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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Canavan Richard (2004) Biogeochemical Dynamics in Sediments of a Coastal Fresh Water Lake
Canavan R, Slomp C, Van Cappellen P & Regnier P
(2002) Trace Metal Dynamics in Freshwater Sediment: The Haringvliet
Canavan R, Slomp CP & Van Cappellen P

Canavan Robin (2017) Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Bulk Planktonic Foraminifera
Canavan R, Hull P, Elder L, Goldklang M, Affek H & Pagani M
(2015) Clumped Isotope Sea Surface Temperature Estimates: Analysis of Paleoclimate and Diagenesis
Canavan R, McGregor D, Affek H, Ivany L & Pagani M

Cañaveras J.C. (2022) Moonmilk Deposits: A Case of Biomineralization and Greenhouse Gases Regulation in Subterranean Environments
Martin-Pozas T, Cuezva S, Cañaveras JC, Benavente D, Saiz-Jimenez C, Janssens I, Seijas N, Sanchez-Moral S & Fernandez-Cortes A

Cancela da Fonseca L. (2013) Geochemical Changes in Wet Dune Slacks: Natural or Anthropic Driven?
Cruces A, Moreira S, Freitas C, Leira M, Carvalho R, Andrade C, Ferreira T, Cancela da Fonseca L & Silva C

Cancès B. (2020) Reducing Concentrations of Trace Metals in Runoff Waters from a Vineyard Catchment by Way of an Hybrid Constructed Wetland
Marin B, Caner-Chabran A, Dousset S, Conreux A, Jaunat J, Hubert J, Ponthieu M, Cances B & Morvan X
(2017) Transfer of Copper in a Wine-Growing Area: Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Stormwater Pond
Caner-Chabran A, Marin B, Dousset S, Tournebize J, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Morvan X, Jaunat J, Conreux A & Huguenot D
(2015) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter and Oxides on TE Speciation in Soil Solution: A Modeling Approach
Schneider A, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Morvan X, Gommeaux M, Marin B & Benedetti M
(2007) In situ Arsenic Speciation in Earth Surface Environments: Importance of Iron Oxides
Morin G, Juillot F, Miot J, Wang Y, Casiot C, Cancès B, Proux O, Calas G & Brown Jr. GE

Cand L. (2023) Comparison of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation Treatments for Recovering of Critical Metals from Tungsten Mine Residues
Laroche E, Spadini L, Oxarango L, Crouzet A, Duwig C, Rossier Y, Cand L, Maret T & Martins JMF

Candan O. (2018) Cretaceous Gypsum Pseudomorphs in Anatolia—Deciphering Textures and Isotopic Signatures (C, O) from Formation to Metamorphism
Scheffler F, Immenhauser A, Pourteau A, Natalicchio M, Candan O & Oberhänsli R
(2015) Lu-Hf Zoned Garnet Geochronology: An Example from the Menderes Massif, Turkey
Schmidt A, Pourteau A, Candan O & Oberhänsli R

Candaudap F. (2004) A High Resolution Temperature Calibration Study on the Chilean Gastropod Concholepas Concholepas
Guzman N, Lazareth C, Poitrasson F, Candaudap F, Cuif J & Ortlieb L

Candeias Antonio (2009) Stable Isotope Signature of the Middle Holocene Climatic Change in the SW Iberia
Ribeiro C, Terrinha P, Rosado L, Candeias A & Voelker A

Candeias ANTÓNIO (2017) Explora Project: New Geochemical Exploration Tools in Neves-Corvo Mine, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Mirao J, Batista MJ, Candeias A, Morais I, Albardeiro L, Pacheco N & Matos JX

Candeias C. (2019) Geochemical Hazards due to Volcanic Eruptions: Soil-Plant Interactions in the Volcanic Island of Fogo (Cape Verde) – Preliminary Results
Candeias C, Manuel A, Ávila P & Rocha F

Candela Philip (2014) The Effect of Particle Size on the Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Hydrocarbons from the Marcellus Shale
Jarboe P, Candela P, Zhu W & Kaufman J
(2013) Mo-W-Re-au-cu Partitioning between Vapor, Brine and Felsic Melt: Super-Solidus to Sub-Solidus
Tattitch B, Blundy J, Candela P & Piccoli P
(2013) Supersolidus and Subsolidus Equilibria in Indium-Bearing Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems
Candela P, Piccoli P, Kayser S & Nance J
(2013) Controls on the Composition of Magmatic Volatiles in the Crust: Implications for Ore Genesis and Volcanic Degassing
Zajacz Z, Candela P, Piccoli P & Sanchez-Valle C
(2012) Copper Partitioning in CO2-Bearing Melt-Vapor-Brine Systems
Tattitch B, Candela P, Piccoli P, Bodnar R & Fedele L
(2011) The Solubility of Au and Cu in Andesite Melts
Zajacz Z, Candela PA, Piccoli PM, Wälle M & Sanchez-Valle C
(2010) The Effect of Magma Composition on the Genesis of Hydrothermal Gold and Copper Ore Deposits
Zajacz Z, Seo JH, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2008) Impact of Sulfide Separation on Ag and Mo Budgets in Arc Magmas
Mengason M, Piccoli P & Candela P
(2006) Gold and Arsenic Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions.
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2005) The Effect of Volatile Sulfur on Metal Partitioning at Magmatic Conditions
Simon A, Pettke T, Candela P, Piccoli P & Heinrich C
(2001) Gold Solubility, Speciation and Partitioning in Granite-Volatile Phase Systems
Frank MR, Candela PA, Piccoli PM & Glascock MD
(2001) Chlorine and Iron in Magnetite-Melt-Volatile Systems
Simon AC, Candela PA, Piccoli PM & Frank M
(2001) Evaluating the Behavior of Metals in Porphyry-Type Ore-Systems: Evidence from Experimental Studies
Piccoli PM, Stuller B, Rocca T & Candela PA
(2000) Quantitative Modeling of Magmatic Volatile Phase Exsolution
Candela P, Frank M & Piccoli P

Candela Philip A (2021) Experimental Constraints on the Formation of Pegmatite-Forming Melts by Anatexis of Amphibolite: A Case Study from Evje-Iveland, Norway
Gion AM, Piccoli PM, Fei Y, Candela PA & Ash RD

Candelier Yael (2013) Calcification Rate and Carbon-Isotope Fractionation in Coccolithophore Calcite Through Laboratory Culture Experiments
Hermoso M, Minoletti F, Candelier Y, McClelland H, Aloisi G & Rickaby R

Candelier Yael (2015) Coccolith Stable Isotopes in Palaeoceanography: Are Culture Data Transferable to the Natural Environment?
Hermoso M, Candelier Y, Minoletti F, Browning T, McClelland H & Rickaby R

Cane D. (2003) Meteoritic 44Ti Evidence for Decrease in Cosmic Ray Flux during the Past Two Hundred Years
Cini Castagnoli G, Cane D, Taricco C & Bhandari N

Canella L. (2009) New PGAI-NT and PGAA at FRM II for Geological Samples: Test Measurements on Allende Meteorite
Kudejova P, Canella L, Schulze R, Jolie J & Türler A

Canelles A. (2019) Emerging Organic Contaminants (EOCs) and Inorganic Nutrients Modelling in MAR Wastewater Column Experiments
Canelles A, Rodríguez-Escales P, Modrzyński J, Albers Nyrop C, Aamand J & Sanchez-Vila X

Canepa M. (2019) Assessment of Chromite Ore Processing Residue Environmental Impact and Remediation Strategy
Molinari S, Salviulo G, Carbone C, Vianello F, Magro M & Canepa M

Canepa P. (2009) Hematite Contaminated by Heavy Metals
Canepa P, Kossoff D, Hudson-Edwards K, Dubbin W & Alfredsson M

Canepari S. (2013) Aerosol Modifications Observed at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption in 2010
Sandrini S, Giulianelli L, Decesari S, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Chiari M, Calzolai G, Canepari S & Perrino C
(2009) Determination of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds Adsorbed on the Surface of Suspended Particulate Matter
Canepari S, Catrambone M & Perrino C

Caner L. (2013) Mineralogical Pathways Involved in the Formation of Hydrous Mg/Ni Silicate Ores (New Caledonia)
Fritsch E, Juillot F, Auzende A-L, Dublet G, Caner L & Beaufort D

Caner-Chabran A. (2020) Reducing Concentrations of Trace Metals in Runoff Waters from a Vineyard Catchment by Way of an Hybrid Constructed Wetland
Marin B, Caner-Chabran A, Dousset S, Conreux A, Jaunat J, Hubert J, Ponthieu M, Cances B & Morvan X
(2017) Transfer of Copper in a Wine-Growing Area: Evaluation of the Efficiency of a Stormwater Pond
Caner-Chabran A, Marin B, Dousset S, Tournebize J, Ponthieu M, Cancès B, Morvan X, Jaunat J, Conreux A & Huguenot D

Canesi M. Canesi (2019) Sst Reconstructions from Elemental Geochemistry of Tropical Corals
Canesi MC, Douville ED, Caquineau SC, Bordier LB, Montagna PM, Allemand DA, Planes SP & Reynaud SR

Canesi Marine (2021) Growth Parameters Affect Geochemical Proxies in Massive Corals: Impacts on Climate Reconstructions
Canesi M, Douville E, Bordier L, Dapoigny A, Coulibaly G, Simon A-C, Agelou M, Montagna P, Allemand D & Reynaud S
(2020) Temperature Reconstructions in the Pacific Ocean from Massive Corals (Porites sp. And Diploastrea Sp.)
Canesi M, Douville E, Montagna P, Bordier L, Caquineau S, Pons-Branchus E, Iwankow G, Allemand D & Reynaud S

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