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Day-Stirrat R. (2023) Geochemical Parameters of Naturally Occurring Solid Hydrocarbons and Implications for their Use in Lithium Metal Batteries
Jubb AM, Stokes R, McAleer RJ, Houseknecht DW, Hackley PC & Day-Stirrat R
(2016) Softening of Organic Matter in Shales during Heating Measured with Atomic Force Microscopy
Emmanuel S, Eliyahu M, Day-Stirrat R, Hofmann R & Macaulay C

Dayal A.M. (2013) Unconventional Shale Gas
Dayal AM, Mishra S & Mani D
(2012) Evidence of Paleo Sulfate Methane Transition Zone in Marine Sediments
Mazumdar A, Peketi A, Joshi RK, Joa H, Patil DJ, Rao LS & Dayal AM
(2011) C, O, Sr Isotope Compositions of Sediments of the Mesozoic Kutch Basin, NW India
Patil D, Sreenivas B, Srikarni C, Ramamurthy PB, Babu EVSSK, Vijaya Gopal B & Dayal AM
(2011) Geochemical Implications of Iodine Distribution in Indian Soils
Mani D, Patil D & Dayal A
(2010) Discovery of Hydrocarbon in Proterozoic Vindhyan Basin, East India, Using Geochemical Signatures
Dayal A & Raju SV
(2009) Geomicrobial Prospecting for Hydrocarbon Research in Deccan Synclise, India
Dayal AM, Rasheed MA, Prassana V & Raju SV
(2009) Application of Geo-Microbial Prospecting Method for Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Micro-Seepage Pattern in Oil and Gas Fields of Mehasana, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India
Rasheed MA, Veena Prasanna M, Patil DJ & Dayal AM
(2008) Search of Hydrocarbon in Mesozoic Sediments Below the Deccan Basalt, India
Dayal AM, Patil DJ & Raju SV
(2008) Origin of Sediment Gases in Gulf of Kutch Using Molecular and Isotopic Studies
Patil D & Dayal A
(2008) Geo-Microbial Prospecting Method for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Vengannapalli Village, Cuddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India
Veena Prasanna M, Rasheed MA & Dayal AM
(2008) Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Mehsana, Cambay Basin, India Using Geochemical Techniques
Madhavi T, Satish Kumar T, Kalpana G & Dayal AM
(2007) Integrated Geochemical Studies of Hydrocarbon in Proterozoic Basins
Dayal A & Raju S
(2007) Detection of Hydrocarbon Micro-Seepage Using Geo-Microbiological Method: A Case Study from Deccan Syncline, Maharashtra, India
Rasheed M, Patil D & Dayal AM
(2007) Adsorbed Soil Gas and Microbial Studies for Hydrocarbon Prospecting: Jamnagar Sub-Basin, Gujarat, India
Satish Kumar T, Rasheed MA, Kalpana G, Patil DJ & Dayal AM
(2005) Geochemistry of Banded Iron Formation from Vanivilas Sagar, Karnataka, India
Dayal A
(2005) Geochemistry of Proterozoic Shales from the Vindhyan Basin, Rajasthan: Source Area and Weathering
Dayal A
(2003) Strontium Isotopic Systematics of Mesoproterozoic Lower Vindhyan Shales: Implication for Provenance
Dayal A

Dayan I. (2018) The Potential of Remote Sensing for Assessing Urban Contamination Levels Around a Legacy Mining Zone
Garb Y, Friedlander L, Ericson B, Weisbrod N, Rottman S, Dayan I, Maman S & Blumberg D

Dayan U. (2011) Atmospheric Dust Input to the Northern Gulf of Aqaba
Teutsch N, Tirosh O, Tzipori A, Dayan U & Erel Y
(2004) Tracing Natural and Anthropogenic Contributions to Modern Dust Storms: Sr, Pb Isotopes and Trace Elememts in Jerusalem Suspended Dust
Rabi R, Erel Y, Dayan U & Stein M

Daye M. (2018) Carbonate Minerals as Records of Chemical Conditions Before the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Bosak T, Daye M, Klepac-Ceraj V & Tamura N
(2017) Dolomite Formation in Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Microbial Biofilms
Daye M, Rhim J, Rowland S, Pajusalu M, Klepac-Ceraj V, Fakra S, Tamura N & Bosak T
(2016) Redox Cycling of Manganese Before the Rise of Oxygen
Daye M, Rowland S, Klepac-Ceraj V & Bosak T
(2016) Morphological and Mineralogical Biosignatures of Anoxygenic Photosynthetic Benthic Microbial Communities
Bosak T, Daye M, Rhim J, Rowland S & Klepac-Ceraj V

Daymond M.R. (2001) Direct Measurement of Elastic Strain Partitioning between Mantle Minerals
Stretton IC, Covey-Crump SJ, Schofield PF, Daymond MR & Knight KS

Daynes O. (2023) Correlation of Depth of Formation with Petrogenetic Processes: Evidence from Plagioclase-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Daynes O, Ustunisik KG, Nielsen RL, Betts MX & Gaetani G
(2023) Sampling Patterns of Mid-Ocean Ridge (MOR) Magmas as Evidenced by Plagioclase Megacrysts and their Melt Inclusions (MI)
Betts MX, Ustunisik KG, Nielsen RL & Daynes O

Dayton K. (2022) Accounting for Multi-Phase Carbon in Melt Inclusion Bubbles
DeVitre C, Dayton K, Gazel E, Barth A, Plank TA, Pamukcu A, Gaetani G & Monteleone B

Dayvault J. (2015) Regional Importance of Organic-Rich Sediments to Uranium Mobility in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Noël V, Bargar J, Boye K, Cardarelli E, Bone S, Lezama-Pacheco J, Williams K, Dam W, Bush R, Dayvault J, Linard J, Kautsky M, Johnson R & Goodknight G

Dazas B. (2019) Dielectric Spectroscopy of Water and Ions in Clay Interlayer Nanopores from Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Bourg I, Dazas B & Gilbert B
(2018) Dielectric Relaxation and Static Dielectric Constant of Confined Aqueous Solutions
Dazas B, Gilbert B, Zarzycki P & Bourg I
(2016) Relicts of Archean Sediment in the Present Earth Mantle
Delavault H, Chauvel C, Thomassot E, Devey C & Dazas B
(2016) Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy Study of Smectites, Collation of Simulations and Experiments
Dazas B, Gilbert B & Bourg I

Dæssing-Overheu N. (2019) Use of X-Ray µ-CT to Trace the Transport Behaviour of Sulfidised Zerovalent Iron in Porous Media
Schiefler A, Tobler D, Tuxen N, Dæssing-Overheu N, Mueter D, Bruns S & Osholm Sørensen H

De A. (2023) The Vicious Cycle of Arsenic Toxicity in Environment: A Study for Livestock and Human Health Threat in West Bengal, India
Das A, De A, Joardar M, Majumdar A, Mridha D & Roychowdhury T
(2023) Arsenic Exposure Through Cooked Rice and its Associated Benefit-Risk from Rural and Urban Populations of West Bengal, India: A Probabilistic Health Approach with Sensitivity Analysis
Joardar M, Das A, De A, Mridha D, Majumdar A & Roychowdhury T
(2023) Geospatial Investigation of Fluoride (F-) Contaminated Sites with Respect to Responsible Hydro-Geochemical Characteristics and Assessment of Human Health Hazard in West Bengal, India
De A, Das A, Joardar M, Mridha D & Roychowdhury T

De D.S. (2023) Application of Advanced Geochemical Well log to Evaluate Cambay Shale in South Cambay Basin, India, for Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources
De DS, Singh PK & Sengupta D

De S K (2000) Experimental Determination of Hydrogen Diffusion Rates in Hydrous Minerals Using the Ion Microprobe
De SK, Cole DR, Riciputi LR, Chacko T & Horita J

De Saheli (2017) The Juvenile Lu-Hf Crustal Signature from the Detrital Zircons from Mesoarchean Keonjhar Quartzite: Implications for the Early Archean Continental Crust and Geodynamics
De S, Mukhopadhyay J & Rosiere CA

De Shuvabrata (2023) Influence of Paleoclimate and Paleodepositional Environment on Organism’s Flourishing: A Case Study on the Cenozoic Sediments from the Kachchh Region, Western India
Chaudhuri S, De S, Srivastava H, Chattopadhyay K & Bhaumik AK

De Abreu Adriana (2013) Determination of Trace Elements in Iron Formations by LA-ICP-MS
Sampaio G, De Abreu A, Nalini Jr H & Lana C

de Abreu Ana Elisa Silva (2023) Lithium Isotopes in Groundwater and its Apparent Age in Connected Aquifers
Enzweiler J, Marteleto TDP & de Abreu AES

de Alencastro F. (2014) Microbial Communities from Acidic in situ Uranium Mining Resemble Those from Acid Mine Drainage
Reinsch B, Descostes M, de Boissezon H, Bernier-Latmani R, de Alencastro F & Rossi P

De Almeida C.R. (2022) Mineral Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Metasedimentary Host Rocks of Aplite-Pegmatite Dykes: One Step Closer to the Detection of Buried Lithium (Li) Pegmatites in the Fregeneda-Almendra Area
Cardoso-Fernandes J, Roda-Robles E, Errandonea-Martin J, Garate-Olave I, Lima A, Ribeiro MDA, De Almeida CR & Teodoro AC

de Almeida James Moraes (2014) Atomistic Simulation of Adsorbed Water Layer in Nanoporous Silica: Implications on Oil Recovery
de Almeida JM & Miranda CR

de Almeida Julio Cesar Horta (2022) Hybrid Mantle Invoked to correlateVitória-Trindade Ridge Origin toReaction-Pyroxenite from Subductedancient Oceanic Eclogite Slab
Costa dos Santos A, Viana-Júnior ERR, de Almeida JCH & Quaresma GO

de Almeida M. (2020) Assessing Chemical Contamination in the Marine Sediments of the Southwest Portuguese Continental Shelf, the CSS Project: Preliminary Results
Mil-Homens M, Santos M, de Almeida M, Brito P, Freitas M, Gaudêncio M, de Stigter H, Micaelo C, Rodrigues A, Santos I, Raimundo J & Caetano M

de Andrade Vincent (2011) Iron Species in Soils on a Mofette Site Studied by Fe K-Edge XANES
Rennert T, Eusterhues K, de Andrade V, Prietzel J & Totsche KU

De Andrade Vincent (2009) S and O Functional Analysis of Aqueously Altered Carbonaceous Chondrites IOM
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Quirico E, Lemelle L, Beck P, De Andrade V, Simionovici A, Derenne S & Schmitt B

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