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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Babu P. (2005) Structure and Dynamics of Citrate Ions in Mg/Al Layered Double Hydroxide: <+>13<$>C NMR and Molecular Dynamics Simulation Studies
Li Q, Kumar P, Babu P, Kalinichev A & Kirkpatrick J

Babu S.S. (2011) Air Quality over India: Weekly Periodicities and Long Term Trends
Satheesh SK, Moorthy KK, Babu SS, Srivastava N & Vinoj V

Babu D S S. (2024) Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Subterranean Estuary in a High Submarine Groundwater Discharge Zone: Insights from Southwest India
Yovan L, Keshava B, Babu D S S & Narayana UH
(2024) Understanding Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD): Major Challenges, Limitations, and Recommendations for Sustainable Management
P JC, Yovan L, Kumar P, Singh P, Keshava B, Narayana UH & Babu D S S
(2024) Integrated Analysis of Groundwater Dynamics in Udupi District, Karnataka, India: A Decadal Examination of Availability, Quality, and Recharge
Arya S, Ashitha M, Lamani SS, Narayana UH, Babu D S S, Yovan L & Keshava B
(2024) Characterization of Submarine Groundwater Discharge along a 130 km Stretch of the Udupi Coastline, Southwestern India
Ashitha M, Yovan L, Keshava B, Narayana UH, Babu D S S, Jacob N, Bhat G & Jeppu G
(2023) Porewater Hydrochemistry in the Subterranean Estuary of a Tropical, Microtidal, and Monsoon-Dominated Submarine Groundwater Discharge Site
Yovan L, Keshava B, Narayana UH & Babu D S S
(2022) Fresh and Recirculated Submarine Groundwater Discharge from the Karnataka Coast, Southwestern India
Yovan L, Keshava B, Narayana UH, Babu D S S & Ramasamy M

Babulevich N. (2014) Development of an Oxidation Solid Electrolyte Micro-Reactor for δ34S Analysis of Nonvolatile Organic Substances by CF-IRMS
Sevastyanov V, Babulevich N & Galimov E

Baburek J. (2011) REE Geochemistry of Iron-Apatite Deposits in Central Iran
Mokhtari MAA, Emami MH, Abedian N, Khezri M & Baburek J

Babushkina S. (2021) Unique Amphibole-Rich Mantle beneath the Leningrad Kimberlite Pipe, West Ukukit Field, NE Yakutia
Ashchepkov I, Babushkina S, Oleinikov O & Medvedev N

Babuska V. (2017) Formation of Continental Lithosphere by Oceanic Paleosubductions Constrained by 3D Seismic Anisotropy
Babuska V & Plomerova J

Baby P. (2004) Nd and Sr Isotopes, Trace and Major Elements Geochemistry of Neogene Sediments of Western Amazonia
Roddaz M, Viers J, Pinto L, Baby P, Brusset S & Hérail G

Babyak C. (2012) Chemical, Optical and Magnetic Susceptibility Characterization of Coal Fly Ash
Vitale R, Gable J, Cowan E, Seramur K, Rogers W, Carriker N & Babyak C
(2012) Multi-Laboratory Comparison of Sequential Metals Extractions
Babyak C, Gable J, Lee K-CP, Rogers W, Vitale R & Carriker N

Baca J. (2021) Position-Specific N Isotope Analysis of Glutamine Extracted from Cultured Phytoplankton
Lee C, Hayes L, Kreider-Mueller A, Kuhnel E, Baca J, Shaw C, Glibert P, Altabet M & Zhang L

Bacak Acan (2013) Simulation of Physical and Chemical Processes of Polluted Air Masses during the Aegean-Game Airborne Campaign Using WRF-Chem Model
Bossioli E, Tombrou M, Kalogiros J, Allan J, Bacak A, Bezentakos S, Biskos G, Coe H, Kouvarakis G & Mihalopoulos N

Bacak Asan (2019) Aerosol Sources, Processes and Effects on the Urban Boundary Layer: Highlights from the Beijing Air Pollution and Human Health Programme
Coe H, Allan J, Mehra A, Worrall S, Bacak A, Bannan T, Priestley M, Slater J, Joshi R, McFiggans G, Topping D, Connolly P, Liu D, Flynn M, Yu C, Sun Y, Fu P, Wang Z, Ge X & Worsnop D

Bacarreza Y. (2010) Hg Stable Isotopes in Human Hair as a Tracer for Dietary Hg Exposure
Laffont L, Sonke J, Maurice L, Bacarreza Y & Behra P

Bacelar S. (2019) Do the Sedimentary Archives of the São Francisco and Amazonian Cratons Record Early Paleoproterozoic Glacial Events?
Rossignol C, Lana C, Siciliano E, Avila J, Alkmim F, Trindade R, Bacelar S & Philippot P

Bacelar Hühn S. (2019) Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records
Philippot P, Avila J, Bouyon A, Killingsworth B, Siciliano Rego E, Rossignol C, Ader M, Busigny V, Cartigny P, Lalonde S, Tessalina S, Marly B, Trevor I, Zapporeli A, Bacelar Hühn S & Trindade R

Bach M. (2017) The Ubiquitous SAR202 Chloroflexi and their Role in Deepsea Sediments
Carvalho V, Offre P, Rapp J, Pala C, Bach M & Boetius A

Bach P. (2003) A Petrogenetic Link between High-MgO and Garnet-Bearing Andesites – A Setouchi Analogue from the Eastern Volcanic Belt in Northland, New Zealand?
Bach P, Malpas J & Smith I

Bach W. (2023) Novel Isotopic Techniques to Investigate the Deep Subsurface Acetate Cycle
Mueller EP, Panehal J, Hansen CT, Song M, Boettger J, Heuer VB, Warr O, Bach W, Hinrichs K-U, Eiler J, Orphan V, Sherwood Lollar B & Sessions AL
(2023) Mineral Carbonation of Oceanic Peridotite in the St. Paul’s Transform Fault, Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Schroeder T, Klein F, Humphris S, Seewald JS, Sichel S & Bach W
(2023) Early Archean Carbonate Factories – Major Carbon Sinks on the Juvenile Earth
Xiang W, Duda J-P, Pack A, Willbold M, Bach W & Reitner J
(2023) Trace Element Behavior at Natural Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps – Preliminary Results and New Insights from Oil Seepage-Derived Authigenic Pyrite
Smrzka D, Lin Z, Monien P, Bach W, Peckmann J & Bohrmann G
(2023) Evidence of South American Lithosphere Mantle beneath the Chile Mid-Ocean Ridge
Mallick S, Kuhl SE, Saal AE, Klein E, Bach W, Monteleone B & Boesenberg JS
(2023) Enhanced Olivine Weathering in Permeable Sandy Sediments from the North Sea – A Laboratory Study Using Flow-Through Reactors
Köster M, Diehl A, Bach W & Kasten S
(2022) Magmatic Volatiles Episodically Flush Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems: Evidence from the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Katzir Y, Fox S, Bach W, Schlicht L & Glessner J
(2022) The Surtsey Subsurface Observatory: Surface Mineral Reactions in Natural Hydrothermal Environments
Peter M, Luttge A, Bach W & Turke A
(2022) Magmatic Volatile Influx and Fluid Boiling in Submarine Caldera-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems, Niuatahi Volcano, Tonga Rear-Arc
Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Sporer C, Bach W, Klemd R, Strauss H, Storch B, Peters C, Rubin K & Anderson MO
(2021) Multi-Stage Hydrothermal Alteration of Chromium Spinels from the Sabzevar Ophiolite (SE Iran)
Eslami A, Malvoisin B, Brunet F, Kananian A, Bach W, Grieco G, Cavallo A & Gatta D
(2021) Volatiles in the Chile Ridge Basalts and the Role of Adjacent Andean Subduction Zone
Mallick S, Kuhl S, Saal A, Klein E, Bach W & Monteleone B
(2021) Brucite in Oceanic Serpentinite
Klein F, Bach W & Humphris S
(2021) Stable Cr Isotope Compositions of Modern Silicate Mantle Reservoirs
Wagner LJ, Kleinhanns IC, König S, Bach W, Rouxel O, Wörner G & Schoenberg R
(2020) Crystal Surface Reactivity Analysis Across Scales: Combined Experimental and Numerical Insight
Fischer C, Kahl W-A, Yuan T, Bollermann T & Bach W
(2020) Microbially Mediated Alteration of Basaltic Tephra from Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
Türke A, Jørgensen S, Bach W, Kahl W-A & Hansen C
(2020) From Roots to Vents: Magmatic Fluids Episodically Flush Oceanic Hydrothermal Systems
Fox S, Katzir Y, Bach W, Schlicht L & Glessner J
(2019) Tracing Fluid-Rock Interactions in Acid-Sulfate Vent Fluids from Back-Arc Basins and Island Arcs with Mg, Li and B Isotope Ratios
Wilckens FK, Reeves EP, Kleint C, Bach W, Koschinsky A & Kasemann SA
(2019) U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Veins in Cretaceous to Neogene Oceanic Crust
Zavala K, Gerdes A, Bach W & Kasemann S
(2019) Hydrothermal Fluxes of Trace Metals (Such as Zn and Fe) into Surface Waters along the Kermadec Intraoceanic Arc
Kleint C, Bach W, Sander SG, Zitoun R, Middag R, Laan P & Koschinsky A
(2019) Geochemical Variability of Hydrothermal Fluids from Four Vent Sites in the North East Lau Basin
Klose L, Kleint C, Diehl A, Bach W, Peters C, Strauss H & Koschinsky A
(2019) Diverse Hydrothermal Fluid Chemistries at 12–15°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Irinovskoe, Semenov-2, Azhadze II and Logatchev 1
Reeves E, Bach W, Jamieson J, Scheffler J, Mørkved PT & Hamelin C
(2019) Sulfur Cycling at the Kermadec Arc Revealed by Sulfur Isotopes
Peters C, Hesseler V, Koschinsky A, Bach W, Stucker V & Strauss H
(2019) Examining Pathways of Hydrocarbon Gas Generation in Guaymas Basin Hydrothermal Sediments
Song M, Schubotz F, Kellermann MY, Hansen CT, Bach W, Teske AP & Hinrichs K-U
(2019) Geochemistry of Deep Subseafloor Hydrothermal Fluids at Brothers Volcano
McDermott JM, Rouxel O, Schlicht LEM, Bach W, Stucker VK, de Ronde CEJ, Massiot C & Scientists E3
(2019) Boron Isotopes in Hydrothermally Altered Crust of the Brothers Volcano (Kermadec Arc, New Zealand)
Schlicht L, Rouxel O, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2019) Boron Isotope Behavior in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: Nature vs. Experiment
Hansen C, Schlicht L, Reeves E, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2018) Hf-Nd Isotopes of Chile Ridge Basalts, Evidence of Pelagic Sediment in the MORB Mantle
Mallick S, Saal A, Klein E & Bach W
(2018) Boron Isotopes in Hydrothermally Altered Rocks from the Manus Basin
Schlicht L, Kasemann S, Meixner A & Bach W
(2018) The Influence of Exsolved Magmatic Fluids in Back-Arc Crust: Epidosites and Base Metals
Fox S, Katzir Y, Bach W & Schlicht L
(2018) Comparing Biosignatures in Aged Basalt Glass from North Pond, Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Louisville Seamount Trail, off New Zealand
Türke A, Ménez B & Bach W
(2017) High-Temperature Hydration of Melt Impregnated Lithospheric Mantle in the 15°20’N F. Z. Area, MAR
Albers E, Schroeder T & Bach W
(2017) Upscaling of Dissolution Rate Contributors from the Atomic Scale to the Macroscopic Scale
Fischer C, Kurganskaya I, Kahl W-A, Bollermann T, Prüße F, Bach W & Luttge A
(2017) Molecular Hydrogen Production during Low-Temperature Serpentinization: A Modeling Study with Implications for Potential Microbial Life on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus
Smrzka D, Zwicker J, Taubner R-S, Bach W, Rittmann S, Schleper C & Peckmann J
(2017) High Resolution in situ Measurements Using Space Instrumentation Proves Ni Isotopes as Reliable Biosignature in Fossilized Microorganisms
Neubeck A, Tulej M, Wiessendanger R, Neuland M, Meyer S, Riedo V, Moreno-Garcia P, Ivarsson M, Bach W & Wurz P
(2017) Precipitation of Abundant Hydrothermal Clay at Ultramafic-Hosted Vent Fields on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge – Implications for Seafloor Massive Sulfide Resource Estimates
Jamieson J, Kulla M & Bach W
(2017) Archaeal Methanogenesis at the Onshore Serpentinite-Hosted Chimaera Seeps, Turkey
Zwicker J, Birgel D, Bach W, Richoz S, Gier S, Smrzka D, Neubeck A, Ivarsson M, Schleper C, Rittmann S, Grasemann B, Koşun E & Peckmann J
(2017) Tracing Mantle Depletion along the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Richter M, Nebel O, Maas R, Dick H & Bach W
(2017) Multi-Isotope Study on Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from an Early-Stage Hydrothermal System at Nifonea Volcano, New Hebrides Backarc
Wilckens FK, Meixner A, Koschinsky A, Kasemann SA & Bach W
(2017) Geological Settings of Hydrothermal Vents at 6°15’W and 55°30’E on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Marcon Y, Purser A, Diehl A, Albers E, Türke A, McDermott J, German C, Hand K, Schlindwein V, Dorschel B, Wegener G, Boetius A & Bach W
(2017) Dissolved-Particulate Exchange in the Proximal Hydrothermal Plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S & Sueltenfuss J
(2017) Geochemistry, Physics, and Dispersion of a Gakkel Ridge Hydrothermal Plume, 87°N, 55°30’E
McDermott J, Albers E, Bach W, Diehl A, German C, Hand K, Koehler J, Seewald J, Walter M, Wegener G & Wischnewski L
(2017) Microbial Dynamics in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes of the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge
Molari M, Wegener G, McDermott J, Bach W & Boetius A
(2015) A Geochemical Budget of 8 Myrs of Oxidative Ocean Basement Alteration
Bach W, Rouxel O, Nakamura K, Türke A & Klügel A
(2015) Palagonitization of Basalt Glass in the Flanks of Mid-Ocean Ridges: Implications for the Bioenergetics of Oceanic Intracrustal Ecosystems
Türke A, Bach W & Nakamura K
(2015) New Insight on Lithium and Boron Isotope Fractionation during Serpentinization Derived from Batch Reaction Investigations
Hansen C, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2015) Boron and Lithium Isotope Compositions of Acid-Sulfate Fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Wilckens FK, Kasemann SA, Bach W, Reeves EP, Meixner A & Seewald JS
(2015) On the Behavior of Sb and As in Hydrothermal Systems from the Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Blaauwbroek N, Keith M, Petersen S & Bach W
(2015) Geochemical Modelling of Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Seawater Using High Precision Δ17O Analyses of Oceanic Crust
Sengupta S, Pack A, Sharp Z & Bach W
(2015) Gateway to the Sub-Arc Mantle: Volatile Flux, Metal Transport, and Conditions for Early Life, Brothers Volcano, New Zealand
de Ronde C, Bach W, Arculus R, Humphris S, Takai K & Reysenbach A-L
(2015) Dissolution Kinetics of Albite Crystals and Glass: An Experimental Comparison
Socaciu A, Filipescu R, Arvidson RS, Fischer C, Bach W & Luttge A
(2014) Low-Temperature Serpentinization Produces Abundant Hydrogen within the Temperature Limits of Life
Klein F, Bach W, Humphris SE, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Moskowitz B & Berquó TS
(2013) Oxygen and Carbon Cycling in Basaltic Crust
Orcutt B, Bach W, Edwards K, Girguis P & Wheat G
(2013) Rocky Constraints on Catabolic Energy Supply in the Subseafloor
Bach W, Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Türke A & Plümper O
(2013) Low-T Hydrothermal Fluid Evolution
Weinzierl C, Bach W, Böhm F, Regelous M & Haase K
(2012) Compositional Controls on Hydrogen Generation during Serpentinization
Klein F, Bach W & McCollom TM
(2012) Serpentinization and the Flux of Reduced Volatiles to the Seafloor
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Moskowitz B, Berquo T & Templeton A
(2011) Serpentinization and Hydrogen Generation
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Jons N & Templeton A
(2011) On Organic Synthesis Reactions Driven by Serpentinization
Hentscher M, Bach W & Klein F
(2011) Compositions of Phyllosilicates from the TAG Hydrothermal System at 26°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge as Guide to Subseafloor Entrainment of Seawater: Results from ODP Leg 158
Shu L, Bach W, Klügel A & Jöns N
(2011) Fluid and Temperature Conditions in an Oceanic Detachment Fault Footwall: Insights from Late-Stage Mineral Veins (ODP Leg 304/305)
Jöns N, Bach W, Rosner M & Plessen B
(2011) Polyphase Serpentinization History of Mariana Forearc Mantle: Observations on Ultramafic Clasts from ODP Leg 195, Site 1200
Kahl W-A, Jöns N, Bach W & Klein F
(2011) Phase Separation, Degassing and Anomalous Methane at the Menez Gwen Hydrothermal Field
Reeves E, Prieto X, Hentscher M, Rosner M, Seewald J, Hinrichs K-U & Bach W
(2011) Calcium Carbonate Veins in Ocean Crust Record a Threefold Increase of Seawater Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca in the Past 30 Million Years
Rausch S, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Klügel A & Bach W
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Dolomite Formation
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Fietzke J, Rausch S, Klügel A & Bach W
(2011) Fractionation of 238U/235U during Weathering and Hydrothermal Alteration
Noordmann J, Weyer S, Sharma M, Georg B, Rausch S & Bach W
(2010) Intrinsic Silica Metasomatism during Serpentinization
Klein F, Bach W, Jöns N, McCollom T & Frost BR
(2010) Transitory Brucite and the Chemistry and Mineralogy of Serpentinite
Beard J, Frost R & Bach W
(2010) Fluid-Mineral Equilibria in Subseafloor Reaction Zones beneath Eastern Manus Basin Vent Fields
Seewald J, Bach W & Reeves E
(2010) Advanced Argillic Alteration at the Desmos Caldera, Manus Basin
Bach W, Niedermeier D, Schwander D & Seewald J
(2010) Geochemical Analysis of Altered Seafloor Lavas Hosting Extensive Microbial Communities
Santelli C, Toner B, Bach W & Edwards K
(2010) Life in Young Ocean Crust: Insights from Subsurface Microbial Observatories
Orcutt B, Bach W, Becker K, Fisher A, Hentscher M, Toner B, Wheat CG & Edwards K
(2010) Hydrogen Generation for Microbial Activity in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems
McCollom T, Bach W & Hoehler T
(2010) Mineralogy Selects Microbial Community Characteristics at Low-Temperature along the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge
Toner B, Lesniewski R, Marlow J, Santelli C, Bach W, Orcutt B & Edwards K
(2010) Reassessing Reaction Rates for TSR by Experiments and Modelling
Ostertag-Henning C, Scheeder G, Hentscher M & Bach W
(2009) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Low Temperature Alteration Carbonates in the Ocean Crust
Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Rausch S, Bach W & Klügel A
(2009) Back-Arc Melting: Fluid or Source Induced?
Beier C, Turner S, Bach W, Niedermeier D, Sinton J & Gill J
(2009) Energetics of Catabolic Reactions in Diffuse Hydrothermal Fluids – Clues to Subseafloor Microbial Metabolism
Hentscher M, Bach W, Perner M, Koschinsky A, Garbe-Schönberg D & Amend JP
(2009) Carbonate Veins as Recorder of Seawater-Crust Interaction
Rausch S, Klügel A, Bach W & Böhm F
(2009) Geochemical Signatures of Arc and Back-Arc Magmatism in the Eastern Manus Basin
Niedermeier D, Bach W & Beier C
(2008) Plagiogranitic, Serpentinite and Carbonate Veins in Abyssal Peridotites: Insights into Fluid Transport in a Detachment Fault Setting (ODP Leg 209)
Jöns N, Bach W, Schroeder T & Rosner M
(2008) Tales and Facts About Rodingite and Diopsidite in Oceanic Mantle Sections
Bach W & Klein F
(2008) Low Temperature Alteration Carbonates in the Ocean Crust and their Importance for CO2 Uptake and the Global Ca Cycle
Böhm F, Rausch S, Eisenhauer A, Bach W & Klügel A
(2008) Constraints on Hydrogen Generation during Serpentinization of Ultramafic Rocks
McCollom T & Bach W
(2008) Serpentinite Phase Relations as a Monitor of Hydrogen Production
Klein F & Bach W
(2008) Chlorine Isotope Systematics of a Back-Arc Spreading System
Layne G, Kent A & Bach W
(2007) Carbonate and Anhydrite Veins from Altered Gabbroic Oceanic Crust (Atlantis Massif, MAR 30°N)
Rosner M, Bach W, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Erzinger J & Plessen B
(2007) Anhydrite as a Tracer of Sub-Seafloor Hydrothermal Circulation and Vent Deposit Formation
Craddock P & Bach W
(2007) Fe-Ni-O-S Phase Relations during Serpentinization (MAR 15°N)
Klein F, Bach W & Garrido CJ
(2007) Hydrothermal Systems in the Eastern Manus Basin: Effects of Phase Separation and Fluid Mixing
Bach W, Seewald J, Tivey M, Tivey M & Yoerger D
(2007) Silica Metasomatism of Oceanic Serpentinites
Bach W & Klein F
(2006) Microorganisms and the Weathering of Ocean Crust at the Seafloor
Santelli C, Bach W & Edwards K
(2005) Microbial Weathering of Ocean Crust
Edwards K, Santelli C & Bach W
(2004) Osmium in the Tonga Subduction Zone: Slab Versus Lithosphere
Bach W, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Abbruzzese T & Worthington T
(2004) The Effects of Submarine Hydrothermal Systems on Ocean Chemistry and Deep-Sea Microbial Processes
Bach W
(2002) Os, Ir, Pt, Pd and Re in Hole 504B
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Bach W & Hart SR
(2002) Energy for Chemoautotrophs in Mid-Ocean Ridge Flanks
Bach W
(2002) Anatomy of a Dacite-Hosted Submarine Hydrothermal System ˆ Results from Drilling at PACMANUS
Bach W, Barriga F, Binns R, Roberts S, Vanko D & Yeats C

Bacha R.R.B. (2022) Lithogeochemistry, Petrological Modeling and Possible LIP Classification of the ca. 750-740 Ma Mafic Intrusive Rocks of the Central African Copperbelt, Zambia and D.R.C
Bacha RRB, Mungall JE & Ernst RE

Bachan A. (2021) The Fayetteville Green Lake Ocean: Redox Stratification and DIC Storage of 12C as a Driver of the Paleoproterozoic Lomagundi-Jatuli Positive Isotope Excursion
Havig JR, Meyer KM & Bachan A
(2017) The Evolution of Land Plants and Silicate Weathering
Ibarra D, Caves J, Bachan A, Baresch A, Lau K, Thomas D, Lee J-E, Boyce K & Chamberlain CP
(2016) On the Role of Ocean Anoxia in Modulating Earth System Recovery Following Mass Extinction Events
Payne J, Lau K, Jost A, Bachan A, Maher K, Meyer K, Altiner D, Kump L, Lehrmann D, van de Schootbrugge B & Yu M
(2015) The Evolution of Ocean pH
Halevy I & Bachan A
(2015) An Increase in the Extent of Global Anoxia at the End-Triassic Inferred from Uranium Isotopes
Jost A, Bachan A, van de Schootbrugge B, Weaver K, Lau K, Maher K & Payne J
(2014) Interpreting the Ancient Sulfur-Isotopic Signal from a Metabolic Pathway Perspective
Havig J, Hamilton T & Bachan A
(2014) High Resolution Sampling Reveals a Complex Geochemical Environment at Fayetteville Green Lake, N.Y
Havig J, McCormick M, Bachan A & Kump L
(2014) Calcium Isotope Evidence for End-Triassic Ocean Acidification
Jost AB, Bachan A, van der Schootbrugge B, DePaolo DJ & Payne JL
(2014) Isotopic Consequences of the Great Oxidation Event
Bachan A & Kump L

Bachand P. (2014) Methylmercury Cycling in Wetlands Managed for Rice Agriculture and Wildlife: Implications for Methylmercury Production, Transport, and Bioaccumulation
Windham-Myers L, Ackerman J, Alpers C, Bachand P, Fleck J & Marvin-DiPasquale M

Bachaud P. (2020) Numerical Study of Barite Precipitation in Porous Media Under Deep Geothermal Conditions
Cazenave F, Bachaud P, Casas L, Cezac P, Derluyn H, Estublier A & Meiller C
(2020) Using Noble Gas Concentrations and δ13C to Monitor CO2 Leakage in a Carbonate Freshwater Shallow Aquifer
Noirez S, Thomas B, Lavielle B, Baldassari A, Bachaud P, Bouquet S, Vermesse H, Ekambas P, Martin F, Estublier A, Garcia B, Brichart T, Chiquet P, Luu van Lang L, Gance J, Texier B, Hautefeuille B, Leroux O, Loisy C, Petit A, Rossi L, Kennedy S & Cerepi A
(2016) Experimental Destabilization of Reservoir Rocks Under Low-Grade Metaphorphism: A Potential Source for CO2 Plumes in Basins ?
Sissmann O, Brosse E, Kohler E, Chardin M, Bachaud P & Gaucher E
(2015) Can CO2 be Sourced by Mineral Reactions in Deep Sediments?
Brosse E, Bachaud P, Ferrando N, Richard L, Guichet X, Kohler E, Michel A & Gaucher E

Bachelder J. (2023) The Impact of Organic Fertilizer Composition on Soil Processes Controlling Zn and Cd Uptake in Wheat Crops
Bachelder J, Tolu J, Winkel LHE, Frossard E & Wiggenhauser M

Bachèlery P. (2024) Diffusion Modelling of Zoned Olivine and Magma Dynamics at a Large Mafic Underwater Volcano (Fani Maoré)
Bruckel K, Médard E, Costa F, Gurioli L, Berthod C, Verdurme P, Komorowski J-C & Bachèlery P
(2023) “A Phonolite? From the Mantle?”: The Magmatic System Under the Phonolitic Tuff-Rings of Petite-Terre (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean)
Lacombe T, DiMuro A, Médard E, Gurioli L, Berthod C, Bachèlery P, Komorowski J-C & Besson P
(2023) The Fe-Rich, Mildly Alkaline Magma Series of Mayotte’s Eastern Submarine Volcanic Chain (Mayotte, France, Western Indian Ocean)
Chaudron Vrignaud E, Lacombe T, Médard E, Berthod C, Bachèlery P, Komorowski J-C, Gurioli L, Verdurme P, Besson P, LeBas E, Thinon I, Jorry S, Paquet F, Rinnert E, Feuillet N, Yves F, Cathalot C & Le Friant A
(2023) The “Adventive Cones” of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion, Indian Ocean). Anomalous Compositions
Upton BGJ, Barling J, Bachèlery P, Odling N & Blichert-Toft J
(2021) S—Se—Te Systematics in La Réunion Hotspot Lavas and Peridotites
Vlastelic I, Piro J-L, Famin V, Bachèlery P & Di Muro A
(2015) Insights into the Origin of Magmas from the Adventive Cones of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion Island)
Valer M, Schiano P & Bachelery P
(2014) Rapid Olivine Growth in Deep Magmas: The Symptoms
Welsch B, Faure F, Famin V, Baronnet A, Bachèlery P, Hammer J & Hellebrand E
(2010) Heterogeneity in the Mantle Source of La Réunion Island
Smietana M, Bachèlery P & Hémond C

Bachelet C. (2013) He Diffusion on Apatite Viewed by Microbeam ERDA and RBS Experiments
Gerin C, Oliviero E, Bachelet C, Tassan-Got L & Gautheron C

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