Crowe Sean Andrew
The Removal and Redistribution of Chromium in Hydrothermal Vent Environments
Bauer K, Poulton S, Francois R & Crowe S
Precambrian Phosphorus Scarcity and Early Earth Evolution
Crowe S & Jones C
Pelagic Photoferrotrophy Under a Genomic Lens
Crowe S, Hahn A, Llirós M, Thompson K, Canfield D & Hallam S
DNRA vs. Denitrification-Energetic Edge Dictates N-Cycle Short-Circuit
Michiels C, Hancisse O & Crowe S
NO3- Reduction is Fe-Dependent in a Ferruginous Chemocline
Michiels C, Darchambeau F, Roland F, Morana C, Lliros M, Garcia-Armisen T, Thamdrup B, Borges A, Bouillon S, Canfield D, Servais P, Descy J-P & Crowe S
New Insights into Iron-Based Photosynthesis
Thompson K, Lliros M, Borrego C, Kenward P, Darchambeau F, Borges A, Canfield D & Crowe S
Mineralization Rates of Organic Carbon in Freshwater vs Marine Environments and Implications for Carbon Burial Efficiencies
Katsev S, Crowe S, Kistner M & Li J
Photoferrotrophy and Fe-Cycling in a Freshwater Column
Llirós M, Crowe SA, García-Armisen T, Darchambeau F, Morana C, Borrego CM, Triadó-Margarit X, Bouillon S, Borges AV, Servais P, Canfield D & Descy JP
Entire Community of Microbes Lacks Phospholipids
Jones C, Crowe SA, Viehweger B, Hinrichs K-U, Maresca JA, DeLong E, Nomosatryo S, Fowle D & Canfield D
Nitrogen Biogeochemical Cycling in Ferruginous Lake Pavin
Lebeau O, Busigny V, Jézéquel D, Chaduteau C, Crowe S & Ader M
Bacterial Phosphate Acquisition from Minerals in Ultra-Oligotrophic, Ferruginous Environments
Maresca J, Yao M, Jones C, Crowe S, DeLong E & Canfield D
Oxygenic Photosynthesis 3 Billion Years ago
Crowe SA, Døssing LN, Beukes NJ, Bau M, Kruger SJ, Frei R & Canfield DE
Sulfate was a Trace Constituent in the Oceans of the Early Earth
Canfield D, Crowe S, Jones C, Paris G, Adkins J, Session A, Farquhar J, Zerkle A, Kim S-T & Nomosatryo S
Profile of Sulfate Isotopic Composition of Lake Matano, Indonesia
Paris G, Adkins J, Sessions A, Crowe S, Jones C, Fowle D & Canfield D
Redox Oscillations in a Freshwater Analogue of Marine Pelagic Sediments: Lake Superior
Katsev S, Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Kistner M & Canfield D
Cr Isotopes in a Ferruginous Lake
Crowe S, Basu A, Doessing L, Ellis A, Fowle D, Mucci A, Johnson T & Canfield D
Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Mobilization and Transport in Sukinda Valley, India
Doessing LN, Dideriksen K, Crowe SA, Mondal SK, Bovet N & Frei R
Evidence for a Manganous Surface Sea at 2.5 Ga
Jones C, Poulton S, Crowe S & Canfield D
Oxidative Weathering Fractionates Chromium Isotopes
Crowe S, Døssing L, MacLean L, Frei R, Fowle D, Mucci A & Canfield D
A Precambrian Manganous Sea?
Jones C, Crowe SA & Canfield DE
High Methane Oxidation Rates in Ferruginous Lake Matano
Sturm A, Crowe S, Jones C, Leslie K, Canfield D, Nomosatryo S, Mucci A & Fowle D
Diagenetic Mobility of Mn and Fe Crusts in Organic-Poor Sediments of Lake Superior
Li J, Crowe S, Brown E, Dittrich M, Miklesh D & Katsev S
Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Modern, Ferruginous Chemocline
Crowe S, Canfield D, Fowle D, Jones C, Sturm A, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Nomosatryo S & Haffner D
Geochemistry of Major Elements in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Sturm A, Crowe S, Jones C, Fowle D, Canfield D, Katsev S, Mucci A & Nomosatryo S
Biogeochemistry of Mn Oxidation in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Jones C, Crowe S, Canfield D, Sturm A, Fowle D, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B & Nomosatryo S
Migrations of Sediment Redox Boundaries as Indicators of Change in Oligotrophic Systems
Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Canfield D & Katsev S
Analyzing Trace Pigments in Oligotrophic Waters Using Long Pass Cell Spectrophotometry
Jones C, Crowe SA, Canfield D, Fowle D & Haffner D
Geochemistry of Mo in a Modern Archean Ocean Analogue
Crowe SA, Fowle D, Katsev S, Sundby B, Mucci A & Haffner D
Modeling Biogeochemisty in an Early Ocean Analogue
Katsev S, Crowe SA, Haffner D, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D
Electrochemical investigation of bacterial Fe(III) reduction.
Crowe S, Magen C, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D
Spectroscopic Investigation of the Microbial Controls on Trace Element Mobility in Iron Rich Equatorial Lacustrine Sediments
Weisener C, Crowe S, Fowle D & Roberts J
Crowhurst P.
Hydrothermal Systems and Recent Eruptive Activity in the Northern Lau Basin, South Pacific Ocean
Lupton J, Resing J, Arculus R, Lilley M, Embley R, Baker E, Butterfield D, Nakamura K-I, Crowhurst P & Greene R
Rutile as a Potential (U-Th)/He Thermochronometer
Crowhurst PV, Farley KA, Ryan CG, Duddy I & Blacklock KA
Crowhurst S.
Reconstructing Deep Ocean Circulation Pathway and Strength with Grainsize-Specific Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski AM, Li Y, Cheng X, Crowhurst S, Clegg J, Buisman I, Lascu I, Harrison RJ & McCave IN
Crowley B.
Using a Multi-Isotope Approach to Determine Natal Region for Juvenile Accipiters
Sommer K, Haak B & Crowley B
Crowley James L.
Timescales of Subduction Initiation in the Samail Ophiolite: High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Petrochronology of the Metamorphic Sole
Rioux M, Garber JM, Searle MP, Crowley JL, Stevens SM, Schmitz MD, Kylander-Clark A, Ambrose TK & Smye AJ
Geochronological Constraints on the Emplacement of the Franklin LIP: Testing Hypotheses for the Onset of the Sturtian Snowball Earth
Pu JP, Schmitz MD, Crowley JL, Rainbird RH & Macdonald FA
Titanite Petrochronology in the Fish Canyon Tuff
Schmitz M & Crowley J
U/Pb Zircon Age of Mistastin Lake Crater, Labrador, Canada – Implications for High-Precision Dating of Small Impact Melt Sheets and the End Eocene Extinction
Sylvester P, Crowley J & Schmitz M
Hf Isotope Systematics of Archean Anorthosites: The Manfred Complex, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Souders K, Sylvester P, Crowley J & Myers J
Integrated TIMS-Tea/LA-ICPMS Constraints on Pluton Emplacement
Samperton K, Schoene B, Cottle J & Crowley J
Protracted Tectonometamophic History at the Base of an Orogenic Channel in the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera
Gervais F, Crowley JL, Hynes A & Ghent E
The Archean Anorthosite-Monzogranite Magmatic Association of the Narryer Gneiss Terrane, Western Australia
Sylvester P, Souders K & Crowley J
Plešovice Zircon – A New Natural Standard for U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Microanalysis
Slama J, Kosler J, Crowley JL, Gerdes A, Hanchar J, Horstwood MSA, Morris GA, Nasdala L, Schaltegger U & Tubrett MN
High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology: Progress and Potential
Bowring S, Crowley J, Ramezani J, McLean N, Condon D & Schoene B
U-Pb zircon geochronology of the end-Permian mass extinction
Crowley J, Bowring S, Shen S, Wang Y, Cao C & Jin Y
What is a magma crystallization age? Insight from micro-sampling of chemical domains in zircon from the Fish Canyon Tuff
Crowley J, Bowring S & Hanchar J
The Permian-Triassic boundary event and eruption of the Siberian flood basalts: an inter-laboratory U-Pb dating study
Kamo S, Crowley J & Bowring SA
EARTHTIME U-Pb Tracer For Community Use
Parrish R, Bowring S, Condon D, Schoene B, Crowley J & Ramezani J
Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry of Monazite
Boyce J, Hodges K, Crowley J, Chatterjee N & Searle M
U-Th-Pb Systematics of Monazite, Xenotime, and Zircon from Pleistocene Leucogranites at Nanga Parbat (Pakistan Himalaya)
Crowley J, Bowring S & Searle M
U-(Th)-Pb Dating of Monazite and Xenotime by EMPA, LA-ICPMS, and IDTIMS: Examples from the Yilgarn Craton and Himalayas
Crowley J, Chatterjee N, Bowring S, Sylvester P, Myers J & Searle M
Probing the Hf Isotope Systematics of the Sub-Continental Mantle at 3.5 Ga: The Tarssartôq Dykes of the Isua Region, Southern West Greenland
White RV, Crowley JL, Nowell GM & Parrish RR
Crowley John
Cloud Processing Measured with Sulfur Isotopes during HCCT 2010
Harris E, Sinha B, Hoppe P, Crowley J, Borrmann S, Foley S, Gnauk T, Van Pinxteren D & Herrmann H
Crowley M.
Bulk Composition of UHP Metasediments and Recycling of the Sediment Component in Arc Magmas via Diapirs
Kelemen P, Behn M, Crowley M, Hacker B & Massonne H
Crowley Quentin
Eliminating U-Pb ‘downhole’ Elemental Fractionation and Achieving Nanometer (nm) Depth Resolution by Low Volume Single-Shot LA-ICP-MS
Corbett E, Simonetti A, Crowley Q, Shaw P & Corcoran L
Constraining Diet and Migration in Early Medieval Ireland Using an Integrated Multi-Isotope (87Sr/86Sr, δ18O, δ2H, δ13C, δ15N) Approach
Ryan S, Reynard L, Crowley Q & Tuross N
Multi-Scale Ordering of Aragonite Skeletal Growth in the Cold-Water Coral Lophelia pertusa
Mouchi V, Crowley Q, Vonlanthen P & Verrecchia E
Understanding High Temperature Mobility of Radiogenic Pb in Zircon
Corbett E, Crowley Q, Simonetti A & MacDonald J
Crowley Quentin Crowley
High Spatial Resolution Geochemical Mapping of Surface Processes: A Case Study in Ireland
Ryan S & Crowley Q
Origin and Evolution of the Mesoarchean Aouéouat Greenstone Belt and Associated Magamatism
Heron K, Crowley Q, Benn K & Babechuk M
Deconvolution and Visualisation of High Spatial Resolution Biomineral Geochemistry
Mouchi V, Crowley Q & Ubide T
A Mesoarchean Paleosol from Eastern India—the Second Oldest Paleosol on Earth
Mukhopadhyay J, Crowley QC, Ghosh G, Ghosh S, Chakrabarti K, Mishra B & Bose S
Multiphase Magmatic History of the Oman-Uae Ophiolite
Goodenough K, Styles M, Thomas B, Schofield D, Crowley Q & Millar I
Combined SIMS U-Pb Ages and Ti-in-Zircon Geothermometry Fingerprints Long Deep Crustal Residence in the Archaean
MacDonald J, Wheeler J, Harley S, Goodenough K, Crowley Q & Mariani E
Crown D.A.
In situ Geochronology of Planetary Surfaces: Application of the Rubidium-Strontium Isotope System
Stewart BW, Cardell G, Taylor ME, Capo RC & Crown DA
Crowther E.R.
Combatting Seafood Fraud: Application of Machine Learning to Develop Chemometric Differentiation Tools Using Metal Isotope Ratios and Chemical Contaminants in Eastern Oysters
Crowther ER, Christopher SJ, Mahynski NA, Ellisor DL & Moors AJ
Crowther Sarah
Iodine, Xenon and the Q Process
Crowther S & Gilmour J
Crowther Sarah
Solar Xenon in Genesis Silicon
Gilmour J & Crowther S
Plutonium-244 in the Early Earth
Crowther SA, Turner G, Busfield A & Gilmour JD
Recent and Future Developments of the RELAX Mass Spectrometer.
Gilmour J, Crowther SA, Blagburn DJ & Turner G
Crowther Sarah A
Ultrasensitive Xenon Isotopic Analysis as Part of Coordinated Analyses of Returned Samples
Crowther SA, Cowpe JS & Gilmour JD
Croxford S.
Generation of Acidity and Alkalinity from Different Coal Measure Lithologies Under Saturated Conditions
Croxford S, Banwart S & Cripps J
Croy M.
Identifying the Dominant Controls on Mn Concentrations in Springs and Groundwater Wells Across the Shenandoah Valley, VA USA
Hinkle MAG, Croy M, Culbertson H, Goldmann C, Willis N, Roquemore MG & Lyon EC
Crozaz G.
Chemical Alteration of Hot and Cold Desert Meteorites
Crozaz G, Floss C & Wadhwa M
Cruceru M.
Distribution of Lanthanides, Yttrium and Scandium in Ashes from Coal-Fired Power Stations
Santos C, Abagiu TA, Białecka B, Cruceru M, Freire C, Guedes A, Martinez J, Popescu L, Predeanu G, Wagner N & Valentim B
Carbon Forms in Coal, Fly Ash and Bottom Ash
Guedes A, Abagiu TA, Białecka B, Cruceru M, Freire C, Martinez J, Predeanu G, Santos C, Wagner N & Valentim B
Cruces A.
Geochemical Changes in Wet Dune Slacks: Natural or Anthropic Driven?
Cruces A, Moreira S, Freitas C, Leira M, Carvalho R, Andrade C, Ferreira T, Cancela da Fonseca L & Silva C
Cruchet C.
Development and Validation of Isotopic Analysis Methods by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Small Amounts of Americium
Buisson M, Mialle S, Caussignac C, Cruchet C & Nonell A
Cruciani Gabriele
Detrital Zircons from Variscan Sardinia, Italy: Source Rocks and Early Paleozoic Paleogeography
Cruciani G, Franceschelli M, Caironi V, Langone A & Musumeci G
Geochemistry and Thermodynamic Modelling of Low-Grade Metasedimentary Rocks from the Sakar-Strandja Region, SE Bulgaria
Vladinova T, Georgieva M, Cherneva Z & Cruciani G
Cruciani Giuseppe
Tracing Different Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) Environmental Impacts Through Mineralogical and Geochemical Analyses
Bisciotti A, Brombin V, Bianchini G & Cruciani G
Harvesting, Storage and Saving of Energy Using Microporous Minerals
Cruciani G
High-Pressure Behavior and Phase Transitions of Thaumasite
Ardit M, Cruciani G, Dondi M, Garbarino G & Nestola F
Crystal Structure of B-Gehlenite from an in situ XRPD Study of Datolite Transformation Upon Heating
Cruciani G & Martucci A
Crucifix M
Modelling the Impacts of a Massive Freshwater Discharge in the North Atlantic Ocean on the Global Carbon Cycle
Crucifix M, Joos F & Berger A
Crucifix Michel
Climate and Carbon-Cycle Response to Astronomical Forcing over the Last 35 Ma
De Vleeschouwer D, Rochholz F, Vahlenkamp M, Crucifix M & Pälike H
Towards a Cenozoic "Megasplice" of Climate History:
Hemispheric climate Response to Astronomical Forcing during the Past 35 M.y. And Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle
Pälike H, De Vleeschouwer D, Vahlenkamp M & Crucifix M
Comparison of LA-ICP-MS and ICP-MS Techniques for Determining High-Resolution Trace Element Contents in Belgian Speleothems
Allan M, Verheyden S, Crucifix M & Fagel N
Crucilla S.
Bioelectrochemical Processes in Some of Earth’s most Dynamic Aquatic Environments, and Implications for Life on Ocean Worlds (Including Our Own)
Girguis PR, Picard AA, Marlow J, Crucilla S & Enalls BC