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Crottini A. (2004) Generation of C-O-H Fluids from Subducted Altered Oceanic Crust: An Experimental Perspective
Crottini A & Poli S

Crotty C. (2020) Experimentally Determined Low Temperature Fluid-Antigorite Trace Element Partitioning Data
Crotty C & van Hinsberg V
(2019) Quantitatively Reconstructing the Trace and Metal Composition of Seawater Derived Hydrothermal Fluids from (Ultra)mafic Rocks
Crotty C & van Hinsberg V
(2019) Pressure–temperature History of the >3 Ga Tartoq Greenstone Belt in SW Greenland: Evidence for an Early Style of Subduction
van Hinsberg V, Crotty C, Roozen S, Szilas K & Kisters A

Crouch E. (2011) Response of Continental Biogeochemical Processes to Short- and Long-Term Global Warming
Pancost R, Taylor K, Hollis C, Handley L, Rees-Owen R, Crouch E & Schouten S
(2011) Late Paleocene Sea Surface Cooling in Southeast New Zealand
Taylor K, Hollis C, Handley L, Morgans H, Crouch E, Schouten S & Pancost R
(2009) Mg/Ca Ocean Paleo-Temperatures from New Zealand Foraminifera in the Eocene Greenhouse World
Creech J, Baker J, Hollis C, Morgans H & Crouch E
(2008) Integrated Biomarker Records Reveal Complex and Dramatic Changes in High Latitude Climate during the Paleogene
Handley L, Hollis C, Crouch E, Schouten S, Huber M, Morgans H, Pearson P, Sinninghe Damsté J, Burgess C & Pancost R
(2006) The carbon isotope stratigraphy of the PETM – new records from bacterial and higher plant biomarkers
Handley L, Hawkins E, Steart D, Collinson M, Scott A, Crouch E, Sinninghe Damste J & Pancost R

Crouch R. (2004) Combining a Microcosm Biodegradation Concept with Reactive Transport Modelling of Phenol Attenuation for a Field Case
Watson I, Oswald S, Crouch R & Banwart S

Croudace I.W. (2002) Plutonium and Uranium Isotope Ratio Measurement by MC-ICP-MS
Taylor R, Warneke T, Croudace I, Milton A & Warwick P
(2002) Geochemical and Hydrodynamic Controls on the Accumulation of Nuclear Reprocessing Wastes in Coastal Sediments
Cundy AB, Croudace IW, Warwick PE & Oh J-S
(2002) Spatial and Temporal Variation of Tritium Activities in Coastal Marine Sediments of the Severn Estuary, U.K
Warwick P, Croudace IW, Howard AG, Cundy AB & Morris J
(2000) Geochemical and Micro-Palaeontological Evidence of a Climatic Perturbation during Formation of the most Recent Eastern Mediterranean Sapropel
Thomson J, Mercone D, Abu-Zied R, Croudace I & Rohling E
(2000) Measurement of Pu Isotopes at Ultra-Trace Levels Using Multi-Collector ICP-MS
Milton JA, Taylor R, Warneke T, Nesbitt R, Croudace I & Warwick P
(2000) Redox-Sensitive Element Uptake at the North-East Atlantic Benthic Boundary Layer Experiment Sites
Thomson J, Nixon S, Croudace I, Pedersen T, Brown L, Cook G & MacKenzie A

Croue J-P. (2012) Characterization of Humic Acid Reactivity Modifications due to Adsorption onto alpha-Al2O3
Benedetti M, Janot N, Zheng X, Croue J-P & Reiller P
(2012) Engineered Nanoparticle Sorption onto Mineral Surfaces
Gelabert A, Sivry Y, soares pereira C, Aubry C, Menguy N, Croue J-P & Benedetti MF

Crout Neil (2017) Iodine Dynamics with Humic Acid
Sanders H, Bailey E, Young S & Crout N
(2011) Understanding Bioavailability of Iodine in Soils of Northern Ireland
Smith H, Ander L, Bailey E, Crout N, Watts M & Young S

Crout Neil M.J. (2019) Kinetics of Tc-99 in Aerobic Soils: A 2.5 yr Experimental Study
Izquierdo M, Bailey EH, Crout NMJ, Young SD & Shaw G

Crouvi O. (2023) The Contribution of Dust to Volcanic Soils in a Semi-Arid to Sub-Humid Setting, a Case Study from the Golan Heights
Zaarur S, Crouvi O & Kumer H
(2022) Estimating the Contribution and Sources of Aeolian Sediments (Dust) to the Volcanic Soils of the Golan Heights, Eastern Mediterranean, and their Effect on Soil Composition
Zaarur S & Crouvi O
(2020) Dust-Cycle Response to Arizona’s Holocene Climate Change
Tau G, Crouvi O, Enzel Y & Teutsch N

Crouzel L. (2001) Pb Behavior in the Garonne River (South West France) Through Crossing of the Toulouse Urban Area: Evidences for Remobilization Processes
Quilici H, Crouzel L, Baque D & Loubet M

Crouzet A. (2023) A Controlled Bioprocess of Mineral Alteration to Recover W, Cu, Zn, Mn, and Mg from a Mine Shaly Hardrock Waste: Coupling Experiments and Geochemical Modeling
Laroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Voiron C & Martins JMF
(2023) Comparison of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation Treatments for Recovering of Critical Metals from Tungsten Mine Residues
Laroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Duwig C, Rossier Y, Cand L, Maret T & Martins JMF

Crouzet C (2000) Arsenic and Rare Earth Elements Trapping by Carbonates and Hydrous Iron Oxides Precipitates Generated by Degassing and Oxidation of Mineralised Waters
Le Guern C, Baranger P, Conil P, Negrel P, Brach M, Bodenan F & Crouzet C

Crouzet Catherine (2014) Migration of Nickel in a Sandy Aquifer Downgradient from a Liquid Waste Disposal Site: Organic Complexation Versus Sulfide Precipitation
Bourg A, Williams G, Bannon M & Crouzet C

Crovato C. (2019) Assessment of Heavy Metals Contamination in Sediment from the Khnifiss Lagoon (SW-Morocco)
Tnoumi A, Armiento G, Angelone M, Caprioli R, Crovato C, De Cassan M, Montereali M, Nardi E, Schirone A, Spaziani F, Fadili A & Zourarah B

Crovisier J (2004) Experimental Evidence for a Direct Use of Nutriments (Fe, Mg) from Basaltic Glass, and MWI Bottom Ash by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Aouad G, Geoffroy V, Meyer J, Crovisier J, Stille P & Damidot D

Crovisier Jacques (2012) Ocean-Like Water in Jupiter-Family Comet 103P/Hartley 2
Hartogh P, Lis DC, Bockelee-Morvan D, de Val-Borro M, Biver N, Kuppers M, Emprechtinger M, Bergin EA, Crovisier J, Rengel M, Moreno R, Szutowicz S & Blake GA

Crovisier Jean Louis (2002) The Relevance of Analogues for Long-Term Prediction
Crovisier JL & Advocat T
(2000) Role of Zeolites Crystallisation in the Kinetic of Volcanic Glass Corrosion
Le Gal X & Crovisier JL

Crow Carolyn (2018) TEM Analyses of Novel Lunar Zircon Shock Microstructures
Crow C, Han J, Keller L & Moser D
(2017) Lunar Zircons: Probing the Moon's Early History
Crow C, McKeegan K & Moser D
(2016) U-Pb Dating of Zircon Shock Microstructures with NanoSIMS
Crow C, Jacobsen B, Moser D & McKeegan K

Crow Carolyn A. (2023) Synchronous Co-located S and Cl Isotope Ratio Measurements in Lunar Meteorite and Apollo Apatites
Economos R, Lehman Franco K, Crow CA, Erickson T, Bell E & Summerlin-Donofrio E
(2022) From Source to Surface: Tracing the Volatile Record of High-Titanium Mare Basalts
Barnes JJ, Wilbur ZE, Brounce M, Crow CA, Pomeroy S, Ong LJ, Hahn T, Mosenfelder J, Boyce JW & Erickson T
(2021) Coordinated Geochronology of an Apollo Regolith Fragment
Crow CA, Borg L, Cassata W & Pomeroy S

Crow S. (2020) Climate-Wise Management: Soil Mineralogy’s Primary Influence on Soil Organic Matter in Hawaiʻi
Vizka E, Deenik J, Hubanks H & Crow S
(2020) Carbon Flow Through Energycane Agroecosystems Established Post-Intensive Agriculture
Crow S, Wells J, Sierra C, Youkhana A, Ogoshi R, Richardson D, Glazer C, Meki M & Kiniry J
(2020) Complex Non-Crystalline Mineralogy Protects Soil Carbon from Temperature-Dependent Decay
Crow S, McGrath C, Hicks Pries C, Nguyen N, Lazaro M, Giardina C & Litton C
(2020) Interactive Feedbacks of Climate, Mineralogy and Microbiological Communities on Soil Carbon: A Deep Soil Warming Experiment
McGrath C, Crow S, Hicks Pries C, Nguyen N, Glazer B & Lio S
(2020) Mineral Associated Organic Matter and Soil Health in Hawaii
Tallamy Glazer C, Crow S, Hubanks H, Cotrufo F & Haddix M
(2019) Kinetic Heterogeneity of Soil Organic Matter at the Global Scale
Lawrence C, Heckman K, Hicks Pries C, Crow S, Sierra C & Trumbore S

Crowe D. (2005) Geochronology and Geochemical Study of Part of the Battle Mountain – Eureka Trend, Nevada
Kelson C, Crowe D & Stein H

Crowe R. (2019) Dolomitization of the Palaeozoic Successions in the Huron Domain of Southern Ontario, Canada: A Record of Fluid Compartmentalization and Evolution
Crowe R, Al-Aasm I & Tortola M

Crowe Sean (2021) Stability of Stratification and its Effect on the Accumulation of Ferrous Iron in Meromictic Lake Towuti
Pu T, Crowe S & Katsev S
(2021) Trace Oxygen Shifts Nitrogen Metabolism and Stimulates Nitrogen Reduction in Low-Oxygen Marine Waters
Huggins J, Michiels C, Simister R & Crowe S
(2019) Direct Discovery of Buried Mineralization Through Microbial Community Fingerprinting
Iulianella Phillips BP, Simister RL, Winterburn PA & Crowe SA
(2019) Comparative Genomic and Tran-Scriptomic Investigation of an Acidic Pit Lake in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Ayala D, Sánchez-España J, Crowe S, Macalady J & Burgos W
(2019) Framboidal Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Byrne J, Kenward P, Michiels C, Simister R, Friese A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Nomosatyro S, Kallmeyer J, Kappler A, Smit M & Crowe S
(2019) Microbial Community Metabolism and Coupled Carbon and Iron Cycling in Ferruginous Environments
Thompson K, Simister R, Lliros M & Crowe S
(2019) Cr Isotopes and the Attenuation of Cr(VI)-rich Runoff
Davidson A, Holmden C, Nomosatryo S, Henny C, Francois R & Crowe S
(2019) Energetics-Based Modeling of Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Sediments
Katsev S & Crowe S
(2019) Microbial-Community Fingerprints as Indicators for Buried Mineralization
Simister R, Iulianella Phillips B, Winterburn P & Crowe S
(2019) Mineral-Microbe Interactions in Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria
Crowe S, Thompson K, Simister R, Tocheva E, Martinez R & Kappler A
(2018) Low Sulfate Systems: Does Organic Sulfur Affect Isotopic Fractionations?
Fakhraee M, Crowe SA, Toner BM & Katsev S
(2018) Fe-Speciation by Sequential Extraction and Fe-Isotopes as Tracers of Processes Mobilizing Fe in Lacustrine Sediments
Ordoñez L, Bauer K, Ariztegui D, Crowe S, Vogel H, Chiaradia M, Morlock MA, Simister R, Melles M, Russell JM & Bijaksana S
(2018) Sub-Mm Levels of Sulfate and Inefficient AOM in Proterozoic Oceans
Fakhraee M, Hancisse O, Canfield DE, Crowe SA & Katsev S
(2018) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in a Seasonally Anoxic Fjord
King E, Amini M, Weis D, Francois R & Crowe S
(2018) Microbiology in Mineral Exploration
Iulianella Phillips B, Simister R, Winterburn P & Crowe S
(2018) Metaproteomics Reveal Uncharacterized Betaproteobacterial Electron Conduits
Szeinbaum N, Henny C, Crowe S, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Reinhard C, Nunn B & Glass J
(2018) Ferruginous Conditions and the Collapse of the Early Cretaceous Seawater Sulphate Reservoir
Bauer K, Bottini C, Katsev S, Jellinek M, Francois R, Erba E & Crowe S
(2017) Biogeochemistry of Sediments from Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Kallmeyer J, Friese A, Simister R, Bauer K, Crowe S, Nomosatryo S, Henny C & Dianto A
(2016) Biogeochemistry of Ferruginous Sediments from Lake Towuti, Indonesia
Simister R, Bauer K, Vuillemin A, Fowle D, Russell J, Kallmeyer J, Hallam S & Crowe S

Crowe Sean A (2020) Cr Speciation & Isotope Composition in Seawater
Ashley D, Roger F & Crowe S
(2020) Ocean Anoxia and the Emergence of Ferruginous and Euxinic States Through Earth’s History
Crowe S
(2020) DNA Sequencing for the Discovery of New Ore-Deposits
Simister R, Iulianella Phillips BP & Crowe S
(2020) Trace Oxygen Shifts Nitrogen Metabolism and Stimulates Nitrogen Reduction in Low-Oxygen Marine Waters
Huggins J, Michiels C, Simister R & Crowe S
(2020) Pyrite Burial, Seawater Sulfate Scarcity, and the End Permian Mass Extinction
Bauer K, Crowe S & McKenzie R
(2020) Direct Detection of Concealed Mineral Deposits Through Microbial Community Fingerprinting
Iulianella Phillips BP, Simister RL, Winterburn PA & Crowe SA
(2020) DNRA Dominates NO3-reduction in Persistantly Anoxic Saanich Inlet
Michiels CC, Huggins JA, Simister RL, Thompson K, Hallam SJ & Crowe SA

Crowe Sean A. (2024) A Climate Tipping Point for Ocean Deoxygenation during the Early Cretaceous
Bauer KW, McKenzie R, Cheung CTL, Gambacorta G, Bottini C, Nordsvan A, Erba E & Crowe SA
(2023) Empirically Constraining the Role of O2 in the End-Proterozoic Diversification of Eukaryotes
Mills DB, Simister RL, Sehein TR, Hallam SJ, Sperling EA & Crowe SA
(2023) Carbon Pump Dynamics and Limited Organic Carbon Burial during OAE1a
Bauer KW, McKenzie R, Bottini C, Erba E & Crowe SA
(2023) Isotope Signatures of Siderites Spanning 1 Ma of Depositional Historyin Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Friese A, Mayr C, von Blanckenburg F, Heuer V, Glombitza C, Bauer KW, Crowe SA, Henny C, Vogel H, Russell JM & Kallmeyer J
(2023) Quantifying the Role of Biogeochemical Interaction between Macro- and Micronutrients on Carbon Cycling in Mangroves Soil
Thibodeau B, Rodriguez Moreno MJ, Allais L, Cannicci S, Crowe SA, Hui J, Khan N, Lai D, Luo H, Not C & Tsui M
(2023) Bacterial Forensics to Solve the Mystery of a Serious Threat to Marine Aquatic Systems: A Genomic and Isotopic Approach to Study Hypoxia
Mirzaei Y, Crowe SA & Gélinas Y
(2017) The Metabolic Potential of Freshwater Bathyarchaeota
Crowe S, Zhou C, Simister R, Glass J, Bray M, Morgan-Lang C, Hahn A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Stewart F, Kallmeyer J & Hallam S
(2017) Primary Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Simister R, Michiels C, Henny C & Crowe S
(2017) Reconstructing the Geochemical Cycle of Fe in Lake Towuti (Indonesia)
Ordóñez L, Ariztegui D, Chiaradia M, Crowe S, Morlock MA, Bauer K, Simister R, Vogel H, Melles M, Russel J & Bijaksana S
(2017) Application of Genomics to Mineral Exploration
Simister R, Winterburn P & Crowe S
(2017) Seasonal Dynamics Drive Anammox as the Primary N2 Production Pathway in Sulphidic Saanich Inlet
Michiels CC, Hallam SJ & Crowe SA
(2017) Chromium Isotope Speciation in Seawater
Davidson A, Holmden C, Francois R & Crowe S
(2016) Photosynthetic Oxidation of the Earth Before Cyanobacteria
Crowe S, Thompson K, Kenward P, Bauer K, Michiels C, Gauger T, Kappler A, Reinhard C & Konhauser K
(2016) Chromium Isotope Fractionation in Ferruginous Sediments
Bauer K, Gueguen B, Francois R, Planavsky N & Crowe S
(2016) How did Ferruginous Archean Oceans Make Methane?
Glass J, Bray M, Wu J, Reed B, Kretz C, Stewart F, DiChristina T, Brandes J, Fowle D & Crowe S
(2016) An Ecophysiological Throttle on Planetary Oxygenation during the Archean
Reinhard CT, Crowe SA, Ozaki K & Thompson KJ
(2016) Extensive Oxidative Weathering Following a Late Neoproterozoic Glaciation – Evidence from Trace Element and Chromium Isotope Records in the Moro do Urucum and Puga Iron Formation (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil)
Frei R, Døssing LN, Gaucher C, Boggiani P & Crowe SA

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