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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Cuif Jean-Pierre (2012) Cyclic Growth Layers in Calcareous Biominerals
Dauphin Y, Williams CT & Cuif J-P
(2012) Pearls as Biomineralization Models for Layered Growth and Crystallization
Cuif J-P, Dauphin Y & Nouet J

Cuifo S. (2001) Mechanisms of Electron Transfer to Fe(III) and Other Metals in Geobacter sulfurreducens
Lloyd JR, Hodges Myerson AL, Leang C, Coppi M, Cuifo S, Sandler SJ & Lovley DR

Cuirtice J. (2013) Helium Isotopic and Concentration Variations in a Clinopyroxenite Vein: Implications for Mantle Evolution
Kurz MD, LeRoux V, Warren J, Cuirtice J & Nielsen S

Cukjati J. (2021) Heterophase Boundaries, Chemical-Mechanical Potentials, Plastic Instability and Trace-Element Behavior in Upper-Mantle Assemblages: Application of Atom Probe Tomography to the Understanding of Crystal-Boundary Dynamics
Cukjati J, Cooper R, Parman S, Zhao N, Akey A & Laiginhas F
(2018) Atom Probe Tomography of Olivine and Clinopyroxene Grain and Phase Boundaries in Deformed Wehrlite
Cukjati J, Parman S, Cooper R & Zhao N
(2017) Atom Probe Tomography of Phase and Grain Boundaries in Experimentally-Deformed Wehrlite
Cukjati J, Parman S, Cooper R & Zhao N

Cukrov Neven (2023) Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Sediments from Lake Brljan in Karstic River Krka Catchment (Croatia)
Zuliani T, Cukrov N, Nakić EB, Čermelj B, Dolenec M, Hauptman Ž & Lojen S
(2019) Karstic Submarine Groundwater Discharge into the Mediterranean: Radon-Based Nutrient Fluxes in an Anchialine Cave and a Basin-Wide Upscaling
Chen X, Cukrov N, Santos IR, Rodellas V, Cukrov N & Du J
(2017) A Complemetary Approaches for Speciation of Trace Metals in the Stratified Krka River Estuary (Croatia): DGT vs. Voltammetry
Cindric A-M, Garnier C, Oursel B, Cukorv N, Pizeta I & Omanovic D
(2017) Trace Metal Content and Mobility in Estuarine Sediments of the Krka River (Adriatic Sea, Croatia)
Cukrov N, Garnier C, Dang DH, Cindrić A, Omanović D & Cukrov N
(2002) Tufa Barriers and Laminated Carbonate Incrustations in Krka National Park, Croatia, as Modern Climate Indicators
Lojen S, Vokal B, Papesch W, Cukrov N & Mihelčić G

Cukrov Nuša (2019) Karstic Submarine Groundwater Discharge into the Mediterranean: Radon-Based Nutrient Fluxes in an Anchialine Cave and a Basin-Wide Upscaling
Chen X, Cukrov N, Santos IR, Rodellas V, Cukrov N & Du J
(2017) Trace Metal Content and Mobility in Estuarine Sediments of the Krka River (Adriatic Sea, Croatia)
Cukrov N, Garnier C, Dang DH, Cindrić A, Omanović D & Cukrov N

Culbertson H. (2022) Identifying the Dominant Controls on Mn Concentrations in Springs and Groundwater Wells Across the Shenandoah Valley, VA USA
Hinkle MAG, Croy M, Culbertson H, Goldmann C, Willis N, Roquemore MG & Lyon EC

Culí Verdaguer L. (2019) Use of Major, Minor and REE Elements to Characterize Weathered Granitoids from the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE, Spain)
Culí Verdaguer L & Cirés Fortuny J
(2019) Phase Equilibria Thermobarometry of Grenvillian Granulites from Oaxacan Complex (Mexico)
Culí Verdaguer L, Reche Estrada J & Solé Viñas J

Culka Adam (2015) Raman Spectroscopy of the Melanized Fungi from the Hyperarid Atacama Desert Gypsum Crust
Wierzchos J, Artieda O, Culka A, Jehlicka J, López-Ocaña L, Aznar R, Souza-Egipsy V, Casero MC & Ascaso C
(2015) In situ Detection of Pigments of Snow Algae Using Lightweight Handheld Raman Spectrometers
Culka A, Nedbalová L & Jehlička J
(2015) Application of Portable Raman Spectroscopy in Exobiology: In situ Identification of Sulfate Minerals
Košek F, Culka A & Jehlička J
(2015) Limits for Raman Spectroscopic Discrimination of Pigments of Microorganisms
Jehlička J, Culka A, Kovács M, Nedbalová L, Pilný J, Mareš J & Oren A

Culka Adam (2017) Tracking of Hydration States of Sulfates by Laboratory and in situ Raman Spectroscopy
Košek F, Culka A & Jehlička J

Culka Adam (2009) Raman Spectroscopic Detection of Urea, a Possible Biomarker, in Calcite and Gypsum Mineral Matrices
Culka A & Jehlicka J

Culka Adam (2019) Effect of the Relative Humidity on the Oxidation of Arsenopyrite and Löllingite
Drahota P, Culka A & Rohovec J

Cull-Hearth S. (2016) Precipitation of Fe-Sulfate and Fe-Hydroxide Intergrowths in Laboratory Simulations of Acid Mine Drainage: How Does Co-precipitation Affect Microtextures?
Cull-Hearth S & van Venrooy A

Cullen C. (2017) Trace Metal(loid) Release and Transport from Gold Mine Tailings in Porgera, Papua New Guinea
Hoagland B, Mosley L, Russo T, Kirby J, Cullen C & Raven M

Cullen D. (2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A

Cullen Jay (2018) Fe Sources and Sinks along The Southern Alaska Margin Inferred from Time-Series Observations
Crusius J, Schroth A, Michael S, Cullen J, Resing J & Campbell R

Cullen Jay T. (2020) Distributions of Dissolved Trace Metals in Surface Waters of Baffin Bay in the Canadian Arctic
Anderlini T, Tremblay J-E & Cullen J
(2020) Relationship between Surface Dissolved Iron Inventories and Net Community Production during a Marine Heatwave in the Subarctic Northeast Pacific
Taves R, Janssen DJ, Peña MA, Ross ARS, Crawford W & Cullen JT
(2020) Tracing the Sources of Lead in the Canadian Arctic from the Atmosphere to the Ocean
Bergquist B, De Vera J, Chandan P, Pinedo-Gonzalez P, John S, Jackson S, Cullen J, William L & Steffen A
(2019) InFORMing Perceived Risks from Fukushima Through Scientific Engagement from Data Collection to Social Media
Cullen J, Kellogg J, Buesseler K, Chen J, Cooke M, Frank E, Gurney-Smith H, Mercier J-F, Velazquez S, Smith J & Trudel M
(2019) Contrasting the Distributions of Dissolved Iron and Manganese in Seawater of the Canadian Arctic Ocean
Colombo M, Jackson SL, Cullen JT & Orians KJ
(2017) Controls on Upper Ocean Cd Isotope Fractionation
Xie RC, Janssen DJ, Abouchami W, Galer SJG, Rijkenberg MJA, Cullen JT, de Baar HJW, De Jong J & Andreae MO
(2015) The Oceanic Biogeochemical Cycle of Zinc and its Isotopes: The Dominance of Diatoms and the Southern Ocean
Vance D, Little S, De Souza G, Köbberich M, Zhao Y, Cullen J & Lohan M
(2014) Global Oceanic Cadmium Isotope Distribution
Galer S, Abouchami W, Xie R, Janssen D, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, Cullen J & de Baar H
(2014) An Undocumented Water Column Sink for Cadmium in Open Ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones
Cullen J, Janssen D, Christian J, Conway T & John S
(2014) Cadmium Sulfide Formation in Low-Oxygen Waters of the North Atlantic
John S, Conway T, Janssen D & Cullen J
(2014) Cadmium Isotopes along the Line-P Transect in the Northeast Subarctic Pacific
Janssen DJ, Cullen JT, Abouchami W, Galer SJG & de Baar HJW
(2013) Dissolved Iron and the Co-limitation of Phytoplankton Growth in the Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean
Cullen J, Zhou J, Taylor R, Semeniuk D & Maldonado M
(2012) Zinc Isotopic Data from the NE Pacific Reveals Shallow Recycling
Vance D, Zhao Y, Cullen J & Lohan M
(2008) Emergence of Oxygenic Photosynthesis and the Probability of Natural Fission Reactors: A Negative Feedback to Explain the Delayed Oxidation of Earth’s Surface?
Cullen J & Coogan L
(2008) The Distribution of Dissolved Iron and Aluminum in the Beaufort Sea
Giesbrecht T, Sutherland N, Johnson WK & Cullen J
(2008) Copper Requirements and Uptake by Plankton in the sub-Arctic NE Pacific Ocean
Semeniuk D, Cullen J, Gagnon K, Ruth T & Maldonado M

Cullen Jeffrey (2016) B, Li, and Cl Systematics in the Yellowstone Hydrothermal System
Cullen J, Hurwitz S & Barnes J

Cullen M. (2020) Exploring Salty Worlds: Brines, Ice, and Weathering Products
Elwood Madden M, Mason D, Rodriguez A, Cullen M, Elwood Madden A & Phillips-Lander C
(2018) Mars Brine Attacks! Accelerated Dissolution Rates and Unique Reaction Products in High Salinity Brines
Elwood Madden M, Phillips-Lander C, Elwood Madden A, Cullen M, Hausrath E & Miller K

Cullen T. (2023) Multi-Proxy, Multi-Taxic Approaches to Reconstructing Community Structure and Trophic Ecology in Non-Analogue Mesozoic Contexts
Cullen T
(2018) Field Exploration and Life Detection Sampling Through Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR)
Stockton A, Amador E, Cable M, Cullen T, Duca Z, Gentry D, Murukesan G, Rennie V, Rader E, Stevens A, Tan G, Cullen D & Geppert W
(2018) From Biodiversity to Biomarker Variability: Sampling Strategy in Planetary Analogue Missions
Gentry D, Amador E, Cable M, Cantrell T, Cullen T, Duca Z, Jacobsen M, Kirby J, McCaig H, Murukesan G, Rader E, Rennie V, Schwieterman E, Stevens A, Sutton S, Tan G, Yin C, Cullen D, Geppert W & Stockton A

Culleton B.J. (2014) Late Holocene 14C Variations Recorded by a Speleothem from Yok Balum Cave, Belize
Lechleitner FA, McIntyre C, Breitenbach SFM, Polyak V, Asmerom Y, Prufer KM, Culleton BJ, Kennett DJ, Baldini JUL & Eglinton TI
(2014) Effects of Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols on ITCZ Position
Ridley H, Asmerom Y, Baldini J, Breitenbach S, Aquino V, Prufer K, Culleton B, Polyak V, Lechleitner F, Kennett D, Zhang M, Marwan N, Macpherson C, Baldini L, Xiao T, Awe J & Haug G

Cullings K.W. (2001) Carbon Isotopic Fractionation Associated with Cyanobacterial Biomarkers: 2-Methylhopanoids and Methyl-Branched Alkanes
Jahnke LL, Summons RE, Hope JM & Cullings KW

Culman S. (2023) Anoxic Microsites Enhance Soil Carbon Storage and Respond to Management
Lacroix E, Gomes A, Barratt Heitmann G, Schuler D, Dekas AE, Liptzin D, Aberle E, Watts DB, Nelson K, Culman S & Fendorf S

Culp R.
(2014) Comparison of Carbon and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Analysis by Cavity Ring-Down and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry Using Dual-Inlet and Gas Chromatography of Hydrocarbons
Culp R & Saad N
(2010) The Effects of Early Diagenesis on the Composition and δ13C Signal of Lignin from Two Marsh Plants
Bowles K, Meile C, Culp R & Sun M-Y

Cultrone G. (2007) Petro-Chemical and Physical Investigations on the "Santa Pudia Calcarenite" (Andalusia, Spain): New Hints for the Prevention and Conservation of Calcarenitic Building Materials
Arizzi A, Belfiore CM, Cultrone G, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Sebastian Pardo E & Triscari M

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