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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Dixit Y. (2023) Stable Isotopologues and Hydrogeochemistry of High-Altitude Western Himalayan Water Samples
Ranjan S, Singh HK, Dixit Y & Leuenberger M
(2017) Constraints on Paleoenvironments and Surface Temperatures in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic and Implications for Metazoan Evolution
Defliese W, Dixit Y, Retallack G, Lalonde S & Tripati A
(2017) North Mediterranean Hydroclimate Influences on Sapropel Deposition
Dixit Y, Toucanne S, Tripati A, Bonnin L, Fontanier C, Lora J & Jouet G

Dixneuf S. (2011) Molecular Iodine Emission Rates from Laminaria Digitata as a Function of Algal Part, Irradiance and Temperature
Dixneuf S, Ruth AA, Nitschke U & Stengel DB

Dixon D. (2013) Computational Studies of Hydrolysis Reactions of CO2 and Actinides
Dixon D, Thanthiriwatte KS, Moon J, Duke J & Jackson V
(2011) Computational Studies of Actinide Clusters and Hydrolysis Reactions
Dixon D, Jackson V, Vasiliu M, Walker S, Duke J, Flamerich R, Knope K & Soderholm L
(2010) Iron Isotope Fractionation at the Hematite-Water Interface
Rustad J & Dixon D
(2010) Computational Studies of Geochemical Processes: CO2 Sequestration, Metal Ion Solvation, and Isotope Fractionation Factors
Dixon D, Jackson V, Duke J, Corbin J & Rustad J
(2010) The Role of Intermediates during Metal Carbonation of Forsterite in Wet Supercritical CO2
Felmy A, Kwak J, Hu J, Rosso K, Wang C, Hoyt D, Ilton E, Rustad J & Dixon D

Dixon E.T. (2013) Relationship between Volatiles and Noble Gases in Icelandic Lavas: Evidence for Crustal Recycling
Mukasa SB, Loudin LC, Peterson M & Dixon ET
(2002) He and Ne Ratios in Icelandic Basalts
Dixon ET
(2001) The Origin of Noble Gas Isotopic Heterogeneity in Icelandic Basalts
Dixon ET, Honda M & McDougall I

Dixon Jackie E (2023) Subduction Gauntlet Revisited
Dixon JE

Dixon Jacqueline (2019) Extended Subduction Factory Model for Generation of Mantle Heterogeneity
Dixon J
(2018) An Extended Subduction Factory Model for Generation of Mantle Heterogeneity
Dixon J
(2017) Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Enriched Mantle Sources: Resolving the Dehydration Paradox
Dixon J, Bindeman I & Kingsley R

Dixon Jacqueline E. (2010) Relationship between Water and Hydrogen Isotopes in Mantle End-Members
Simons K, Dixon J & Kingsley R
(2009) The Role of Volatiles on the Magma Delivery along the Lucky Strike Segment, 37ºN on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Ferreira P, Dixon J, Murton B & Boulter C
(2009) Carbonatite and Silicate Melt Metasomatism of Depleted Mantle Surrounding the Hawaiian Plume: Origin of Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas
Dixon J, Clague D & Cousens B
(2008) Volatiles and Trace Elements in Rejuvenated-Stage Lavas from Niihau, Hawaii: Evidence for Carbonatite Metasomatism
Dixon JE, Clague D, Cousens B & Monsalve ML
(2007) Melt Supply and Magmatic Evolution at a Large Central MOR Volcano Located in the Lucky Strike Segment
Ferreira P, Murton B, Dixon J & Boulter C
(2005) Boron Isotope Compositions of South Atlantic MORB and Mantle Sources
le Roux P, Dixon J, Shirey S & Hauri E
(2001) Volatiles in Mantle Plumes
Dixon JE

Dixon Jean (2011) Speed Limits to Soil Weathering and CO2 Withdrawal
Dixon J & von Blanckenburg F

Dixon Jean L. (2014) Post-Glacial Topographic vs. Tectonic Forcings on Erosion in the Eastern Austrian Alps
Dixon JL, Legrain N, Von Blanckenburg F & Stüwe K
(2014) Quantifying the Weathering Fluxes of Mg from its Isotopes in the Critical Zone at Sierra Nevada, California
Uhlig D, Schuessler J, Bouchez J, von Blanckenburg F & Dixon J
(2012) Do Mountains Withdraw CO2?
von Blanckenburg F & Dixon JL
(2012) The Art of Augering, Observing, and Connecting Processes Across Threshold Landscapes
Heimsath A, Dixon J, DiBiase R & Whipple K
(2008) Saprolite and the Evolution of Upland Landscapes – Links between Erosion and Weathering in Sierra Nevada, CA
Dixon JL, Heimsath A & Amundson R

Dixon K. (2006) The Once and Future Battles between Thor and the Midgard Serpent: The Southern Hemisphere Westerlies and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Russell J, Dixon K, Gnanadesikan A, Toggweiler JR & Stouffer R

Dixon R. (2013) Geochemical Evidence for Multiple Gold Mineralisation Events in the Witwatersrand Basin
Dixon R

Dixon Scott (2007) Uranium(IV) Oxide Surface Reactivity
Ulrich K-U, Singh A, Dixon S, Schofield E, Bargar J & Giammar D

Dixon Sophie (2018) Understanding Trace Metal Sorption by Marine Minerals to Validate and Calibrate Geochemical Palaeoproxies
Peacock C, Rodley J, Dixon S, Poulton S, Parkinson I & James R
(2017) Assessing Ocean Deoxygenation during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Remmelzwaal S, Dixon S, Parkinson I, Schmidt D, Monteiro F, Sexton P, Fehr M, Peacock C & James R
(2013) Tracking Changes in Ocean Redox during the PETM Using Cr Isotopes
Parkinson I, Dixon S, Sexton P, Fehr M, James R & Peacock C
(2013) A Combined Isotopic and XAS Study of Cr Incorporation into Marine Carbonates: Towards Verifying Cr Isotopes as a Palaeoredox Proxy
Dixon S, Peacock C, Parkinson I, Fehr M & James R

Dixon T. (2017) Nitrogen Speciation during Weathering in Simulated Subglacial Environments
Dixon T, Bottrell S, Newton R & Hodson A

Diz P. (2013) Basalt Weathering on Mars: Insights from Li-Isotope Fractionation Models
Losa Adams E, Gil Lozano C, Diz P, Gago Duport L, Fernandez.Dávila A & Gonzalez Fairen A
(2011) Why do Earthworms Synthesize ACC?
Diz P, Gil C, Mendez J, Iglesias-Briones MJ & Gago-Duport L
(2009) Enhanced Atlantic Merdional Overturning Circulation during Pronounced Interstadials
Barker S, Diz P, van de Flierdt T, Vautravers M, Hall I, Broecker W & Knorr G

Djamil Y.S. (2016) U/Th Dating of Uplifted Coral Terraces in Sumba Island (Indonesia)
Liu X, Chiang H-W, Rigaud S, Leclerc F, Herdhiyanti T, Johnny J, Djamil YS, Meilano I, Bijaksana S, Abidin HZ, Tapponnier P & Wang X

Djaoudi K. (2019) Bioaccumulation of Trace Metals on Microplastics: A Biofilm-Mediated Reaction
Tesán Onrubia JA, Djaoudi K, Mounier S & Stocchino A
(2017) Sensitive Determination of Dissolved Phosphate Pools for an Improved Resolution of the N:P Ratios in the Surface Oligotrophic Ocean: A Case Study in the Mediterranean Sea
Djaoudi K, Van Wambeke F, Coppola L, D'ortenzio F, Helias-Nunige S, Raimbault P, Taillandier V, Testor P, Wagener T & Pulido-Villena E

Djeddi A. (2019) Immiscibility and Hybridization during Progressive Cooling of Carbonatite and Alkaline Magmas (In Ouzzal Terrane, Western Hoggar)
Djeddi A, Parat F, Bodinier J-L & Ouzegane K
(2017) REE-Enrichment in Apatite-Britholite Exsolutions in Carbonatite (In Ouzzal Terrane, Hoggar, South Algeria)
Djeddi A, Parat F, Ouzegane K & Bodinier J-L

Djediat C. (2013) Highly Dynamic Cellular-Level Response of Symbiotic Coral to Sudden Increase in Environmental Nitrogen
Kopp C, Pernice M, Domart-Coulon I, Spangenberg J, Djediat C, Alexander D, Hignette M, Hignette T & Meibom A

Djedjroh Y. (2021) Copper Isotope Systematics in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: A Case Study of TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Leroy L, Boissier A, Germain Y, Cheron S, Pelleter E, Besson F & Cambon MA
(2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L
(2019) Geochemical Mass Balance during Hydrothermal Alteration of Subseafloor Volcanic Rocks at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
Rouxel O, Schlicht L, Kutovaya A, McDermott J, Samin A, Djedjroh Y, Germain Y & Leroy L
(2019) Copper Isotope Systematics of Hydrothermal Sediments from TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Leroy L, Cheron S, Pelleter E & Cambon MA

Djemil M. (2023) Towards a Robust Reactive Transport Model to Simulate Fate and Transport of PFAS from Surface to Groundwater
Devau N, Mertz S, Thouin H, Djemil M, Colombano S, Togola A, Lion F, Derx J, Oudega TJ, Bosch C & Lions J

Djeukeng Momo A. (2023) Ionic Transport in Graphene-Based Single Digit Nanopores: Insights from Molecular Modelling
Djeukeng Momo A, Predota M & Lisal M

Djibrine A. (2021) Exploitation of Microbial Fe and As Oxidation for Semi-Passive Treatment of high-As Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in a Field-Pilot
Vanegas CD, Casiot C, Lin L, De Windt L, Djibrine A, Hery M, Desoeuvre A, Bruneel O, Battaglia-Brunet F & Jacob J

Djili K. (2019) Depth-Specific Modeling of Lansdcape-Scale Soil Dynamics Using Bulk Electrical Conductivity Measurements
Donahoo M, Ouamer-ali K, Daoud Y, Djili K & Harvey O

Djokic T.

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