Crain J.
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Studies of Aqueous Solutions: Solvation of Salts and Amino Acids
Martyna G & Crain J
Craine J.M.
Representing Microbial Processing and Mineral Stabilization of Plant-Derived Organic Matter in Models of Terrestrial N Isotopes
Baisden T, Brookshire J, Craine J & Perakis S
Use of CO2/H2O IRGA-Based Evolved Gas Analysis during Thermal Analysis of Soil Organic Matter
Fernández JM, Craine JM & Plante AF
Crambert G.
Fractionation of Stable Chlorine Isotopes in the Kidneys of Mice
Aloisi G, Crambert G, Agrinier P, Bardoux G, Cheval L & Houillier P
Crame A.
The Impact of the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) Mass Extinction Event on the Global Sulfur Cycle: Evidence from Seymour Island, Antarctica
Witts J, Newton R, Mills B, Wignall P, Bottrell S, Hall J, Francis J & Crame A
Extreme Methane Signals in a Low Sulfate World
Hall J, Newton R, Witts J, Francis J, Harper L, Crame A & Haywood A
Crame J.A.
Paleoclimatic Changes Across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary: Geochemical Reconstructions from Seymour Island, Antarctica
O'Brien C, Robinson S, Kemp D, Crame JA, Francis J, Lunt D, Ineson J, Whittle R & Bowman V
Cramer C.J.
Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidation of Substituted Anilines by Manganese Oxide
Skarpeli-Liati M, Jiskra M, Arnold WA, Cramer CJ & Hofstetter TB
Equilibrium Mercury Isotope Fractionation between Dissolved Hg(II) Species and Thiol-Bound Hg
Wiederhold JG, Cramer CJ, Daniel K, Infante I, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
Cramer E.
Which Age is the True Age? Unravelling within-Flow Ar/Ar Age Variations in Faroe Islands Basalt Lavas
Cramer E, Sherlock S, Halton A, Blake S, Barry T, Kelley S & Jolley D
Crampe E.
Isotope Dendrochronology of African Mahogany (Entandrophragma Macrophyllum) from the Central African Republic as a Hydroclimate Proxy
Verheyden A, Crampe E, Gillikin D & Bouillon S
Crampon M.
Leaching of Trace Metals (Pb, Zn) from Contaminated Tailings: A Multicomponent Reactive Transport Model of a Pilot-Scale Experiment
Mertz S, Le Forestier L, Thouin H, Battaglia-Brunet F, Norini M-P, Crampon M, Gautret P, Bataillard P & Devau N
Nanoparticles and Bacterial Biofilm Interactions in Natural Groundwater: Implication for NPs Mobility and Toxicity for Bacteria
Crampon M, Hellal J, Michel C, Wille G, Mouvet C & Ollivier P
Crampond K.
Links between Iron and Humic Substances Biogeochemistry in the Ocean
Dulaquais G, Crampond K, Waeles M, Gerringa LJA, Middag R, Rijkenberg M, Boye M & Riso R
Crampton James
Redox-Sensitive Metals in Red Shales: Exploring a New Archive for Palaeoceanographic Reconstruction
Gangl S, Stirling C, Moy C, Jenkyns H, Crampton J, Clarkson M & Porcelli D
High-resolution δ13Corg and TOC Records for the palaeo-Pacific Ocean during ‘OAE-2’: Insights into the Global Extent of Ocean Anoxia
Gangl S, Stirling C, Moy C, Jenkyns H, Crampton J, Clarkson M & Porcelli D
Crampton James S.
Redox-sensitive Metals and δ238U in Red and Grey Shales: Exploring a New Archive for Palaeo-Redox Studies
Gangl SK, Stirling CH, Moy CM, Jenkyns HC, Crampton JS, Clarkson MO & Porcelli D
Cramwinckel M.J.
Plankton Life-History Reveals Adaptions to Cenozoic Climate Change
Coxall HK, Pearson PN, Huber BT, Cramwinckel MJ, Vermassen F, Handl T & Ezard THG
A North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction for the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
van der Ploeg R, Cramwinckel MJ, Kocken IJ, van der Meer AE, Müller IA, Ziegler M, Leutert TJ, Meckler AN, Sexton PF, Bohaty SM, Wilson PA, Peterse F, Schouten S, Reichart G-J, Middelburg JJ & Sluijs A
Crancon P.
Molecular Composition and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter from the Podzolic Soils of a Temperate Wetland
Maria E, Crançon P, Lespes G & Bridoux M
Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties of U(VI) Sorption on Chalk Substrates
Gehin A, Markelov I, Crancon P & Charlet L
Crandall Dustin
Investigation of Scaling in Marcellus Shale during a Laboratory Simulated Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid Flow and Shut-In Period
Xiong W, Moore J, Hakala JA, Crandall D & Lopano C
Mineral Paragenesis and Microtextures in Naturally Sealed Shale Fractures
Sheets J, Hajirezaie S, Swift A, Crandall D, Cole D, Peters C & Kornacki A
Crandall Dustin M.
Geochemical and Structural Alterations by CO2-rich Brine Transport Through Mt. Simon Reservoir Core Under Supercritical CO2 Conditions
Davila G, Zahasky C, Benson SM, Crandall DM, Werth CL & Druhan JL
Characterization of Reaction Fronts Associated with Mineral Carbonation of Fractured Basalts
Menefee A, Giammar D, Crandall D & Ellis B
Crane Edward
The Chemical and Biological Evolution of a Meromictic Lake, Washington USA
Gilhooly W, Harris J, Bosco-Santos A, Steinman B, Crane E, Shelton M, Picard C, O'Beirne M & Werne J
Characterization of Thiol, Disulfide and Persulfide Compounds for Environmental Studies Using Cyclic Voltammetry
To D & Crane EJ
Characterization of Forms of Sulfur that Predominate during S Reduction with Enzymes, in Microbial Cultures and in Sulfidogenic Environments
Crane E, To D, Zhu B, Li W, Kafantaris F & Druschel G
Crane Ej
Potential for Widespread Microbial Liberation of Structurally-Coordinated Iron from Common Clay Minerals in Marine Sediments
Gaines R, Trang J, Scott S, Crane E, Prokopenko M & Berelson W
Crane N.
Linking Indigenous and Western Knowledge Systems to Support Socio-Ecological Resilience in Pacific Outer Islands: Partnerships for Sustainability
Crane N & Rumal J
Crane P.
Natural Hydrogen in Low Temperature Geofluids in a Mesoproterozoic Granite, South Australia
Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Wilske C, Mallants D, Suckow AO, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M, Gerber C, Crane P & Deslandes A
Assessing Groundwater Time Scales at and Beyond 36Cl/Cl Using 81Kr and Radiogenic Noble Gas Isotopes in Australia
Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Gerber C, Crane P, Wilske C, Raiber M, Yang G-M, Jiang W & Meredith K
Noble Gas Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in the Deep Hiltaba Suite Granite (South Australia) Reveal Fluid Circulation on the Billion Year Time Scale
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Crane P, Deslandes A, Delle Piane C, Bourdet J, Questiaux D, Spooner N, Martin LAJ, Aleshin M & Mallants D
Noble Gases from Fluid Inclusions in the Hiltaba Suite Granite, South Australia
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Gerber C, Deslandes A, Crane P, Bourdet J, Delle Piane C, Spooner N & Mallants D
Fluid Inclusions in Minerals of the Deep Crust – Investigations with the New High Vacuum Crushing System at the CSIRO Noble Gas Facility
Wilske C, Suckow AO, Deslandes A, Crane P, Gerber C, Spooner N & Mallants D
Crane Rich
Sustainable Biogenic Transformation of Iron from Industrial Waste to Magnetic Nanoparticles
Ullah S, Crane R & Byrne JM
Long-Term Metal Flux and Concentration Behaviour in an AMD Affected Catchment
Jennings E, Comber S, Crane R, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Onnis P
Ecotoxic Metal(Loid) Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Riley AL, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Byrne P, Burke IT, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
Arsenic Speciation and Evolution in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Burke IT, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Riley AL, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Recovery of Metals from Anthropogenic and Environmental Waste
O'Neill K, Biswakarma J, Crane R & Byrne JM
Selective Leaching of Technology Metals Using Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents
Heathcote RRJ, Nash W, Hudson-Edwards KA & Crane R
Crane Richard
Enhanced Leaching of Copper and Arsenic from Mine Tailings Using Biodegradable Acids for Resource Recovery and Remediation
Sapsford D & Crane R
Modelling Saline Water Intrusion Processes in Dual Porosity Media Using Centrifuge Permeameter Techniques
Crane R, Cuthbert M & Timms W
Crane S.
Microbial Mercury Resistance in Geothermal Springs
Barkay T, Wang Y & Crane S
Crane, Iii E.
Characterization of Forms of Zero-Valent Sulfur in the Microbial Metabolism of Sulfur and Thiosulfate and in Enzymatic Sulfur Reduction
Crane, Iii E, Zhu B, Li W, Kafantaris F & Druschel G
Crannell B.
Use of Surface Analysis, Solid-State Spectroscopy, and Geochemical Modelling to Characterize Phosphate-Stabilized Wastes
Eighmy T, Crannell B, Eusden D, Butler L & Cartledge F