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DeVries Tim (2020) Metals, Models, and Isotopes: Insights into the Biogeochemical Cycling of Trace Nutrients in the Ocean
John S, Conway T, Weber T, DeVries T, Tagliabue A, Liang H & Pasquier B
(2020) Global Contrasts between Oceanic Cycling of Cadmium and Phosphate
Roshan S & DeVries T
(2018) Carbon Isotope Evidence for Large Terrestrial Carbon Inputs to the Global Ocean
Kwon EY, Galbraith E, DeVries T, Hwang J, Kim G & Timmermann A
(2018) Fe, Zn, and Cd Isotopes: Extrapolating from Modern Ocean Models to the Geological Record
John S, Weber T & DeVries T
(2013) Isotopic and Stoichiometric Constraints on Marine Denitrification from a Global Inverse Circulation Model
Deutsch C, DeVries T, Rafter P & Primeau F

Devries Timothy (2021) Updating the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in the Modern Ocean
Tréguer PJ, Sutton JN, Mark B, Charette M, Devries T, Dutkiewicz S, Ehlert C, Hawkings J, Leynaert A, Liu SM, Llopis Monferrer N, Lopez-Acosta M, Maldonado M, Rahman S, Ran L & Rouxel O
(2021) New Measurements and Compilation Provide a 25, 000 Year View of Global Deep-Sea Radiocarbon
Rafter P(, Gray WR, Burke A, Costa K, Gottschalk J, Hain M, Hines SKV, Rae JWB, Southon J & Devries T

Devulder V. (2013) Method Development and Validation for B Isolation from Roman Glass
Devulder V, Degryse P & Vanhaecke F

Devyatova A. (2007) Dust and Aerosol Pollution from Stationary Man-Caused Sources in Novosibirsk City: Geochemical Aperiodicities and Numerical Models
Devyatova A, Bortnikova S & Raputa V

Dewaele A. (2021) Constraining Noble Gas Solubilities in the Earth’s Mantle
Rosa AD, Irifune T, Morard G, Dewaele A, Garbarino G & Bouhifd A

Dewaele S. (2021) Unravelling the Proterozoic History of the Granite Intrusion of the Karagwe Ankole Belt in Rwanda
De Clercq S, Dewaele S, De Grave J, De Putter T & Vanhaecke F
(2019) Characterisation and Geodynamic Context of the Granite Intrusions in the Karagwe-Ankole Belt in Rwanda
De Clercq S, Dewaele S, De Grave J, De Putter T, Chew D & Sullivan G
(2019) Fluid- and Deformation-Induced Pan-African Overprint in the Western Domain of the Karagwe-Ankole Belt (Central Africa)
Van Daele J, Hulsbosch N, Dewaele S, Melcher F, Onuk P, Spikings R & Muchez P
(2017) Fractionation Processes in the Granite-Related Ore System of the Karagwe-Ankole Belt (Rwanda)
Hulsbosch N, Dewaele S, Van Daele J & Muchez P
(2011) SIMS U-Pb Ages for Heterogenite from Katanga (DRC): Implications for the Genesis of Co-u Deposits in Shinkolobwe
Decrée S, Deloule E, De Putter T, Dewaele S, Mees F & Marignac C

Dewane T.J. (2006) Dynamics of large-magnitude extension in the Whipple Mountains metamorphic core complex
Stockli DF, Brichau S, Dewane TJ, Hager C & Schroeder J

Dewangan P. (2008) Sediment Pore Fluid Geochemistry from Krishna-Godavari Basin (Bay of Bengal): Possible Influence of Methane Hydrate Occurrences
Mazumdar A, Dewangan P, Joao H, Peketi A, Kocherla M, Badesab F, Joshi R, Karisiddaiah S & Ramprasad T

Dewashish U. (2017) Relics of Pristine Paleoarchean Continental Crust: Granitoids from the Bastar Craton, India
Maltese A, Klaus M & Dewashish U

Dewers T. (2015) Mixing-Controlled Reactive Transport at the Pore Scale and its Impact on Flow Field and Upscaling of Reactive Transport
Yoon H & Dewers T
(2012) Pore-Scale Evaluation of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution Kinetics in a Microfluidic Pore Network
Yoon H, Dewers T, Valocchi A & Werth C
(2012) Mudstone Pore Networks: Characterization and Flow Modeling
Navarre-Sitchler A, Mouzakis K, Rother G, Heath J, Dewers T & McCray J
(2011) Changes to Porosity and Pore Structure of Mudstones Resulting from Reaction with CO2
Navarre-Sitchler A, Mouzakis K, Heath J, Dewers T, Rother G, Wang X, Kaszuba J & McCray J
(2010) Mechanical-Chemical Coupling and Self-Organization in Mudstones
Dewers T
(2001) Anatexis of Metapelites: The ASI of S-Type Granites
London D, Acosta A, Dewers TA & Morgan Vi GB

DeWet G. (2018) Terrestrial Arctic Climate from Lake El’gygytgyn: Normal vs. Super Interglacial Teleconnections
Brigham-Grette J, Castañeda I, Deconto R, Roychowdhury R, DeWet G, Habicht H, Keisling B & Daniels W

Dewever A. (2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F

Dewey C. (2022) River Corridor Processes Across Scales in the East River of Colorado
Nico PS, Dwivedi D, Fox PM, Newcomer ME, Christensen JN, Arora B, Anderson C, Newman AW, Beutler C, Carroll RWH, Carrero S, Gilbert B, Williams KH, Faybishenko B & Dewey C
(2021) Molecular Dynamics and Spectroscopic Insights into iron(III) Stabilization of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides
Zarzycki P, Bhattacharyya A, Dewey C, Pett-Ridge J & Nico PS
(2021) Organic Matter Mineralization in Redox-Dynamic Environments: How Does the Redox Reactivity of Particulate Electron Acceptors Affect Microbial Respiration Rates?
Aeppli M, Dewey C & Fendorf S
(2021) Insights into the Role of Lateral Hyporheic Exchange on Biogeochemical Cycling as a Function of Varying Annual Discharge in the East River, CO, USA
Fox PM, Arora B, Anderson C, Beutler C, Carroll RWH, Christensen JN, Dewey C, Dong W, Dwivedi D, Faybishenko B, Fendorf S, Keiluweit M, Malenda H, Newcomer M, Newman AW, Williams KH & Nico PS
(2020) Assessing Controls of Carbon and Sulfur Fluxes in High Elevation Floodplain Sediments Under Transient Hydrologic Conditions
Dewey C, Fox P, Dwivedi D, Anderson C, Naughton H, Keiluweit M, Benner S, Nico P & Fendorf S
(2020) Mobility, Chemistry, and Prevalence of Shale-Derived Organic Carbon in an Alluvial Floodplain
Fox P, Bill M, Heckman K, Conrad M, Dewey C, Anderson C, Keiluweit M, Fendorf S & Nico P
(2020) How Does the Redox Reactivity of Iron Minerals Affect Carbon Mineralization in Floodplains?
Aeppli M, Dewey C & Fendorf S
(2019) Unforeseen Reaction Pathways of U(VI) with Fe(II) Limiting U(IV) Formation
Dewey C, Bargar J & Fendorf S

Dewey Janet (2021) Geochemical Evaluation of Fluid-Rock Interactions between Niobrara Formation and Alkaline Fracturing Fluid during Well Shut In, Denver-Julesburg Basin, CO, USA: A 30-Day Experimental Study
Terry O, Caro D, Dewey J & Kaszuba JP
(2020) Insight on (Per)chlorate Production, Degradation and Transport: Relevance to Mars
Gure A, Sorenson T, Dewey J, Eggleston C & Parkinson B
(2020) Deviations in Point of Zero Charge with Nanoscale Pore Geometries of Synthesized Silica-Based Materials
Jacobson A, Dewey J, Muraleedharan M, Chen C, van Duin A, Copeland G, Kaszuba J, Xia Y, Sen S, Risbud S, Cho H, Deo M, Bartl M & Butt D
(2020) Dependence of Amorphous Silica Surface Speciation on Electric Double Layer (EDL) Overlap in Confinement
Copeland G, Jacobson A, Kaszuba J, Dewey J & Risbud S
(2019) Photoelectrochemical Generation of Perchlorate and Chlorate: Semiconducting Minerals and Mars
Gure A, Sorenson T, Dewey J, Kraus T, Eggleston C & Parkinson B
(2018) Photoelectrochemical Generation of Perchlorate on Mars: A Photostationary State
Gure A, Sorenson T, Dewey J, Kraus T, Eggleston C & Parkinson B
(2018) Perchlorate on Mars: Hematite and Ilmenite as Photocatalysts
Eggleston C, Sorenson T, Parkinson B, Gure A & Dewey J
(2017) Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Interaction with Fracture Surfaces in an Unconventional Reservoir
Zandanel A, Kaszuba J & Dewey J

Dewey Janet C (2022) Lithium Mobility due to Geochemical Interactions between Unconventional Reservoir Rock and Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid
Kaszuba JP, Dewey JC, Bratcher JC & Herz-Thyhsen RJ

Dewhurst D.N. (2017) Impact of CO2-Rock-Fluid Interaction in a Carbonate Reservoir in a High CO2 Gas Field
Shah SSMD, Dewhurst DN, Ali MTM, Sazali WML & Busch A
(2007) The CO2 Sealing Efficiency of Caprocks
Busch A, Alles S, Krooss BM, Dewhurst DN & Stanjek H

DeWild J (2005) A 270-Year Ice Core Record of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition to Western North America: An Indicator of a Partial Success of the United States Clean Air Act of 1970
Schuster P, Krabbenhoft D, Naftz D, Cecil D, Olson M, DeWild J, Susong D & Green J

DeWild John (2018) Processes Controlling Mercury Concentration and Speciation in Yellowstone Thermal Waters
Holloway J, McCleskey B, Roth D, Nordstrom K, Krabbenhoft D & DeWild J
(2014) The Relative Contribution of Different Mercury Sources to Methylmercury Production in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Fleck J, Krabbenhoft D, Kraus T, Stumpner E, DeWild J & Ogorek J

Dewing K. (2023) Magma-Shale Interaction and Volatile Mobilization at LIPs: Insights from Kinetic Experiments
Deegan FM, Bédard JH, Grasby S, Dewing K, Geiger H, Misiti V, Capriolo M, Callegaro S, Svensen HH, Yakymchuk C, Aradi LE, Freda C & Troll VR

DeWit Maarten (2013) Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Earth’s Early Ocean Estimated from Archean MORB in Barberton Greenstone Belt
Tomiyasu F, Ueno Y & DeWit M
(2011) Different Types of Precambrian Ophiolites
Furnes H, Dilek Y & DeWit M
(2010) Petrological and Tectonic Evolution of the Palaeoarchean Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Furnes H, de Wit M & Robins B
(2009) Pillow Lava as Microbial Habitat for 3.5 Billion Years: Petrographic Signatures of Bioalteration
Furnes H, McLoughlin N, Staudigel H, Banerjee NR, Fliegel D, Muehlenbachs K & DeWit M
(2009) Denudation Rates for Dolerites Across Southern Africa Determined with Cosmogenic Noble Gas Nuclides
Decker J, Niedermann S & de Wit M
(2009) Thermophile Inhabitants of the Archean Seafloor Basalts
Muehlenbachs K, Furnes H & DeWit M
(2007) Direct Dating of Archean Microbial Ichnofossils
Banerjee N, Simonetti A, Furnes H, Muehlenbachs K, Staudigel H, McLoughlin N, de Wit M & Van Kranendonk M

deWit Maarten (2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of the Paleoarchean Onverwacht Suite, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Mishima K, Ueno Y, deWit M & Furnes H
(2015) Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of 3.47 Ga Barberton Basalts: Constraints on the Early Crust-Mantle Evolution
Yamaguchi T, Iizuka T, Nakai S, Hokanishi N, de Wit M & Furnes H

DeWolf S. (2023) Hawaiian Beaches as Natural Analogues for Long-Term Rates and Impacts of Coastal Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Kreuzburg M, Hylén A, Winardhi C, Cole D, VanHeurck B, DeWolf S, Goosens C, Romaniello SJ, Monserrat F, Cnudde V & Meysman FJR

Dewonck S. (2009) Modeling Cesium Diffusion in a Claystone Formation
Appelo T, Wersin P, Van Loon L & Dewonck S
(2008) Diffusion and Retention Experiment in Clay Formation: An International Field, Lab and Modelling Exercise
Leupin OX, Dewonck S, Savoye S, Wersin P, Van Loon LR, Gimmi T, Samper J, Soler JM, Eikenberg J & Bayens B
(2006) In-situ diffusion experiment in Callovo-Oxfordian mudstone
Dewonck S, Descostes M, Blin V, Tevissen E, Radwan J, Poinssot C, Cartalade A, Brisset P & Coelho D

Dey Anindita (2017) Micro-Textural Studies of Granulite-Facies Rocks from the Eastern Madurai Domain, Southern India: Evidence for Decompression at High Temperatures
Sarkar T, Mukherjee S & Dey A
(2017) Petrogenesis of A-Type Granitoids in the Chotanagpur Granite-Gneiss Complex (CGGC): Evidence for Mesoproterozoic Crustal Extension in the Indian Shield
Mukherjee S, Ibanez-Mejia M, Dey A, Sanyal S & Sengupta P
(2017) Formation of Anthophyllite + Plagioclase in a Retrograded Mafic Granulite from Palghat Cauvery Shear Zone, India: Constraints on Fluid Composition and Element Mobility
Dey A, Karmakar S, Sanyal S & Sengupta P

Dey Anindya Sundar (2023) Environmental Occurrence and Biotransformation Potentials of Novel Polyfluoroalkyl Betaines
Liu J, Liu M, Munoz G, Hermiston J, Zhang J, Vo Duy S, Wang D, Dey AS, Bottos E, van Hamme J, Lee LS & Sauvé S

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