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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Derry Louis A (2023) Assessing the Deposition of Atmospheric Mercury in Hawaiian Soils from the Big Island Using Hg Stable Isotopes
Cheng K, Zheng W, Zimmermann L, Derry LA, Slater G, Szponar N & Bergquist BA
(2023) Trace Element Partitioning in Siliceous Sinters as a Function of Silica Precipitation Rates in El Tatio Geothermal Field
Bustamante Pérez V, Perez-Fodich A, Munoz-Saez C & Derry LA
(2023) Examining Diurnal Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Dynamics at the River-Groundwater Interface
Mathews M, Guillon S, Rivière A, Floury P, Gaillardet J & Derry LA
(2023) Disentangling Concentration-Discharge Relationships during a Flood Event Using a Multi-Isotope Approach
López Urzúa S, Mathews M, Hissler C & Derry LA
(2023) Relationship between Chemical Weathering and Physical Erosion in the Critical Zone: The Case Study of La Réunion
Chen C, Gayer E, Derry LA & Gaillardet J
(2023) Coupling of Dissolved Silicon and Carbon in Temperate Wetlands
Court M, Moquet J-S, Simonneau A, Freslon N, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Ratié G, Mazeron J & Humbrecht A
(2023) Ultra-Trace Determination of Ga/Al in Continental Waters Using Offline Extraction and Quadrupole ICP-MS
Dubois-Dauphin Q, Derry LA & Bürckel P
(2023) The Role of Nanophases in Critical Zone Dynamics
Gelin M, Cunningham C, Guertin AS, Druhan JL, Chorover J, Derry LA, Tharaud M, Benedetti MF & Bouchez J
(2023) Rapid Secondary Phase Formation and Associated Si Isotope Fractionation during Lab Weathering Experiments of Andesite
Baronas JJ, Bouchez J, Derry LA, Dessert C & Gaillardet J
(2022) Geochemical and Isotopic Investigation of Diurnal Variations in a River System
Mathews M, Floury P, Gaillardet J & Derry LA
(2022) Silicon – δ30 Si – Discharge Dynamics during a Storm Event in an Agricultural Headwater Catchment
López Urzúa S, Derry LA & Jeanneau L
(2022) CCD, pCO2 and δ13C Constraints on Changes in the Neogene Carbon Cycle
Derry LA
(2021) Refractory Element and Ti Isotope Constraints on Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Derry LA, Grant KE, Deng Z & Moynier F
(2021) Coupling Groundwater Age Tracers (CFCs) and In-Stream Solute Time Series (DSi) to Decipher the Reactivity of Crystalline Watersheds
Marçais J, Dreuzy J-RD, Aquilina L, Guillaumot L, Labasque T, Pinay G & Derry LA
(2019) Modeling Ge/Si Weathering Signatures Using Thermodynamic Data for Synthetic Germanium Minerals
Perez-Fodich A & Derry LA
(2019) Climate Impacts on (In)congruent Silicate Weathering Constrained by Ge/Si Ratios
Derry L, Aguirre A, Chorover J, Hernandez N & Perez-Fodich A

Derry Louis A. (2020) Weathering Mass Losses, Plastic Deformation and Hydrologic Evolution in a Volcanic Landscape
Derry L & Chadwick O
(2020) The Convolution of Time and Weathering Intensity on the Fate of Runoff-To-Groundwater Partitioning in the Island of Hawai’i
Perez-Fodich A & Derry L
(2020) The Carbon Budget of the Himalayan Orogeny from Source to Sink
France-Lanord C, Derry LA, Feakins SJ, Galy A, Galy V, Girault F, Lupker M & Tachambalath A
(2015) Ge/Si Ratios Indicating Hydrothermal and Sulfide Weathering Input to Rivers of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau and Mt. Baekdu
Han Y, Huh Y & Derry L
(2013) Resolving Inconsistent Sedimentary Carbon Mass Balances: Implications for Ancient C and S Cycles
Derry L
(2012) Magnesium Isotopic Fractionation in Arid Hawaiian Soils
Trostle K, Derry L, Vigier N & Chadwick O
(2012) Weathering of Voclanics and the Geological Carbon Cycle
Derry L
(2011) Reconciling Multiple Constraints on Late Cenozoic Erosion and Weathering Fluxes: Can We do it?
Derry L
(2010) Bicarbonate Fluxes from Rivers Draining Ophiolites and Volcanoes, Luzon, Philippines
Schopka H, Derry L & Arcilla C
(2007) Geomorphology and Chemical Weathering on Basaltic Islands
Schopka H & Derry L
(2007) Quantifying Mineral Aerosol Inputs and the Mobility of "Immobile" Elements in Weathering Studies
Pett-Ridge J, Derry L & Kurtz A
(2007) Ge/Si Fractionation by Higher Plants: Mechanisms and Applications to Biogeochemical Cycles
Derry L, Sparks J & Chandra S
(2006) U-series disequilibrium investigation of a weathering profile in a tropical granitoid watershed, Luquillo, Puerto Rico
Pett-Ridge J & Derry L
(2005) Solute Sources in a Tropical Granitoid Watershed, Luquillo, Puerto Rico
Kurtz A, Pett-Ridge J, Lugolobi F, Derry L & Troester J
(2004) A Ge/Si, 234U/238U, and 87Sr/86Sr Investigation of Weathering Reactions and Flowpaths in a Tropical Granitoid Watershed
Pett-Ridge J, Kurtz A, Derry L & Troester J
(2004) WSSC: An Initiative to Study Earth’s Weathering Engine
Brantley S, Chadwick O, Derry L, Kump L & White A
(2002) Tracing Hydrothermal and Metamorphic Fluxes of CO2 and Solutes from the Central Himalaya
Derry LA, Evans M & France-Lanord C
(2001) The Influence of Bioturbation on the Early Cambrian Carbon Cycle
Fermann EJ & Derry LA
(2001) Germanium Cycling in Amazon-Shelf Sediment Porewaters: A Tracer of Reverse Weathering?
Kurtz AC, Kump LR, Aller RA & Derry LA
(2001) Plant Phytolith Source of Dissolved Silica in Hawaiian Streams from Ge/Si Ratios
Derry LA, Kurtz AC, Ziegler K, Chadwick OA & Kelley EF
(2000) Erosion Processes and Fluxes in the Central Himalaya from Geochemical Constraints
France-Lanord C, Galy A, Gajurel A, Derry L, Evans M, Hurtrez J, Riotte J, Pierson-Wickmann A & Rose E

Dersch O. (2005) Quartz Hydration Dating: A New Mineral Geochronological Technique
Ericson JE, Rauch F & Dersch O

Dershwitz P. (2020) Environmental Implications of Metal Binding by the Novel Chalkophore Methanobactin
Semrau J, Gu B, DiSpirito A, Kang-Yun C, Liang X, Lu X & Dershwitz P

DeRubeis E. (2014) Quantifying Groundwater Discharge to Subalpine Streams Using Radon
Moran J, DeRubeis E, Visser A, Singleton M, Uriostegui S & Esser B

Deruelle B. (2000) Chemical Weathering of Basaltic Lava Flows Suffering Extreme Climatic Conditions: The Water Geochemistry Record
Dia A, Benedetti M, Riotte J, Chabaux F, Boulègue J, Bulourde M, Chauvel C, Gérard M, Deruelle B & Ildefonse P

deRuiter P. (2011) Spatial Vegetation Patterns, Catastrophic Shifts and Desertification in Arid Ecosystems Under Land Use and Climate Regimes
de Ruiter P & Kefi S
(2011) SoilTrEC: An International Consortium to Assess Soil Processes and Functions Using a Global Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Menon M, Chabaux F, Lundin L, Novak M, Brandao M, Nikolaidis N, Panagos P, van Gaans P, Kram P, Blum W, deRuiter P, Bernasconi S, Rousseva S, White T, Ragnarsdóttir KV, van Riemdijk W, Banwart S, Reynolds B & Lair G

Derx J. (2023) Towards a Robust Reactive Transport Model to Simulate Fate and Transport of PFAS from Surface to Groundwater
Devau N, Mertz S, Thouin H, Djemil M, Colombano S, Togola A, Lion F, Derx J, Oudega TJ, Bosch C & Lions J

Derycke A. (2021) Exhumation and Tectonic Unroofing of Late Miocene Granites in Elba, Italy
Rahn MKW, Derycke A, Gautheron CE & Valla P

Des Marais D. (2022) Recent Mineralogical Discoveries in Gale Crater, Mars from the CheMin XRD Instrument, Demonstrating a Watery Past
Tu V, Rampe EB, Bristow T, Thorpe MT, Blake D, Vaniman D, Morris RV, Ming DW, Yen A, Achilles C, Castle N, Morrison SM, Downs G, Downs R, Craig P, Des Marais D, Treiman A, Chipera S, Peretyazhko T, Simpson S & Wilson M
(2016) Mineralogical and Geochemical Trends in a Fluviolacustrine Sequence in Gale Crater, Mars
Rampe E, Ming D, Morris R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Bristow T, Chipera S, Yen A, Grotzinger J, Farmer J, Des Marais D, Morrison S, Gellert R, Achilles C, Downs R, Treiman A, Craig P, Fendrich K & Fairen A
(2016) Mineralogy of Eolian Sands at Gale Crater, Mars
Achilles C, Downs R, Vaniman D, Yen A, Blake D, Morris R, Ming D, Rampe E, Morrison S, Bristow T, Chipera S, Ehlmann B, Lapotre M, Fendrich K, Sarrazin P, Craig P, Crisp J, Grotzinger J, Des Marais D & Farmer J
(2016) Constraining Hesperian Martian PCO2 from Mineral Analysis at Gale Crater
Bristow T, Haberle R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Grotzinger J, Siebach K, Des Marias D, Rampe E, Eigenbrode J, Sutter B, Fairén A, Mischna M & Vasavada A
(2016) Improving the Accuracy of Unit-Cell Parameters Obtained from the CheMin Instrument on Mars Through an Internally Calibrated Sample Cell Offset
Morrison SM, Downs RT, Blake DF, Vaniman DT, Ming DW, Rampe EB, Bristow TF, Chipera SJ, Yen AS, Morris RV, Treiman AH, Sarrazin PC, Achilles CN, Fendrich KV, Morookian JM, Crisp JA, Farmer JD, Des Marais DJ & Craig PI
(2016) Selective Chemical Degradation of Microbial Mat Residues and Implications for Lipid Biomarker Preservation
Lee C, Love G, Jahnke L & Des Marais D
(2014) Lipid Biomarkers in Acidic Ecosystems: Relevance to Early Earth
Parenteau N, Jahnke L, Bristow T, Carlson M, Harris R, Farmer J & Des Marais D
(2014) Transformations and Fates of Lipid Biomarkers in Microbial Mat Ecosystems
Jahnke L, Lee C, Parenteau M, Carlson M, Kubo M, Love G & Des Marais D
(2010) Potentially Habitable Ancient Environments in Gusev Crater, Mars
Des Marais D & Athena Science Team 
(2009) Hints of Habitable Environments on Mars Challenge our Studies of Mars Analog Sites on Earth
Des Marais D
(2008) Exploring for Photosynthesis in Deep Time and Space
Des Marais D
(2006) Potential lifestyles in ancient environments of Gusev crater, Mars
Des Marais D
(2002) Biogeochemical Carbon Cycles during the Archean and Early Proterozoic
Des Marais D
(2001) Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Lipid Biomarkers and Biomass for Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Grown with Different Substrates
Londry KL, Jahnke LL & Des Marais DJ
(2001) Composition of Hydrothermal Vent Microbial Communities as Revealed by Analyses of Signature Lipids, Stable Carbon Isotopes & Aquificales Cultures
Jahnke LL, Eder W, Huber R, Hinrichs K-U, Hayes JM, Des Marais DJ, Cady SL, Hope JM & Summons RE

Desage L. (2023) On a Radiolytic Origin of Red Organics at the Surface of the Arrokoth Trans-Neptunian Object
Quirico E, Bacmann A, Wolters C, Auge B, Flandinet L, Launois T, Cooper JF, Vuitton V, Gautier T, Jovanovic L, Boduch P, Rothard H, Desage L, Faure A, Schmitt B, Poch O, Grundy WM, Protopapa S, Fornasier S, Cruikshank DP & Stern AS

Desai D. (2018) Geomicrobiology of a Meromictic Lake Water Column Containing Relict Seawater
Haas S, LaRoche J, Desai D & Wallace D

DeSantis L. (2010) Determining Glacial and Interglacial Climate Conditions Using Stable Isotopes from Fossil Mammal Teeth
DeSantis L, Feranec R, MacFadden B, Hulbert R & Bloch J

Désaubliaux Guy (2015) Distribution and Morphologies of Modern Microbialites of the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
Bouton A, Vennin E, Pace A, Bourillot R, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C, Boulle J, Désaubliaux G & Brayard A

Désaubliaux Guy (2015) Factors Controlling Development of Microbialites in Past and Ancient Environments
Vennin E, Bouton A, Raphaël B, Pace A, Brayard A, Olivier N, Thomazo C, Visscher P, Dupraz C & Désaubliaux G

Desaulty A-M. (2023) Using Lithium Isotopes to Track the Origin of Lithium in Li-Ion Batteries
Desaulty A-M, Monfort Climent D, Peralta D, Lefebvre G, Perret S & Guerrot C
(2021) Rapid Determination of Pb Isotopes in Water by Coupling DGT Passive Samplers and MC-ICP-MS Laser Ablation
Desaulty A-M, Lach P & Perret S
(2020) Metallic Contamination in Sediments: Coupling Experimental Approach, Isotope Geochemistry and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Desaulty A-M, Perret S, Thauvin M, Bataillard P & Millot R
(2019) Using Geochemistry to Track the Origin of Gold Concentrates in French Guiana
Desaulty A-M, Pochon A, Bailly L, Lach P, Melleton J & Duhamel-Achin I
(2019) Tracer Approaches for Identifying Potential Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development
Mayer B, Humez P, Osselin F, Cheung T, Nightingale M, Clarkson C, Parker B, Cherry J, Millot R, Desaulty AM & Kloppmann W
(2017) Cu-Zn-Pb Multi Isotopic Characterization of a Small Watershed (Loire River Basin, France)
Desaulty A-M, Perret S, Millot R & Bourrain X
(2016) The Impact of Waste Waters in a Small Watershed: A View Through Lithium Isotopes
Millot R & Desaulty A-M
(2014) Multi-Isotopic Monitoring of Industrial Metal Emissions (Cu-Zn-Pb) within the Loire River Basin, France
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Widory D, Guerrot C & Bourrain X
(2014) Lithium Isotopes in the Loire River Basin, France
Millot R & Desaulty AM
(2014) Using DGT Passive Samplers and MC-ICPMS to Determine Pb and Zn Isotopic Signature of Groundwaters
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Guerrot C & Berho C
(2013) Lithium Isotopes in Surficial Waters: Examples from Rivers and Peatlands
Millot R, Négrel P, Desaulty AM & Brenot A
(2013) Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg Multi Isotopic Characterization of the Loire River Basin, France
Desaulty A-M, Millot R, Widory D, Guerrot C, Innocent C, Bourrain X, Bartov G & Johnson TM
(2009) Use of Sn, Ni, Cu, Fe, Ag and Pb Isotope Analyses by MC-ICP-MS to Track Potosi Silver
Desaulty A-M, Kuga M, Tereygeol F, Albalat E, Telouk P & Albarède F

Desaunay A. (2011) Bacterial Cells can Biosorb and Accelerate the Transport of Heavy Metals Mixtures in Soils
Desaunay A & Martins JMF
(2010) Zinc and Cadmium Retention by Two Gram-Negative Bacteria: Surface Adsorption or Internalization?
Desaunay A & Martins JMF

Desboeufs K. (2017) A Potential Source of Fe Binding Organic Ligands to the Surface Ocean from Wet Deposition
Cheize M, Baudoux A-C, Bucciarelli E, Tagliabue A, Desboeufs K, Baker AR & Sarthou G
(2017) Response of the Marine Unicellular Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium C. Watsonii to Input of Atmospheric Iron from Saharan Dust
Ridame C, Jacq V, Desboeufs K, L’helguen S, Kaczmar F & Saliot A
(2014) Dust Deposition in an Oligotrophic Marine Environment: Impact on the Carbon Budget
Guieu C, Ridame C, Pulido-Villena E, Bressac M, Desboeufs K & Dulac F

Desbois T. (2013) Continuous Carbon Monoxide Measurements along the NEEM-2011-S1 Ice Core: In situ Production and Potential for Atmospheric Reconstruction
Faïn X, Chappellaz J, Rhodes R, Stowasser C, Blunier T, McConnell J, Brook E, Legrand M, Desbois T & Romanini D

Desch S. (2016) Aqueous Geochemistry in Icy World Interiors: Fate of Antifreezes and Radionuclides, and Application to Ceres
Neveu M, Desch S & Castillo-Rogez J

Deschamps C-E. (2020) Geochemical Provenance of Postglacial Sediments from the Canadian Beaufort and Chukchi-Alaskan Margins (Western Arctic Ocean)
Montero-Serrano J-C, Deschamps C-E & St-Onge G

Deschamps Fabien (2009) Li Isotope Partitioning between Serpentine Phases and Fluid
Wunder B, Watenphul A, Deschamps F, Guillot S, Meixner A, Romer RL & Wirth R
(2008) Origin of the 26-25 Ma Flood Basalts from Mont Havergal, Northermost Kerguelen (South Indian Ocean)
Delpech G, Nauret F, Moulin M, Deschamps F & Cottin J-Y

Deschamps Fabien (2015) Do MORBs Record the Oxidation State of Earth’s Upper Mantle?
France L, Mary B, Deloule E, Munoz M, Koepke J, Letourneur L, Ildefonse B, Bolfan Casanova N, Devouard B & Deschamps F

Deschamps Frederic (2009) The Survival of Reservoirs of Dense Material at in the Lower Mantle and the Source of OIB
Deschamps F, Kaminski E, Tackley P & Nakagawa T
(2009) Infuence of MORB Bulk Composition on 3-D Spherical Models of Thermo-Chemical Mantle Convection with Self-Consistently Calculated Mineral Physics
Nakagawa T, Tackley P, Deschamp F & Connolly J
(2007) Effects of Self-Consistently-Calculated Thermodynamic Properties in Thermo-Chemical Multiphase Mantle Convection in a 3D Spherical Shell
Nakagawa T, Tackley P, Deschamps F & Connolly J
(2007) The Mode of Mantle Convection: Exploring the Model Space and Comparing with Probabilistic Tomography
Deschamps F & Tackley P
(2005) A Comparison between Lower Mantle Models from Probabilistic Tomography and Models of Thermo-Chemical Convection
Deschamps F, Trampert J & Tackley P

Deschamps Frederic (2015) Potential Constraints on the Nature of Lower Mantle Seismic Heterogeneities
Deschamps F

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