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Davaille A. (2015) Continent Growth: Creation vs. Preservation
Arndt N, Davaille A & Condie K

Davaille Anne (2017) Significance of Episodic Zircon Age Peaks during the Archean
Condie K, Puetz S & Davaille A
(2016) Heat and Mass Transfer by Mantle Plumes in Heterogeneous Mantle
Kumagai I, Davaille A & Kurita K

Daval Damien (2015) Microstructural Modifications of Dissolving Silicate Minerals: Why Should We Bother?
Daval D, Pollet-Villard M, Ackerer P, Fritz B, Rémusat L, Guyot F, Bernard S, Saldi G & Knauss K
(2013) Experimentally Quantifying Metabasalt Dissolution Kinetics at 25℃ and pH 2-12
Critelli T, Saldi GD, Daval D, Apollaro C, Oelkers EH, Schott J, De Rosa R, Knauss KG & Marini L
(2013) Physico-Chemical Evolution of Fe-Si-Rich Interfacial Layers during Olivine Carbonation Reactions
Saldi G, Guo H, Daval D, Davis J & Knauss K
(2013) Linking nm-Scale Characterizations of Altered Silicate Surface to Macroscopic Dissolution Rate Laws: New Insights Based on Diopside
Daval D, Hellmann R, Saldi GD, Wirth R & Knauss KG
(2012) Kinetic Modeling of Olivine Carbonation Reaction: Study of the Reaction Rate Dependence on Temperature and pCO2 in Open and Closed Systems
Saldi G, Daval D & Knauss KG
(2012) Feedback Effects of Clay Minerals Formation on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Olivine Carbonation within Tholeiitic Basalt
Sissmann O, Daval D, Martinez I, Brunet F, Verlaguet A, Pinquier Y & Guyot F
(2012) Mechanisms of Chemical Weathering: Nanoscale-Analytical Measurements Yield Evidence for a Weathering Continuum
Hellmann R, Barnes J-P & Daval D
(2012) Does Diopside Dissolve Like Glass? Insights from Measurements of Nano- to Macroscale Dissolution Rates
Daval D, Saldi GD, Hellmann R & Knauss KG
(2011) Development of Steady-State Surface Topography and the Determination of Dolomite Dissolution Rates
Saldi GD, Daval D, Xu M, Higgins SR & Knauss KG
(2011) Linking Solution Composition and Surface Topography to the Rate and Mechanisms of Diopside Dissolution
Daval D, Saldi GD, Hellmann R & Knauss KG
(2011) Effects of Organic Ligands and Temperature on the Kinetics and Mechanisms of Olivine Carbonation
Sissmann O, Daval D, Martinez I, Brunet F, Findling N & Guyot F
(2009) How do Silica Coatings Affect Mineral Weathering Rates?
Daval D, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Hellmann R, Goffé B & Guyot F
(2009) Investigating the Dissolution Behaviour of Fayalite (Fe2SiO4) by in situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Guyot F, Daval D, Testemale D & Martinez I
(2009) Dissolution Kinetics of Diopside as a Function of the Gibbs Free Energy of Reaction
Hellmann R, Daval D, Tisserand D, Martinez I, Corvisier J & Guyot F
(2008) Combining Experimental Studies and Kinetic Modelling to Investigate the Carbonation of Ca-Bearing Silicates
Daval D, Martinez I, Corvisier J, Findling N, Goffé B & Guyot F
(2008) Investigating the Dissolution Behavior of Serpentine
Hellmann R, Daval D, Tisserand D, Martinez I & Guyot F
(2007) Dissolution of Magnetite in Hydrothermal Solutions: Kinetics and Speciation by in situ X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Guyot F, Daval D, Dufaud F, Testemale D & Martinez I
(2007) Carbonation of Ca- and Mg-Rich Silicates: Experimental Investigations and Kinetic Modeling
Daval D, Martinez I, Goffé B & Guyot F
(2007) Investigating the Dependence of Feldspar Dissolution Rates on Gibbs Free Energy in the Presence of High pCO2
Hellmann R, Daval D & Tisserand D

Daval Damien (2014) Chemical Weathering Rates of Feldspars: A Stepwise Approach from Laboratory to Field Estimates
Wild B, Daval D, Imfeld G, Saldi GD & Knauss KG

Daval Damien (2016) Basalt Weathering Under Controlled Conditions as Influenced by Biota, Temperature, and CO2
Dontsova K, Juarez S, Le Galliard J, Chollet S, Llavata M, Massol F, Barré P, Gelabert A, Daval D, Troch P, Barron-Gafford G. G, Van Haren J & Ferrière R
(2016) N/C Ratio and Carbon and Nitrogen Speciation of Fossilized Organics: In situ Investigations Using STXM
Alleon J, Bernard S, Le Guillou C, Daval D & Robert F

Daval Damien (2017) A Novel Approach to Quantify Factors Controlling Silicate Weathering Rates from the Laboratory to the Field
Wild B, Imfeld G, Beaulieu E, Guyot F & Daval D
(2017) Effects of Microstructural Changes Associated with Silicate Dissolution on (Bio)weathering Rates
Wild B, Daval D, Guyot F, Fernandez-Martinez A, Remusat L, Bernard S, Rébiscoul D, Micha J-S, Narteau C, Rozier O & Imfeld G
(2017) Tackling Some Geochemical Challenges Raised by Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS): The Example of Soultz-Sous-Forêts, France
Daval D, Pollet-Villard M, Ackerer P, Schmittbuhl J, Knauss K & Fritz B
(2017) Investigation of Geochemical Reactivity at the Pore Scale
Noiriel C & Daval D
(2017) Limitation of Simple 1D-Reactive Transport Simulations: The Example of Calcite Dissolution
Bouissonnie A, Daval D & Ackerer P
(2017) New Insight into Passivation of Borosilicate Glass by Nanoporous Surface Layers
Gin S, Collin M, Ducasse T, Fournier M, Jollivet P, Perez A & Daval D
(2017) Comparing Reactivity of Glasses with their Crystalline Equivalents: The Case Study of Albite
Perez A, Daval D, Lemarchand D, Fournier M, Vital M & Gin S

Daval Damien (2018) The Properties of Interfacial Layers Revealed by in situ X-Ray Reflectivity and Vertical Scanning Interferometry
Wild B, Daval D, Micha J-S, Ackerer P & Fernandez-Martinez A

Daval Damien (2019) Determination of Reaction Rates at Crystal Surfaces Using 4D X-Ray Microtomography
Noiriel C, Saldi G, Oursin M, Daval D & Haberthur D
(2019) Control of Silicate-Fluid Interactions by Nanoporous Interfacial Systems
Wild B, Koishi A, Fernandez-Martinez A, Daval D, White C & Bourg I
(2019) Kinetic Monte Carlo Models: How can Sensitivity Analysis Improve our Understanding of Pyroxen Dissolution Anisotropy ?
Bouissonnie A, Daval D & Ackerer P
(2019) Do Silicate Dissolution Rate Constants Really Exist? Discussing the Thermodynamic Driving Force of Silicate Dissolution
Daval D, Bouissonnie A, Wild B, Pollet-Villard M, Fernandez-Martinez A & Ackerer P
(2019) Comparison between Experimentally Measured Calcite Dissolution Rates and 1D and 2D Reactive Transport Simulations: Importance of Fluid Flow and Temporal Surface Evolution
Ackerer P, Bouissonnie A, Marinoni M & Daval D

Daval Damien (2020) Unexpected Fast and Massive Release of Minor and Trace Elements during Silicate/Water Interactions
Lemarchand D, Perrone T, Boutin R, Saint-Lys R & Daval D
(2020) Diagenesis of Benthic Foraminifera: Fluid Penetration and Isotopic Exchange Visualized with NanoSIMS
Cisneros-Lazaro D, Adams A, Guo J, Baumgartner L, Bernard S, Daval D, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Vennemann T, Stolarski J & Meibom A

Daval Damien (2021) Timescale of Serpentinization Reactions on Enceladus
Daval D, Gaël C, Sotin C & Guyot FJ
(2021) Direct Imaging of Diagenetic Fluid Penetration into Benthic Foraminifera Tests
Cisneros-Lazaro D, Adams A, Guo J, Bernard S, Daval D, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Vennemann T, Jarek S, Escrig S, Baumgartner LP & Meibom A
(2021) Foraminifera Isotope Reequilibration Biases Paleotemperature Records
Adams A, Baumgartner LP, Vennemann T, Daval D, Bernard S, Cisneros-Lazaro D, Guo J, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Jarek S & Meibom A

Daval Damien (2022) Linking Calcite Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution to the Saturation State of the Bulk Solution
Stigliano L, Ackerer P, Benzerara K & Daval D
(2022) Unexpected Fast and Massive Release of Minor and Trace Elements during Silicate/Water Interactions
Lemarchand D, Perrone T, Boutin R & Daval D
(2022) Paleoclimate Reconstruction from Biocalcites: The Key Role of Microstructure and Organic Matter in Diagenetic Isotope Exchange
Cisneros Lazaro D, Adams A, Raut HK, Bernard S, Baumgartner LP, Daval D, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Vennemann T, Stolarski J, Escrig S & Meibom A

Daval Damien (2023) The Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Microbialites as Environmental Proxies: Lessons Learned from the Integrative Analysis of Modern Microbialites from Ten Mexican Lakes
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Beyssac O, Daval D, Muller E, Thomazo C, Tavera R, López-García P, Moreira D & Duprat E
(2023) In situ Identification of the Biomacromolecules Relevant to Diagenetic Isotope Exchange in Biocalcites
Cisneros-Lazaro D, Otter LM, Adams A, Daval D, Vennemann T, Baumgartner LP, Stolarski J, Bernard S, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Raut HK & Meibom A
(2023) Silicate Reactivity and Microbial Diversity Promoted by Water-Basalt Interactions Under Subsurface Conditions
Bas-Lorillot J, Wild B, Menez B, Daval D, Stefánsson A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Bríet Bjarkadóttir A, Aðalsteinsdóttir SM, Borrel G & Gérard E
(2023) Measuring Oxygen Lattice Diffusion in Biominerals – Implications for Paleotemperature Reconstructions
Adams A, Cisneros-Lazaro D, Daval D, Vennemann T, Baumgartner LP, Stolarski J, Bernard S, Baronnet A, Grauby O, Raut HK & Meibom A
(2023) What can Dissolution Anisotropy Teach us About Crystal Reactivity?
Daval D, Bouissonnié A, Stigliano L, Pollet-Villard M, Wild B, Bas-Lorillot J, Noiriel C & Ackerer P
(2023) Mineral Surface Roughness Resulting from Dissolution as a Proxy for the Reaction Conditions: A Potential Biosignature?
Stigliano L, Benzerara K, Ackerer P & Daval D
(2023) Shedding New Light on Basaltic Glass Weathering by Combining Reactor and Soil Column Experiments
Pusztai Á, Wild B, Feder F & Daval D
(2023) In situ Techniques to Investigate the Dynamics of Mineral Interfaces Dissolving Under Laboratory and Field Conditions
Wild B, Fernandez-Martinez M, Daval D, Bourg IC & Knauss K

Dávalos-Elizondo M.G. (2019) Minor and Trace Elements Fingerprints on Spinels of Mantle Xenoliths from North and South America
Colás V, Dávalos-Elizondo MG, Tassara S, González-Jiménez JM, Aranda-Gómez JJ & Schilling M

Davantès Athénaïs (2013) In situ Real Time Infrared Spectroscopy Study of (Poly)molybdate Ions Sorption into Layered Double Hydroxides
Davantès A, Ardau C & Lefèvre G
(2013) Aqueous Contamination by Oxyanions. The Use of Zn-Al Sulphate Layered Double Hydroxides for Waste Water Treatment
Ardau C, Davantès A, Dore E, Frau F & Lattanzi P

Davantès Athénaïs (2015) (Poly)molybdate and (Poly)tungstate Ions Sorption onto Iron (Hydr)oxide: A Combined in situ ATR-FTIR/DFT Study
Davantès A, Costa D & Lefèvre G

Davantes Athenais (2016) An in situ Infrared Spectroscopy Study of Organic Interactions on γ-Alumina Surfaces and Ternary Complexes with Co(II)
Davantes A & Lefevre G

Davantès Athénaïs (2017) Combining in situ Infrared Spectroscopy and DFT Theoretical Studies to Reveal the Structure of Adsorbed Metal Complexes
Lefèvre G, Davantès A & Costa D

Davarzani H. (2023) New Lysimetric Experiments to Assess the Effect of the Intensity of Groundwater Table-Level Variations on the Fate of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) in Soils in the Climate Change Context
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P
(2022) Impact of Groundwater Table Level Variations on Petroleum Hydrocarbon Pollutants (LNAPL) Remobilization Processes in the Climate Change Context: An Experimental Approach
Cavelan A, Golfier F, Colombano S, Tinet A-J, Oltean C, Davarzani H, Deparis J, Lorgeoux C, Enjelvin N & Faure P

Davatzes A. (2018) Using Citizen Science and Service Learning to Improve Environmental Science Literacy
McLaughlin J, Davatzes A, Brandt C, Nyquist J & Toran L
(2018) Impact-Induced Change in Sedimentation in the Neoarchean
Korman K & Davatzes A
(2017) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Building Students’ Spatial Thinking Skills from High School Through College
Davatzes A, Shipley T, LaDue N & Lombardi D
(2017) Shock-Metamorphosed Rutile and Associated Mineral Phases in Neoarchean Impact Layers
Davatzes A, Smith F, Simonson B, Smith J & Booksh K
(2015) Geochemical Tracers Linking Impacts to Target Rocks in the Precambrian
Davatzes A & Korman K

Dave A. (2019) The Salt Astrobiology, Geochemistry and Nanonclimate (S.A.G.A.N.) Mission to Mars
Davila A, Colaprete A, Dave A, Sobron P & Zacny K

Davechand P. (2022) Tracing Diet and Niche Partitioning in Mesozoic Archosaurs and Dinosaurs Using Ca Isotopes
Davechand P, Hassler A, Bybee GM, Choiniere J, Martin J, Pochat-Cottilloux Y & Balter V
(2021) Jurassic Ecology: An Insight into Dietary Dynamics Using Ca Stable Isotopes
Davechand P, Hassler A, Bybee GM, Choiniere J, Martin J & Balter V

Davenport C. (2016) Isotope Analysis of Dental Calculus to Study Paleodiet: organic-C vs. carbonate-C Fractions
Poulson S, Scott R, Lynnerup N, Burrell C & Davenport C

Davenport J. (2017) A Budget of Radiogenic Calcium in Himalayan Catchments
Davenport J, Caro G & France-Lanord C

Davenport R. (2013) In situ Immobilization of Pb Using a Natural Mn Oxide By-Product Amended to Contaminated Soil
Johnson K, McCann C, Tourney J, Davenport R, Robertson S, Finlay N, Grey N, Wade M & Hudson-Edwards K

Daver L. (2023) The Atmospheric Component in Diamonds: Post-Eruption Contamination or Subduction-Related ?
Pinti DL, Daver L & Bureau H
(2018) In situ Analysis of Inclusions in Diamonds from Collections
Daver L, Bureau H, Gaillou É, Ferraris C, Boulliard J-C, Cartigny P & Pinti D

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