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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Davis Fredrick (2016) Oxygen Fugacity of the Oceanic Upper Mantle as Recorded by Basalts and Peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge
Birner S, Cottrell E, Warren J, Kelley K & Davis F
(2016) Radiation-Induced Oxidation of Fe in Hydrous Basalt Glasses
Cottrell E, Lanzirotti A, Kelley K, Newville M, Birner S, Davis F, Mysen B & Botcharnikov R

Davis G B (2000) Reactive Multicomponent Transport Modelling of Contaminated Aquifers: Natural Attenuation of a Petroleum Hydrocarbon Plume Under Sulphate-Reducing Conditions
Prommer H, Woolhouse KJ, Barry DA & Davis GB

Davis Gillan (2021) What do Ag-Pb Isotopes Tell us About Mining in Lavrion?
Vaxevanopoulos M, Blichert-Toft J, Albarede F & Davis G
(2021) Metal Provenance of Late Bronze to Iron Age Hacksilber Hoards in Southern Levant
Gentelli LA, Blichert-Toft J, Davis G, Gitler H & Albarède F

Davis Hal (2009) Using Isotopes and Other Chemical Indicators to Track the Impacts on Groundwater Quality from the Land Application of Treated Municipal Wastewater in a Mantled Karst Aquifer
Katz B, Davis H & Shakar J

Davis Haley June (2022) Environmentally Benign Extraction of Critical Metals from Coal and Coal Byproducts
Xu G, Xiong Y, Wang Y, Davis HJ & Robertz KG-M

Davis I. (2023) Enhanced Rock Weathering in Agricultural Settings: Real-World Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Crop Yields, and Soil pH
Welbel G, Reershemius T, Matlin-Wainer M, Davis I, Lieberman S, Reinhard CT & Planavsky NJ

Davis James (2017) Multiscale Characterization and Quantification of Arsenic Mobilization during Injection of Treated Coal Seam Gas Co-produced Water into Deep Aquifers
Rathi B, Siade A, Donn M, Helm L, Morris R, Davis J, Berg M & Prommer H
(2016) Dark Production of Hydrogen Peroxide in Groundwater at Rifle, Colorado
Yuan X, Nico P, Williams K, Hobson C & Davis J

Davis James A. (2015) Iron-Mediated Oxidation of 2-Methoxyhydroquinone Under Acidic Conditions: Kinetic and Mechanistic Insights
Yuan X, Davis J & Nico P
(2014) Characterization, Transformation, and Mobilization of Sediment-Associated Natural Organic Matter in Subsurface Sediments
Fox P, Tinnacher R, Nico P, Gilbert B & Davis J
(2013) Fe and S Redox Cycling during a Biostimulation Episode at the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Alessi D, Bernier-Latmani R, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Yang L, Davis J, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K & Bargar J
(2013) Physico-Chemical Evolution of Fe-Si-Rich Interfacial Layers during Olivine Carbonation Reactions
Saldi G, Guo H, Daval D, Davis J & Knauss K
(2012) Manipulating Uranium Redox Status in an Alluvial Aquifer: Insights from Electron Donor Amendment Experiments
Long P, Williams K, Banfield J, Bargar J, Davis J, Fox P, Handley K, Hatfield K, Lovley D, Verberkmoes N, Wilkins M, Wrighton K, Yabusaki S & Science Team RI
(2012) Identifying Key Controls on the Behavior of an Acidic-U(VI) Plume at the Savannah River Site Using Reactive Transport Modeling
Bea SA, Wainwright H, Spycher N, Hubbard S & Davis J
(2011) On Modeling H+ and U Transport Behavior in an Acidic Plume
Spycher N, Mukhopadhyay S, Sassen D, Murakami H, Hubbard S, Davis J & Denham M
(2011) A Coupled Ion Exchange, Surface Complexation, Calcite Dissolution, and Mass Transfer Model to Describe Uranium(VI) Desorption and Reactive Transport at the Rifle (USA) Field Site
Davis J, Hay M, Fox P & Williams K
(2011) Speciation and Dynamics of Biologically Reduced U(IV) in the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Bargar J, Stubbs J, Suvorova E, Williams K, Campbell K, Lezama-Pacheco J, Cerrato J, Stylo M, Alessi D, Webb S, Bernier-latmani R, Giammar D, Davis J, Fox P & Long P
(2011) Physical Versus Chemical Non-Equilibrium Model for Simulating U(VI) Adsorption
Greskowiak J, Hay M, Prommer H, Liu C, Post V, Ma R, Davis J, Zheng C & Zachara J
(2010) Multimodel Simulations of the Reactive Transport of Uranium in Small Scale Tracer Tests
Curtis G, Ye M, Kohler M, Fox P & Davis J
(2010) Sorption of Uranium on Synthetic Porous Phases as a Model for Understanding Grain-Scale Diffusion Kinetics in Contaminated Sediments
Hay M, Davis J & Zachara J
(2010) Uranium Sequestration during and after Bio-Remediation in Shallow Aquifer Sediments
Johnson K, Fuller C & Davis J
(2010) Fe(II) Uptake and Transformation on Uranium Contaminated Sediment from the Rifle IFRC Field Site
Fox P, Davis J & Kukkadapu R
(2008) Characterizing the Extent and Role of Natural Subsurface Bioreduction in a Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer
Campbell KM, Qafoku N, Kukkadapu R, Williams K, Lesher E, Figuera L, Peacock A, Davis J, Icenhower J & Long P
(2008) Modeling of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Controls on Complex Biogeochemical Reaction Networks
Steefel CI, Williams KH, Li L & Davis JA
(2005) Chemical Factors Controlling U(VI) Mobility in a Hanford Aquifer
Bond D, Davis J & Zachara J
(2005) Effects of Monomeric Silicate Anion on Uranyl Adsorption and Surface Speciation at the Hematite-Water Interface
Arai Y, Bargar J & Davis J
(2004) Reduction of As(V) in the Aquifer – A Tracer Test at the Cape Cod Site
Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Höhn R, Davis J, Kent D, Scholz C, Maier M & Jakobsen R
(2003) Comparison of Metal Sorption in Laboratory and Field Environments
Davis J, Curtis G, Kohler M, Fox P & Meece D
(2002) Modeling the Influence of Variable pH on Zinc Contamination in a Quartz-Sand Aquifer
Kent D, Wilkie J, Curtis G & Davis J
(2002) Tracer Tests with arsenic(III) and Arsenic (V) at the Cape Cod Site
Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Hoehn R, Stadler S, Jann S, Davis J & Kent D
(2001) Reactive Transport Modeling of U(VI) in Groundwater at a Former Mill Site
Curtis GP, Davis JA, Kohler M & Meece DE
(2001) Application of Semi-Empirical Surface Complexation Models to Metal and Radionuclide Transport
Davis JA, Kohler M, Meece DE, Sanpawanitchakit C, Kent DB, Curtis GP & Honeyman BD
(2001) Reanalysis of the Schwertmannite Structure and the Incorporation of Structural SO42- Groups: An IR, XAS, WAXS and Simulation Study
Waychunas GA, Myneni SCB, Traina SJ, Bigham JM, Fuller CC & Davis JA
(2001) A Comparison of Methods for Estimating Sorbed Uranium (VI) in Contaminated Sediments
Kohler M, Meece DE & Davis JA

Davis James A. (2015) Determination and Quantification of Arsenic Sorption Characteristics in the Pleistocene Aquifer of Hanoi, Vietnam
Rathi B, Neidhardt H, Berg M, Davis JA & Prommer H

Davis Jessalyn E (2023) Microbial Manganese Cycling in Seasonal Hypoxic Zones of the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Johnson M, Solorzano JC, Laaker EM, Davis JE, Sylvan JB, Robinson RS & Estes ER
(2023) Response of Ligand-Stabilized Manganese by Siderophores to Seasonal Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Laaker EM, Davis JE, Bundy RM, Sylvan JB, Robinson RS & Estes ER

Davis Jesse (2008) Thermal Models of Incremental Pluton Emplacement
Davis J & Coleman D

Davis Jim (2012) Integrating Geochemical, Reactive Transport, and Facies-Based Modeling Approaches at the Contaminated Savannah River F-Area
Spycher N, Bea S, Wainwright H, Mukhopadhyay S, Christensen J, Dong W, Hubbard S, Davis J & Denham M

Davis Justin T. (2010) Insight into Drake Passage Opening from Sediment Provenance and Thermochronology
Barbeau DL, Zahid KM, Gombosi DJ, Guenthner WR, Scher HD, Bizimis M, Davis JT, Brown AR, Gehrels GE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN & Garver JI

Davis K. J. (2005) The Relationship between Cation/anion Ratio, Step Velocities and Bulk Dissolution Rate in Calcite
Arvidson R, Davis K & Luttge A
(2001) Mechanisms of Calcite Growth Inhibition by Mg2+ and Sr2+: Comparison of Molecular-Scale Measurements to Crystal Growth Impurity Models
Davis KJ, Dove PM & De Yoreo JJ
(2001) Resolving the Role of Magnesium as an Impurity in Calcite Growth
Davis KJ, Dove PM & De Yoreo JJ

Davis Katie (2017) Deuterium as a Quantitative Tracer of Enhanced Microbial Coalbed Methane Production
Ashley K, Davis K, Martini A, Fields M & McIntosh J

Davis Kay (2019) Coral Reef Calcification Estimates at One Tree Island, Great Barrier Reef: Evidence for Ecosystem Recovery
Davis K, Ashly M, Kelaher B, Shaw E & Santos I
(2019) Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrient Fluxes in a Natural Mangrove Versus an Artificial Canal Estate
Wadnerkar PD, Batsaikhan T, Correa RE, Conrad SR, Davis K, Holloway C, White S, Sanders CJ & Santos IR
(2019) Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Coral Reefs: A Driver or Buffer of Ocean Acidification?
Santos I & Davis K

Davis Mark (2010) Rapid Identification and Quantification of Soil Organic Carbon Forms Using Pyrolysis Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry
Magrini K, Davis M, Follett R, Hoover C & Evans R

Davis Mark (2015) Glass Stability of Silicate Glasses with Sub-Alkaline Compositions
Misiti V, Elbrecht A, Davis M, Iezzi G, Vetere F, Cavallo A & Mollo S

Davis Mary (2013) Revealing a High Altitude Paleoclimate Record from a Southern Europe Ice Core
Gabrielli P, Barbante C, Carturan L, Davis M, Dalla Fontana G, Dreossi G, Dinale R, Draga G, Gabrieli J, Kehrwald N, Mair V, Mikhalenko V, Oeggl K, Schotterer U, Seppi R, Spolaor A, Stenni B, Thompson L & Tonidandel D

Davis Michael (2008) Near Equilibrium Investigations of Quartz and Forsterite Dissolution
Davis M, Wesolowski D, Anovitz L, Allard L, Brantley S & Mueller K

Davis Myles (2009) Biogeochemistry of Tungsten Alloys in Soils
Dellantonio A, Davis M & Amrhein C

Davis P. (2020) Legacy Arsenic Contamination from Historical Gold Mining on the Floodplains of South Eastern Australia River
Colombi F, Silvester E, Baldwin D, Holland A, Lawerence S, Davis P, Turnbull J, Rutherford I & Macklin M

Davis Rachel (2013) Origins of Anomalous Ridge Magmatism Near Jan Mayen
Elkins LJ, Rivers ER, Sims KWW, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Chernow R, Davis R & Meisenhelder K

Davis Robert (2009) Degradation of Oil via Combination Reactions Under Water Pressure in Geological Basins
Uguna C, Meredith W, Snape C, Al Masroori H, Carr A, Scotchman I & Davis R

Davis Ryan (2012) Mass-Independent Sulfur Isotopic Fractionation in VUV Photodissociation of H2S: Implications for Meteorite Data
Chakraborty S, Davis R, Jackson T, Ahmed M & Thiemens M

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