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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Danish M. (2017) Isotope Hydrology of a Tropical Coastal Lagoon: Evaporative Loss Estimates
Tripathy G, Danish M, Gandhi N & Panchang R

Danisi R.M. (2023) Is Zeolite 13X a Potential Sorbent for Direct Li Extraction?
Reich R, Danisi RM, Kluge T, Eiche E & Kolb J

Danisik M. (2023) AusGeochem: An Open-Access Platform for Geospatial Interrogation of Thermochronology Big Data Through Deep Time
Boone S, Kohlmann F, Noble W, Theile M, Beucher R, Kohn B, Glorie S, Danisik M, Zhou R, McMillan M, Nixon A, Zahirovic S, Müller RD & McInnes BIA
(2020) Multiple Background Corrections for U-Th Disequilibrium Dating of Zircon – Visualisation and Reduction via Crayfish
Marsden R, Kirkland C, Danišík M, Evans N & Daggitt M
(2020) Deciphering Pre-Eruptive Thermal Histories Using Coupled Ar/Ar and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry and Bayesian Inference: Toba Caldera, Sumatra
Danisik M, Mucek A, de Silva S, Miggins D, Schmitt A, Pratomo I, Koppers A, Phatak A & Gillespie J
(2020) Forensic Geochronology of an Explosive-Effusive Transition: Ascension Island
Scarrow JH, Schmitt AK, Danisik M, Montero P, Preece KJ, Davies BV, Brown RJ, Mark D & Barclay J
(2019) Mesozoic–Cenozoic Thermal Evolution of SE China in Response to Flat-Slab Subduction at the proto-Western Pacific Margin
Tao N, Li Z-X, Danisik M & Evans N
(2017) Mapping Helium Distribution in Zircon
Danišík M, Evans N, McInnes B, Kirkland C, McDonald B & Becker T
(2017) Formation and Reactivation of the Pamir-Tian Shan Suture: Insights from Apatite Triple Dating
Jepson G, Glorie S, Konopelko D, Gillespie J, Danisik M, Evans N & Collins A
(2016) Visualizing He Distribution in Zircon by Laser Ablation Noble Gas Mass-Spectrometry: Implications for (U-Th)/He Geochronology and Thermochronology
Danišík M, McInnes B, McDonald B, Kirkland C, Evans N & Becker T
(2016) In situ 190Pt-4He Dating of Platinum Mineralization
Yakubovich O, Danišík M, Mochalov A, McDonald B, Sluzhenikin S, Evans N & Mclnnes B
(2015) A Multi-System Geochronology of Cenozoic Tuffs in the Western Pannonian Basin with Implications for Interpretation of (U-Th)/He Data
Danišík M, Fodor L, Dunkl I, Gerdes A, Csizmeg J, Hámor-Vidó M, McDonald B & Evans N
(2015) Laser Ablation in situ (U-Th-Sm)/He and U-Pb Double Dating of Apatite
Danišík M, McDonald B, Evans N, McInnes B, Kirkland C & Becker T
(2013) Testing Accuracy of Combined Zircon (238U/230Th) and (U-Th)/He Dating Against Radiocarbon Dating
Danisik M, Shane P, Schmitt A, Hogg A, Santos G, Evans N, Storm S, Fifield K, Lindsay J & Alloway B
(2012) Testing Efficacy of Zircon (238U/230Th) + (U-Th)/He and Radiocarbon Dating Methods on the New Zealand Late Quaternary Tephras
Danisik M, Shane P, Schmitt A, Hogg A, Santos G, Evans N, Storm S, Fifield K & Lindsay J
(2011) Geochronological and Thermochronological Evolution of the Southern Gaoligongshan Metamorphic Belt, Yunnan (China)
Eroglu S, Siebel W, Danisik M, Pfänder J & Chen F
(2011) Post-Depositional Thermal History of the 4364–3060Ma Zircon-Bearing Metasandstones of the Illaara and Maynard Hills Granite Greenstone Belts, Western Australia
Thern E, Jourdan F, Evans N, McDonald B, Danisik M, Frew A & Nelson D
(2011) Eruptive History and Chemical Evolution of the Acigöl Volcanic Field, Central Anatolia, Turkey, Based on Geochemical and Isotopic (Sr-Nd-Pb, δ18O) Constraints and Ion Microprobe Zircon Analysis
Siebel W, Schmitt A, Danisik M, Aydin F & Kiemele E
(2010) Tectonothermal History of the Black Forest (Germany): A Triple Dating Approach on a Single Apatite Sample
Danisik M, Pfaff K, Evans N, Manoloukos C, Staude S, McDonald B & Markl G
(2007) (U-Th)/He Dating of Faulting in the Southern Alps
Dunkl I, Danisík M, Picotti V, Frisch W, von Eynatten H & Castellarin A
(2007) Latest-Stage Exhumation History of the Central Alps
Spiegel C, Dörr N, Rahn M & Danisik M
(2006) Significance of high-elevated planation surfaces in interpreting thermotectonic evolution of the mountains.
Danišík M, Kuhlemann J, Dunkl I, Székely B & Frisch W

Daniya T.S. (2023) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Urban Scottish Mosses
Daniya TS & Bowden SA

Dankházi Z. (2017) 3D Raman Mapping of Melt Inclusions in Kerimasi (Tanzania) Alkaline and Carbonatite Rocks
Káldos R, Guzmics T, Váczi T, Berkesi M, Dankházi Z & Szabó C
(2015) Combined HR-Raman and FIB-SEM Analyses of Carbonate Melt Inclusions from Kerimasi Jacupirangite (Tanzania)
Káldos R, Guzmics T, Váczi T, Baris A, Berkesi M, Szabó C, Havancsák K & Dankházi Z

Danko J. (2017) Particulate Matter Emitted from the Coal Fired Power Plant
Michalik M, Wilczyńska-Michalik W & Dańko J
(2009) Composition of Fly Ash from Co-combustion of Bio-Mass with Coal in Power Plant
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Gasek R, Danko J & Michalik M

Dann J. (2002) Inflation of Komatiite Lava Flows and the Origin of Spinifex Textures
Dann J
(2002) Influence of H2O on the Development of Spinifex Textures in Komatiites
Grove T, Parman S, Nuka P, de Wit M & Dann J
(2002) Komatiites: The Subduction Perspective
Parman S, Grove T, de Wit M & Dann J
(2001) Water in the Shergotty Magma, and Implications for Outgassing and Magma Fractionation on Mars
McSween Jr. HY, Grove TL, Lentz RCF, Dann JC, Riciputi LR & Ryan JG

Danna V. (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2020) Niche Partitioning of Microbial Communities at an Ancient Vitrified Hillfort: Implications for Vitrified Radioactive Waste Disposal
Plymale A, Pearce C, Wells J, Brislawn C, Graham E, Cheeke T, Allen J, Danna V, Weaver J, McCloy J, Sjöblom R, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A

Dannberg J. (2018) Isotope Fractionation at the Core-Mantle Boundary by Thermal Diffusion
Lesher C & Dannberg J

Dannenmann M. (2021) Detecting Microbial Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Europa and Enceladus Using Mass Spectrometry
Klenner F, Napoleoni M, Bönigk J, Pavlista M, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Klauck E, Abel B, Olsson-Francis K & Postberg F
(2020) Discriminating Abiotic and Biotic Chemistry on Active Ocean Worlds
Klenner F, Postberg F, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Cable ML & Abel B

Dannhaus Nadine (2013) Measuring Denudation Rates with the 10Be(meteoric)/9Be Isotope Ratio in Catchments with Different Lithologies
Dannhaus N, von Blanckenburg F, Wittmann H, Kram P & Christl M
(2011) The 10Be(meteoric)/9Be Ratio as a Tracer of Weathering and Erosion
von Blanckenburg F, Wittmann H & Dannhaus N

Dannhaus Nadine (2015) Denudation and Weathering Rates from Meteoric 10Be/9Be Ratios in the Amazon Basin
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Dannhaus N, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Guyot J-L, Maurice L, Llacer-Roig H, Filizola N & Christl M

Dannhaus Nadine (2016) A New Method for Measuring Weathering and Erosion in Mafic and Ultramafic Rock
von Blanckenburg F, Dannhaus N, Wittmann H, Kram P & Christl M

Dannhaus Nadine (2019) Meteoric 10Be/9Be: A Versatile Tool for Weathering and Erosion Estimates from Small Creeks to Large Rivers of Varying Lithology
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Deng K, Yang S, Dannhaus N & Krám P

Danoix F. (2023) Determination of Hydrogen Concentrations and Speciation in Terrestrial and Chondritic Olivines by Atom Probe Tomography
Roskosz M, Danoix F, Azevedo-Vannson S, Leroux H, Bolfan-Casanova N, Demouchy S & Remusat L
(2023) Nanoscale Analysis of Siderites: Insights into the Low Temperature FeNi Phase Diagram
Danoix F, Danoix R, Cuvilly F, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Roskosz M & Gounelle M

Danoix R. (2023) Nanoscale Analysis of Siderites: Insights into the Low Temperature FeNi Phase Diagram
Danoix F, Danoix R, Cuvilly F, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Roskosz M & Gounelle M

Danovaro R. (2012) How do Oceanic Biotic Components Influence the Production Mechanism of Organic Aerosol in Marine Boundary Layer (MBL)?
Facchini MC, O'Dowd CD & Danovaro R

Danskin Wesley (2019) High-Precision, Heavy Noble Gas Isotope Ratios in Groundwater Identify Past Water-Table Depth
Seltzer A, Ng J, Kulongoski J, Danskin W, Gannon R, Stute M & Severinghaus J
(2018) Reconstructing San Diego, CA, USA’s Hydrologic History Since the Last Glacial Maximum Using Models, Speleothems, and Groundwater Geochemistry
Gannon R, Seltzer A & Danskin W

Danskin Wesley R (2022) New Noble Gas Isotope Tracers for Groundwater Hydrology
Seltzer AM, Ng J, Kulongoski JT, Stute M, Severinghaus JP, Danskin WR, Gannon R, Stolp BJ, Tyne RL, Johnson HM, Noyes C, McIntosh J, Ferguson G, Bourg IC & Shackleton SA

Dantas Elton (2019) Fluid Pathways in Fractured Carbonate Rocks
Peralta C, Ventura R, Taveira I, Vieira L, Dantas E, Barbosa P, Canídia D, Santos R & Bezerra F
(2015) Chronus: A New U-Pb Data Reduction Program
Oliveira FV, Pimentel MM, Giustina MESD, Zacchi EN, Lima BAF, Dantas EL, Rodrigues JB, Bühn BM, Matteini M & Santos RV
(2015) Particle-Reactive Trace Elements in Estuaries: Simulating Estuarine Mixing of Seawater with Organic and Inorganic Nanoparticle-Rich River Waters
Merschel G, Bau M & Dantas E
(2015) Applying Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Electroplating Wastes in a Brazilian Lagoon System
Araújo D, Boaventura G, Machado W, Viers J, Weiss D, Patchineelam S, Ruiz I, Rodrigues AP, Babinski M & Dantas E
(2014) U-Pb Mineral Dating by Laser Ablation MC ICP-MS: State of the art
Buhn B, Pimentel M, Matteini M & Dantas E

Dantas Elton L (2023) Enriched Hadean Reservoir Recorded by Archean Rocks from NE Brazil: Insights from 142Nd Isotopes
Garcia VB, O'Neil J & Dantas EL

Dantas Elton L. (2016) Hf and Nd Isotope Systematics in the Particulate, Nanoparticulate and Truly Dissolved Load of Amazonian Rivers
Merschel G, Bau M, Schmidt K, Münker C & Dantas EL

Dantas Elton Luiz (2021) Significance of Appinitic Suite Occurence in Tocantins Province, Center of Brazil
Leite AG, Fuck RA, Dantas EL & Ruiz AS
(2017) Geochemical Reconstruction of the Neoproterozoic Urucum Habitat
Viehmann S, Bau M, Bühn B, Dantas EL, Andrade F & Walde D
(2017) Tracing Anthropogenic Zinc Contamination in Coastal Environments Using Stable Isotope Composition
Araújo D, Machado W, Weiss D, Viers J, Dantas EL, Garnier J & Babinski M
(2017) Depleted Peridotites and Basalts Chemistry of Neoproterozoic Oceanic Lithosphere Remnants (Araguaia Belt, Brazil)
Hodel F, Trindade RIF, Macouin M, Meira VT, Dantas EL & Paixão MAP
(2017) 2.0 Ga Collisional Dynamics Unravelled in the São Francisco Craton, Brazil: Paleotectonic Matches with the North China Craton in the Context of Columbia
Teixeira W, Oliveira E, Peng P, Dantas E & Hollanda MH
(2017) Discovery of a Neoarchaean Arc-Root Leucogabbro-Anorthosite Complex in the São Francisco Craton, Brazil
Oliveira E, Dantas E & Teixeira W

Dantas Cardoso C. (2023) Helium Migration in post-Variscan Collision Batholiths: New Insight from the Corsica Island
Dutoit H, Donzé FV, Truche L, Dusséaux C, Dantas Cardoso C, Laurent D & Pik R
(2021) 3He/4He Monitoring of Groundwater in Hafralækur, North Iceland: Preliminary Results
Dantas Cardoso C, Pik R, Caracausi A, Halldorsson S, Stefansson A & Zimmermann L

Dantonio M. (2004) Evidence for Large Mg-Fe+Mn Substitution in Serpentine Minerals and Brucite from South Chamorro Seamount Serpentinites (Mariana Forearc)
Dantonio M & Kristensen M

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