Crudeli D.
Mediterranean Sapropel Formation; Preservation and Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Principato S, Erba E & Thomson J
Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel Formation and Preservation; Diagenesis Versus Palaeoceanography
De Lange GJ, Slomp C, Crudeli D, Corselli C, Thomson J, Ferreira A, Sinninghe-Damste J & Vale C
Cruden Alexander
From Banded Iron Formation to Iron Ore – Tiny Crystals Building Huge Iron Ore Deposits
Egglseder M, Cruden A & Faivre D
Episodic Growth of Vein Calcite in a Stable Continental Setting: Potential Application of U-Pb Dating by LA-ICPMS and ID-TIMS
Davis D, Parmenter A & Cruden A
Cruden Alexander R.
Skaergaard: Catastrophic Growth of a Magma Chamber in Months to Years
Annen CJ, Latypov R, Chistyakova S, Cruden AR & Nielsen TFD
Cruden S.
Downward Injection of Sulfide Slurries: Their Role in the Formation of Ni Sulfide Deposits
Arndt N, Barnes S, Robertson J, Lesher M & Cruden S
Crueger T.
Response of oceanic CO2-uptake to climate change
Crueger T, Roeckner E, Raddatz T, Schnur R & Wetzel P
Cruikshank D.P.
On a Radiolytic Origin of Red Organics at the Surface of the Arrokoth Trans-Neptunian Object
Quirico E, Bacmann A, Wolters C, Auge B, Flandinet L, Launois T, Cooper JF, Vuitton V, Gautier T, Jovanovic L, Boduch P, Rothard H, Desage L, Faure A, Schmitt B, Poch O, Grundy WM, Protopapa S, Fornasier S, Cruikshank DP & Stern AS
Investigations of Grain Size and Abundance of NaCl on Europa’s Surface Through Telescope Observations and Laboratory Experiments: Implications for Material Transport from the Interior to Surface
Tan S, Sekine Y, Kuzuhara M, Kurokawa H, Ore CD & Cruikshank DP
Cruise Members C-0.
Subseafloor Mineralization at the Izena Hole, Okinawa Trough from the Aspect of Drill Cores Obtain by the CK16-05 Cruise (Exp. 909)
Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Nagase T, Yamasaki T, Ishibashi J-I, Kumagai H, Maeda L & Cruise Members C-0
Crum J.
Long-Term Occurrence and Evolution of an Accelerated Alteration Rate for Nuclear Waste Glasses in Repository Conditions
Crum J, Parruzot B, Bonnett J, Kerisit S, Cooley S & Daniel R
Crummy J.
Magmatic Processes Leading to Explosive Mafic Eruptions of Volcán de Colima, Mexico
Crummy J, Savov I, Morgan D, Navarro-Ochoa C, Wilson M & Loughlin S
Crump A.
Rhizosphere Underground: Unraveling the Role of Microbes in Stabilizing Organic Matter in Soils
Dohnalkova A, Chu R, Tfaily M, Crump A, Chrisler W, Varga T & Arey B
Crump M.P.
The Butanetriol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (BDGTs), Potential Biomarkers for Methanogenesis?
Coffinet S, Mühlena L, Crump MP, Meador TB, Becker KW, Schröder J, Heuer VB, Lipp JS & Hinrichs K-U
Crumpler L.S.
Impact-Facilitated Hydrothermal Alteration in the Rim of Endeavour Crater, Mars
Mittlefehldt DW, Schröder C, Farrand WH, Crumpler LS & Yen AS
Crumpton-Banks J.
Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Trudgill M, Rae JWB, Crumpton-Banks J, van Mourik M, Adloff M, Burke A, Corsetti F, Doherty D, Greenop R, Hong W-L, Lepland A, McIntyre A, Neiroukh N, Rose C, Ruhl M, Saunders D, Stüeken EE, West J, Whiteford R & Greene SE
Pulses of Ocean Acidification at the Triassic Jurassic Boundary Recorded by Boron Isotopes
Rae J, Trudgill M, van Mourik M, Crumpton-Banks J, Burke A, Corsetti F, Greenop R, McIntyre A, Rose C, Saunders D, West J & Greene S
PH in Antarctic Zone Surface Waters over the Last Glacial Cycle
Crumpton-Banks J, Rae J, Burke A, Greenop R & Mackensen A
Crundwell M.
Mid-Miocene Ocean Temperatures from Paired Coccolith Δ47 and Foraminifera Mg/Ca Ratios
Defliese WF, Crundwell M, Bostock H & Hollis CJ
Cruse A.M.
Constraints on Sedimentation Rates from Uranium Diffusion
Cruse AM, Paxton ST & Aufill M
Experimental Investigations of the Kinetics of Bitumen Generation
Cruse A & Lewan M
Covarying Molybdenum and Organic Carbon Distributions in Organic-Rich Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks
Lyons T, Anbar A, Gill B, Meyers S, Sageman B & Cruse A
Equilibrium Control of the Abundance and Distribution of Organic Species in Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from the Northern Juan De Fuca Ridge
Cruse AM & Seewald JS
Cruset D.
Fluid Flow Evolution of the Southern Pyrenees Inferred from Clumped Isotopes Thermometry and U-Pb Geochronology
Cruset D, Vergés J, Albert R, Gerdes A, John C, Benedicto A, Cantarero I & Travé A
Crusius J.
Fe Sources and Sinks along The
Southern Alaska Margin Inferred
from Time-Series Observations
Crusius J, Schroth A, Michael S, Cullen J, Resing J & Campbell R
Depth of the Vadose Zone Controls Aquifer Biogeochemical Conditions and Extent of Anthropogenic Nitrogen Removal Through Denitrification
Szymczycha B, Kroeger K, Crusius J & Bratton JF
Amino Acid Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Marine Sediments: A New Approach for Studies of the Marine Nitrogen Cycle
Batista F, Ravelo AC, Crusius J, Casso M & McCarthy M
Expansion of the Northeast Pacific Oxygen-Minimum Zone Since 1995? Sediment N-Isotope Evidence from Soledad Basin, Baja California
van Geen A, Thunell R, Carriquiry J, Mey J, Crusius J, Zhao M, Baumgartner T, Fereira V & Gaxiola G
N2O Fluxes from Coastal Waters due to Submarine Groundwater Discharge
Crusius J, Kroeger K, Bratton J, Erban L, Green A, Baldwin S & Sundquist E
Iron Speciation and High Solubility in Alaskan Glacial Dust
Schroth A, Crusius J, Sholkovitz E & Bostick B
Crusset D.
Bio-Corrosion Detection by Sulphur Isotopic Fractionation Measurements Using nanoSIMS
Grousset S, Mercier F, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Dillmann P & Neff D
Development of a nanoSIMS Analytical Protocole to Determine the Sulphur Isotopic Composition of Iron Sulphides Formed during Anoxic Corrosion
Grousset S, Dauzeres A, Crusset D, Deydier V, Linard Y, Mostefaoui S, Urios L, Dillmann P, Mercier F & Neff D
Cruywagen L-M.
Predicting the Speciation and Transport Behaviour of Contaminants in a Wet Discard Dam
Steyl G, Marais I & Cruywagen L-M
Cruz Anna P.S.
Deep Ocean Circulation Changes in the South Pacific during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Symes E, Basak C, Middleton JL, Farmer JR, Winckler G, Cruz APS & Science Party E3
Cruz Anna Paula
Sedimentary Features of a Modern Environment with Dolomite Formation
Areias de Oliveira C, Fernandes Barbosa C, Cruz AP, Vasconcelos C, Morlock M, Vogel H & Ariztegui D
Cruz C.
Magnetic Mineralogy of Variscan Granites: Relation to its Metallogenic Potential on Rare Metals
Cruz C, Sant'Ovaia H, Olivier P & Noronha F
Contact-Metamorphic Effects of the Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (Southern Portugal): Lithological and Structural Constraints
Ribeiro MA, Helena S & Cruz C
Cruz Francisco
δ234Uo in Stalagmites as a Proxy of Paleohydrological Conditions, a LA-MC-ICP-MS Study
Bernal J-P, Cruz F, Lachniet M, Spötl C, Deininger M & Martinez-Paredes J-A
Hydroclimate Changes Across the Amazon Lowland over the Past 45, 000 Years
Wang X, Edwards RL, Auler A, Cheng H, Kong X, Wang Y, Cruz F, Dorale J & Chiang H-W
Investigating Past Climate-Biosphere Links: Speleothem-Based Climate Reconstructions to Constrain Controls on Late Holocene Forest Expansion in South America
Wong C, Wortham B, McGee D, Silva L, Cruz F & Montanez I
Cruz Francisco W
Rapid Response of Chemical Weathering to Deglacial and Meghalayan Climate Change from Li Isotopes in Brazilian Speleothems
Wilson DJ, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Strikis NM, Utida G & Cruz FW
Cruz Francisco William
Hydro-Climate Variability during the Last Two Millennia in Morocco, Inferred from High Resolution Speleothem Records
Ait Brahim Y, Sifeddine A, Cheng H, Wassenburg JA, Khodri M, Cruz FW & Bouchaou L
North American Monsoon Response to Heinrich Events
Corona-Martinez L, Bernal JP, Cruz FW & López-Martínez R
The Internal Structure of Millennial-Scale Abrupt Climate Change Events; Insights from LAICPMS Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca Records
Bernal JP, Strikis N, Cruz FW, Catunda MC, Ortega C, Cheng H, Edwards RL & Auler A