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Burns P. C. (2001) Experimental Evidence for Retardation of 135Cs Mobility in a Nuclear Repository by Ion Exchange into Compreignacite
Hoskin PWO & Burns PC

Burns Peter (2018) Experimental Thermochemistry of Neptunium Compounds
Zhang L, Dzik E, Perry S, Hickam S, Sigmon G, Szymanowski J, Navrotsky A & Burns P
(2018) Multivariant Analysis of a Global Suite of Uranium-Rich Samples
Corcoran L, Spano T, Simonetti A, Lewis S, Gunther T, Dorais C & Burns PC
(2017) Uranium Contamination from Abandoned Uranium Mines in the Navajo Nation
Moore N, Said M, Baumer T, Sadergaski L, Burns P, Simonetti A, Sigmon G & Shuey C
(2015) Geochemical Aspects of Nuclear Waste Management
Burns P
(2014) The Stability and Dissolution of Two Uranyl Peroxide Nanoclusters in Aqueous Solutions: U60 and U24P
Flynn S, Szymanowski J, Burns P & Fein J
(2012) Thermodynamic Stability of U60 Nanoclusters Based on Solubility Measurements
Flynn S, Szymanowski J & Burns P
(2011) Nuclear Forensic Analysis of Trinitite at High Spatial Resolution
Wallace C, Simonetti A & Burns P
(2010) Synthesis, Structures, Compositions and Properties of Uranium Nanoparticles
Burns P
(2007) Solubility Measurements of Neptunium-Incorporated Soddyite
Alessi D, Fein J, Forbes T, Burns P, Szymanowski J & Almes J
(2005) The Crystal Chemistry of Neptunium Sulfates and Phosphates
Ziemann T, Burns P, Soderholm L & Skanthakumar S
(2005) The Crystal Chemistry of Uranyl Peroxide Nanospheres
Kubatko K & Burns P
(2005) Crystal Structure of Uranium Oxalates
Giesting P, Porter N & Burns P
(2001) Investigations of the Autunite and Meta-Autunite Groups: Crystal Structure Refinements of Synthetic Zeunerite, Metatorbernite, Trögerite and Chernikovite
Locock AJ & Burns PC
(2001) Structures of Uranyl Minerals and Compounds Containing Tetrahedrally Coordinated Hexavalent Cations
Burns PC

Burns Peter C (2020) Mineral Affinity Analysis: Predicting Unknown Mineral Occurrences with Machine Learning
Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Narkar S, Fox P, Golden JJ, Downs RT, Perry S, Burns PC, Ralph J & Hazen RM

Burns S (2000) Evidence for Solar Forcing of the Indian Ocean Monsoon in a High-Resolution Speleothem Record from Oman
Burns S, Neff U, Mudelsee M, Fleitmann D, Mangini A & Matter A

Burns Stephen J. (2019) Proxy Evidence and Model Explanation for Rapid Hydroclimate Change in East Africa at the End of the Younger Dryas
Orland IJ, He F, Burns SJ, Batchelor CJ, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2018) Millennial-Scale Controls on Monsoon Precipitation in Madagascar during the Deglaciation
Scroxton N, Burns S, McGee D, Hardt B, Godfrey L, Ranivoharimanana L & Faina P
(2017) Tropical Soil Activity on Socotra Island, Arabian Sea, Since the LGM: Evidence from Speleothem Radiocarbon
Therre S, Fohlmeister J, Fleitmann D, Burns SJ, Arps J, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Friedrich R & Frank N
(2011) Megadroughts at the Dawn of Islam Recorded in a Stalagmite from Northern Oman
Fleitmann D, Bradley RS, Burns SJ, Mudelsee M, Cheng H, Edwards LR, Mangini A & Matter A
(2011) Compound-Specific Isotopic Evidence of Paleoenvironmental Change Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia
Wilkie K, Petsch S, Burns S & Brigham-Grette J
(2009) Speleothem Evidence for Coupling between Iberian Peninsula Hydrology and North Atlantic Oceanic and Atmospheric Modes
Stoll H, Moreno A, Banasiak A, Jimenez-Sanchez M, Cacho I, Vadillo I, Burns S, Dominguez-Cuesta MJ, Edwards RL & Cheng H
(2008) Possible Extended Hyper Aridity during the Late Pleistocene in the SW USA from Speleothem Data
Asmerom Y, Polyak V & Burns S
(2002) Concentration and Carbon Stable Isotope Patterns of Methane and DIC in Deep Peatlands ? Implications for the Microbial Methanogenic Pathways and Gas Transport
Eilrich B, Leuenberger M, Burns SJ, Weyhenmeyer CE & Steinmann P
(2000) Climatic Significance of the 13C/12C and 18O/16O Variations in Organic Matter: Calibration in Modern Plants and Application to the Paleoclimate Analysis of the Last 3000 Years in Central Europe
Ménot G & Burns SJ
(2000) Origin and Circulation of CH4 and CO2 in Peatlands: Implications from C-Isotope Composition and Geochemical Modelling
Eilrich B, Steinmann P, Burns SJ, Leuenberger M & Alm J

Burnside N. (2010) Coupled CO2-leakage and in situ Fluid-Mineral Reactions in a Natural CO2 Reservoir, Green River, Utah
Kampman N, Burnside N, Bickle M, Shipton Z, Ellam R & Chapman H

Buró B. (2022) New Extraction Line for the in situ C-14 at HEKAL AMS Laboratory
Buró B, Fülöp RH, J. Timothy Jull A & Molnar M

Burov Ekaterina (2023) Advanced Confocal Raman Spectroscopy Applied to High Temperature Dissolution Problems
Yoshizawa FT, Burov E, Garel-Laurin A-C & Toplis M

Burov Evgueni (2011) Mechanisms of Deep Crustal Subduction and Exhumation: Insights from Numerical Modelling
Burov E

Burow K. (2017) Actors in Rock-Water-Systems: Microbial Radionuclide Mobilization
Burow K, Grawunder A, Harpke M, Schäfer D, Bock S, Dietrich N, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G
(2013) Strata-Specific Bacterial Diversity in Aquifers of the Thuringian Basin/Germany
Beyer A, Burow K, Kothe E & Buechel G

Burow L. (2010) NanoSIP: Combining Stable Isotope Probing and High Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Identify Diazotrophs in Stratified Marine Microbial Communities
Singer S, Woebken D, Burow L, Prufert-Bebout L, Bebout B, Hoehler T, Pett-Ridge J, Spormann A & Weber P

Burr G (2003) Radiocarbon as a Paleohydrological Tracer in the Dead Sea
Lazar B, Ken-Tor R, Burr G, Enzel Y & Stein M

Burr George (2014) 14C Groundwater Dating in Northern Chile Using Paired DOC and DIC Techniques
Godfrey L, Herrera C, Burr G & Jordan T

Burrell C. (2016) Isotope Analysis of Dental Calculus to Study Paleodiet: organic-C vs. carbonate-C Fractions
Poulson S, Scott R, Lynnerup N, Burrell C & Davenport C

Burridge C. (2006) Dating topographic evolution in New Zealand using mitochondrial DNA
Craw D, Burridge C, Norris R & Waters J

Burrill C. (2018) The Origin of Andesites by Hybridization in Thin and Thick Crustal Settings
Seaman S & Burrill C

Burron I. (2022) Recent Uranium Mobility in the Kiggavik Region, Nunavut, Canada: Implications for the Effects of Glaciation on a DGR
Burron I, Fayek M & Brown J

Burrows Andrew (2018) Comprehensive Detector Options for the Measurement of Small Beams on the Nu Plasma 3 MC-ICP-MS
Zhao Y, Burrows A & Bowen I
(2013) “Tuning the Torch” of the Nu Plasma II-Es MC-ICP-MS
Weis D, Gordon K, Xing L, Burrows A, Cohen R & Freedman P

Burrows Andy (2021) Analytical Capability of a High-Time Resolution-Multiple Collector-ICPMS (HTR-Mc-ICPMS) System for Geochemical and Cosmochemical Studies
Hirata T, Burrows A & Freedman P

Burrows J. (2011) Marine Aerosol Oxalic Acid from In-Cloud Oxidation of Glyoxal
Rinaldi M, Decesary S, Fuzzi S, Ceburnis D, O'Dowd C, Sciare J, Burrows J, Ervens B & Facchini MC

Burrows N.D. (2010) Iron Oxide Nanocrystal Growth and Aggregation
Burrows ND, Yuwono VM & Penn RL

Burrows S. (2014) Quantifying the Global Sources and Concentrations of Primary Biogenic Particles
Burrows S
(2011) Impact of Biological and Mineral Dust Aerosols on Mixed-Phase Clouds
Hoose C, Anquetil-Deck C, Burrows S, Hummel M, Kristjansson JE & Möhler O

Burruss R. (2016) Sub-Micron Chemically-Specific 3D Imaging and Spectroscopy of Geologic Materials with Multimodal, Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
Burruss R, Houle M-A & Stolow A
(2012) Integrated 3D Multimodal CARS Microscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, and Microthermometry of Gas-Rich Inclusions in the Marcellus Shale-Gas System
Burruss R, Evans M, Slepkov A, Pegoraro A & Stolow A
(2012) In situ Observations on the Crystallization of Spodumene from Aqueous Solutions in a Hydrothermal Diamond-Anvil Cell
Chou I-M, Li J, Yuan S & Burruss R
(2011) GEO-Cars: 3-D, Chemically Selective Imaging of Fluid Inclusions with Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
Burruss R, Slepkov A, Pegoraro A & Stolow A
(2011) Alteration of Oil by Gas: Experiments in Fused Silica Capillary Capsules
Bourdet J, Eadington P, Burruss R & Chou I-M
(2009) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Reversals in Deep Basin Gas: Evidence of Limits to the Stability of Hydrocarbons
Burruss R & Laughrey C

Bursik M. (2021) Improving Discoverability of Tephra Data Through Development of Data Upload Templates and Collection Tools Using Community-Driven Best Practices Recommendations
Wallace KL, Bursik M, Goring S, Kodama S, Kuehn S, Kurbatov A, Lehnert KA, Profeta L, Ramdeen S & Walker JD

Burstein D. (2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K
(2016) Microbial Sulfur Metabolism in Mining WasteWaters
Warren L, Lei S, Kantor R, Butterfield C, Burstein D, Colenbrander-Nelson T, Bennett D, Marshall S, Camacho D, Apte S & Banfield J

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