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Creon L. (2016) Highly CO2-supersaturated Melts in the Carpathian-Pannonian Lithosphere
Creon L, Rouchon V, Delpech G, Szabo C, Asimow PD, Antoschechkina PM, Ghiorso MS & Guyot F
(2016) A Fluid Phase Equilibria Model in the System CO2-N2-H2O-NaCl-He-Ne-Ar Below 200 Bar and 150℃ – Application to CO2/He Fractionation in Continental Mantle Degassing
Rouchon V, Courtial X, Durand I, Garcia B, Creon L & Mougin P
(2015) Fluids, Melts and Minerals in Pannonian Peridotites – Quantitative Petrography Using Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography
Creon L, Rouchon V, Rosenberg E, Youssef S, Guyot F, Szabo C, Tafforeau P & Boller E
(2015) Mantle CO2 Fluxes to the Pannonian Lithosphere Inferred from Mantle Xenolith Investigation
Creon L, Delpech G, Rouchon V, Szabo C, Asimow PD, Antoshechkina PM, Ghiorso MS & Guyot F

Crépisson Céline (2020) Heavy Rare Gases and Halogens in Magmas at Depth: Implications for Elemental and Isotopic Fractionation
Sanloup C, Crépisson C, Leroy C, Bureau H & Cochain B
(2017) New Constraints on Xe Incorporation Mechanisms in Olivine from First-Principles Calculations
Crépisson C, Blanchard M, Lazzeri M, Balan E & Sanloup C

Crepisson Celine (2012) Carbonated Basalts at Depth: Density, Compression Mechanisms, and Potential Buoyancy
Sanloup C, Crepisson C, Morard G, Bureau H, Prouteau G & PetitGirard S

Crepisson Celine (2013) Viscosity and Structure of Fayalite Liquid at High Pressure up to 9GPa
Spice H, Sanloup C, Drewitt J, De Grouchy C, Crepisson C, Kono Y, Park C & McCammon C

Crépon A. (2020) Magmatic Evolution of a Neoarchean Greenstone Belt
Mathieu L, Madon B, Crépon A, Berthoty P & Kontak D

Crerighton S. (2006) OH in peridotitic olivines entrained in kimberlitic magma
Matveev S, Crerighton S & Stachel T

Črešnar M. (2023) Understanding Diet Through Combined Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotope Systematics in Archaeological Skeletal Remains
Gerritzen CT, Goderis S, James HF, Črešnar M, Leskovar T, Gruškovnjak L, Potočnik D, Ogrinc N & Snoeck C

Crespim E. (2009) Integrated Investigation on Petroleum Biodegradation
Santos Neto E, Oliveira V, Reis F, Koike L, Marsaioli A, Vasconcellos S, Sette L, Crespim E, Cerqueira J, Lopes JA, Lima SG, Cruz G, Simioni K & Dussan LJ

Crespo Á. (2019) Cation Ordering and Crystallinity of Dolomites in the Geological Record
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Crespo Á

Crespo E. (2003) Isotopic Studies of Vein Type Graphite from Ultramafic Massifs of Ronda (Spain) and Beni Bousera (Morocco)
Crespo E, Wada H, Rodas M & Luque F

Crespo J. (2019) How are Critical Elements Distributed in a World-Class Porphyry Cu Deposit?
Reich M, Crespo J, Barra F, Leisen M, Romero R, Verdugo JJ & Martinez C

Crespo-Feo E. (2011) Graphite-Bearing Norites (Cortegana Igneous Complex, SW Spain): Mantle-Derived Carbon or Crustal Contamination?
Piña R, Crespo-Feo E, Ortega L, Barrenechea JF & Luque FJ

Crespo-Medina M. (2016) Linkages between Dynamic Recharge, Serpentinization, and Subsurface Microbial Processes in the Santa Elena Ophiolite, Costa Rica
Schrenk M, Crespo-Medina M, Sanchez-Murillo R & Twing K
(2014) The Microbial Response to the Deepwater Horizon Deep-Sea Plume
Kleindienst S, Grim S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Perkins M, Allen A, Passow U, Crespo-Medina M, Field J, Dittmar T, Medeiros P, Sogin M & Joye SB
(2013) Microbial Metabolism in Serpentinite Fluids
Crespo-Medina M, Brazelton W, Twing K, Kubo M, Hoehler T & Schrenk M
(2010) Spatial Patterns in Sediment Microbial Diversity Around Gulf of Mexico Brine Lakes
Crespo-Medina M, Bowles M, Samarkin V & Joye S
(2009) Patterns and Controls on Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Extreme Environments of Varying Salinity
Joye S, Samarkin V, Bowles M, Carini S, Crespo-Medina M & Madigan M

Cressey B. (2005) The Effect of Iron on Bentonite Stability
Wilson J, Cressey G, Cressey B, Ragnarsdottir V, Savage D, Cuadros J & Shibata M

Cressey G. (2005) The Effect of Iron on Bentonite Stability
Wilson J, Cressey G, Cressey B, Ragnarsdottir V, Savage D, Cuadros J & Shibata M
(2005) Understanding Biomineralisation of Bone Apatite for Applications to Toxic Metal Remediation: Preliminary Results
Valsami-Jones E, Wilson J, Cressey G, Collins M, Manning D, Wess T, Younger P & Woodgate S
(2000) The Effect of Iron on the Stability of Montmorillonite
Wilson J, Ragnarsdottir V, Savage D & Cressey G

Cresswell A. (2016) C-14 Releases from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant
Xu S, Cook G, Cresswell A, Dunbar E, Freeman S, Hou X, Jacobsson P, Kinch H, Naysmith P, Sanderson D, Tripney B & Yamaguchi K

Cresswell R. (2008) Chemical Evolution of Groundwater in the Unsaturated Zone
Lenahan M, Kirste D, Cresswell R, McPhail B & Welch S
(2006) Hydrogeochemistry of Hodgson Creek Catchment, Queensland Murray-Darling Basin
Cresswell R, Silburn M, Rassam D, Biggs A & McNeil V
(2006) Helium-4 characteristics of groundwaters from Central Australia: Comparative chronology with Chlorine-36 and Carbon-14 dating techniques
Kulongoski J, Hilton D, Hostetler S, Cresswell R & Jacobson G
(2006) Uranium and Carbon Isotopes as Indicators of Pre-Development Groundwater Flow in a Semi-Arid Aquifer System
Weaver T, Carrara E, Cartwright I, Cresswell R & Maas R
(2006) High resolution Cl- and 36Cl profiles: Physiochemical mechanisms in the unsaturated zone
Lenahan M, Kirste D, Creswell R, Mcphail DC & Fifeld LK

Cretnik S. (2014) Probing the Mechanism of Anaerobic Trichloroethene Biodegradation with Dual Element Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Analysis
Douglas LM, Cretnik S, Pérez-de-Mora A, Höche M, Meyer AH, Shouakar-Stash O, Edwards EA, Sherwood Lollar B & Elsner M
(2014) Effect of Corrinoid Cofactor Type on the Reductive Dehalogenation and Protonation Reaction
Renpenning J, Keller S, Cretnik S, Elsner M, Schubert T & Nijenhuis I

Crewe A.T. (2006) Mineralisation and Evolution in Rust-coloured Acarospora from a Swedish Mine
Purvis OW, Crewe AT & Wedin M

Cribb A.T. (2022) Geobiological Impacts of Earth’s Early Complex Bioturbators during the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition
Cribb AT, van de Velde S, Celestian AJ, Berelson WM, Bottjer DJ & Corsetti FA
(2021) Controls on the Oxygen Penetration Depth in Ediacaran-Paleozoic Benthic Ecosystems: A Reactive-Transport Modeling Study
Cribb AT, van de Velde SJ, Berelson WM, Bottjer DJ & Corsetti FA

Crich D. (2002) Significance of Novel Branched Alkanes with Quaternary Carbon Centers in Black Shales
Simons D-J, Kenig F, Crich D & Schroder-Adams C
(2002) Alkanes with a Quaternary Carbon Centre: A 2, 200 Myr. Record of Sulfide Oxidizing Bacteria
Kenig F, Simons D-J, Crich D, Cowen J, Ventura G & Brown T

Crichton W. (2023) Post-Stishovite Transition of Eclogitic Stishovite: Insights from in situ XRD and Ultrasonic Interferometry
Rosenthal A, Crichton W, Thomson AR, Druzhbin D, Myhill R, Huang R & Brodholt J
(2021) Is There a Global Carbonate Layer in the Oceanic Mantle?
Hammouda T, Manthilake G, Goncalves P, Chantel J, Guignard J, Crichton W & Gaillard F
(2018) Crystallographic Incorporation of Hydrogen in Ringwoodite
Thomson A, Dobson D, Brodholt J, Crichton W, Cerantola V & Piltz R

Criddle C. (2014) Microbial Response to Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Uranium, Iron, Sulfur in Ethanol-Amended Sediments
Flynn T, Boyanov M, Skinner K, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Yan F, Marsh T, O'Loughlin E & Kemner K
(2011) Uranium Dynamics in Biostimulated Field-Site Sediments: Spatial Distribution and Formation of Non-Uraninite U(IV) Phases
Boyanov M, O'Loughlin E, Skinner K, Mishra B, Kelly S, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Mueller M, Melhorn T, Watson D, Brooks S & Kemner K
(2010) In situ Biostimulation of U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil
Wu W, Watson D, Mehlhorn T, Earles J, Boyanov M, Gihring T, Schadt C, Lowe K, Phillips J, Kemner K, Spalding B, Criddle C, Jardine P & Brooks S
(2009) Subsurface Microbial Community Structure Correlates with Uranium Redox Phases during in situ Field Manipulation in a Contaminated Aquifer
Kostka JE, Green S, Overholt W, Wu W-M, Criddle C, Watson D & Jardine P
(2008) Monitoring Uranium Transformations
Kelly S, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E, Wu W-M, Criddle C & Marsh T
(2005) Insitu Biological Reduction of Uranium within Fractured Saprolite
Ginder-Vogel M, Wu W, Gu B, Carley J, Nyman J, Criddle C, Jardine P & Fendorf S
(2000) Serendipity and Bioaugmentation: The Strange True Story of Pseudomonas Stutzeri KC
Criddle C

Crill Patrick (2012) Si Isotope Signatures Preserved in BSi Hold Temperature Information
Sun X, Andersson P, Humborg C, Conley D, Crill P & Moerth C-M

Crill Patrick M. (2022) Temperature-Controlled Incubations of Swedish Bog Peat: Findings and Modelling Applications
Cory AB, Chanton JP, Wilson RM, Li Z, Crill PM, Riley WJ & Rich VI

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