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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Burke Siobhán (2020) Offshore Heavy Mineral Placer Formation: Characterisation, Provenance and Sediment Dynamics
Burke S, Wheeler A & Chew D

Burke T. (2021) In situ Lu-Hf and Pu Fission Track Dating of Pallasite Meteorites
Burke T, Glorie S, Hand M, Simpson A, Gilbert S & Wade B

Burkel P. (2021) Geochemical Characterization of the New 2018-2019 Mayotte Submarine
Inglis E, Gutierrez P, Luu T-H, Burkel P, Besson P & Chauvel C

Burkett D. (2018) Use of pXRD in the Quantitative Assessment of Alteration in Epithermal Au Deposits
Burkett D, Graham I & Chomiszak G

Burkhard L. (2022) Connecting Geoscience Knowledge, Traditional Stories,  and the Traditional Practice of Observation (Kilo) to Stimulate a More diversified Geoscience Community
Anderson A, Smith-Konter B, Anderson T, Dulai H, Burkhard L, Engels J, Ishii H, Ito G, Konter JG, Kane H, McDonald K, Okuhata B, Rowland S, Rubin K, Tachera D & Tavares K

Burkhard M. (2006) A paleo-sismogenic Lepontine dome? New insights from pseudotachylytes-generating faults
Allanic C, Sue C, Burkhard M & Cosca M

Burkhardt C. (2023) Constraining Volatile Element Loss Processes by Germanium Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Wölfer E, Burkhardt C, Renggli CJ & Kleine T
(2023) Nickel Isotopic Composition of Ryugu Samples Returned by the Hayabusa2 Mission
Spitzer F, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2023) Zinc Isotope Dichotomy and the Origin of Volatile Elements in the Terrestrial Planets
Kleine T, Burkhardt C & Nimmo F
(2023) Origin of Strontium-84 Homogeneity in the Inner Solar System
Schneider JM, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2023) Isotopic Evidence for a Common Origin of CAIs and AOAs
Burkhardt C, Jansen C, Marrocchi Y, Schneider JM, Wölfer E & Kleine T
(2022) Tungsten and Molybdenum Isotopic Evidence for an Impact Origin of Pallasites
Kruijer TS, Burkhardt C, Borg LE & Kleine T
(2022) High Temperature Experimental and Isotopic Investigations of Zn during Sulfur-Bearing Magma Degassing
Yang C, Pangritz P, Renggli CJ, Burkhardt C, Klemme S & Liu S-A
(2021) Dynamic Evolution of the Inner Solar System Inferred from Ti and Cr Isotope Anomalies in Meteorites
Wölfer E, Burkhardt C, Schneider J, Budde G & Kleine T
(2021) Origin of Volatile Element Depletion Among Carbonaceous Chondrites
Hellmann JL, Hopp T, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2021) Nucleosynhetic Pt Isotope Anomalies and the Hf-W Chronology of Iron Meteorites
Spitzer F, Burkhardt C, Nimmo F & Kleine T
(2021) Isotopic Constraints on the Mode of Terrestrial Planet Formation
Burkhardt C, Spitzer F, Morbidelli A, Budde G, Render J, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2021) Terrestrial Planet Formation Inferred from Sr Isotope Anomalies in Meteorites
Schneider J, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2020) Nucleosynthetic W-Mo Isotope Variations in Solar System Materials
Budde G, Tissot FLH, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2019) Early Solar System Dynamics Inferred from Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Individual Chondrules
Schneider JM, Burkhardt C, Brennecka GA & Kleine T
(2019) Linking Molecular Cloud Collapse with Formation of Refractory Inclusions
Brennecka G, Burkhardt C, Budde G, Nimmo F, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2019) Te Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Nature of Late Accretion
Hellmann JL, Hopp T, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2019) On Mixing as Overarching Principle for Elemental and Isotopic Variability in Early Solar System Materials
Burkhardt C, Dauphas N, Hans U, Bourdon B & Kleine T
(2018) Tracing Volatile Accretion Dynamics by Mars' Mo Isotopic Composition
Burkhardt C, Budde G, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2018) Intrinsic Isotope Variations in the Solar Nebula and the Multifarious Origin of Planetary Scale Nucleosynthetic Heterogeneities
Burkhardt C
(2018) Earth’s Accretion History Inferred from the Molybdenum Isotope Dichotomy of Meteorites
Budde G, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2018) Cosmolocation of the Solar System’s Earliest Dated Solids
Brennecka G, Burkhardt C, Nimmo F, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2017) Dating the Formation Jupiter Using the Genetic Heritage and Isotopic Ages of Meteorites
Kruijer T, Burkhardt C, Budde G & Kleine T
(2017) Nucleosynthetic Heritage and Origin of Mars
Burkhardt C, Kruijer T, Borg L & Kleine T
(2017) Isotopes and the Origin of the Moon
Kleine T, Render J, Kruijer T & Burkhardt C
(2017) The Carbonaceous and non-CArbonaceous Meteorite Dichotomy: Implications for the Mo-Ru Cosmic Correlation
Worsham E, Burkhardt C, Fischer-Gödde M, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2016) Molybdenum Isotope Dichotomy of Meteorites
Fischer-Gödde M, Render J, Budde G, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2016) Isotopic Complementarity of Chondrules and Matrix
Budde G, Kleine T, Kruijer TS, Burkhardt C, Fischer-Gödde M & Metzler K
(2016) Earth's Higher-Than-Chondritic 142Nd is not due to Early Global Silicate Differentiation
Burkhardt C, Borg L, Brennecka G, Shollenberger Q, Dauphas N & Kleine T
(2015) The Sm and Nd Isotopic Composition of Chondrites and the Earth
Burkhardt C, Borg L, Brennecka G, Dauphas N & Kleine T
(2015) The Late Veneer Derives from Bodies not Sampled by Meteorites
Fischer-Gödde M, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2015) Nucleosynthetic Isotope Anomalies in Planetary Materials as Tracers of Early Solar System Processes
Burkhardt C
(2013) Chondritic Sm/Nd in the Earth, Moon and Mars
Kleine T, Burkhardt C & Sprung P
(2013) Origin of the Late Veneer Inferred from Ru Isotope Systematics
Fischer-Gödde M, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2013) Nucleosynthetic W Isotope Anomalies in CAI: Implications for Hf-W Chronology
Kruijer TS, Kleine T, Burkhardt C & Wieler R
(2013) Sr Isotope Anomalies in Meteorites: Uniform Distribution of S- and R-Process Sr at the Planetary Scale
Hans U, Kleine T, Burkhardt C & Bourdon B
(2012) Ru Isotope Anomalies in Meteorites
Fischer-Godde M, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2011) Experimental Constraints on Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate Liquids
Hin RC, Burkhardt C, Schmidt MW, Bourdon B & Kleine T
(2011) Nucleosynthetic Mo and W Isotope Anomalies in Murchison Leachates
Burkhardt C, Kleine T, Dauphas N, Oberli F & Wieler R
(2009) The Mo Isotopic Composition of Iron Meteorites and Chondrites
Burkhardt C, Kleine T, Oberli F & Bourdon B
(2008) Dating the First ~100 Ma of the Solar System: From the Formation of CAIs to the Origin of the Moon
Kleine T, Touboul M, Burkhardt C & Bourdon B
(2007) Hf-W Chronometry and the Thermal Evolution of Asteroids
Kleine T, Touboul M, Burkhardt C, Bourdon B & Halliday A

Burkhardt E-M. (2010) Natural Attenuation of Heavy Metals in Groundwater by Iron-Cycling Bacteria at a Mining-Impacted Site
Akob D, Fabisch M, Burkhardt E-M, Sitte J, Bischoff S & Küsel K
(2010) Nickel Sulfide Formation by a Sulfate-Reducing Consortium Originating from Heavy Metal Polluted Creek Soil
Sitte J, Pollok K, Finster K, Löffler S, Burkhardt E-M, Langenhorst F, Büchel G & Küsel K
(2009) Mobilization of Toxic Metals Linked to Microbial Fe(III)-Reduction in Contaminated Creek Soils
Burkhardt E-M, Bischoff S, Akob DM, Kostka JE & Küsel K
(2009) Identification of Active Microbial Communities Linked to Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation of Radionuclides and Heavy Metals in Contaminated Aquifers
Akob D, Burkhardt E-M, Sitte J, Kerkhof L, Küsel K, Watson D, Palumbo A & Kostka J

Burkhardt Juergen (2013) Aerosols and Plant Leaf Surfaces
Burkhardt J, Hunsche M & Pariyar S
(2009) Hygroscopic Aerosols on Plant Surfaces: Nutrients or Desiccants?
Burkhardt J

Burkhardt Julia (2009) FROST – FReezing of duST
Wex H, Niedermeier D, Hartmann S, Covert D, Mildenberger K, Shaw R, Mentel T, Spindler C, Schneider J, Reitz P, Poulain L, Clauss T, Kiselev A, Hallbauer E, Schmale J, Burkhardt J, Hitzenberger R, Borrmann S & Stratmann F

Burkhardt M. (2010) Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles in a Waste Water Treatment Plant
Kaegi R, Voegelin A, Zuleeg S, Sinnet B, Eugster J, Burkhardt M & Siegrist H

Burkhart J. (2022) Silicate Dissolution Reaction Mechanisms and Rates as Foundational Science for Carbon Sequestration
Zhu C, Zhang Y, Gong L & Burkhart J

Burkill P. (2000) What Level of Biology is Required to Model Marine Biogeochemical Cycling Globally?
Burkill P & Taylor A

Burlak T.L. (2014) Arsenic Chemistry, Mineralogy, Speciation, and Bioavailability/Bioaccessibilty in Soils and Mine Waste from the Empire Mine, CA, USA
Foster A, Alpers C, Burlak T, Blum A, Petersen E, Basta N, Whitacre S, Casteel S, Kim C & Brown A
(2012) Arsenic and Old Gold Mines: Mineralogy, Speciation, and Bioaccessibility
Alpers CN, Burlak TL, Foster AL, Basta NT & Mitchell VL

Burlakovs J. (2022) Remediation and Revitalization of Abandoned Landfills for Circular Economy
Burlakovs J, Wdowin M, Kriipsalu M, Cerpins M, Ozola-Davidane R, Rudovica V, Zekker I & Klavins M
(2020) Modified Clay Composites as Potential Landfill Covering Material
Burlakovs J, Kriipsalu M, Bhatnagar A, Ansone-Bertina L, Ozola-Davidane R & Klavins M
(2019) Fluorescence Spectroscopy – Applied Tool for Organic Matter Analysis
Burlakovs J, Ferrans L, Krumins J, Jani Y, Hogland W & Klavins M
(2015) Recovery Potential of Metals and Rare Earth’s Elements from Landfills
Ozola R, Burlakovs J & Klavins M
(2015) Clay Minerals and Modified Species for Removal of Anionic and Cationic Pollutants
Burlakovs J, Vincevica-Gaile Z, Stankevica K & Ozola R

Burleigh A. (2011) Megacryst Compositional Heterogeneities in Plagioclase Ultraphyric Basalts (PUBs)
Tepley Iii F, Lange A, Burleigh A, Nielsen R & Kent A

Burlick T. (2014) Eclogite-Facies Metamorphism in the Maksyutov Complex, South Ural Mountains, Russia
Burlick T, Leech M & Ernst G

Burlini L. (2009) Mechanisms of Deep Slab Hydration and Related Geodynamical Processes
Faccenda M, Gerya T, Burlini L & Mainprice D
(2009) Mineral Reactions and Melt Generation in Metapelites: Insights from Torsion Experiments and Thermodynamical Modelling
Tumarkina E, Misra S, Burlini L & Connolly J
(2008) Sound Velocity Measurements of Polycrystalline Clinohumite and Phase A at High Pressure
Phan H, Reusser E, Ulmer P & Burlini L
(2008) Numerical Modelling of Continental Collision, Oceanic Subduction and Related Geodynamical Processes
Faccenda M, Gerya T, Burlini L & Chakraborty S

Burls Natalie (2020) Lipid Proxies of Hydroclimate Driven by Tropical Pacific Ocean in East Asian Monsoon Regions
Xie S, Griffiths M, Burls N & Lu J

Burls Natalie J. (2023) Pacing and Pathways of Carbon Sequestration in a Warm Pliocene Ocean
Brabson EK, Burls NJ, Planavsky NJ, Fedorov AV & Hull PM

Burmistrov A. (2009) The Evolution of Mantle Sources of Mesozoic Intra-Plate Volcanism in the Southern Mongolia: Implication from Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic and Geochemical Data
Savatenkov V, Kudryashova E, Kozlovsky A, Yarmolyuk V & Burmistrov A

Burmølle M. (2023) Importance of Bacteria-Mineral Associations for Biofilm Development and Gene Transfer Efficiency
Hendiani S, Pucetaite M, Op de Beeck M, Hansen MF, Verma T, Mandić Mulec I, Burmølle M & Sand KK
(2023) A Geochemical Perspective on DNA Preservation in Sediments: Implications for Ecological Inference and Bacterial Evolution
Sand KK, Verma T, Jelavic S, Hendiani S, Prohaska A, Burmølle M & Freeman C
(2023) Sedimentary DNA can Influence Evolution: Establishing Mineral Facilitated Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Route to Increased Bacterial Fitness
Verma T, Hendiani S, Andersen SB, Burmølle M & Sand KK

Burn M. (2017) Chronology, Patterns and Rates of Erosion and Deposition Processes, Western Peruvian Andes
Litty C, Schlunegger F, Akcar N, Lanari P, Burn M & Christl M
(2015) Tracing Permian Metamorphism in Fragments of Continental Crust Through Rifting, Subduction and Orogenesis
Kunz BE, Manzotti P, von Niederhäusern B, Regis D, Burn M, Giuntoli F & Engi M

Burn-Nunes L.j. (2017) Dust Flux Variations in Last 800, 000 Years: Changes of Platinum Group Elements and Pb Isotopic Compositions at Dome C EPICA Ice Cores, Antarctica
Hur SD, Soyol-Erdene T-S, Han CH, Hong S, Hwang HJ, Burn-Nunes LJ, Gabrielli P, Barbante C & Boutron CF

Burn-Nunes Laurie J. (2015) Ultrasensitive Determination of Lead Isotopes at the Sub-Picogram per Gram Level in NEEM Ice Core from Greenland by Thermal Isonization Mass Spectrometry
Han C, Burn-Nunes LJ, Lee K, Chang C, Kang J-H, Han Y, Hur SD & Hong S
(2010) The Measurement of Pb in Ancient Antarctic Ice: Implications for Source Regions of Aerosols and Past Environmental Conditions
Burn-Nunes L, Rosman K, Vallelonga P, Loss R, Curran M & Smith A

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