Cuman A.
10Be Dating of Erratics at Hell Creek (Coast Mountains, BC, Canada)
Ortuño M, Evans S, Clague J, Pallàs R, Rodés Á, Cuman A, Braucher R & Bourlès D
Cumberland Susan
Hot Potato: Characterising Pu Particles from Maralinga, Australia
Cook M, Etschmann B, Ram R, Brugger J, Ignatyev K, Gervinskas G, Conradson S, Cumberland S & Wong V
Uranium Mobility and Stability within Organic–matter Rich Sediments: Implications from Deposit Formation to Waste Disposal
Cumberland S
Decommissionable Concrete? Adsorption of Radionuclides by Removable Bio-Mineralised Hydroxyapatite Layers
Cumberland S, Renshaw J, Hamilton A & Lunn R
Uranyl Nitrate Adsorption by Eucalyptus Bark: A Column Experiment
Cumberland S, Brugger J, Etschmann B, Kappen P & Wilson S
Mechanism of Uranyl Sequestration by Hydrotalcite
Bunney K, Gräfe M, Douglas G & Cumberland S
Biogeochemical Influences on Uranium Speciation in the Mulga Rock Sedimentary Uranium Ore Deposit, Western Australia
Cumberland S, Jaraula C, Grice K, Douglas G, Evans K, McCuaig C, Schwark L, Curtain R, Rubanov S, de Jonge M, Howard D & Moreau J
Cumberland Susan Alison
Contaminant Capture in Anthropogenic and Experimentally Produced Tufas – Potential for Legacy Industrial Waste Treatment
Kalabová M, Renshaw J, Cumberland SA & MacDonald J
Water to Rock? Tufa Formation for Capture of Contaminants in Industrial Waste Leachate
Kalabová M, Cumberland SA, Renshaw J & MacDonald J
Cumming E.
Sourcing Dissolved Methane from the Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park, NL, CAN: A Terrestrial Site of Serpentinization
Morrill P, Cumming E, Rietze A, Morrissey L, Cook M, Rhim J & Ono S
Cumming V.
Re-Os Geochronology of Lacustrine Organic-Rich Sedimentary Rocks: Systematics and Implications
Cumming V, Selby D & Lillis P
Cummings D.
Microbial Transformation of AQDS, Fe(III), Cr(VI), and U(VI) by a Novel Clostridiales, Strain UFO1
Ray A, Connon S, Neal A, Sivaswamy VS, Peyton B, Cummings D, Fujita Y & Magnuson T
Comparative Biochemistry of Acidiophilic and Neutrophilic Metal-Reducing Bacteria
Cummings D, Swenson M, Tyler T & Magnuson T
Cummings M.
Low δ7Li Regolith Produced during Basalt Weathering: A Case Study from the Columbia River Basalts
Liu X-M, Rudnick RL, McDonough WF & Cummings M
Cummings P.T.
Influence of Interfacial Water Structure on Surface Protonation and Ion Adsorption at Metal Oxide Surfaces
Machesky M, Wesolowski D, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Kent P, Predota M, Rosenqvist J, Ridley M, Cummings P, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Lvov S, Bandura A, Fenter P & Zhang Z
Electrokinetic Properties of the Rutile/Water Interface: Zeta-Potential Prediction from Computer Simulations
Predota M, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Cummings P
Towards an Accurate Prediction of Surface Protonation Equilibria: Quantifying Interfacial Structure via the Bond Valence-MUSIC Model Framework
Machesky M, Predota M, Vlcek L, Rosenqvist J, Skelton A, Cummings P, Ridley M, Kubicki J, Sofo J, Kumar N, Bandura A & Wesolowski D
On the Temperature Dependence of Mineral Surface Protonation and Ion Adsorption Reactions
Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML, Lvov SN, Predota M, Ridley MK & Cummings PT
Pico- to Nano-Second Dynamics of Water on Mineral Surfaces
Mamontov E, Vlcek L, Wesolowski D, Cole D, Anovitz L, Wang W & Cummings P
Complex Dynamics of Water Adsorbed on Metal Oxide Surfaces
Cummings PT, Vlcek L, Mamontov E & Wesolowski DJ
Molecular Simulations of Electrokinetic Phenomena at the Solid-Liquid Interface
Predota M, Wesolowski DJ, Machesky ML & Cummings PT
A Combined Computational/Experimental Approach to Understanding the Quartz/Water Interface
Skelton A, Kubicki J, Fenter P, Van Duin A, Wesolowski D & Cummings P
Structure and Dynamics of Fluids in Nanoporous Earth and Engineered Materials Determined from Neutron Scattering and MD Simulations
Cole D, Mamontov E, Rother G, Chialvo A, Vlcek L & Cummings P
Atomistic Origins of Mineral-Water Interfacial Phenomena and their Relation to Surface Complexation Models
Wesolowski DJ, Bandura AV, Cummings PT, Fenter PA, Kubicki JD, Lvov SN, Machesky ML, Mamontov E, Predota M, Ridley MK, Rosenqvist J, Sofo JO, Vlcek L & Zhang Z
Quasielastic Neutron Scattering Coupled with Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Water Diffusion at Metal Oxide Surfaces
Wesolowski D, Mamontov E, Vlcek L, Wang W, Cummings P, Rosenqvist J, Anovitz L & Cole D
Dynamics of Water in Aqueous Solutions Confined in Silica Matrices Determined from Neutron Scattering
Cole D, Mamontov E, Dai S, Pawel M, Liang C, Jenkins T, Gasparovic G, Kintzel E, Vlcek L & Cummings P
Adsorption and Dynamics of Ions at Rutile and Cassiterite Surfaces
Predota M, Vlcek L, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & Cummings P
Surface Charge, Ion Adsorption and Molecular Dynamics at the alfa-Sno2/water Interface
Rosenqvist J, Vlcek L, Mamontov E, Machesky M, Cummings P & Wesolowski D
Molecular-Based Study of the Electric Double Layer in Hydrothermal Systems
Cummings P, Predota M & Chialvo A
Molecular Simulation of Hydrothermal Solutions
Chialvo A, Simonson JM & Cummings P
Cummins B.
A 3.3 Ga Mo-Cu Porphyry-Style Deposit at Spinifex Ridge, East Pilbara, Western Australia: Re-Os Dating of Paleoarchean Molybdenite
Stein H, Barley M, Zimmerman A & Cummins B
Cummins R.
The Sulfur Isotope Fractionation of Dissimilatory Sulfite Reductase (Dsr)
Leavitt W, Bradley A, Pereira I, Cummins R & Johnston D
Calibrating S Isotope Fractionation in Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
Johnston DT, Bradley AS, Cummins R, Leavitt WD & Girguis PR
Cuna S.
Deuterium Isotopic Fractionation Through the Cell Membrane of Plants
Cuna S, Berdea P, Cristea G, Magdas A & Dordai E
Cundy Andrew
Sedimentary Filters for Emerging Contaminants and Trace Metals in Two Contrasting Estuarine Systems
Appelt J-S, Cundy A, Whiteside J & Bray PS
Cundy Andrew B.
Geochemical and Hydrodynamic Controls on the Accumulation of Nuclear Reprocessing Wastes in Coastal Sediments
Cundy AB, Croudace IW, Warwick PE & Oh J-S
Spatial and Temporal Variation of Tritium Activities in Coastal Marine Sediments of the Severn Estuary, U.K
Warwick P, Croudace IW, Howard AG, Cundy AB & Morris J
Cuney M.
Combined Cadmium-Chromium Analyses of the Cretaceous-Paleogene Belqa Group, Central Jordan
Walker SR, Cuney M, Baioumy H, Farouk S, Lehmann B & Frei R
Emplacement and Differentiation in Granitic Systems: The Case Study of the Beauvoir Rare Metal Granite
Esteves N, France L, Bouilhol P & Cuney M
Ore-Forming Fluids in the Maoping and Piaotang W-Sn Deposits (Jiangxi, China)
Legros H, Richard A, Mercadier J, Tarantola A, Kouzmanov K, Vennemann T, Bailly L, Marignac C, Charles N, Wang R-C, Cuney M & Lespinasse M-Y
Insights into Hydrothermal Fluids from Li-Mica Compositions (Maoping W-Sn Deposit, Jiangxi, China)
Legros H, Marignac C, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Richard A, Wang R-C, Charles N & Lespinasse M-Y
U in Phosphates from Central Jordan Lithologies: Sedimentary, Metamorphic to Supergene Evolution
Fleurance S & Cuney M
Microthermometric and Raman Analysis of Fluids that Interacted with Variably Graphitic Pelitic Schist in the Dufferin Lake Zone, South-Central Athabasca Basin: Implications for Graphite Loss and Uranium Deposition
Pascal M, Ansdell K, Annesley I, Boiron M-C, Kotzer T, Jiricka D & Cuney M
The Uranium Mineralization of Pen Ar Ran (Armorican Massif), France: An Atypical "Vein Type" Deposit
Poujol M, Ballouard C, Boulvais P, Cuney M, Cathelineau M & Gapais D
Uranium Concentration Processes in Archaean Batholiths, Sources of the Oldest Uranium Deposits
Carrouee S, Moyen J-F & Cuney M
Durability of the Uranium Resources
Cuney M
Origin of Uranium Deposits Revealed by their Rare Earth Element Signature
Mercadier J, Cuney M, Lach P, Boiron M-C, Bonhoure J & Richard A
Conditions for Uranium Transport in Unconformity-Related U Deposits
Richard A, Rozsypal C, Banks DA, Mercadier J, Cuney M, Boiron M-C & Cathelineau M
Roll Front Type U-Ore Redistribution in Unconformity Related Deposits
Mercadier J, Cuney M & Cathelineau M
Geochemical Parameters and Age of U Ores Related to Sodium Metasomatism in the Ukrainian Shield
Emetz A, Cuney M, Mercadier J & Nazarchuk N
Origin of U-Mineralizing Brines in the Athabasca Basin, Canada
Richard A, Cathelineau M, Boiron M-C, Cuney M, Banks D, Boulvais P, France-Lanord C & Pettke T
Redox Reactions in the Reduced Carbon-Sulfate-Uranyl System at 200-300℃: Experimental Evidence and Consequences for U Metallogenesis
Dubessy J, Zimmerman J-L, Cuney M, Ding J & Robert P
Geochemistry of Uraninite from the Elliot Lake and Wits Basins: New Insights on the Source of Uranium
Duhamel I & Cuney M
Sodic metasomatism and U - Zr mineralization : A model based on the Kurupung batholith (Guyana)
Cinélu S & Cuney M
Micrometer Scale Delta 13C Variability in Macromolecular Organic Matter: A Criterion for a Non-Biological Source?
Sangely L, Michels R, Chaussidon M, Brouand M, Cuney M & Huault V
The Lanthanide Tetrad Effect: Computation and Interpretation
Vigneresse J, Masuda A & Cuney M
Cung E.
Causal Predictive Modeling for Trace Element Partitioning
Wolf AS, Cung E, Ustunisik G & Nielsen R
Cunha B.
δ65Cu and δ66Zn Behavior Across Mangrove Pollution Gradients in Brazil
Barreira J, Castro S, Tonhá M, Cunha B, Garnier J, Souto de Oliveira CE, Babinski M, Reithmaier GMS, Yau YYY, Cabral A, Amora Nogueira L, Marotta Ribeiro H, Abuchacra RC, Santos I, Luiz-Silva W, Sanders C, Machado W & Araújo DF
Tracking Zn and Pb Isotope Signals from Antifouling Paints in Coastal Environments
Cunha B, Garnier J, Araujo DF, Tonhá M, Machado W, Fernandez M, Souto de Oliveira CE, Ramos Ruiz I & Babinski M
Cunha F.
Multipurpose Geochemistry Project of CPRM in the Pernambuco State, Brazil – Current Stage of Work
Lima E, Franzen M, Cavalcante R & Cunha F
Cunha M.
Nd and Sr Isotopic Composition of the South Bahia Alkaline Province (NE Brazil)
Rosa M, Conceição H, Marinho M, Macambira M, Cunha M, Peixoto A, Menezes R & Almeida R
Cunha P.
Contaminated Soils, Stream Sediments and Waters Close to an Abandoned Uranium Mine from Central Portugal
Neiva A, Carvalho P, Antunes I, Silva M, Santos A, Pinto M & Cunha P
Cunha R.B.
Provenance and Chemostratigraphy of the Bambuí and Una Groups
Cunha RB, Santos TC & Pimentel MM
Cunnane J.
Crystal Chemistry of Radionuclides in Spent Nuclear Fuel and its Alteration Products
Fortner J, Finch R, Kropf J & Cunnane J
Cunningham Albert
Biofilm-Mediated Mineral Precipitation Technology – From the Microscale to the Field-Scale
Gerlach R, Phillips AJ, Cunningham AB & Spangler L
Cunningham Alfred
Potential of Microbiologically Induced Mineralisation to Increase Geologic CO2 Storage Security
Mitchell A, Phillips A, Lauchnor E, Connolly J, Schultz L, Cunningham A & Gerlach R
Characterization of Microbial Communities Associated with Powder River Basin Coals, United States
Fields M, Barnhart E, Wheaton J & Cunningham A
Microbially Enhanced Carbonate Mineralization and the Geologic Containment of CO2
Mitchell AC, Phillips AJ, Kaszuba JP, Hollis WK, Cunningham AB & Gerlach R
Cunningham Alfred B
Investigating in situ Methanogenic Activity in Antrim Shale via Deuterium Injection
Barnhart E, Schweitzer H, Varonka M, Tomaszewski EJ, Ashley K, Carley M, Schramski J, Martini A, McIntosh J, Caldwell Eldridge SL, Hackley PC, Fields M, Cunningham AB & Ono S
Cunningham C.
The Role of Nanophases in Critical Zone Dynamics
Gelin M, Cunningham C, Guertin AS, Druhan JL, Chorover J, Derry LA, Tharaud M, Benedetti MF & Bouchez J