the Early Moon
Engels T, Monteux J, Bouhifd A & Boyet M

Engelstaedter S. (2002) Emission of Soil Dust Aerosol: Anthropogenic Contribution and Future Changes
Tegen I, Harrison SP, Kohfeld KE, Engelstaedter S & Werner M

Engen S. (2023) The Geochemical Impact of Glaciation on the Beerenberg Stratovolcano, Jan Mayen
Graly J, Hawkings J, Engen S, King H & Yde J

Engesgaard P. (2005) PHAST˜A Program for Simulating Ground-Water Flow, Solute Transport, and Multicomponent Geochemical Reactions
Parkhurst D, Kipp K, Engesgaard P & Charlton S

Enggist A. (2010) The Stability of Phlogopite in the Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle: KCMASH±CO2 vs. KMASH-CO2
Enggist A & Luth R

Engi Martin (2013) Analysis of Internal Dynamics in a Deep Subduction Channel
Engi M, Regis D & Rubatto D
(2013) Dating Metamorphic Stages in HP-Terranes: Case Study in the Sesia Zone (NW-Alps, Italy)
Giuntoli F, Engi M & El Korh A
(2013) Relating U-Th-Pb Ages of Accessory Minerals to Metamorphism: A Case Study from the Barrovian Sequence of the Central Alps, Switzerland
Boston K, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Amelin Y & Engi M
(2011) Allanite Petrochronology in High-Pressure Rocks
Engi M, Regis D, Darling J, Cenki-Tok B & Rubatto D
(2010) The Role of Retrograde Reactions and of Diffusion on 40Ar-39Ar Mica Ages
Allaz J, Engi M, Berger A & Villa IM
(2009) Preservation of Chemical and Isotopic Inheritance in Allanite during Protracted Alpine Melting
Gregory C, Rubatto D, Hermann J, Berger A & Engi M
(2009) Allanite in situ Dating in Mylonite: Case Study at the Mt Mucrone, Italy
Cenki-Tok B, Berger A, Thomsen T, Goncalves P, Oliot E, Engi M & Spandler C
(2009) Timing of Melting in Collisional Orogenies
Rubatto D, Hermann J, Berger A, Engi M & Chakraborty S
(2009) REE-Mineral Record of Fluid Circulations in Metasediments from the Swiss Central Alps
Janots E, Berger A & Engi M
(2009) Transport of Heat and Mass in a Barrovian Belt: What do We Know from Nature ?
Berger A, Bousquet R, Engi M, Janots E, Rubatto D, Schmid S & Wiederkehr M
(2008) Rates of Metamorphism in Collisional Orogeny
Engi M, Janots E, Rubatto D, Berger A, Gregory C, Allaz J & Schwarz J-O
(2007) Migmatisation in the Central Alps Lasting 10 m.y
Rubatto D, Berger A, Gregory C, Hermann M-V & Engi M
(2007) Combining in situ Isotope Dating, Petrology, and Tectonic Observations to Infer Rates of Regional Metamorphism
Berger A, Janots E, Engi M & Rubatto D
(2006) Formation of mélange in the tectonic accretion channel: Geochemical relevance and implications
Engi M & Berger A
(2006) Evolution of REE minerals from diagenetic to amphibolite facies conditions in the Central Alps, with implications to geochronology
Janots E, Engi M & Berger A

Engi Martin (2015) Tracing Permian Metamorphism in Fragments of Continental Crust Through Rifting, Subduction and Orogenesis
Kunz BE, Manzotti P, von Niederhäusern B, Regis D, Burn M, Giuntoli F & Engi M

Engi Martin (2017) Decoupling of Zircon Characteristics at HT Conditions (>850℃)
Kunz BE, Regis D & Engi M

England D. (2006) The connection betwen high K melts and Au deposits: Evidence from natural and experimental systems.
Mavrogenes J, Scaillet B, Pichavant ME & England D

England H. (2014) Basalts of the Western Colorado Plateau Margin: Magma Composition and Mantle Processes
England H, Reid M & Blichert-Toft J

England M. (2016) Impact of Oceanic Circulation Changes on Atmospheric δ13CO2
Menviel L, Mouchet A, Meissner K, Joos F & England M

Engle Mark (2022) Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence within Oil and Gas Produced Water from U.S. Unconventional Petroleum Plays: Comparisons and Consequences for Beneficial Reuse
McDevitt B, Jubb AM, Varonka M, Hackley PC, Blondes M, Engle M, Gallegos T & Shelton J
(2022) Tree Size as a Proxy of Texture and Soil Salinity in a Pecan Orchard: Exploring the Spatial Variability and Dominant Controls on Carbon Fluxes in Managed Dryland Critical Zone
Quiroz M, Garcia A, Molina V, Ramirez-Valle O, Sosa M, Orona V, Kaip G, Doser D, Engle M, Gutierrez H, Darrouzet-Nardi A, Ma L & Jin L
(2021) Applying Machine Learning Models to Predict Basin of Origin for Produced Waters Using Major Ion Chemistry
Shelton J, Jubb AM, Saxe S, Attanasi E, Milkov A, Engle M, Freeman P, Shaffer C & Blondes M
(2019) Geochemical and Biological Effects of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases
Cozzarelli I, Akob D, Benthem A, Haase K, Mumford A, Orem W, Skalak K, Engle M, Kent D, Farag A, Harper D, Thamke J, Briggs M & Lane J
(2017) Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Overlying the Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, and Haynesville Shale Unconventional Oil and Gas Production Areas, USA
McMahon P, Barlow J, Engle M, Belitz K, Ging P, Hunt A, Kharaka Y, Jurgens B, Tollett R & Kresse T

Engle Mark A. (2020) Geochemical, Isotopic and Volumetric Signatures of Produced Water from Williston Basin Oil Wells Hydraulically Fractured with Crosslinked Gel
Gallegos TJ, Doolan C, Caldwell R, Engle MA, Varonka M, Jolly G, Coplen TB & Oliver T
(2018) Rapid and Non-Destructive Raman Characterization of Contaminants in Soils Impacted by Produced Water Spills in the Permian Basin
Jubb AM, Engle MA, Akob DM & Kent DB
(2014) Using Novel Cd Isotopes to Trace Heavy Metal Pollution Related to Coal Combustion Products
Fouskas F, Ma L, Engle MA, Ruppert L & Geboy NJ
(2012) Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines
Kolker A, Engle M, Orem W, Tatu C, Hendryx M, McCawley M, Esch L, Geboy N, Crosby L & Varonka M
(2010) Inorganic Geochemical Composition of Appalachian Basin Formation Waters – Preliminary Examination
Rowan E & Engle M
(2010) Coal and Human Health
Orem W, Tatu C, Pavlovic N, Kolker A, Engle M, Bunnell J, Lerch H & Corum M
(2010) Computer Simulation of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Using Coalbed Methane Produced Waters
Bern C, Engle M, Healy R, Breit G & Zupancic J
(2010) Tracking Solutes and Water from Subsurface Drip Irrigation Application of Coalbed Methane Produced Waters
Engle M, Bern C, Healy R, Sams J, Zupancic J & Schroeder K
(2010) Time Series Analysis of CO Emissions from a Coal Fire, Eastern Kentucky
Hower J, Rangwala A, O'Keefe J, Henke K & Engle M
(2009) Diel Patterns and Deposition of Atmospheric Hg Species at Nine Inland and Coastal Sites
Engle M, Tate M, Krabbenhoft D, Olson M, Schauer J & Shanley J
(2008) Mercury and Other Trace Elements in Coastal South Carolina Aerosols
Engle M, Kolker A, Krabbenhoft D, Olson M, Tate M & Soneira C
(2007) Mercury, Trace Elements, and Organic Constituents: A Combined Approach to Sampling Atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM)
Kolker A, Engle M, Orem B, Bunnell J, Lerch T, Krabbenhoft D, Olson M & McCord J
(2005) New Insights into Mercury Exchange between Air and Substrate
Gustin M, Engle M, Ericksen J, Xin M, Krabbenhoft D, Lindberg S, Olund S & Rytuba J

Englert A. (2013) Challenges Connected with Experimental Upscaling of Flow and Transport in Porous Media
Englert A, Vaitl T, Frank S & Goekpinar T

Englhard J. (2023) Tapping into the Unknown: Functional Screening for CO2 Reducing Enzymes Gives Unprecedented Insights into the Uncultured Microbial Majority
Boehnke S, Zarzycki J, Baehrle R, Enderle M, Paczia N, Englhard J, Bachmann J, Erb T & Perner M

Engling Guenter (2014) Characteristics of Carbonaceous Aerosol in Northern Thailand during the Biomass Burning Season
Engling G, Ku I-T, Popovicheva O, Hung K-C, Lee C-T & Lin N-H
(2011) Fungal Spore Contributions to Subtropical Aerosol Particles
Chen S-H & Engling G
(2009) Aerosol Characteristics in Rural and Remote Areas of South China
Engling G, Chan JCY, Sang X, Zhang Z, Luo Y, Zhang T & Ho F

Engling Guenter (2015) Chemical Stability of Levoglucosan in Laboratory and Ambient Aerosol Studies: An Isotopic Perspective
Gensch I, Sang XF, Khan A, Laumer W, Schlag P, Schmitt SH, Wildt J, Engling G, Chan CY, Zhao R, Mungall E, Abbatt J & Kiendler-Scharr A
(2015) Smoke Aerosol Characteristics of Russian Peat Bog Fires
Engling G, Popovicheva O, Ku I-T, Persiantseva N, Kireeva E & Shonija N

English J (2005) First Evidence for Exhumation of UHP Garnet Peridotite in the North American Cordillera
Canil D, MacKenzie J, Charnell C, Mihalynuk M, Johnston S & English J

English Jerry (2023) The Study of Electrical Potential, Remote Sensing, and Preservation of Biosignatures at Sites of Serpentinization (SERP)
Morrill PL, Coxon IN, Cook M, Umoh U, Ventura GT, Leitch A, Poduska KM, Gao B, Yulmetova M, Mahdianpari M, English J & Gill M
(2020) Study of Electrical Potential, Remote Sensing, and Preservation of Biosignatures at Sites of Serpentinization (SERP)
Morrill P, Leitch A, Gao B, Poduska K, Mahdianpari M, Yulmetova M, English J, Evans L, Cook M, Bentley J, Ventura T, Wilson M, White N & LeGrow C

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