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Dickens Gerald (2015) Tracing the Efficiency of Chemical Weathering Through Magnetic Properties of Sediment: An Eocene Case Study
Dallanave E, Bachtadse V, Hollis C, Strogen D, Collot J, Maurizot P & Dickens G

Dickens Gerald (2020) Assessing Time-Correlativity of the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Biogenic Bloom Across Multiple Divergence Regions Using Bulk Sediment Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes
Jana D & Dickens G

Dickenson E. (2014) Changing Soil Chemistry in Rocky Mountain Forests Impacted by the Mountain Pine Beetle
Navarre-Sitchler A, Pryhoda M, Dickenson E, Bearup L, Mikkelson K, Maxwell R, Sharp J & McCray J

Dickerson R.R. (2022) An Insight into Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks Using 13CH3D & 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes
Haghnegahdar MA, Hultquist N, Sun J, Dickerson RR, Magen C, Kaufman AJ, Hamovit N, Scott JG, Yarwood S, Chowdhury TR, Bouyon A & Farquhar J

Dickhut R.M. (2001) Spatial and Temporal Variation in Hexachlorocyclohexane Isomers and Enantiomer Ratios in a Temperate Estuary
Padma TV & Dickhut RM
(2001) PAH Transport and Fate in Estuaries in Association with Vegetative Organic Matter
Countway RE, Dickhut RM & Canuel EA

Dickie I. (2011) No Differences in Sr Isotope Ratios between Ectomycorrhizal and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Ecosystems Across a Wide Range of Geological Substrates
Koele N, Dickie I, Blum J, Gleason J, Lovett G & McGlone M

Dickin A. (2004) Archaean Granites at Serrinha Nucleus, Bahia, Brazil
Rios D, Davis D, Conceição H, Rosa M & Dickin A
(2000) Heterogeneous Nature of Adiabatic Decompression Melts Generated in Upwelling Mantle Plume Heads
Gibson S, Thompson R & Dickin A

Dickins C. (2006) Evolution of Late Archean HFSE-enriched igneous rocks of the Gindalbie Domain, Eastern Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Dickins C, Cassidy K & Barley M

Dickins J. (2005) Latitudinal Gradient in <$f"Symbol">d<$f"Times-Roman"><+>18<$>O of Permian Brachiopods
Korte C, Brand U, Dickins J, Mertmann D & Veizer J

Dickinson G.H. (2023) Exploring Barnacle Exoskeleton Formation and the Potential Impact of Increased Temperature in Amphibalanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Davis E, Traenkle S, Menendez P, Gautam R, Krishnamurthy K, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH
(2021) Exploring the Early Stages of Mineralization in the Parietal and Opercular Plates of the Barnacle Amphialanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Gupta A, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH

Dickinson J.T. (2005) Rapid Ectomycorrhizal Channel Development on Biotite in Liquid Culture Experiments
Balogh Z, Keller CK, Stevens F & Dickinson JT

Dickinson M. (2009) Restoration of in situ Leached Uranium Mines with Iron Nanoparticles
Riba O, Scott T, Dickinson M & Allen G

Dickinson T (2005) Tribochemical Studies at the Nanometer Scale: Synergisms of Mechanical and Chemical Forces
Dickinson T

Dickinson Tamara (2020) Mind the Gap: Protolith vs. Processing in Establishing Primitive Achondrite Redox Conditions
McCoy T, Corrigan C, Dickinson T, Benedix G, Schrader D & Davidson J

Dickinson W. (2014) Rapid Soil Accumulation in a Frozen Landscape
Schiller M, Dickinson W, Zondervan A, Ditchburn R & Wang N
(2011) Soil Closure Ages from Meteoric 10Be, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Dickinson W, Schiller M, Ditchburn R, Graham I & Zondervan A
(2009) A Possible Long-Term Record of Mg Isotopic Composition in Seawater from Ferromanganese Nodules in the South Pacific
Dickinson W, Schiller M, Graham I & Baker J
(2008) Mg Isotopic Composition of Ferromanganese Nodules from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: A Record of Secular Mg Isotope Variation in Seawater?
Dickinson W, Schiller M, Graham I & Baker J
(2006) Deep weathering and mineralization in the Sirius Group: A Martian analogue in the Dry Valleys
Dickinson W

Dickson Alex (2021) Using Molybdenum Isotopes to Reconstruct Marine Redox Change Through the End Triassic Mass Extinction Event
Bond AD, Dickson A & Ruhl M
(2021) Oxygenation at the Onset of the Neoproterozoic – Evidence from North China
Zhou Y, Basu A, Dickson A, Zhu M & Shields GA
(2021) The Zinc Isotope Composition of Late Holocene Open-Ocean Marine Sediments
Dickson A
(2021) The Role of Volcanism in Global-Scale Climate Cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Green CE, Dickson A, Mather TA, Grimes ST & van den Boorn SHJM
(2021) Behavior of Stable Rhenium Isotopes during Magmatic Processes and Implications for the Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth
Wang W, Dickson A, Prytulak J, Savage PS, Nisbet E, Dellinger M & Hilton RG
(2011) Ocean Oxygenation during the PETM: Mo Isotope Data from the Arctic and Tethyan Oceans
Dickson A, Cohen A, Coe A, Gavrilov Y & Shcherbinina E

Dickson Alexander (2020) Close Encounters of the Ferrar Kind: Exploring the Impact of Volcanism on Early Jurassic Environments
Al Suwaidi A, Fox C, Al Naqbi A, Ceriani A, Dickson A, Ruhl M & Whiteside J
(2020) Upper Limits on Oceanic Anoxia during the PETM: A Uranium Isotope Perspective
Clarkson M, Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Andersen M, Vance D & Lenton T
(2018) Deciphering the Unexpected Response of the Cr Isotope Proxy to OAE 2
Holmden C, Jacobson A, Sageman B, Hurtgen M & Dickson A
(2018) Isotopic Constraints on the Molybdenum Cycle in the Late Cretaceous
Dickson A, Sweere T, Ruhl M, Murphy M, Jenkyns H, Idiz E, Porcelli D, Henderson G, van den Boorn S & Eldrett J
(2018) Ocean Redox Conditions between the Snowballs – Geochemical Constraints from Arena Formation, East Greenland
Scheller EL, Dickson AJ, Canfield DE, Korte C, Kristiansen KK & Dahl TW
(2018) Redox Cycling Control on the Cadmium-Isotope Composition of Waters, Porewaters, and Sediments in the Saanich Inlet
Bryan A, Dickson A, Sorensen J, Porcelli D, Van Den Boorn S & Henderson G
(2018) Foraminiferal I/Ca Results from the Benguela Upwelling System
Lu W, Dickson A, Thomas E, Rickaby R & Lu Z
(2017) The Mo-Isotopic Composition of Siberian Rivers
Moreras Marti A, Dickson A, Murphy M, Porcelli D & Pokrovksy O
(2017) Sediment Cadmium Isotopes as a Proxy for Nutrient Dynamics during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (Late Cretacous)
Sweere T, Dickson A, Jenkyns H, Ruhl M, van den Boorn S, Porcelli D, Henderson G & Idiz E
(2017) Effect of Thermal Alteration on the Preservation of Molybdenum- and Zinc-Isotope Palaeoproxies in Organic-Rich Sediments
Dickson A, Idiz E, van den Boorn S, Sweere T, Ruhl M, Porcelli D, Henderson G, Jenkyns H & Hesselbo S
(2017) Uranium Isotope Composition of Eocene Marine Sediments: Does Organic Matter ?
Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Disnar J-R, Jacob J, Le Milbeau C, Davies M & Cohen A
(2017) Double De-Oxygenation: Unravelling OAE 2 with U Isotopes
Clarkson M, Stirling C, Jenkyns H, Dickson A, Porcelli D, Pogge von Strandmann P, Moy C, Cooke I & Lenton T
(2017) Controls on the Cadmium-Isotope Composition of Modern Marine Sediments
Bryan A, Dickson A, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Slomp C, Homoky W, Dowdall F & Van Den Boorn S
(2016) Molybdenum-Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Dickson A, Gill B, Al-Suwaidi A, Ruhl M, Jenkyns H, Porcelli D, Lyons T & van den Boorn S
(2016) Unravelling ‘Oceanic Anoxic Events’ Using High-Resolution δ238U
Clarkson M, Stirling C, Jenkyns H, Cooke I, Dickson A, Porcelli D & Moy C
(2016) Zn Isotopes from Carbonates as a Tracer for Nutrient Dynamics during OAE-2
Sweere TC, Dickson AJ, Jenkyns HC, Henderson GM, Porcelli D & van den Boorn S
(2016) Global Seawater Oxygenation during the Eocene: New Constraints from Molybdenum and Uranium Isotopes
Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Davies M & Cohen A
(2016) δ238U Reconstructions of Global Ocean Oxygenation during OAE 2
Murphy M, Hsieh Y-T, Dickson A, Sweere T, Van Den Boorn S, Porcelli D, Jenkyns H, Henderson G & Stirling C
(2016) Cd Isotope Signatures of Seawater, Suspended Particulate Matter, and Surface Sediments from the UK GEOTRACES 40°S Transect
Bryan A, Dowdall F, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Dickson A & Van Den Boorn S
(2015) Evaluating δ238U Records in Mudrocks as a Proxy for Ocean Oxygenation during the Early Eocene
Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Davies M & Cohen A
(2015) Global Ocean Anoxia during Ancient 'Greenhouse' Climates: Prospects for a Warming World
Clarkson M, Stirling C, Jenkyns H, Cooke I, Dickson A & Gangl S
(2013) Osmium Isotope Records of Continental Weathering and Volcanism Spanning the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Dickson A, Cohen A, Coe A, Davies M, Shcherbinina E & Gavrilov Y

Dickson Alexander J. (2023) Tracing Oxidative Weathering of Rock Organic Carbon Through Geological Time Using Rhenium Isotopes
Stow M, Dickson AJ, Dellinger M, Prytulak J & Hilton R
(2023) Spatial Patterns of Fossil Carbon Mobilisation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Hollingsworth EH, Pancost RD, Dickson AJ, Badger M, Elling F, Freeman KH, Baczynski A & Inglis GN
(2023) No Volcanic Trigger for Late Cambrian Carbon Cycle Perturbations?
Frieling J, Mather TA, Fendley IM, Bergquist BA, Cheng K, Jenkyns HC, Zhao Z, Dahl TW, Nielsen AT & Dickson AJ
(2023) Uranium-Isotope Records of Global Ocean Deoxygenation during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a)
Percival L, Dickson AJ, Basu A, Castro JM, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Bottini C, Erba E, Mutterlose J, Goderis S & Claeys P
(2023) The Role of Volcanism in Catalysing Rapid Global Warming Events of the Early Eocene: Evidence from Mercury Records
Green CE, Dickson AJ, Mather TA, Frieling J, van den Boorn SHJM, van der Ploeg R, Grimes ST, Davies M & Hollis CJ
(2023) The DISTILL Project: A δ114/110Cd Paleo-Proxy Record for Changes in the Earth’s Ancient Marine Organic C Cycle
Elms HC & Dickson AJ
(2023) Natural and Artificial Thermal Maturation: Effect on Mercury Distributions in Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Sediments
Indraswari AO, Frieling J, Mather TA, Dickson AJ, Idiz E, Jenkyns HC & Robinson SA
(2023) Controls on Nickel and Zinc Micronutrient Availability in Phanerozoic Oceans
Sweere T, Dickson AJ & Vance D
(2023) Molybdenum Heterogeneity in Euxinic Settings: Implications for the Mo Isotopes
Chappaz A, Dickson AJ, Haeri Ardakani OH & Tribovillard N
(2022) The Role of Volcanism in Global-Scale Climate Cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
Green CE, Dickson AJ, Mather TA & Frieling J
(2022) The Late Triassic of Tasmania: A Land of Burning Trees and Swamps
Al Suwaidi A, Fox CP, Lestari WA, Dickson AJ & Rhul M
(2022) The Nickel Isotope Evolution of Seawater Through the Phanerozoic Eon
Sun M, Archer C, Sweere T, Shen Y, Algeo T, Dickson AJ, Gill B, Dahl TW & Vance D
(2019) The Influence of Thermal Maturity on the Concentrations and Isotope Ratios of Transition Metals in Organic-Rich Sedimentary Rocks
Dickson A, Idiz E, Porcelli D & van den Boorn S
(2019) Uranium Isotope Constraints on Ocean De-Oxygenation during the PETM
Clarkson M, Bagard M-L, Dickson A, Vance D & Lenton T
(2019) Limited Molybdenum Isotope Change in the Oceans Associated with Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Dickson A, Jenkyns H, Porcelli D, Idiz E, Sweere T, Murphy M, Ruhl M, Eldrett J & van den Boorn S
(2019) A New Modelling Framework to Investigate Trace Metal Dynamics during Carbon Cycle Perturbations
Adloff M, Greene SE, Ridgwell A, Parkinson IJ, Monteiro FM, Naafs BDA & Dickson AJ
(2019) Controls on δ98Mo in Modern Ferruginous and Euxinic Sediments and Porewaters
Hutchings A, Basu A, Dickson A & Turchyn A
(2019) Euxinia during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Behrooz L, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Pearson A, Dickson A & Pancost R

Dickson B. (2010) Self Organizing Maps for Targeting within Regional Geochemical Data Sets
Fraser S, Dickson B, Kowalczyk P & Hodgkinson J

Dickson J.a.d. (2012) Flying Through Time: New microXRF Techniques Create Opportunities to View the Past
Rasbury T, Frodsham A, Lanzirotti A & Dickson JAD

Dickson J.a.d. (2015) Can Carbonate Hardgrounds Serve as a Seawater Chemistry Proxy?
Erhardt A, Turchyn A, Dickson JAD, Taylor P, Wilson M & Schrag D

Dickson Johnbull (2014) Incorporation of a Pertechnetate Analog – Perrhenate – by Sodalite in Competition with Other Anions
Dickson J, Harsh J & Pierce E
(2013) Incorporation of a Pertechnetate Analog – Perrhenate – by Sodalite in Competition with Other Anions
Dickson J, Harsh J & Pierce E
(2012) Incorporation of Perrhenate into Nitrate Sodalite
Harsh J, Dickson J & Pierce E
(2011) The Structure and Lability of Re(VII)-sodalite
Pierce E, Harsh J & Dickson J

Dickson Johnbull (John) (2018) Structural Modified Organo-Feldspathoid for Sequestration of Anionic Radionuclides
Dickson J(, Conroy N, Powell B, Seaman J, Li D & Kaplan D

Dickson M. (2023) Structural and Thermodynamic Effects of Hydration in Na-Zeolite a (LTA) fromLow-Temperature Heat Capacity
Woodfield BF, Dickson M, Shumway S, Nielsen G & Navrotsky A

Dickson S.E. (2010) Transport of Volatile Contaminants in Groundwater by Gas Expansion and Mobilization Above a Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Pool
Mumford KG, Smith JE & Dickson SE

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