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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Denis C. (2017) CO2-rich Nephelinite Differentiation and Carbonate-Silicate Immiscibility (North Tanzanian Divergence)
Parat F, Baudouin C, Michel T, Denis C, Tiberi C & Gautier S
(2016) Evidence of Dehydration in Mantle-Derived Orthopyroxene from San Carlos
Denis C, Demouchy S & Alard O
(2015) Water Content and Hydrogen Behaviour during Metasomatism in the Uppermost Mantle beneath Ray Pic Volcano (Massif Central, France)
Denis C, Alard O & Demouchy S
(2015) Volatile-Rich Nephelinites from an Early-Stage Rifting (Hanang, North Tanzania)
Baudouin C, Parat F, Denis C & Mangasini F

Denis Elizabeth (2020) Physicochemical Sorption Properties of Geologic Materials by Inverse Gas Chromatography
Denis E, Huggett N, Weaver W, Rush L, Fraga C & Carman A
(2020) Spatially Resolved Carbon Isotope Measurements for Tracing Root Exudates into the Rhizosphere
Moran J, Linley T, Kriesel J, Denis E, Ilhardt P & Kelly J
(2018) Spatially Resolved Rhizosphere Function for Elucidating Key Controls on Below-Ground Nutrient Interactions
Moran J, Denis E, Ilhardt P, Rosnow J, Nunez J, Lin V, Tucker A, Huggett N, Renslow R, Brislawn C & Jenson S
(2014) Investigating Fire during the PETM Using Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Denis E, Foreman B, Maibauer B, Bowen G & Freeman K

Denis Elizabeth H (2022) Elucidating Physicochemical Properties of Geologic Materials Using Inverse Gas Chromatography and Modeling
Denis EH, Rockhold ML, Bautista A, Huggett NL, Wang G, White MD & Carman AJ

Denis Gebauer (2020) Designer Ubiquitin Proteins Towards Controlling Calcium Carbonate Crystallization
Ruiz Agudo C, Joachim L, Michael K, Andreas M & Denis G
(2019) Designer Ubiquitin Proteins Towards Controlling Calcium Carbonate Crystallization
Ruiz Agudo C, Lutz J, King M, Marx A & Denis G

Denis Gilles (2023) Nanok Expedition: An Ice Triathlon in Greenland Partnering with Scientists for Climate Research
Denis G, Goffart N, Opfergelt S, Bertrand B, Bonneville S, Mattielli N, Boxho SL, Fettweis X, Box JE, Ahlstrom AP, Karlsson NB, Defraigne P & Bergeot N

Denis L. (2017) Seasonal Variability of Sedimentary Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Communities in a Tropical Intertidal Mud Bank (French Guiana)
Gontharet S, Simon W, Denis L, Mathieu O, Artigas LF, Bouloubassi I, Chevalier N, Courcot L, Duong G, Gommeaux M & Klein V

Denis Marie (2017) Hydrologically Driven Changes in Soil Solution DOM Molecular Composition during Storm Events
Denis M, Jeanneau L, Gruau G, Petitjean P, Liotaud M, Murzeau A & Yonnet L

Denis Michael (2020) Structural Control of “Dehydratites” Deposition ?
Calassou S, Gaucher EC, Pichat A, Legeay E & Denis M

Denisa J. (2010) Mercury in Contaminated Soils from the Zlatna Mining District (Apuseni Mountains, Romania)
Petrescu L, Denisa J & Milu C

Denisevich P. (2005) Molecular Records of Northern California Vegetation Change
Green Nylen N, Zinniker D, Denisevich P, Moldowan JM & Ingle JC

Deniz K. (2017) Type and Formation of Cancrinite within the Alkaline Intrusive Rocks: Özvatan (Kayseri)–Turkey
Deniz K, Kadioglu YK, Koralay T & Gullu B
(2017) Multispectroscopic Applications for the Determination of Serpentine Minerals from Different Geologic Environments (SW-Turkey)
Koralay T, Deniz K, Güllü B & Kadıoğlu YK
(2017) Nature of Mafic Intrusions in Central Anatolia, Turkey
Kadioglu YK, Deniz K, Koralay T & Gullu B
(2017) Petrogenetic Implications of Yörükkaracaören Sub-Volcanic Rocks (Eskişehir-Turkey)
Gullu B, Kadioglu YK, Deni̇z K & Koralay T
(2015) Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd Isotopic Composition of Toygar Volcanics in Alaşehir Graben (Western Turkey)
Koralay T, Deniz K, Jiang S & Kadıoğlu YK
(2015) The Nature of the Early Cenozoic Alkaline Mafic Magmatism: Implications for Mantle Source
Deniz K, Kadioglu YK, Stuart FM, Ellam RM, Boyce AJ & Barfod D
(2013) Petrology and Raman Characterization of Leucitites within the Ultrapotassic Rocks: Afyon, NW Turkey
Deniz K, Kadioglu YK, Koralay T, Gullu B, Akce MA & Kilic CO
(2013) Origin of High-K Ignimbrite in the Miocene Volcanism Surrounding Uşak Region (Western Turkey): Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd Isotopic Evidence
Koralay T, Kadıoglu YK, Jiang SY, Deniz K & Güllü B
(2013) Geochemical Characteristic of Felsic Dykes within the Karakaya (Kaymaz) Granite Eskişehir, Turkey
Gullu B, Kadioglu YK, Zoroglu O, Koralay T, Deniz K & Kilic CO
(2011) Differentiation of Ophiolitic and Nonophiolitic Gabbros Using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy: Central Anatolia Turkey
Kadioğlu YK, Koralay T, Zoroglu O, Gullu B, Akce MA, Deniz K & Yildirim B
(2011) Confocal Raman Spectroscopic Characteristic of Pseudoleucite in Alkaline Intrusive Rocks: Central Anatolia, Turkey
Deniz K & Kadioğlu YK

Denkel K. (2022) Vertical and Temporal Fluid Evolution Recorded by Sulfide Trace Elements: Insights from the Epithermal Profitis Ilias Au Deposit, Milos Island, Greece
Grosche A, Denkel K, Klemd R, Keith M, Haase KM, Voudouris PC & Alfieris D

Dennedy-Frank J.P. (2023) Predicting Groundwater Residence Times in a Mountain System with Environmental Tracers and Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification
Thiros NE, Woodburn ER, Dennedy-Frank JP, Williams KH & Gardner WP

Dennedy-Frank P.J. (2022) Constraining Bedrock Groundwater Recharge Parameters and Residence Time Distributions in Mountain Systems with Environmental Tracers and Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification
Thiros NE, Gardner WP, Woodburn E, Dennedy-Frank PJ & Williams KH

Dennett K. (2005) The Potential for Methyl Mercury Production in Constructed Wetlands and a Riparian Setting
Gustin M, Chavan R, Stamenkovic J, Ericksen J, Brown S, Saito L, Dennett K, Marchand E & Donaldson S

Dennielou B. (2023) Denudation Rates of Southwestern Madagascar over the Past 900 ka and their Relation to Climate Changes
Large E, Charreau J, Blard P-H, Bayon G, Garzanti E, Dennielou B & Jouet G
(2017) Combination of Organic and Inorganic Proxies for Hydroclimate Reconstruction of the Ogooué River Basin (Gabon, Gulf of Guinea) during the Last 25ka
Skonieczny C, Bayon G, Schefuß E, Mollenhauer G, Thiéblemont D, Bouillon S, Toucanne S, Etoubleau J, Chéron S, Nonnotte P, Rouget M-L, Ponzevera E, Germain Y, Dennielou B & Marret F
(2014) Climatic Dependence of Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling in Clays
Bayon G, Toucanne S, Skonieczny C, Freslon N, Etoubleau J, Dennielou B & Ménot G
(2012) Intensifying Weathering and Land-Use in Iron Age Central Africa
Bayon G, Dennielou B, Etoubleau J, Ponzevera E, Toucanne S & Bermell S
(2009) Detecting Total Dissolved Sulfide Anomalies in Marine Sediments Using XRF Core Scanner
Etoubleau J, Caprais J-C, Bayon G, Birot D, Ruffine L, Pignet P & Dennielou B
(2008) Linking Erosion Rates and Climatic Variations in the Gulf of Lions, France: A Geochemical Approach
Revillon S, Berne S, Bayon G, Dennielou B & Hemond C
(2008) Hf and Nd Isotopes in Marine Sediments: Constraints on Global Silicate Weathering
Bayon G, Burton K, Vigier N, Dennielou B, Ponzevera E, German C & Nesbitt R

Dennis Kate (2012) Fossil Corals as an Archive of Phanerozoic Seawater Chemistry
O'Leary A, Bender M, Stolarski J, Adkins J, Dennis K & Schrag D
(2011) An Absolute Reference Frame for Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Eiler J, Dennis K, Affek H, Passey B & Schrag D
(2009) Clumps and Carbonatites: A Preliminary Investigation into Post-Depositional Alteration of Δ47
Dennis K & Schrag D

Dennis Kate (2014) Recovering Primary Geochemistry from Ancient Aragonitic Fossil Corals
Gothmann A, Stolarski J, Adkins J, Dennis K, Schrag D & Bender M
(2014) Reconstructing Terrestrial Environments Using Oxygen Isotopes in Biogenic Apatite: A Modern Case Study from Mpala and Tsavo, Kenya
Dennis KJ, Caylor KK, Soderberg K, Li S, Levin NE, Cerling T & Bender M

Dennis Kate (2016) Determination of the Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition of Bioapatites: An Interlaboratory Comparison Study
Pucéat E, Skrzypek G, Joachimski M, Kohn M, Dennis K, Lécuyer C & Evans S

Dennis Paul (2019) Reconstructing North Atlantic Palaeotemperatures: An Evaluation of Clumped Isotopes as Part of Multiproxy Foraminiferal Investigations
Umbo S, Chapman M, Dennis P & Marca A
(2017) Improvements in Sensitivity in IRMS Measurements
Atkinson H, Dennis P, Welsh S & Moseley S
(2015) Marine Bivalve Mollusc Shell DELTA47-temperature Calibration Using the MIRA Mass Spectrometer
Clarke L, Dennis P, Marca A, Petrizzo D & Henkes G
(2015) Understanding Carbon Dioxide Emplacement Processes Using Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes
Holland G, Zwahlen C, Kampman N, Zhou Z, Ballentine C & Dennis P
(2015) How Old are CO2 Reservoirs? A New Method to Determine Directly the Emplacement Time of CO2 Through Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Diffusion Profiles
Zwahlen C, Holland G, Kampman N & Dennis P
(2014) N-Alkane Biosynthetic Fractionation is not Constant in Field-Grown Salix
Newberry SL, Dennis P & Grant A
(2013) Calibration of the Δ47 (Clumped Isotope) Thermometer for Biogenic and Inorganic Carbonate Using the MIRA IRMS
Kirk R, Dennis P, Farkas J & Marca A
(2008) MIRA: A New High Sensitivity, Multicollector Mass Spectrometer for Isotopologue and Ultra-Small Sample Stable Isotope Analysis
Dennis P
(2008) Dissolved Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes as Tracers of Groundwater Dynamics in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany
Gumm L, Dennis P, Bense V, Cremer N & Hiscock K

Dennis Paul F. (2021) Hot and Late: Clumped Isotopes in Middle Jurassic Calcite-Cemented Concretions from Skye
Paxton RB, Andrews JE, Dennis PF & Marca AD

Dennis S. (2005) Ion-Substituted Apatites: Standards for Raman Analysis of Bone
Tecklenburg M, Awonusi A, Dennis S & Sirbescu M

Denniston R. (2014) Orbital Control of Southwestern North America Atmospheric Circulation and Climate over Two Glacial Periods
Lachniet M, Denniston R, Asmerom Y & Polyak V

Dennouni-Medjati N. (2021) Copper Isotope for Potential Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis
Kazi Tani LS, Gourlan AT, Dennouni-Medjati N, Dali Sahi M, Harek Y, Belhadj M, Telouk P & Charlet L

Denny A. (2021) Probing the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion by SIMS: Depositional or Diagenetic? Global or Local?
Cui H, Kitajima K, Orland IJ, Xiao S, Kaufman AJ, Baele J-M, Denny A, Spicuzza MJ, Fournelle JH & Valley JW
(2018) Questioning the Biogenicity of Neoproterozoic Superheavy Pyrite
Cui H, Kitajima K, Spicuzza M, Fournelle J, Denny A, Ishida A, Zhang F & Valley J
(2018) Large δ18O and δ13C Zonations in Diagenetic Dolomites of the Bakken Formation, Middle Member
Denny A, Śliwiński M, Orland I & Valley J

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